Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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THE MASONIC MIRROR . * * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AA . C .
Masonic Mems.
TxiERS of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE PREEIIASONS' MAGAZINE , so that a complete Register and Directory may be compiled .
COUNTY MASONIC BALI . —Lord Ivenhs , Eight Worshipful Prov . Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmorland , has , on application made to him , granted a dispensation to the brethren to appear in full dress Masonic clothing , with the jewels and insignia of their different orders at a Masonic Ball to be hold shortly .
MASONIC ARCHJEOIOGICAL INSTITUTE . —Wo are informed the meetings for ' the ensuing session will be held at Freemasons Hall , on the third Friday of each month , at 8 p . m . The paper at the January meeting will be by Mr . Younghusbaud , P . M .. " On an ancient Masonic MS . "
THE brethren in Leicestershire will be glad to know that the M . AV . G . M . has acceded to the wishes of their late Prov . G . M ., Lord Howe , and of the Prov . Grand Lodge , in the appointment of Bro . W . Kelley , D . Prov . G . M ., to the office of Prov . G . M . of Leicestershire and Rutland . In making the above appointment his Lordship has rewarded one of the most
meritorious Masons in the provinces . Bro . Kelly was initiated in November , 1838 , became AV . M . of the St . John's Lodgo , Leicester , in 18-12 , and again in 1868 and 1869 ; has held tho offices of Junior Deacon , Senior Deacon , Secretary , Junior Warden , and Senior Warden in the Prov . Grand Lodge , and was appointed D . Prov . G . M . by Sir P . Fowke , February 10 th ,
1856 , ] which office lie has held under his predecessor , Lord Howe , until his retirement a few weeks ago . During tho whole period of his connection with the province he has laboured most diligently to promote the welfare of Freemasonry , and every lodge in the province is indebted to him for many acts of kindness . For some years ho has been a contributor to the pages of this
journal , and we most heartily congratulate him upon tho high honour which Lord Zetland has conferred upon him . The installation will take place either at the end of this or early in next month , on which occasion there will be a Prov . Grand Lodge banquet , and a Masonic ball in aid of the Leicester Infirmary and the Aged Masons' Asylum .
A LODGE of INSTRUCTION attached to the Kervey Lodge , No . 1 , 260 , will be held at the George Hotel , Wnlham-grecn , on every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock . CHAPTER ST . GEORGE . —The meeting for the consecration of this new chapter under the English Constitution , was held at Bombay , on Friday the 22 nd October , when the Principals elect were installed , and the other officers appointed and invested .
ON the 3 rd November , the " Coromandcl Chapter of Rose Croix of H . R . D . M . " was opened at Madras , by Illus . Bro . Col . A . J . Greenlaw , 31 ° , under authority from the Supreme Grand Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales , when the degrees from 4 ° to 18 ° were conferred upon twelve members .
Masonic Mems.
MASONIC MUSIC . —The choir of Lodges Concord and Emulation at Bombay have been united , and will hereafter assist in the vocal part of the ritual at the meetings of both lodges . Meetings for singing practice are held weekly at the Masonic Hall , Mazagon .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ST . JOHN ' S LODGE ( No . 90 ) . —This lodge met at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars , on Monday , the 3 rd inst . There were present : Bros . T . P . Griffin , AV . M . ; Eglese . P . M . ; M'Dougall , P . M . ; Griffin , P . M . ; Adam , P . M .: Hadley , S . AV . ; Gutierrez , S . D ., and several other members . The visitors were : Bros . Patten , Prov . G . S . B . ; Muggeridge , P . M . 192 ; Fawcett . 106-1 ; Rosenthal , P . M . 92 ; and Chappie , 7 . Bro . B adley was installed W . M ., and appointed his officers for the ensuing year . The Report of the audit committee was read and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . —This lodge , held at the Freemason's Hull , met on Monday , January 3 rd , 1870 . Present : Bros . H . Dickets , AV . M . ; C . A . " Long , S . AV . and AV . M . elect ; AV . S . Adams , J . W . ; J . E . Welch , P . M ., Treas .: John W . Lyon , Sec ; Thomas Arnold , S . D . ; Wingham , J . D . ; E . W . Long , I . G . ; Thomas Powell , C . S . j Watson , P . M .: C . Bennett , P . M . ; John Dyte . P . M . ; and John P . Bley , P . M . The visitors present were Bros . Edgar , AV . M .. 93 ; Armstrong , AV . M . 164 ; Partridge ,
1199 . Bros . Paine and Wynne were raised , and Messrs . Edward Fox , Edwin H . Webb , and John C . W . De Traine initiated . The auditors' report was received and confirmed , and there being no further business the lodge adjourned .
