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brethren , including "The Health of Bro . Pudney , the newly initiated member , " to which that brother duly responded . Bro . Bishop , P . M ., sang the " Entered Apprentice ' s Song , " aud several other brethren having contributed to the harmony of the evening , the brethren dispersed at a seasonable hour .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . WABEIs-flioir . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular monthly meeting pf this lodgo was held on Monday evening , June 25 th , at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M . ( Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., Senior Grand AA arden of England ) , Bro . H . B . AVhite , P . M ., Prov . G . Steward , presided and was supported by the following brethren : —Bros . John BowesP . M . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ;
, , Robert Stevenson , J . W . as S . AV . ; S . P . Bidder , P . M . 204 , as J . AV . ; Rev . J . N . Porter , S . D . ; AVilliam Macintosh , 758 , as J-D . ; Christopher Ekkert , Org . ; AV . Savage , Capt . Reynolds ; Thos . Jones ; Jabez Plinston , AVilliam Mossop , Joseph Bancroft , Percival Pearse , Thos . Ilolliugsworth , 204 ; Rev . J . J . Dreaper , Geo . Blackhurst , James Hepherd , Fx-Mayor ; John Pierpoint ; B . P . Coxon , C . E . ; AV . A . oods , Arthur AVaring , Capt . Knight ,
John Anderton . AV . Ahem , I . G . ; Jos . Robinson , and James Johnson , Tylers . The lodge was opened in solemn form according to ancient custom , when the minutes were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Anderton , being a candidate for promotion and having proved his claim , •was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , Bro . Anderton re-admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason by Bro . AA'hite , the latter part of tho
eeremony being conducted by Bio . Bowes , P . M ., & c , who proposed two brethren as joining members . The lodge was now closed with the usual solemnities . Bro . Bowes now called upon Bro . White to redeem his promise by delivering his proffered
lecture " On the Origin , Nature , Object , and Tendency of Freemasonry . " * At the conclusion of the lecture Bro . Bowes rose to propose a vote of thanks to Bro . White for the valuable instruction be had afforded them . As Bro . AVhite had stated at the onset he put forth his own view of the subject . He did not wish them to accept his remarks as doctrine , he simply gave his individual opinion and personal conviction . For tbe trouble he had taken he was sure they were all sincerel
y grateful , a more excellent suggestive and instructive lecture could not possibly have been delivered . Bro . Robt . Stevenson , J . W ., rose most cordially to endorse the remarks of the acting AV . M ., Bro . Bowes . He had been thoroughly entertained and instructed ; he begged to second the vote of thanks . Rev . Bro . Porter rose to support the motion as it had been put . Bro . Jas . HepherdFx-Mayorfurther supported
, , the motion , which was carried by acclamation . The brethren now adjourned to Bro . Thorpe's Lion Hotel for refreshment , ¦ which was presided over by the J . AV ., Bro . Stevenson . After the cloth was drawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . " The Alsitors" were responded to bv Bros . S . P . Bidder , P . M . 204 ; Rev . J . J . Dreaper , Thos . Boilings-¦ worthAV . Macintosh 758 ; Bro . Knihtproposed - ' The
, , g , Health of Bro . H . B . AVhite , " who , after responding , gave " The Junior AA arden and Organist . " Bro . Macintosh toasted Bro . John Bowes . The Tyler's toast brought this happy meeting to a close . Some excellent songs were beautifully sung by Bros . Stevenson , S . Bidder , W . AVoods , AV . Savage , and Jos . Bancroft .
