Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 9 →
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Vice-Presidents . Francis Wedgwood , Esq ., AVilliam Bates , Esq . Treasure ; : —AA illiam Cunninghamo Gemmell , Esq . Trustees to the Accumulating Fund . Smith Child , Esq ., Frederick AVright Tomlinson , Esq .
Trustees to the real property . AA illiam Taylor Copeland , Esq . Rev . Sir Lovelace T . Stainer , William Davenport , Esq . Bart . John Edensor Heathcote , Esq . Francis AA edgwood , Esq . Michael Daintry Hollins , Esq . Trustees to the funded property .
James Bateman , Esq . I Francis AVodgwood , Esq . Thos . F . Twemlow , Esq . ' John Ayshford AVise , Esq . ¦ ttiitors . —Godfrey AVedgwood , Esq ., Frederick AVragge , Esq . Committee . Taylor Ashworth . Matthew Folliott Blakiston , Rev . Adam Clarke . AVilliam Brownfield .
Edward Challinor . Rev . E . J . J . G . Edwards . Samuel Herbert Cooper . John Hallam . AVilliam Keary . Rev . Sir L . T . Stamer , Bart . Joseph Knight . Rev . Henry Sutcliffe . Rev . AVilliam Dunn Lamb . AVilliam AVebberley . John Lamb . Enoch AVedgwood . Charles Bower May . Clement F . Wedgwood . Thomas Fletcher Twemlow . Thomas AVhittii : gham .
Visitors . Mrs . Arlidge . Edwin Allbut . Mrs . Blakiston . George Baker . Mrs . Brown . Joseph Bull . Mrs . Clarke . AVilliam Cartwright . Mrs . Dickinson . Joseph Clementson . Mrs . Garner . Thomas Oilman
Mrs . AV . K . Harvey . George Jones . Mrs . John Harvey . George Sergeant . Mrs . Thomas Keeling . Jesse Shirley . Lady Stamer . Captain Stewart . Mrs . Stewart . Thomas Jones . John Alcock .
Surgeons Extraordinary . James Spark , ' p . R . C . S ., F . S . S ., L . S . A . Daniel Ball , F . R . C . S ., L . S . A . Robert Garner , F . R . C . S ., L . S . A ., F . L . S . Physician . Johu T . Arlidge , M . B ., A . B . Lond ., M . R . C . P ., A . K . C .
Surgeons . Joseph AValker , M . R . C . S ., L . S . A . AV . H . Folker , F . R . C . S ., L . S . A . John Alcock , M . R . C . S ., L . S . A ., A . K . C . Medical Officers . Geo . Barnes , L . R . C . P ., Edin ., M . R . C . S ., L . S . A .
Charles Orton , L . R . C . P ., Edin ., M . R . C . S ., L . S . A . Chaplain . Rev . Robert Topham . House Surgeon . AV . D . Spanton , M . R . C . S ., L . S . A . Secretary and Collector .
R . Hordley . Dispenser . E . H . Croydon . Matron . Ann Derry . DlSTEICT SlEWAEDS .
Long-ton and Fenton . SioTce . Sampson Bringwood . AA , AA . Harlow . Hampson Brothers . Ralph Smith . AV . K . Harvey .
Cobridge and FtruAa . Newcastle . Edward Pearson . Joseph Baildon . Jesse Shirley . AA illiam Hargreavds . , _ , Ralph Mosley . Hanley . 1 Henry Daniel . Trentliam and Parlaston .
Elijah Jones . Rev . E . J . J . G . Edwards , Edwin Powell . George Ford , Burslem . Leek Thomas Hughes . AV . B . Badnall . W . H . Mayer . J . Broush . W . E . Twigg . J . Cruso .
„ , „ , ¦ . A . J . AA orthingtou . Tmistall and Longpon H . R . Haywood . Cheadle . Henry Meir . AVilliam Allen . Joseph Shirley . J . M . Blagg .
BUILDING COIEUXCTEE . ( Nat members of General Committee . ') W . Acton . C . Coyney . AA . Adams . A . F . Gooday . G . Baker . AV . K . Harvey . J . Baildon . J . E . Heathcote . J . Bateman . M . D . Hollins .
R . Beswick . AV . S . Roden . E . Bishop . J . Samuda . T . C . Brown-AVesthead . R . Wilbraham . C . M . Campbell J . A . AVise . Smith Child . Rev . S . T . Nevill . H . Coghill . Over the cavity was placed an engraved brass plate , on which
was the following inscription , which was read by the Duke of ¦ Sutherland : — "NORTH STAIPOEHSHIRE IXMKMAEV . "Tbe Foundation Stone of this Building was laid by His Royal Highness Albert Edward Prince of AVales , K . G ., G . C . B ., assisted by AV . Iv . Harvey , Prov . G . M . Staffordshire , on the 25 th day of June , A . D . 1866 , being the 30 th year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria .
