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having heen opened in the second degree , the chair was taken by the D- Prov- G-M . The AVM- then presented as his successor Bro . Henry Peako Green , to receive the benefit of installation , aud he , having given his assent to the ancient charges of the Order , and having been obligated , was duly installed , received the accustomed addresses and salutes in the several degrees . The newly installed AV . M ., having invested the Rev- J . Spittal as I . P . M ., proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows .- —•
Bros . G . H . Hodges , S-W- ; J . E- Hodges , J . W . ; Rev . J . Spittal , Chap . ; AV . Barfoot , Sec ; G . D-Atkins , S-D- ; T . II . Buzzard , J . D . ; ancl F- Manning , I . G- ; C- Bembridge was appointed Tyler . Tho auditors reported that tbey had examined ancl certified the Treasurer's accounts which , including unpaid subscriptions , showed a balance of upwards of £ 100 in favour of the lodge . A cordial vote of thanks having been passed to the present W . M . for his services as Treasurer , Bro- T . Sheppard , P-Al-,. was
unanimously elected to that office for the ensuing year . A vote of thanks having been passed by acclamation to the Rev .. Bro . Spittal , for the zealous and admirable manner in which he had performed his duties as AV . M . during the past year , the lodge was closed and adjourned to the third Thursday in September . About forty brethren afterwards sat down to the banquet , at ¦ which , owing to tho unfortunate absence of the new AV . AI . from the state of his healththe Rev . Bro . SittalI . P . M . presided
, p , , supported on the right by the D . Prov . G . AI ., the newly initiated brethren , & c , and on the left by Bros . Morris , Pottifor , Duff , Weare , Johnson , P . M . ' s , and others . The usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , interspersed with songs ; the brethren finally separated after spending a pleasant social evening , which was only marred by the absence of the W . M ., whose speedy restoration to health was heartily wished b y all present .
SOMERSETSHIRE . PBOVITCIAI . GEAXD LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons for the province of Somerset was held at the Town Hall , Yeovil , on Monday , the 18 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . Major A . AV . Adair , Prov . G . Master of Somerset , who was assisted by Bro . Capt . H . Brid D . Prov . G . M . Prior to the
ges , meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge , the Lodge of Brotherly Love , No . 329 , Yeovil , assembled under their AV . M ., Bro . John Ryall , ancl received the members of Provincial Grand Lodge , who inarched in in a long and hi ghly imposing procession . The lodge was honoured with the presence of Bro . Rev . J . Huyshe , Prov . G . M . Devon ; and the Prov . G . M . Glamorganshire . There were also present Bros . R . J . F . Thomas , G . Chap , of England ; Bellerb
Davy , P . G . Chap . ; y , Prov . G . Treas . Devon , and most of the officers . Bro . Payne , Prov . G . Treas ., having been again elected , the R . AV , Prov . G . M , made the following appointments •Bro . Payne , Prov . G . S . AV , holding this with Prov . G . Treas . •J . AVhithy , " p ' rov . G . J . AV . ; Martin , Prov . G . Chap . ; Clutter ! buck , Assist . Pro v . G . O . ; Stoddart , Prov . G . Reg . ; Else , Prov . G . Sec ; Turner , Prov . S . G . D . ; Malim Messiter , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Blizzard , Prov- G . Supt . of AVorks ; E . Budge , Prov . G . Dir .