LrvEESOOL . — 'Lodge Perseverance ( 155 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , July 2 nd , at four o'clock , at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street . The lodge was opened by Bro . H . S . Alpass , Prov . ' G . Sec . when the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The installation of AV . Master elect was proceeded with by the acting W . M ., Bro . Alpass , assisted by Bros . Armstrong , Marsh , and Laidlaw . The AV . M ., Bro . J . R . Goepel , having been proclaimed , appointed his
officers , Bros . Rev . J . Vernon , M . A ., P . G . Chap , as P . M . ; Thos . Marsh , S . W . ; Laidlaw , J . AV . ; Alpass , Treas . ; Armstrong , Sec . ; Moluniex , S . D . ; De la Rue , J . D . ; Grimmer , I . G , The lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet in the dining-hall . Grace having been said by ' t-he Prov . G . Chap ., the AV . Master proposed " The Queen , Prince of AVales , and rest of Royal Family . " The AV . Master gave " The Health of M . AV . G . Master of England , " coupled with the Grand Masters
of Ireland and Scotland . The AV . Master proposed "The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , Earl De Grey and Ripon . The AV . Master then rose to propose " The Health of the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master . " Sir Thomas G Hesketh , Part ,, M . P ., said he was respected by all the brethren of the province and all Freemasons who knew him , and hoped that he would be spared many years to rule them . The Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Alpass , thanked them for the manner the brethren
had received the P . G . Master ' s name . " The Prov . G . Master of East Lancashire " was given by the AV . Master , coupled with the name of Bro . Hine , Prov . G . Treas ., and Secretary to the Relief Committee of Manchester . The toast was drank with all honours . Bro . Hine said he was much pleased and gratified by his visit to Lodge 155 . One great feature which had been amply exhibited to-day was that of " brotherly love . " He ( Bro . Hine ) could not sit clown without proposing the health
of a brother he had known some time , ancl one who had done great things for Freemasonry as Secretary for the AVest Lancashire Relief Committee ; he allluded to " Bro . Thomas Marsh . " Bro . Marsh thanked the brethren for the kind manner his name had been proposed by Bro . Hine and the manner they had received it . Bro . the Rev . J . A ernon , Prov . G , Chap , and P . M . 155 , proposed " The Health of the AVorshipful Master . " The AV . Master responded in feeling and appropriate terms .
very Bro , Alpass proposed "The Health of Bro . Vernon , Past Master . " Bro . Amnion returned thanks . " The Officers , " " Visitors , " & c . was next proposed , and responded to Bros . Hine and Marsh ; and the evening was brought to a close by the crowning toast , " To all Poor and Distressed Masons . "
LrvEErooi ,. —Croxteth United Service Lodge ( No . 786 ) . — At the last meeting of this lodge , held at the Temple , Hopestreet , on the 18 th ult ., the AV . M ., Bro . Captain Allender , stated that it was with deep regret he had to announce to the brethren that death had removed from amongst them their worthy Bro . Horatio Gambell . It was proposed by Bro . Captain Holden , seconded by Bro . Major Boresfield , and unanimously resolved , that the Secretary be requested to convey to the
nearest relative of the deceased brother the sincere sympathy of the lodge . In accordance with this resolution , the following letter was addressed by the Secretary to the brother of the deceased -. — " Dear Sir , —I beg to assure you that nowhere will your brother's loss be more deeply regretted than in this lodge . By all of the members he was held in the highest esteem and respect , whilst to most of them he was endeared by many acts of kindness and friendship during a close intimacy of some
years' duration . His services to this lodge have been numerous ancl great ; to the province of AVest Lancashire they have heen invaluable , and with him Freemasonry has been deprived of one of its greatest ornaments . In conjunction with our late Bro . AValmsley , he was instrumental in founding the Masonic Educational Institute for AVest Lancashire , an institution which has already become firmly established , and has stimulated the
formation of similar societies in the neighbouring provinces . I have briefly enumerated some of ths great services rendered to humanity by your late brother , in the fervent hope that it may be some consolation in your present affliction to know that amidst a widely-extended circle he lived respected and died regretted , and that his memory will be gratefully preserved by the numerous widows and orphans who have already been , or may hereafter be , indebted to his philanthropy . I am , Sir , yours respectfully , P . A . COULTER , Secretary . "