ARCHITECTS . BTJIEDEE . CLEMI OS W 0 EKS . Geo . Benj . Nichols . Alfred Barlow . G . M . Bates Charles Lynam . " The duke then handed to his royal highness a massive trowel , which was supplied by Messrs . Hancock and Co ., of Bruton-street , London , and was a splendid specimen of the silversmith ' s art . On the face of the blade was the following
inscription -. — " H . R H . Albert Edward Prince of AVales laid tbe first stone of the North Staffordshire Infirmary at Hartshill , Stoke-upon-Trent , June 25 , A . D . 1866 . ' AVhether one member suffer , all the members suffer with it . " These words were enclosed most appropriately in the Staffordshire knot . ) The royal arms wero engraved at the back of the blade , and the handle , upon which were wrought the prince ' s initials in monogramwas terminated by a regal crown . The trowel
, was contained in a case of white satin and blue silk velvet . Taking the trowel in his hand the Prince spread a quantity of mortar over the plinth , and the corner stone was then gradually lowered to its final resting-piace . This done , tho Bishop of Lichfield read an appropriate prayer , the entire company joining reverently in the repetition of the Lord ' s Prayer .
The choir having sung in very correct taste tbe well-known version of the hundredth Psalm , commencing " All people that on earth do dwell , " the proving of the stono after the manner of the Craft , was proceeded with , and these formalities lasted some considerable time . Tho Prov . G . M . commenced by craving the permission of His Royal Highness to assist in the noble work which he had commenced , according to tho rules of the ancient Craft of ih-eemasons , over whom he had the honour to
preside in this county , to which end he would call upon his reverend brother , the Rev . Adam Clarke , to invoke the Divine blessing . The rev . gentleman having in a single fervent sentence prayed that the favour of the Great Architect of the Universe might rest on the building , the Prov . G . M . took in succession from the D . Prov . G-AI ., the Prov . G . S . AV ., and tho Prov . G , J . AA ., distinguished members of tne Grand Lodge , the square , the level , and the plumb-rule , all of which he applied to the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Vice-Presidents . Francis Wedgwood , Esq ., AVilliam Bates , Esq . Treasure ; : —AA illiam Cunninghamo Gemmell , Esq . Trustees to the Accumulating Fund . Smith Child , Esq ., Frederick AVright Tomlinson , Esq .
Trustees to the real property . AA illiam Taylor Copeland , Esq . Rev . Sir Lovelace T . Stainer , William Davenport , Esq . Bart . John Edensor Heathcote , Esq . Francis AA edgwood , Esq . Michael Daintry Hollins , Esq . Trustees to the funded property .
James Bateman , Esq . I Francis AVodgwood , Esq . Thos . F . Twemlow , Esq . ' John Ayshford AVise , Esq . ¦ ttiitors . —Godfrey AVedgwood , Esq ., Frederick AVragge , Esq . Committee . Taylor Ashworth . Matthew Folliott Blakiston , Rev . Adam Clarke . AVilliam Brownfield .
Edward Challinor . Rev . E . J . J . G . Edwards . Samuel Herbert Cooper . John Hallam . AVilliam Keary . Rev . Sir L . T . Stamer , Bart . Joseph Knight . Rev . Henry Sutcliffe . Rev . AVilliam Dunn Lamb . AVilliam AVebberley . John Lamb . Enoch AVedgwood . Charles Bower May . Clement F . Wedgwood . Thomas Fletcher Twemlow . Thomas AVhittii : gham .
Visitors . Mrs . Arlidge . Edwin Allbut . Mrs . Blakiston . George Baker . Mrs . Brown . Joseph Bull . Mrs . Clarke . AVilliam Cartwright . Mrs . Dickinson . Joseph Clementson . Mrs . Garner . Thomas Oilman
Mrs . AV . K . Harvey . George Jones . Mrs . John Harvey . George Sergeant . Mrs . Thomas Keeling . Jesse Shirley . Lady Stamer . Captain Stewart . Mrs . Stewart . Thomas Jones . John Alcock .
Surgeons Extraordinary . James Spark , ' p . R . C . S ., F . S . S ., L . S . A . Daniel Ball , F . R . C . S ., L . S . A . Robert Garner , F . R . C . S ., L . S . A ., F . L . S . Physician . Johu T . Arlidge , M . B ., A . B . Lond ., M . R . C . P ., A . K . C .