of Cers . ; Heal , 772 , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Parker , 285 , Prov . G . S . B . ; Fawcett , 416 , Prov . G . Org . ; Attwell , Prov . G . Purst . ; E . C . Garland , Prov . Assist . G . Purst . ; Helyar , Prov . G . Tyler ; Hutton , Assist . Prov . G . Tyler ; W-. Milborne , AV . Cox , Greening ( 41 ) , Carpenter , Marsh , Hood , Prov . Stewards . , It was stated at the meeting , out of the expenditure of the year more than 60 per cent , has been devotod to charity . A most sumptuous banquet was provided iu the afternoonat
, the Three Choughs Hotel . As usual , the excellent catering ofthe worth y hostess , Mrs . Bullen , elicited unqualified praise , in which those who had taken part in tho preparation justly came m for a share , including Mrs . Clare , of Beaminster , who acted as clief de cuisine , and her able assistant , Miss Fox , of Yeovil ; also Mr . Pavitt , of Barwick , and Mr . Himbury , of Sherborne , without whose assistance no banquet or first-class dinner in this nei
ghbourhood appears to be complete . It will be unnecessary to say anything as to the manner in which the room was decorated , or the admirable taste with which the table was laid , as Mrs . Biillen's name has long heen a guarantee for perfection in these matters . Mr , Loaring's band occupied the orchestra at the end of the rooii } during the banquet , and performed an admirable selection of music . A grand public ball was b eld at tbe Town Hall in the evening , ihe hall presented a most lively appearance , indeed it was as
unlike the dull cheerless room with which the Yeovilians are so well acquainted as could easily be conceived . The walls were nearly covered with a splendid collection of pictures kindly lent by Mr . Seward , of Hendford , which were interspersed with Masonic emblems , & c , belonging to the Yeovil Lodge Brotherly Love , No . 329 ; ancl several large mirrors lent by Mr . Geake , who also lent the lounges , & c ., which were arranged round the room . The assistance of Mr . Drnmmondof the Preston Road
, Nurseries , had also been called in , ancl a splendid collection of plants in full bloom , ferns , & c , wore arranged around the orchestra , and in other parts of the room , giving the hall a most beautiful appearance . Iu addition to the lovely perfume which was sent forth by the flowers , one of Rimmell ' s clever contrivances emitted a constant stream of delicious odour during the night . Festoons of evergreens and flowers depended from the
ceiling , and Masonic devices composed of the same material were placed in different parts of the room . The windows were tastefully draped , and tho floor was . in splendid condition , having been especially prepared for the ball . Mr . F . Cox deserves no small amount ot praise for the taste with which the room was prepared , and the careful manner in which he carried out the wishes of the stewards , who were most anxious that all the arrangements should be perfect One part of the council-room
was tastefully prepared as a retiring room for the ladies , whilst the other portion was converted into a comfortable little restaurant , in which Mrs . Bullen had provided the usual delicacies . The tables were decorated with a splendid collection of flowers , some of which were arranged in the two large epergnes which were presented to the worthy hostess of the Choughs . The gentlemen were accommodated in the magistrates' room . There were about 70 presentand dancing was kept up till
, nearly five o ' clock on Tuesday morning . The brethren wore full Masonic costume , ancl several gentlemen holding commissions in the volunteer service appeared in uniform . Mr . Roaring ' s band was engaged for the occasion and gave great satisfaction .
STAFFORDSHIRE . LAYlSOr THE FOIWDATIOH' STOUE OP THE NEAV NOETH STAPJOBDSHIBE IuriEaiAuY , AT HAETSHII / D , STAITOBD . The foundation stone of the New North Staffordshire Infirmary , at Hartshill , was laid hy his Royal Highness the Prince of AVales , assisted by the Provincial Grand Master for Stafford , on the 25 th ult . The ceremony was a most imposing one , and
will long be remembered as one of the most interesting events in the annals of the county . The Craft was represented in strong numbers . Tbe Prov . G . M . for Staffordshire , Bro . AV . K . Harvey , was supported by the following brethren : — Bros . Major Gough , D . Prov . G . M . ; Dr . Burton , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; G . Baker , Prov . S . G . AV . ; Hooper , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Capt . SegraveP . Prov . J . G . AV . ; the Rev . A . ClarkeProv . G . C . ; the
, , Rev . B . AVilmore , Assist . Prov . G . C ; AV . Howells , Prov . G . T . ; Cartwright , Prov . G . Sec . ; Turner , Prov . G . Reg . ; Hyatt , P . Prov . G . R . ; Fendelow , Prov . S . G . D . ; S . Hill , Prov . G . D . C ; Sargeant , P . Prov . G . R . ; Ford , and Pickett , Prov . G . S ., & c . The number of brethren present from the various loclges of Stafford " shiro was between three and four hundred . The brethren assembled in lodge at the Town Hall and marched thence to the site in procession .
