Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 9 →
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agreed to on tho motion of Bro ? . R . Rigby and AA . Macintosh . There being no further business the lodge was closed with the usual solemnities , at nine o'clock . CORNWALL . PEOATOCIAL GP . AXD LODGE . Tho animal mooting of the Provincial Grand Lodgo of
Cornwall was held at Bodmin , on Tuesday , tho 26 th ult ., at ten o ' clock , in tho Guildhall of this ancient town . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened by the R . W . Bro . Augustus Smith , Prov . G . AI ., who was supported by several Past Officers , Grand Officers of the province , aud a large muster of the brethren . The procession was formed about eleven o ' clock , and when duly marshalled proceeded to tho parish churchheaded bthe Royal Cornwall Militia Bandunder the
, y , leadership of Mr . Freebairn . AA e are glad to state there was a largo attendance at the church , and the choir acquitted themselves creditably . The prayers were read by the Rev . J . AVallis , M . A . ; the first lesson by Bro . the Rev . J . D . Hawkesley ; and the socond lesson by Bro . the Rev . G . Ross , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Chap ., and vicar of Tywardreath . The sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . F . H . A . AA'right , M . A ., P . M . 331 , Prov . G . Chap .,
from tho words , "Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity . " ( Psalm cxxxiii ., 1 ) . The Rev . Prov . G . Chap , concluded the sermon in good time , thus avoiding the faults of not a few clergymen on such occasions , who extend their discourses to such lengths as interfere considerably with the arrangements and order of the day's proceedings . A collection , as is usual , was made at its close , the principal being iven to the East Cornwall Hospitaland the
g , service being ended , the procession was reformed and returned to the Guildhall , when the business of Provincial Grand Lodge was rapidly despatched , consequent upon a preliminary meeting having been held at Truro , on the 22 nd May , when the various important questions affecting the interests and welfare of the Craft in Cornwall were considered and decided on , and required simply to be confirmed , which was accordingly done , and enabled the brethren to dine without that haste and discomfort
frequently resulting from so much time being devoted to questions at the annual gathering , which could aud should be arranged at a preliminary meeting . The following brethren wore appointed as the officers for the present year : — Bro . John Roscosla P . M . 121 D . Prov . G . M . „ Col . J . AV . Peard , P . M . 077 Prov . S . G . AV . „ Thomas Q . Conch of 330 Prov . J . G . AV .
„ Rev . F AVright , PM . 331 p fl # c ] j ^ „ Rev . Bannister , Chap . 1003 L „ AVilliam Tweedy , P . M . 331 Prov . G . Treas . „ E . T . Carlyon , P . M . 331 Prov . G . Sec . „ James 0 . Mayno , P . M . 33 L Prov . G . Assist . Sec . „ Preston J . AA allis , Treas . 330 Prov . G . Reg . „ E . J . AVorth , P . M . 893 Prov . S . G . D . AVilliam TollP . M . 510 Prov . J . G . D .
„ , „ P . Rich , P . M . 330 Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ John Michell of 589 Prov . G . Assist Dir . of Cers . „ John Paull , P . M . 699 Prov . G . Supt . of AVorlcs . „ Captain Alms Prov . G . Sword Bearer . „ J . Hocking , jun ., P . M . 589 ... Prov . G . Org . „ Samuel Harvey , P . M . 131 ... Prov . G . Purst . „ T . Mitchell , AV . M . 589 ... ^ J . Nancasrow |
„ „ AV . F . Newman , AV . M . 75 f n . „ . r < «( - „ , „ , „ n T- n uAr nl , A > 1 . rov . G . Stewards . „ G . lverswell , AV . M . 970 ... [ „ S . Holloway , AV . M . 131 ... 1 „ E . H . Hawke , P . M . lOOO ... J „ AVilliam Rooks Prov . G . Inner Guard . „ Sergeant Can-on Prov . G . Tyler .
The banquet was served by Bro . Saudol in tho Corn-market , which was most artistically decorated for the occasion ; and the Cornish Militia Band again contributed to the enjoyment of the festival , by playing some well selected pieces at stated intervals . The chair was taken by tho Provincial Grand Master , who as usual filled that high position with dignity . The Prov . G . Wardens occupied the " \ A est" aud " South" respectively .
