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Masonic Notes And Queries.
GLASGOW CATHEDEAL ( pages 505 and 7 ) . I am not aware that it was a Mason who cut the emblems depicted at page 505 ; it might have been a joiner , or some other craftsman , or an amateur who did so—the artist may even have copied them off some picture in a book or something similar . Prom the style and other reasons , I judge the cutting to be no older than about the middle of last century , whatever less . —W . P . BUCHAN .
ELLAS ASHMOLE . I am glad to see the letter by " P . M . No . % ' in the 3 reemason' s Magazine ( No . 54 S , p . 9 ) . How anyone possessed of ordinary intelligence and information can speak of Elias Ashmole as a quack astrologer seems to me inexplicable ; but that Bro . Henry Melville has done savours certainly of the greatest mystery . Ashmole's fame , however , cannot be affected by our statements , pro . or eon . —W . J . HUGHAN .
LAST YEARS OE KING GEOEGE II . If a Correspondent at Liverpool can ascertain what our Preemasonry was in the last years of King George II .. he will know what it was in the las : } years of Sir Christopher Wren . —0 . P . COOPEE .
JEWISH CUSTOM . Being in the house of a Jew the other day , my attention was rather taken up by seeing a small glass tube , 2 in . long by | in . thick , with something white inside , fixed against the lintel of all the doors on the side next the lockand about 6 ftfrom the
, . floor . _ " Upon inquiry , Mrs . laughingly said , it was the ten commandments written very small upon small slips of paper , which slips were inserted in the tubes ( see Deut . vi . 9 ) . —PICTTJS .
Sie - Editor it not responsible for the opinions expressed in Correspondent ! BEO . JOHN BAIED AND MALCOLM CANMOEE .
TO IHE EDITOK OF HIE FHEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEBOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —" Will you allow me to ask if any of your readers could suggest anything more that might be done to enlighten the Eight Worshipful Master of No . 3 bis , so as to enable him to understand that it has been " proved" ( see page 495 )
to be wrong , and that the pretended Malcolm Canmore charter is simply a comparatively recent forgery . If a practical exposition were asked of the 9 th verse of the 6 th chapter of Isaiah , Ave could easily point to the " 812 th Anniversary . " Tours fraternally , OBSEEVEE .
Bro. Captain Speirs, M.P., Upon The Malcolm Charter.
10 THE EDITOH OE THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEBOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Iu a letter dated " London , 10 th June , 18 C 8 , " our late Prov . G . M . kindly Avrote me anent the Malcolm Canmore pretended charter as
Bro. Captain Speirs, M.P., Upon The Malcolm Charter.
as follows : —• ' I am very glad indeed that you have investigated the matter ; and although we should have liked if our charter had been a genuine one , still , as it is an imposition , it is a good thing that it should be showed up , and I shall hope that the St . John ' s Lodge will get on better without it . " The said charter was " showed up" in the Glasgow Herald of May 23 rd ,
1 S 6 S , at which time the editor , who is also a member of No . 3 bis , observed , that to say more would be like " throwing water upon a drowned mouse . " Also , in the Magazine for June 20 th , 1868 , the " imposition " is showu up . Tet after all—in defiance of the opinion of Grand Lodin 1850 in defiance of the opinion of
ge , the Prov . G . M . in 1868 , and in defiance of the fact that the St . John ' s Lodge is not able to prove it to be any older than A . D . 1806 , this disgraceful "imposition" is still foisted upon the public-Tours fraternally , W . P . BUCHAN .
The "Degree" Of Installed Master.
TO THE EDITOE OF THE FBEEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEROE . Dear Sir and Brother , —I shall take it as a favour if any of your correspondents will kindly inform me what position the so-called degree of Past or Installed Master holds in Craft Masonry , and by what authority it is conferred in this constitution . I do not find
a degree of "Installed Master" mentioned in any charter or warrant that I have seen , and in the oracular and somewhat contradictory declaration of 1813 — "that pure and ancient Masonry consists of three degrees and no more viz ., those of the Entered Apprentice , the Eellow Craft , and the Master Mason (
including the Supreme Order of the Holy Eoyal Arch" !) —the degree referred to , not being specified as a part of " ancient ' ' Masonry , is thereby proscribed . If this be not the meaning of the quotation , I am unable to find any other . In a matter affecting the ancient landmarks , it is no part of my intention to raise the
question whether or no there can be any other authority than the Book of Constitutions , " although this consideration deserves some attention ; but having admitted " that it is not in the power of any man or body of men to make innovation in the body of Masonry , " it certainly imports one to inquire Avhat
authority there is for " the degree'' which always follows this declaration . I should also be glad to be informed if a W . M . elect can preside over a lodge without having received the honours of the chair , and , in presence of the M . Masons , to receive only the regular and recognised ceremonies of installation . Tours fraternally , P . M .