After tbe reading of an address to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , by his Grace the Duke of Sutherland and his Royal Highness having replied thereto , The Prince then deposited in a cavity below the foundation stone two glass bottles , hermetically sealed , one of which contained a collection of the current coins of the realm , and the other copies of the Times , the Staffordshire Advertiser , and the Sentinel , ancl also a document , of which the following is a transcript : —
NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE INFIRMARY . The foundation stone of this building , intended as a hospital for the sick poor of the Northern Division of the County of Stafford , was laid by His Royal Highness Albert Edward , Prince of AVales , K . G ., G . C . B ., on the 25 th clay of June , A . D . 1866 , being the 30 th year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Alctoria . Patron . —The Duke of Sutherland , ICG . President . —Earl Granville , K . G-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
having heen opened in the second degree , the chair was taken by the D- Prov- G-M . The AVM- then presented as his successor Bro . Henry Peako Green , to receive the benefit of installation , aud he , having given his assent to the ancient charges of the Order , and having been obligated , was duly installed , received the accustomed addresses and salutes in the several degrees . The newly installed AV . M ., having invested the Rev- J . Spittal as I . P . M ., proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows .- —•
Bros . G . H . Hodges , S-W- ; J . E- Hodges , J . W . ; Rev . J . Spittal , Chap . ; AV . Barfoot , Sec ; G . D-Atkins , S-D- ; T . II . Buzzard , J . D . ; ancl F- Manning , I . G- ; C- Bembridge was appointed Tyler . Tho auditors reported that tbey had examined ancl certified the Treasurer's accounts which , including unpaid subscriptions , showed a balance of upwards of £ 100 in favour of the lodge . A cordial vote of thanks having been passed to the present W . M . for his services as Treasurer , Bro- T . Sheppard , P-Al-,. was
unanimously elected to that office for the ensuing year . A vote of thanks having been passed by acclamation to the Rev .. Bro . Spittal , for the zealous and admirable manner in which he had performed his duties as AV . M . during the past year , the lodge was closed and adjourned to the third Thursday in September . About forty brethren afterwards sat down to the banquet , at ¦ which , owing to tho unfortunate absence of the new AV . AI . from the state of his healththe Rev . Bro . SittalI . P . M . presided
, p , , supported on the right by the D . Prov . G . AI ., the newly initiated brethren , & c , and on the left by Bros . Morris , Pottifor , Duff , Weare , Johnson , P . M . ' s , and others . The usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , interspersed with songs ; the brethren finally separated after spending a pleasant social evening , which was only marred by the absence of the W . M ., whose speedy restoration to health was heartily wished b y all present .
SOMERSETSHIRE . PBOVITCIAI . GEAXD LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons for the province of Somerset was held at the Town Hall , Yeovil , on Monday , the 18 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . Major A . AV . Adair , Prov . G . Master of Somerset , who was assisted by Bro . Capt . H . Brid D . Prov . G . M . Prior to the
ges , meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge , the Lodge of Brotherly Love , No . 329 , Yeovil , assembled under their AV . M ., Bro . John Ryall , ancl received the members of Provincial Grand Lodge , who inarched in in a long and hi ghly imposing procession . The lodge was honoured with the presence of Bro . Rev . J . Huyshe , Prov . G . M . Devon ; and the Prov . G . M . Glamorganshire . There were also present Bros . R . J . F . Thomas , G . Chap , of England ; Bellerb
Davy , P . G . Chap . ; y , Prov . G . Treas . Devon , and most of the officers . Bro . Payne , Prov . G . Treas ., having been again elected , the R . AV , Prov . G . M , made the following appointments •Bro . Payne , Prov . G . S . AV , holding this with Prov . G . Treas . •J . AVhithy , " p ' rov . G . J . AV . ; Martin , Prov . G . Chap . ; Clutter ! buck , Assist . Pro v . G . O . ; Stoddart , Prov . G . Reg . ; Else , Prov . G . Sec ; Turner , Prov . S . G . D . ; Malim Messiter , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Blizzard , Prov- G . Supt . of AVorks ; E . Budge , Prov . G . Dir .