AVe can quite believe that such a large attendance at the banquet must have greatly taxed the energies and means of Dro . Sandol , who ( although he did , wo are persuaded , the best under the circumstances ) , decidedly failed to supply all the
brethren to their satisfaction ancl comfort . The groat lack seemed to us especially to be in the " waiting " department , but feeling loath to find fault , we will forget the few mishaps in rejoicing at the success of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and thankfully looking back at the immense progress the Craft has made in Cornwall during the last few years , wo will feel still moro hopo iu the future . AA c regret to state that Bro . Reginald Rogers , D . Prov . G . M . for Cornwall , was unavoidably absent
from the county , and at the same we must confess our inability to explain why so able and distinguished a Freemason did not receive the appointment of D . Prov . G . M . from the P . G . M . as heretofore . We have been so much in the habit of considering the office of D . Prov . G . M . in a province , almost as permanent as the higher , but not more arduous , office of Prov . G . M ., that we cannot conceal o-Lir deep regret fit the alterationas anyone who
, has the pleasure of , knowing Bro . R . Rogers must be aware that the whole fraternity in Cornwall would vote for his continuance in that office ( had thoy the power ) , almost to a man . We trust however that the now P . D . Prov . G . M . will still continue to give tho lodges in Cornwall the benefit of his counsels presence , and kindly offices as usual .
CUMBERLAND . CAEHSEE . — Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , June 26 th , and was opened in due form according to ancient custom by Bro . Rev . AV . Cockett , AV . M . P . Prov . G . Chap ., supported by Bros . W . Murray , I . P . M . ; F . W- Hayward , P . M . and Treas ., P . Prov . G . J . D . ; G . G . Hayward , S . AV . ; J . Slack , J . AV . ; AV . H . Pulford ,
S . D . ; J . B . Paisley , J . D . ; G . T . Clark , Sec . ; A . AVoodhouse , I . G . ; Geo . Somerville , Steward ; Thos . Storey , Tyler ; M . Higins , M . Fisher , J . Barnes , and visiting Bro . Rev . J . Losh , 962 . The minutes of former meetings were read and passed in the usual way among Masons . The ballot box went round for Mr . Thompson , commercial traveller , of Wolverhampton , which proved unanimous in his favour . The lodge was opened in the F . C , and Bro . AV . Court , being a candidate to be raised , was
tested , approved of , entrusted , retired , aud was duly prepared and ( after the lodge was opened in a higher degree ) the candidate was re-admitted , and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , by F . AV . Hayward , P . M ., iu his usual free ancl easy manner . The lodge was closed down to the E . A . degree , the roll called , dues received , and the lodge closed with prayer by F . AA . Hayward , P . M . ( Bro . AA . Cockett having retired some time before ) . The i brethren retiring to the refreshment room , where they spent an hour or so very agreeably , and parted in peace and harmony .
ESSEX . COIXIIESTEB . —ANGEL LODGE ( No . 51 ) . At a special meeting of this lodge , held at the Cups Hotel , Colchester , on AA ednesday , the 27 th ult ., Bro . Horace Darken was installed as AVM . for the ensuing year , the ceremony of installation being very ably and impressively performed by Bro . Franks , AV . M . ( Perfect Friendship Lodge , No . 376 , Ipswich , and
P . Prov . G , Reg . for Suffolk . The following brethren were appointed officers of the iodge and invested with their respective badges , as under : -C . 0 . G . Becker , S . AV . ; J . AV . Gwynn , J . AV . ; AA . Slaney , Treas . ; George Bowler , Sec . ; AA . Griffin , Dir . of Cers . ; S . Chaplin , S . D . ; W . E . Holland , I . D . ; AV . P . Lewis , I . G . ; AA'itten , Tyler . AU the brethren , of the province wore Craft mourning on their badges for Bro . Major Skinner , the late D . Prov . G . M .
