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Palestine Exploration Fund.
a pilaster , the capital of which has on it a double ram ' s horn , very similar to that found at Arak el-Emir . ( See De Sauley's work , p . 223 , French edition . ) It has the appearance of great antiquity . I am in hopes we may find other traces of sculpture . "Robinson's Arch . —We have done little
towards the east , for the stones present such difficulties ; to the north we have tapped a tank which has been running stones for several days ; to-day it is nearly exheusted , and we have got several peeps into a big cavern . "Kedron . —At 160 feet from entrance the air
became very impure , but on going a little further a rushiug noise was heard , which proved to be a stream of pure air 100 feet below the surface . We have now come to several walls , and the work looks interesting-.
"Bir Eyub . —At the aqueduct below Bir Eyub we have been retarded by the heavy rains . The floor is being deepened , so that there may be room for a wheelbarrow . " Close to Bir Eyub we have found another
aqueduct of masonry , which seems to run to the eastern side of the valley . " We could go on still further making extracts from these reports ; but suffice it to say that the labours are going on ivith great ardour , and
that the fund has every reason to believe that England appreciates her work . The following circular letter , signed by the Earls De Grey and Ripon , Caernarvon , and a numerous body of distinguished brethren , has been forwarded to many of the lodges : —
" Sir , —We beg to call your attention to a resolution passed at the quarterly meeting of Grand Lodo-e held in March last relative to the Palestine Exploration Fuud , to which Grand Lodge then voted the sum of one hundred guineas , and ' recommended the same to the notice of
Provincial and District Grand Lodges , and of private lodges , as worthy of the support of the Craft . ' " The accompanying papers will explain the objects of the society , as well as point out the interest which every member of the Masonic Order must feel in its success .
" We , therefore , try to recommend this enterprise to your favourable notice . By bringing it before the attention of your lodge , as you best know how to do , you may render most valuable aid to this enterprise , and give a fresh impulse to an
Palestine Exploration Fund.
undertaking which is fraught with such important consequences to all , and particularly to Masons . " Several lodges , besides Grand Lodge , have already contributed to the fund ; and we feel sure thas its claims have only to be fairly stated for
the-Masonic bodies to rally round it and lend it their aid . We remain , worshipful Sir , Tour ' s fraternally , Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M ., Prov . G . M ,
West Yorkshire . ; Warren De Tabley , Prov . G . M . Cheshire ; Mansel Talbot , Prov . G . M . S . Wales , E . D . ; R . A . Shafto Adair , Prov . G . Officer ; Vane , S . G . D . Caernarvon ; Legendre N . Starkie , S . G . W . j Skelmersdale , P . G . W ., D . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire ; John Ha vers , P . G . W . ; Eliot , P . G . W . ; . V . A . Williamson , P . G . W . ; John Edward Cox ,
If . A ., F . S ., P . G . C ; W . K . Riland Bedford , P . G . C ; 0 . R . Davy , P . G . O . ; Bentley Shaw ,
S . G . D ., D . Prov . G . M ., W . Wks . ; George William Latham , S . G . D . ; Charles Hutton Gregory , P . G . D . W . W . B . Beach , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Oxon and Hants ; Richard Pope , P . G . S . B ., and P . S . G . W . of Cheshire ; Edward Barker , P . G . S . B ., Kendal ;
Hyde Clarke , D . D . G . M . Turkey ; John P . Bell , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M ., and G * . Supt . of R . A . Masons of N . and E . Yorkshire ; W . H . Smyth , D . Prov . G . M . Lincolnshire ; J . W . Leigh , P . G . C .
Warwickshire ; Patrick Colquhoun , P . M ., 447 ( 654 ); Charles Goolden , P . M . ; D . G . Bruce Gardyne , W . M ., 1 , 118 . ; Layton , P . M ., 404 ; . E . C . Ogle , P . G . M ., Northumberland . " These circulars should be sent to all the
lodges . Wherever at high noon brethren assemble for labour should be read the account of this new and bloodless crusade . No lodge so poor but should find something for this Masonic , work ; no brother but may help it by
recommendation to his richer friends . It has established itself at an office in 9 , Pall Mall East , where all information can be furnished by the Secretary , to whom we refer our readers , and we can only express the hope that the society
will receive that support it deserves , and that further investigation will not be stopped for want of funds to prosecute a more extended examination of so interesting a country . A series of very interestig photographs have
been taken by Sergeant Phillips under the orders of Lieutenant Warren , R . E . These may be obtained from Messrs . Bartlett , 70 , Fleet-street , price , Is . 6 d . each ; to subscribers , Is .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Palestine Exploration Fund.