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —John of Qannt Lodge ( No . 523 . )—The annual festival of this lodge was held on Monday , the 25 th ult ., when , in addition to the AV . M . ( the Rev . John Spittal , Prov . S-G-AV . ) , there were present , Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Johnson and Duff P . M . 's ; Green , S . AV ., and AV . M . elect ; G . H . Hodges , J . AV . J . E . Hodges , Sec ; Moor , J . D . ; Manning , LG-. j Hunt , M . Hack , Shaw , Atkins , J . C . Clarke , Bithrey , Watson , Buzzard . G-
Boulton ; Visitors : Bros . J . M . McAllister , No . 21 ; A . Wright , 687 ; AA . Darlinton , 432 ; Weare , Morris , Pettifor , Marris , and Tibbit , P . M . 's ; Adlard , J . AA . ; Stretton , I . G . ; and Gosling , 279 . The lodge having been opened and the minutes of the last regular lodge ancl of a lodge of emergency having been read and confirmed , including the election of AVM ., the following gentlemen were initiated into the Order in excellent style by the Rev . W . M . viz .: George Tollery , jun ., Alfred Sargeant , F . J . Baines , and P . AVardle- The charge was afterwards delivered by the D- Prov G . M . A fifth candidate was not able to attend . The lodge
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brethren , including "The Health of Bro . Pudney , the newly initiated member , " to which that brother duly responded . Bro . Bishop , P . M ., sang the " Entered Apprentice ' s Song , " aud several other brethren having contributed to the harmony of the evening , the brethren dispersed at a seasonable hour .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . WABEIs-flioir . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular monthly meeting pf this lodgo was held on Monday evening , June 25 th , at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M . ( Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., Senior Grand AA arden of England ) , Bro . H . B . AVhite , P . M ., Prov . G . Steward , presided and was supported by the following brethren : —Bros . John BowesP . M . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ;
, , Robert Stevenson , J . W . as S . AV . ; S . P . Bidder , P . M . 204 , as J . AV . ; Rev . J . N . Porter , S . D . ; AVilliam Macintosh , 758 , as J-D . ; Christopher Ekkert , Org . ; AV . Savage , Capt . Reynolds ; Thos . Jones ; Jabez Plinston , AVilliam Mossop , Joseph Bancroft , Percival Pearse , Thos . Ilolliugsworth , 204 ; Rev . J . J . Dreaper , Geo . Blackhurst , James Hepherd , Fx-Mayor ; John Pierpoint ; B . P . Coxon , C . E . ; AV . A . oods , Arthur AVaring , Capt . Knight ,
John Anderton . AV . Ahem , I . G . ; Jos . Robinson , and James Johnson , Tylers . The lodge was opened in solemn form according to ancient custom , when the minutes were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Anderton , being a candidate for promotion and having proved his claim , •was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , Bro . Anderton re-admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason by Bro . AA'hite , the latter part of tho
eeremony being conducted by Bio . Bowes , P . M ., & c , who proposed two brethren as joining members . The lodge was now closed with the usual solemnities . Bro . Bowes now called upon Bro . White to redeem his promise by delivering his proffered
lecture " On the Origin , Nature , Object , and Tendency of Freemasonry . " * At the conclusion of the lecture Bro . Bowes rose to propose a vote of thanks to Bro . White for the valuable instruction be had afforded them . As Bro . AVhite had stated at the onset he put forth his own view of the subject . He did not wish them to accept his remarks as doctrine , he simply gave his individual opinion and personal conviction . For tbe trouble he had taken he was sure they were all sincerel
y grateful , a more excellent suggestive and instructive lecture could not possibly have been delivered . Bro . Robt . Stevenson , J . W ., rose most cordially to endorse the remarks of the acting AV . M ., Bro . Bowes . He had been thoroughly entertained and instructed ; he begged to second the vote of thanks . Rev . Bro . Porter rose to support the motion as it had been put . Bro . Jas . HepherdFx-Mayorfurther supported
, , the motion , which was carried by acclamation . The brethren now adjourned to Bro . Thorpe's Lion Hotel for refreshment , ¦ which was presided over by the J . AV ., Bro . Stevenson . After the cloth was drawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . " The Alsitors" were responded to bv Bros . S . P . Bidder , P . M . 204 ; Rev . J . J . Dreaper , Thos . Boilings-¦ worthAV . Macintosh 758 ; Bro . Knihtproposed - ' The
, , g , Health of Bro . H . B . AVhite , " who , after responding , gave " The Junior AA arden and Organist . " Bro . Macintosh toasted Bro . John Bowes . The Tyler's toast brought this happy meeting to a close . Some excellent songs were beautifully sung by Bros . Stevenson , S . Bidder , W . AVoods , AV . Savage , and Jos . Bancroft .