of Cers . ; Heal , 772 , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Parker , 285 , Prov . G . S . B . ; Fawcett , 416 , Prov . G . Org . ; Attwell , Prov . G . Purst . ; E . C . Garland , Prov . Assist . G . Purst . ; Helyar , Prov . G . Tyler ; Hutton , Assist . Prov . G . Tyler ; W-. Milborne , AV . Cox , Greening ( 41 ) , Carpenter , Marsh , Hood , Prov . Stewards . , It was stated at the meeting , out of the expenditure of the year more than 60 per cent , has been devotod to charity . A most sumptuous banquet was provided iu the afternoonat
, the Three Choughs Hotel . As usual , the excellent catering ofthe worth y hostess , Mrs . Bullen , elicited unqualified praise , in which those who had taken part in tho preparation justly came m for a share , including Mrs . Clare , of Beaminster , who acted as clief de cuisine , and her able assistant , Miss Fox , of Yeovil ; also Mr . Pavitt , of Barwick , and Mr . Himbury , of Sherborne , without whose assistance no banquet or first-class dinner in this nei
ghbourhood appears to be complete . It will be unnecessary to say anything as to the manner in which the room was decorated , or the admirable taste with which the table was laid , as Mrs . Biillen's name has long heen a guarantee for perfection in these matters . Mr , Loaring's band occupied the orchestra at the end of the rooii } during the banquet , and performed an admirable selection of music . A grand public ball was b eld at tbe Town Hall in the evening , ihe hall presented a most lively appearance , indeed it was as
unlike the dull cheerless room with which the Yeovilians are so well acquainted as could easily be conceived . The walls were nearly covered with a splendid collection of pictures kindly lent by Mr . Seward , of Hendford , which were interspersed with Masonic emblems , & c , belonging to the Yeovil Lodge Brotherly Love , No . 329 ; ancl several large mirrors lent by Mr . Geake , who also lent the lounges , & c ., which were arranged round the room . The assistance of Mr . Drnmmondof the Preston Road
, Nurseries , had also been called in , ancl a splendid collection of plants in full bloom , ferns , & c , wore arranged around the orchestra , and in other parts of the room , giving the hall a most beautiful appearance . Iu addition to the lovely perfume which was sent forth by the flowers , one of Rimmell ' s clever contrivances emitted a constant stream of delicious odour during the night . Festoons of evergreens and flowers depended from the
ceiling , and Masonic devices composed of the same material were placed in different parts of the room . The windows were tastefully draped , and tho floor was . in splendid condition , having been especially prepared for the ball . Mr . F . Cox deserves no small amount ot praise for the taste with which the room was prepared , and the careful manner in which he carried out the wishes of the stewards , who were most anxious that all the arrangements should be perfect One part of the council-room
was tastefully prepared as a retiring room for the ladies , whilst the other portion was converted into a comfortable little restaurant , in which Mrs . Bullen had provided the usual delicacies . The tables were decorated with a splendid collection of flowers , some of which were arranged in the two large epergnes which were presented to the worthy hostess of the Choughs . The gentlemen were accommodated in the magistrates' room . There were about 70 presentand dancing was kept up till
, nearly five o ' clock on Tuesday morning . The brethren wore full Masonic costume , ancl several gentlemen holding commissions in the volunteer service appeared in uniform . Mr . Roaring ' s band was engaged for the occasion and gave great satisfaction .
STAFFORDSHIRE . LAYlSOr THE FOIWDATIOH' STOUE OP THE NEAV NOETH STAPJOBDSHIBE IuriEaiAuY , AT HAETSHII / D , STAITOBD . The foundation stone of the New North Staffordshire Infirmary , at Hartshill , was laid hy his Royal Highness the Prince of AVales , assisted by the Provincial Grand Master for Stafford , on the 25 th ult . The ceremony was a most imposing one , and
will long be remembered as one of the most interesting events in the annals of the county . The Craft was represented in strong numbers . Tbe Prov . G . M . for Staffordshire , Bro . AV . K . Harvey , was supported by the following brethren : — Bros . Major Gough , D . Prov . G . M . ; Dr . Burton , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; G . Baker , Prov . S . G . AV . ; Hooper , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Capt . SegraveP . Prov . J . G . AV . ; the Rev . A . ClarkeProv . G . C . ; the
, , Rev . B . AVilmore , Assist . Prov . G . C ; AV . Howells , Prov . G . T . ; Cartwright , Prov . G . Sec . ; Turner , Prov . G . Reg . ; Hyatt , P . Prov . G . R . ; Fendelow , Prov . S . G . D . ; S . Hill , Prov . G . D . C ; Sargeant , P . Prov . G . R . ; Ford , and Pickett , Prov . G . S ., & c . The number of brethren present from the various loclges of Stafford " shiro was between three and four hundred . The brethren assembled in lodge at the Town Hall and marched thence to the site in procession .
After tbe reading of an address to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , by his Grace the Duke of Sutherland and his Royal Highness having replied thereto , The Prince then deposited in a cavity below the foundation stone two glass bottles , hermetically sealed , one of which contained a collection of the current coins of the realm , and the other copies of the Times , the Staffordshire Advertiser , and the Sentinel , ancl also a document , of which the following is a transcript : —
NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE INFIRMARY . The foundation stone of this building , intended as a hospital for the sick poor of the Northern Division of the County of Stafford , was laid by His Royal Highness Albert Edward , Prince of AVales , K . G ., G . C . B ., on the 25 th clay of June , A . D . 1866 , being the 30 th year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Alctoria . Patron . —The Duke of Sutherland , ICG . President . —Earl Granville , K . G-