The lodge business being concluded , at five o'clock , about thirty brethren , including- visitors from neighbouring loclges , sat down to a sumptuous banquet , supplied by Bro . Salter , tho host of the Cups Hotel . The AA . M . presided , assisted by tho officers of the lodgo ; and among the brethren present were Bro . Franks , the Installing Master ; Bros . King , P . M ., and Spalding , P . M . ( 376 , Ipswich ); S . Coppin , P . M . ( 433 , Brightlingsea ); T . L . Fysk ( 121 , King ' s Lynn ); A . AVolverson , J . AV .,
C . Guiver , and AA . Middleton , ( United Lodgo , C 69 , Colchester ); E . S . Bean , P . M ., T . Hall , P . M ., R . Ellisdon , P . M ., AV . Griffin , P . M ., A . E . Church , P . M ., J . Hope , J . Salmon , R . Evans , ! T . Railing , P . Hast , II . Pettitt , T . Day ( Coggleshall ) , and J . AVitten ( Angel Lodge No . 51 ) . The loyal toasts were first dul y honoured ; then "The Army , Navy , and Volunteers ( connected with the Healths of Bros . AVolvei'soi ' j , Griffin , Ellisdon , Salmon , & c . ); and next " The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
agreed to on tho motion of Bro ? . R . Rigby and AA . Macintosh . There being no further business the lodge was closed with the usual solemnities , at nine o'clock . CORNWALL . PEOATOCIAL GP . AXD LODGE . Tho animal mooting of the Provincial Grand Lodgo of
Cornwall was held at Bodmin , on Tuesday , tho 26 th ult ., at ten o ' clock , in tho Guildhall of this ancient town . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened by the R . W . Bro . Augustus Smith , Prov . G . AI ., who was supported by several Past Officers , Grand Officers of the province , aud a large muster of the brethren . The procession was formed about eleven o ' clock , and when duly marshalled proceeded to tho parish churchheaded bthe Royal Cornwall Militia Bandunder the
, y , leadership of Mr . Freebairn . AA e are glad to state there was a largo attendance at the church , and the choir acquitted themselves creditably . The prayers were read by the Rev . J . AVallis , M . A . ; the first lesson by Bro . the Rev . J . D . Hawkesley ; and the socond lesson by Bro . the Rev . G . Ross , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Chap ., and vicar of Tywardreath . The sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . F . H . A . AA'right , M . A ., P . M . 331 , Prov . G . Chap .,
from tho words , "Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity . " ( Psalm cxxxiii ., 1 ) . The Rev . Prov . G . Chap , concluded the sermon in good time , thus avoiding the faults of not a few clergymen on such occasions , who extend their discourses to such lengths as interfere considerably with the arrangements and order of the day's proceedings . A collection , as is usual , was made at its close , the principal being iven to the East Cornwall Hospitaland the
g , service being ended , the procession was reformed and returned to the Guildhall , when the business of Provincial Grand Lodge was rapidly despatched , consequent upon a preliminary meeting having been held at Truro , on the 22 nd May , when the various important questions affecting the interests and welfare of the Craft in Cornwall were considered and decided on , and required simply to be confirmed , which was accordingly done , and enabled the brethren to dine without that haste and discomfort
frequently resulting from so much time being devoted to questions at the annual gathering , which could aud should be arranged at a preliminary meeting . The following brethren wore appointed as the officers for the present year : — Bro . John Roscosla P . M . 121 D . Prov . G . M . „ Col . J . AV . Peard , P . M . 077 Prov . S . G . AV . „ Thomas Q . Conch of 330 Prov . J . G . AV .
„ Rev . F AVright , PM . 331 p fl # c ] j ^ „ Rev . Bannister , Chap . 1003 L „ AVilliam Tweedy , P . M . 331 Prov . G . Treas . „ E . T . Carlyon , P . M . 331 Prov . G . Sec . „ James 0 . Mayno , P . M . 33 L Prov . G . Assist . Sec . „ Preston J . AA allis , Treas . 330 Prov . G . Reg . „ E . J . AVorth , P . M . 893 Prov . S . G . D . AVilliam TollP . M . 510 Prov . J . G . D .
„ , „ P . Rich , P . M . 330 Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ John Michell of 589 Prov . G . Assist Dir . of Cers . „ John Paull , P . M . 699 Prov . G . Supt . of AVorlcs . „ Captain Alms Prov . G . Sword Bearer . „ J . Hocking , jun ., P . M . 589 ... Prov . G . Org . „ Samuel Harvey , P . M . 131 ... Prov . G . Purst . „ T . Mitchell , AV . M . 589 ... ^ J . Nancasrow |
„ „ AV . F . Newman , AV . M . 75 f n . „ . r < «( - „ , „ , „ n T- n uAr nl , A > 1 . rov . G . Stewards . „ G . lverswell , AV . M . 970 ... [ „ S . Holloway , AV . M . 131 ... 1 „ E . H . Hawke , P . M . lOOO ... J „ AVilliam Rooks Prov . G . Inner Guard . „ Sergeant Can-on Prov . G . Tyler .
The banquet was served by Bro . Saudol in tho Corn-market , which was most artistically decorated for the occasion ; and the Cornish Militia Band again contributed to the enjoyment of the festival , by playing some well selected pieces at stated intervals . The chair was taken by tho Provincial Grand Master , who as usual filled that high position with dignity . The Prov . G . Wardens occupied the " \ A est" aud " South" respectively .