Surgeons . Joseph AValker , M . R . C . S ., L . S . A . AV . H . Folker , F . R . C . S ., L . S . A . John Alcock , M . R . C . S ., L . S . A ., A . K . C . Medical Officers . Geo . Barnes , L . R . C . P ., Edin ., M . R . C . S ., L . S . A .
Charles Orton , L . R . C . P ., Edin ., M . R . C . S ., L . S . A . Chaplain . Rev . Robert Topham . House Surgeon . AV . D . Spanton , M . R . C . S ., L . S . A . Secretary and Collector .
R . Hordley . Dispenser . E . H . Croydon . Matron . Ann Derry . DlSTEICT SlEWAEDS .
Long-ton and Fenton . SioTce . Sampson Bringwood . AA , AA . Harlow . Hampson Brothers . Ralph Smith . AV . K . Harvey .
Cobridge and FtruAa . Newcastle . Edward Pearson . Joseph Baildon . Jesse Shirley . AA illiam Hargreavds . , _ , Ralph Mosley . Hanley . 1 Henry Daniel . Trentliam and Parlaston .
Elijah Jones . Rev . E . J . J . G . Edwards , Edwin Powell . George Ford , Burslem . Leek Thomas Hughes . AV . B . Badnall . W . H . Mayer . J . Broush . W . E . Twigg . J . Cruso .
„ , „ , ¦ . A . J . AA orthingtou . Tmistall and Longpon H . R . Haywood . Cheadle . Henry Meir . AVilliam Allen . Joseph Shirley . J . M . Blagg .
BUILDING COIEUXCTEE . ( Nat members of General Committee . ') W . Acton . C . Coyney . AA . Adams . A . F . Gooday . G . Baker . AV . K . Harvey . J . Baildon . J . E . Heathcote . J . Bateman . M . D . Hollins .
R . Beswick . AV . S . Roden . E . Bishop . J . Samuda . T . C . Brown-AVesthead . R . Wilbraham . C . M . Campbell J . A . AVise . Smith Child . Rev . S . T . Nevill . H . Coghill . Over the cavity was placed an engraved brass plate , on which
was the following inscription , which was read by the Duke of ¦ Sutherland : — "NORTH STAIPOEHSHIRE IXMKMAEV . "Tbe Foundation Stone of this Building was laid by His Royal Highness Albert Edward Prince of AVales , K . G ., G . C . B ., assisted by AV . Iv . Harvey , Prov . G . M . Staffordshire , on the 25 th day of June , A . D . 1866 , being the 30 th year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria .
ARCHITECTS . BTJIEDEE . CLEMI OS W 0 EKS . Geo . Benj . Nichols . Alfred Barlow . G . M . Bates Charles Lynam . " The duke then handed to his royal highness a massive trowel , which was supplied by Messrs . Hancock and Co ., of Bruton-street , London , and was a splendid specimen of the silversmith ' s art . On the face of the blade was the following
inscription -. — " H . R H . Albert Edward Prince of AVales laid tbe first stone of the North Staffordshire Infirmary at Hartshill , Stoke-upon-Trent , June 25 , A . D . 1866 . ' AVhether one member suffer , all the members suffer with it . " These words were enclosed most appropriately in the Staffordshire knot . ) The royal arms wero engraved at the back of the blade , and the handle , upon which were wrought the prince ' s initials in monogramwas terminated by a regal crown . The trowel
, was contained in a case of white satin and blue silk velvet . Taking the trowel in his hand the Prince spread a quantity of mortar over the plinth , and the corner stone was then gradually lowered to its final resting-piace . This done , tho Bishop of Lichfield read an appropriate prayer , the entire company joining reverently in the repetition of the Lord ' s Prayer .
The choir having sung in very correct taste tbe well-known version of the hundredth Psalm , commencing " All people that on earth do dwell , " the proving of the stono after the manner of the Craft , was proceeded with , and these formalities lasted some considerable time . Tho Prov . G . M . commenced by craving the permission of His Royal Highness to assist in the noble work which he had commenced , according to tho rules of the ancient Craft of ih-eemasons , over whom he had the honour to
preside in this county , to which end he would call upon his reverend brother , the Rev . Adam Clarke , to invoke the Divine blessing . The rev . gentleman having in a single fervent sentence prayed that the favour of the Great Architect of the Universe might rest on the building , the Prov . G . M . took in succession from the D . Prov . G-AI ., the Prov . G . S . AV ., and tho Prov . G , J . AA ., distinguished members of tne Grand Lodge , the square , the level , and the plumb-rule , all of which he applied to the