a pilaster , the capital of which has on it a double ram ' s horn , very similar to that found at Arak el-Emir . ( See De Sauley's work , p . 223 , French edition . ) It has the appearance of great antiquity . I am in hopes we may find other traces of sculpture . "Robinson's Arch . —We have done little
towards the east , for the stones present such difficulties ; to the north we have tapped a tank which has been running stones for several days ; to-day it is nearly exheusted , and we have got several peeps into a big cavern . "Kedron . —At 160 feet from entrance the air
became very impure , but on going a little further a rushiug noise was heard , which proved to be a stream of pure air 100 feet below the surface . We have now come to several walls , and the work looks interesting-.
"Bir Eyub . —At the aqueduct below Bir Eyub we have been retarded by the heavy rains . The floor is being deepened , so that there may be room for a wheelbarrow . " Close to Bir Eyub we have found another
aqueduct of masonry , which seems to run to the eastern side of the valley . " We could go on still further making extracts from these reports ; but suffice it to say that the labours are going on ivith great ardour , and
that the fund has every reason to believe that England appreciates her work . The following circular letter , signed by the Earls De Grey and Ripon , Caernarvon , and a numerous body of distinguished brethren , has been forwarded to many of the lodges : —
" Sir , —We beg to call your attention to a resolution passed at the quarterly meeting of Grand Lodo-e held in March last relative to the Palestine Exploration Fuud , to which Grand Lodge then voted the sum of one hundred guineas , and ' recommended the same to the notice of
Provincial and District Grand Lodges , and of private lodges , as worthy of the support of the Craft . ' " The accompanying papers will explain the objects of the society , as well as point out the interest which every member of the Masonic Order must feel in its success .
" We , therefore , try to recommend this enterprise to your favourable notice . By bringing it before the attention of your lodge , as you best know how to do , you may render most valuable aid to this enterprise , and give a fresh impulse to an
Palestine Exploration Fund.
undertaking which is fraught with such important consequences to all , and particularly to Masons . " Several lodges , besides Grand Lodge , have already contributed to the fund ; and we feel sure thas its claims have only to be fairly stated for
the-Masonic bodies to rally round it and lend it their aid . We remain , worshipful Sir , Tour ' s fraternally , Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M ., Prov . G . M ,
West Yorkshire . ; Warren De Tabley , Prov . G . M . Cheshire ; Mansel Talbot , Prov . G . M . S . Wales , E . D . ; R . A . Shafto Adair , Prov . G . Officer ; Vane , S . G . D . Caernarvon ; Legendre N . Starkie , S . G . W . j Skelmersdale , P . G . W ., D . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire ; John Ha vers , P . G . W . ; Eliot , P . G . W . ; . V . A . Williamson , P . G . W . ; John Edward Cox ,
If . A ., F . S ., P . G . C ; W . K . Riland Bedford , P . G . C ; 0 . R . Davy , P . G . O . ; Bentley Shaw ,
S . G . D ., D . Prov . G . M ., W . Wks . ; George William Latham , S . G . D . ; Charles Hutton Gregory , P . G . D . W . W . B . Beach , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Oxon and Hants ; Richard Pope , P . G . S . B ., and P . S . G . W . of Cheshire ; Edward Barker , P . G . S . B ., Kendal ;
Hyde Clarke , D . D . G . M . Turkey ; John P . Bell , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M ., and G * . Supt . of R . A . Masons of N . and E . Yorkshire ; W . H . Smyth , D . Prov . G . M . Lincolnshire ; J . W . Leigh , P . G . C .
Warwickshire ; Patrick Colquhoun , P . M ., 447 ( 654 ); Charles Goolden , P . M . ; D . G . Bruce Gardyne , W . M ., 1 , 118 . ; Layton , P . M ., 404 ; . E . C . Ogle , P . G . M ., Northumberland . " These circulars should be sent to all the
lodges . Wherever at high noon brethren assemble for labour should be read the account of this new and bloodless crusade . No lodge so poor but should find something for this Masonic , work ; no brother but may help it by
recommendation to his richer friends . It has established itself at an office in 9 , Pall Mall East , where all information can be furnished by the Secretary , to whom we refer our readers , and we can only express the hope that the society
will receive that support it deserves , and that further investigation will not be stopped for want of funds to prosecute a more extended examination of so interesting a country . A series of very interestig photographs have
been taken by Sergeant Phillips under the orders of Lieutenant Warren , R . E . These may be obtained from Messrs . Bartlett , 70 , Fleet-street , price , Is . 6 d . each ; to subscribers , Is .