CONSECRATION OP THE GREAT NORTHERN LODGE ( NO . 12 S 7 ) . This lodge was consecrated on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., at tho Great Northern Hotel , King ' s Cross , in the presence of some very eminent members of the Craft . Bro . James Terry . P . M ., 228 , 1196 , AV . M . 1278 , Prov . G . S . B ., Hants , P . Z . 975 , Z . 174 , performed the ceremony , having been appointed by the M . G . W . M . as consecrating officer . The following were amongst
the visitors present : —Bros . G . J . Rowe , I . G . No . 1185 ; H . AVebb , P . M . 72 , 183 , 899 ; J . Owens , 861 ; R . H . Marsh , 1196 ; T . Tyrell , P . M ., 144 , 74 ; J . A . Adams , P . G . Purs ., 23 ; J . Shephard , 27 , 201 ; F . Adlard , P . Prov . Dir . of Cers ., Essex , and P . M . 7 ; AV . T . Palmer , P . M ., 9 ; G . Bilby , P . M ., 861 ; and J . AVeaver , W . M ., 862 . Soon after three o ' clock the brethren were assembled , and a procession was formed , tho juniors proceeding first , headed by
the Dir . of Cers . The lodge was then opened in the three degrees , and the usual formal inquiries and documents were read , and the assent of the brethren obtained to the new officers named in the warrant , viz .: —Bro . S . AVebb , P . M . 193 , AV . M . ; E . Moody , S . AV . ; and H . T . Reed , J . AV . Bro . Terry , the presiding officer , then delivered a very impressive oration , which was listened to with the deepest attention
. Bro . Samuel AVebb , P . M . 193 , the AV . M . designate . ^ was then presented to the presiding officer , and the ceremony of consecration was then gone through in the most impressive manner . Bro . Terry then proceeded with the ceremony of Installation , and Bro . S . AVebb , tho AV . M . desiguate , was then presented to the presiding officer to receive at his bands tiie benefit of installation . Bro . Terry having recited the qualifications for the Master ' s
chair , the Secretary pro tem ., read the customary questions , to which Bro . AVebb gave his assent . The brethren below the chair retired , and a Board of Installed Masters was formed , when Bro . AVebb was installed in due form into the chair of K . S . as AV . M . of the Great Northern Lodge for the ensuing year . The other brethren were then admitted , and the AV . M , received the customary salutes in the three degrees . The W . M . after this proceeded to appoint and invest his
officers . The AV . M . addressed his officers iu an appropriate niaunsr , and the Consecrating Master then concluded his labours . The AA . M . then proceeded with the business of the lodge , and sev-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AA . C .
Masonic Mems.
TxiERS of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE PREEIIASONS' MAGAZINE , so that a complete Register and Directory may be compiled .
COUNTY MASONIC BALI . —Lord Ivenhs , Eight Worshipful Prov . Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmorland , has , on application made to him , granted a dispensation to the brethren to appear in full dress Masonic clothing , with the jewels and insignia of their different orders at a Masonic Ball to be hold shortly .
MASONIC ARCHJEOIOGICAL INSTITUTE . —Wo are informed the meetings for ' the ensuing session will be held at Freemasons Hall , on the third Friday of each month , at 8 p . m . The paper at the January meeting will be by Mr . Younghusbaud , P . M .. " On an ancient Masonic MS . "
THE brethren in Leicestershire will be glad to know that the M . AV . G . M . has acceded to the wishes of their late Prov . G . M ., Lord Howe , and of the Prov . Grand Lodge , in the appointment of Bro . W . Kelley , D . Prov . G . M ., to the office of Prov . G . M . of Leicestershire and Rutland . In making the above appointment his Lordship has rewarded one of the most
meritorious Masons in the provinces . Bro . Kelly was initiated in November , 1838 , became AV . M . of the St . John's Lodgo , Leicester , in 18-12 , and again in 1868 and 1869 ; has held tho offices of Junior Deacon , Senior Deacon , Secretary , Junior Warden , and Senior Warden in the Prov . Grand Lodge , and was appointed D . Prov . G . M . by Sir P . Fowke , February 10 th ,
1856 , ] which office lie has held under his predecessor , Lord Howe , until his retirement a few weeks ago . During tho whole period of his connection with the province he has laboured most diligently to promote the welfare of Freemasonry , and every lodge in the province is indebted to him for many acts of kindness . For some years ho has been a contributor to the pages of this
journal , and we most heartily congratulate him upon tho high honour which Lord Zetland has conferred upon him . The installation will take place either at the end of this or early in next month , on which occasion there will be a Prov . Grand Lodge banquet , and a Masonic ball in aid of the Leicester Infirmary and the Aged Masons' Asylum .
A LODGE of INSTRUCTION attached to the Kervey Lodge , No . 1 , 260 , will be held at the George Hotel , Wnlham-grecn , on every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock . CHAPTER ST . GEORGE . —The meeting for the consecration of this new chapter under the English Constitution , was held at Bombay , on Friday the 22 nd October , when the Principals elect were installed , and the other officers appointed and invested .