LrvEESOOL . — 'Lodge Perseverance ( 155 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , July 2 nd , at four o'clock , at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street . The lodge was opened by Bro . H . S . Alpass , Prov . ' G . Sec . when the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The installation of AV . Master elect was proceeded with by the acting W . M ., Bro . Alpass , assisted by Bros . Armstrong , Marsh , and Laidlaw . The AV . M ., Bro . J . R . Goepel , having been proclaimed , appointed his
officers , Bros . Rev . J . Vernon , M . A ., P . G . Chap , as P . M . ; Thos . Marsh , S . W . ; Laidlaw , J . AV . ; Alpass , Treas . ; Armstrong , Sec . ; Moluniex , S . D . ; De la Rue , J . D . ; Grimmer , I . G , The lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet in the dining-hall . Grace having been said by ' t-he Prov . G . Chap ., the AV . Master proposed " The Queen , Prince of AVales , and rest of Royal Family . " The AV . Master gave " The Health of M . AV . G . Master of England , " coupled with the Grand Masters
of Ireland and Scotland . The AV . Master proposed "The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , Earl De Grey and Ripon . The AV . Master then rose to propose " The Health of the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master . " Sir Thomas G Hesketh , Part ,, M . P ., said he was respected by all the brethren of the province and all Freemasons who knew him , and hoped that he would be spared many years to rule them . The Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Alpass , thanked them for the manner the brethren
had received the P . G . Master ' s name . " The Prov . G . Master of East Lancashire " was given by the AV . Master , coupled with the name of Bro . Hine , Prov . G . Treas ., and Secretary to the Relief Committee of Manchester . The toast was drank with all honours . Bro . Hine said he was much pleased and gratified by his visit to Lodge 155 . One great feature which had been amply exhibited to-day was that of " brotherly love . " He ( Bro . Hine ) could not sit clown without proposing the health
of a brother he had known some time , ancl one who had done great things for Freemasonry as Secretary for the AVest Lancashire Relief Committee ; he allluded to " Bro . Thomas Marsh . " Bro . Marsh thanked the brethren for the kind manner his name had been proposed by Bro . Hine and the manner they had received it . Bro . the Rev . J . A ernon , Prov . G , Chap , and P . M . 155 , proposed " The Health of the AVorshipful Master . " The AV . Master responded in feeling and appropriate terms .
very Bro , Alpass proposed "The Health of Bro . Vernon , Past Master . " Bro . Amnion returned thanks . " The Officers , " " Visitors , " & c . was next proposed , and responded to Bros . Hine and Marsh ; and the evening was brought to a close by the crowning toast , " To all Poor and Distressed Masons . "
LrvEErooi ,. —Croxteth United Service Lodge ( No . 786 ) . — At the last meeting of this lodge , held at the Temple , Hopestreet , on the 18 th ult ., the AV . M ., Bro . Captain Allender , stated that it was with deep regret he had to announce to the brethren that death had removed from amongst them their worthy Bro . Horatio Gambell . It was proposed by Bro . Captain Holden , seconded by Bro . Major Boresfield , and unanimously resolved , that the Secretary be requested to convey to the
nearest relative of the deceased brother the sincere sympathy of the lodge . In accordance with this resolution , the following letter was addressed by the Secretary to the brother of the deceased -. — " Dear Sir , —I beg to assure you that nowhere will your brother's loss be more deeply regretted than in this lodge . By all of the members he was held in the highest esteem and respect , whilst to most of them he was endeared by many acts of kindness and friendship during a close intimacy of some
years' duration . His services to this lodge have been numerous ancl great ; to the province of AVest Lancashire they have heen invaluable , and with him Freemasonry has been deprived of one of its greatest ornaments . In conjunction with our late Bro . AValmsley , he was instrumental in founding the Masonic Educational Institute for AVest Lancashire , an institution which has already become firmly established , and has stimulated the
formation of similar societies in the neighbouring provinces . I have briefly enumerated some of ths great services rendered to humanity by your late brother , in the fervent hope that it may be some consolation in your present affliction to know that amidst a widely-extended circle he lived respected and died regretted , and that his memory will be gratefully preserved by the numerous widows and orphans who have already been , or may hereafter be , indebted to his philanthropy . I am , Sir , yours respectfully , P . A . COULTER , Secretary . "
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —John of Qannt Lodge ( No . 523 . )—The annual festival of this lodge was held on Monday , the 25 th ult ., when , in addition to the AV . M . ( the Rev . John Spittal , Prov . S-G-AV . ) , there were present , Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Johnson and Duff P . M . 's ; Green , S . AV ., and AV . M . elect ; G . H . Hodges , J . AV . J . E . Hodges , Sec ; Moor , J . D . ; Manning , LG-. j Hunt , M . Hack , Shaw , Atkins , J . C . Clarke , Bithrey , Watson , Buzzard . G-
Boulton ; Visitors : Bros . J . M . McAllister , No . 21 ; A . Wright , 687 ; AA . Darlinton , 432 ; Weare , Morris , Pettifor , Marris , and Tibbit , P . M . 's ; Adlard , J . AA . ; Stretton , I . G . ; and Gosling , 279 . The lodge having been opened and the minutes of the last regular lodge ancl of a lodge of emergency having been read and confirmed , including the election of AVM ., the following gentlemen were initiated into the Order in excellent style by the Rev . W . M . viz .: George Tollery , jun ., Alfred Sargeant , F . J . Baines , and P . AVardle- The charge was afterwards delivered by the D- Prov G . M . A fifth candidate was not able to attend . The lodge