AT Clare College , Cambridge , a scholarship , of the value of £ 50 , tenable for three years , will be given for proficiency in natural science . The examination , commencing March , 30 , 1870 , wilLbo in chemistry , chemical physics , comparative anatomy , physiology , and fgeology . Excellence in one or two of these subjects is preferred to a less perfect acquaintance with a greater number . Further particulars can bo obtained from the tutor of the College . —Nature .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
GLASGOW CATHEDEAL ( pages 505 and 7 ) . I am not aware that it was a Mason who cut the emblems depicted at page 505 ; it might have been a joiner , or some other craftsman , or an amateur who did so—the artist may even have copied them off some picture in a book or something similar . Prom the style and other reasons , I judge the cutting to be no older than about the middle of last century , whatever less . —W . P . BUCHAN .
ELLAS ASHMOLE . I am glad to see the letter by " P . M . No . % ' in the 3 reemason' s Magazine ( No . 54 S , p . 9 ) . How anyone possessed of ordinary intelligence and information can speak of Elias Ashmole as a quack astrologer seems to me inexplicable ; but that Bro . Henry Melville has done savours certainly of the greatest mystery . Ashmole's fame , however , cannot be affected by our statements , pro . or eon . —W . J . HUGHAN .
LAST YEARS OE KING GEOEGE II . If a Correspondent at Liverpool can ascertain what our Preemasonry was in the last years of King George II .. he will know what it was in the las : } years of Sir Christopher Wren . —0 . P . COOPEE .
JEWISH CUSTOM . Being in the house of a Jew the other day , my attention was rather taken up by seeing a small glass tube , 2 in . long by | in . thick , with something white inside , fixed against the lintel of all the doors on the side next the lockand about 6 ftfrom the
, . floor . _ " Upon inquiry , Mrs . laughingly said , it was the ten commandments written very small upon small slips of paper , which slips were inserted in the tubes ( see Deut . vi . 9 ) . —PICTTJS .
Sie - Editor it not responsible for the opinions expressed in Correspondent ! BEO . JOHN BAIED AND MALCOLM CANMOEE .
TO IHE EDITOK OF HIE FHEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEBOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —" Will you allow me to ask if any of your readers could suggest anything more that might be done to enlighten the Eight Worshipful Master of No . 3 bis , so as to enable him to understand that it has been " proved" ( see page 495 )
to be wrong , and that the pretended Malcolm Canmore charter is simply a comparatively recent forgery . If a practical exposition were asked of the 9 th verse of the 6 th chapter of Isaiah , Ave could easily point to the " 812 th Anniversary . " Tours fraternally , OBSEEVEE .
Bro. Captain Speirs, M.P., Upon The Malcolm Charter.
10 THE EDITOH OE THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEBOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Iu a letter dated " London , 10 th June , 18 C 8 , " our late Prov . G . M . kindly Avrote me anent the Malcolm Canmore pretended charter as
Bro. Captain Speirs, M.P., Upon The Malcolm Charter.
as follows : —• ' I am very glad indeed that you have investigated the matter ; and although we should have liked if our charter had been a genuine one , still , as it is an imposition , it is a good thing that it should be showed up , and I shall hope that the St . John ' s Lodge will get on better without it . " The said charter was " showed up" in the Glasgow Herald of May 23 rd ,
1 S 6 S , at which time the editor , who is also a member of No . 3 bis , observed , that to say more would be like " throwing water upon a drowned mouse . " Also , in the Magazine for June 20 th , 1868 , the " imposition " is showu up . Tet after all—in defiance of the opinion of Grand Lodin 1850 in defiance of the opinion of
ge , the Prov . G . M . in 1868 , and in defiance of the fact that the St . John ' s Lodge is not able to prove it to be any older than A . D . 1806 , this disgraceful "imposition" is still foisted upon the public-Tours fraternally , W . P . BUCHAN .
The "Degree" Of Installed Master.
TO THE EDITOE OF THE FBEEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEROE . Dear Sir and Brother , —I shall take it as a favour if any of your correspondents will kindly inform me what position the so-called degree of Past or Installed Master holds in Craft Masonry , and by what authority it is conferred in this constitution . I do not find
a degree of "Installed Master" mentioned in any charter or warrant that I have seen , and in the oracular and somewhat contradictory declaration of 1813 — "that pure and ancient Masonry consists of three degrees and no more viz ., those of the Entered Apprentice , the Eellow Craft , and the Master Mason (
including the Supreme Order of the Holy Eoyal Arch" !) —the degree referred to , not being specified as a part of " ancient ' ' Masonry , is thereby proscribed . If this be not the meaning of the quotation , I am unable to find any other . In a matter affecting the ancient landmarks , it is no part of my intention to raise the
question whether or no there can be any other authority than the Book of Constitutions , " although this consideration deserves some attention ; but having admitted " that it is not in the power of any man or body of men to make innovation in the body of Masonry , " it certainly imports one to inquire Avhat
authority there is for " the degree'' which always follows this declaration . I should also be glad to be informed if a W . M . elect can preside over a lodge without having received the honours of the chair , and , in presence of the M . Masons , to receive only the regular and recognised ceremonies of installation . Tours fraternally , P . M .
AT Clare College , Cambridge , a scholarship , of the value of £ 50 , tenable for three years , will be given for proficiency in natural science . The examination , commencing March , 30 , 1870 , wilLbo in chemistry , chemical physics , comparative anatomy , physiology , and fgeology . Excellence in one or two of these subjects is preferred to a less perfect acquaintance with a greater number . Further particulars can bo obtained from the tutor of the College . —Nature .