ON the 3 rd November , the " Coromandcl Chapter of Rose Croix of H . R . D . M . " was opened at Madras , by Illus . Bro . Col . A . J . Greenlaw , 31 ° , under authority from the Supreme Grand Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales , when the degrees from 4 ° to 18 ° were conferred upon twelve members .
Masonic Mems.
MASONIC MUSIC . —The choir of Lodges Concord and Emulation at Bombay have been united , and will hereafter assist in the vocal part of the ritual at the meetings of both lodges . Meetings for singing practice are held weekly at the Masonic Hall , Mazagon .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ST . JOHN ' S LODGE ( No . 90 ) . —This lodge met at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars , on Monday , the 3 rd inst . There were present : Bros . T . P . Griffin , AV . M . ; Eglese . P . M . ; M'Dougall , P . M . ; Griffin , P . M . ; Adam , P . M .: Hadley , S . AV . ; Gutierrez , S . D ., and several other members . The visitors were : Bros . Patten , Prov . G . S . B . ; Muggeridge , P . M . 192 ; Fawcett . 106-1 ; Rosenthal , P . M . 92 ; and Chappie , 7 . Bro . B adley was installed W . M ., and appointed his officers for the ensuing year . The Report of the audit committee was read and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . —This lodge , held at the Freemason's Hull , met on Monday , January 3 rd , 1870 . Present : Bros . H . Dickets , AV . M . ; C . A . " Long , S . AV . and AV . M . elect ; AV . S . Adams , J . W . ; J . E . Welch , P . M ., Treas .: John W . Lyon , Sec ; Thomas Arnold , S . D . ; Wingham , J . D . ; E . W . Long , I . G . ; Thomas Powell , C . S . j Watson , P . M .: C . Bennett , P . M . ; John Dyte . P . M . ; and John P . Bley , P . M . The visitors present were Bros . Edgar , AV . M .. 93 ; Armstrong , AV . M . 164 ; Partridge ,
1199 . Bros . Paine and Wynne were raised , and Messrs . Edward Fox , Edwin H . Webb , and John C . W . De Traine initiated . The auditors' report was received and confirmed , and there being no further business the lodge adjourned .
CONSECRATION OP THE GREAT NORTHERN LODGE ( NO . 12 S 7 ) . This lodge was consecrated on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., at tho Great Northern Hotel , King ' s Cross , in the presence of some very eminent members of the Craft . Bro . James Terry . P . M ., 228 , 1196 , AV . M . 1278 , Prov . G . S . B ., Hants , P . Z . 975 , Z . 174 , performed the ceremony , having been appointed by the M . G . W . M . as consecrating officer . The following were amongst
the visitors present : —Bros . G . J . Rowe , I . G . No . 1185 ; H . AVebb , P . M . 72 , 183 , 899 ; J . Owens , 861 ; R . H . Marsh , 1196 ; T . Tyrell , P . M ., 144 , 74 ; J . A . Adams , P . G . Purs ., 23 ; J . Shephard , 27 , 201 ; F . Adlard , P . Prov . Dir . of Cers ., Essex , and P . M . 7 ; AV . T . Palmer , P . M ., 9 ; G . Bilby , P . M ., 861 ; and J . AVeaver , W . M ., 862 . Soon after three o ' clock the brethren were assembled , and a procession was formed , tho juniors proceeding first , headed by
the Dir . of Cers . The lodge was then opened in the three degrees , and the usual formal inquiries and documents were read , and the assent of the brethren obtained to the new officers named in the warrant , viz .: —Bro . S . AVebb , P . M . 193 , AV . M . ; E . Moody , S . AV . ; and H . T . Reed , J . AV . Bro . Terry , the presiding officer , then delivered a very impressive oration , which was listened to with the deepest attention
. Bro . Samuel AVebb , P . M . 193 , the AV . M . designate . ^ was then presented to the presiding officer , and the ceremony of consecration was then gone through in the most impressive manner . Bro . Terry then proceeded with the ceremony of Installation , and Bro . S . AVebb , tho AV . M . desiguate , was then presented to the presiding officer to receive at his bands tiie benefit of installation . Bro . Terry having recited the qualifications for the Master ' s
chair , the Secretary pro tem ., read the customary questions , to which Bro . AVebb gave his assent . The brethren below the chair retired , and a Board of Installed Masters was formed , when Bro . AVebb was installed in due form into the chair of K . S . as AV . M . of the Great Northern Lodge for the ensuing year . The other brethren were then admitted , and the AV . M , received the customary salutes in the three degrees . The W . M . after this proceeded to appoint and invest his
officers . The AV . M . addressed his officers iu an appropriate niaunsr , and the Consecrating Master then concluded his labours . The AA . M . then proceeded with the business of the lodge , and sev-