AVe can quite believe that such a large attendance at the banquet must have greatly taxed the energies and means of Dro . Sandol , who ( although he did , wo are persuaded , the best under the circumstances ) , decidedly failed to supply all the
brethren to their satisfaction ancl comfort . The groat lack seemed to us especially to be in the " waiting " department , but feeling loath to find fault , we will forget the few mishaps in rejoicing at the success of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and thankfully looking back at the immense progress the Craft has made in Cornwall during the last few years , wo will feel still moro hopo iu the future . AA c regret to state that Bro . Reginald Rogers , D . Prov . G . M . for Cornwall , was unavoidably absent
from the county , and at the same we must confess our inability to explain why so able and distinguished a Freemason did not receive the appointment of D . Prov . G . M . from the P . G . M . as heretofore . We have been so much in the habit of considering the office of D . Prov . G . M . in a province , almost as permanent as the higher , but not more arduous , office of Prov . G . M ., that we cannot conceal o-Lir deep regret fit the alterationas anyone who
, has the pleasure of , knowing Bro . R . Rogers must be aware that the whole fraternity in Cornwall would vote for his continuance in that office ( had thoy the power ) , almost to a man . We trust however that the now P . D . Prov . G . M . will still continue to give tho lodges in Cornwall the benefit of his counsels presence , and kindly offices as usual .
CUMBERLAND . CAEHSEE . — Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , June 26 th , and was opened in due form according to ancient custom by Bro . Rev . AV . Cockett , AV . M . P . Prov . G . Chap ., supported by Bros . W . Murray , I . P . M . ; F . W- Hayward , P . M . and Treas ., P . Prov . G . J . D . ; G . G . Hayward , S . AV . ; J . Slack , J . AV . ; AV . H . Pulford ,
S . D . ; J . B . Paisley , J . D . ; G . T . Clark , Sec . ; A . AVoodhouse , I . G . ; Geo . Somerville , Steward ; Thos . Storey , Tyler ; M . Higins , M . Fisher , J . Barnes , and visiting Bro . Rev . J . Losh , 962 . The minutes of former meetings were read and passed in the usual way among Masons . The ballot box went round for Mr . Thompson , commercial traveller , of Wolverhampton , which proved unanimous in his favour . The lodge was opened in the F . C , and Bro . AV . Court , being a candidate to be raised , was
tested , approved of , entrusted , retired , aud was duly prepared and ( after the lodge was opened in a higher degree ) the candidate was re-admitted , and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , by F . AV . Hayward , P . M ., iu his usual free ancl easy manner . The lodge was closed down to the E . A . degree , the roll called , dues received , and the lodge closed with prayer by F . AA . Hayward , P . M . ( Bro . AA . Cockett having retired some time before ) . The i brethren retiring to the refreshment room , where they spent an hour or so very agreeably , and parted in peace and harmony .
ESSEX . COIXIIESTEB . —ANGEL LODGE ( No . 51 ) . At a special meeting of this lodge , held at the Cups Hotel , Colchester , on AA ednesday , the 27 th ult ., Bro . Horace Darken was installed as AVM . for the ensuing year , the ceremony of installation being very ably and impressively performed by Bro . Franks , AV . M . ( Perfect Friendship Lodge , No . 376 , Ipswich , and
P . Prov . G , Reg . for Suffolk . The following brethren were appointed officers of the iodge and invested with their respective badges , as under : -C . 0 . G . Becker , S . AV . ; J . AV . Gwynn , J . AV . ; AA . Slaney , Treas . ; George Bowler , Sec . ; AA . Griffin , Dir . of Cers . ; S . Chaplin , S . D . ; W . E . Holland , I . D . ; AV . P . Lewis , I . G . ; AA'itten , Tyler . AU the brethren , of the province wore Craft mourning on their badges for Bro . Major Skinner , the late D . Prov . G . M .
The lodge business being concluded , at five o'clock , about thirty brethren , including- visitors from neighbouring loclges , sat down to a sumptuous banquet , supplied by Bro . Salter , tho host of the Cups Hotel . The AA . M . presided , assisted by tho officers of the lodgo ; and among the brethren present were Bro . Franks , the Installing Master ; Bros . King , P . M ., and Spalding , P . M . ( 376 , Ipswich ); S . Coppin , P . M . ( 433 , Brightlingsea ); T . L . Fysk ( 121 , King ' s Lynn ); A . AVolverson , J . AV .,
C . Guiver , and AA . Middleton , ( United Lodgo , C 69 , Colchester ); E . S . Bean , P . M ., T . Hall , P . M ., R . Ellisdon , P . M ., AV . Griffin , P . M ., A . E . Church , P . M ., J . Hope , J . Salmon , R . Evans , ! T . Railing , P . Hast , II . Pettitt , T . Day ( Coggleshall ) , and J . AVitten ( Angel Lodge No . 51 ) . The loyal toasts were first dul y honoured ; then "The Army , Navy , and Volunteers ( connected with the Healths of Bros . AVolvei'soi ' j , Griffin , Ellisdon , Salmon , & c . ); and next " The