Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Page 1 of 2 →
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between some portions of the 1 st and 2 nd degrees . The lodge was then closed in tho 2 nd degree , when , at the request of the acting W . M ., Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., delivered an exhaustive lecture on the 1 st tracing board , at the conclusion of which a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to him . Bro . Bowes drew the attention of the brethren to the distinguished honour conferred on tho W . M . by the Grand Master , in appointing him Senior Grand Warden . He also distributee ! some
copies of the prospectus of the "Fraternity of Genealogists . " The lodge was duly closed at nine o'clock . LIVERPOOL . —Hverlon Lodge ( No . 823 ) . —The monthly meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held ou Friday , the 27 th nit ., at the Clarence Hotel , Everton-road . The lodge was ¦ opened by Bro . G . R . Goepel , P . M ., and tbe minutes read and confirmed . There being no business on the summons , the AV . M . called upon Bro . Hamer for the lecture on the tracing board in
the first degree . To this call Bro . Hamer very willingly responded , and for about three quarters of an hour rivetted the attention of the brethren to his discourse , and explained to them the meaning of the furniture , ornaments , ancl jewels , strongly directing their attention to the spiritual tracing board by ivhich , as through a glass , they could see the lvisdom , strength , and beauty of our Order . A vote of thanks was recorded to Bro . Hamer . Three gentlemen Avere proposed for
initiation . This lodge is IIOAV in a very flourishing condition , and it is mainly through the indefatigable exertions of Bro . Goepel , to whom too much praise cannot be given for having brought about so happy a state of things . The W . M . invited the brethren to refreshment after the lodge was closed .
YORKSHIEE ( WEST ) . DEAVSBUEY . —Lodge of the Three Grand Principles ( No . 208 ) . —A meeting of the above numerous and flourishing lodge was held in the old Masonic Hall on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at halfpast six o ' clock , and presided over by Bro . Henry Day , W . M ., assisted by his officers , Bros . I . France , S . W . ; E . T . Oates , J . W . ; John SikingP . M . Hon . Sec ; James Cardwellas
p , , , S . D . ; W . J . Wilkinson , J . D . ; George Crawshaw , I . G . ; Frank Aked , Prov . G . Tyler , O . G . There were also present Bros . James Clay , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; L . A . Shephard , P . M ., Prov . G . Steward ; J . 0 . Gill , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Purst . and Supt . of Works ; Charles Oldroyd , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Eeg . ; George Fox , B . Oates , Thomas Halleivell , W . Audesley , Treas ., and John Ehodes , P . M . 's ; John Johnson , James Hunter , C . E .
Rhodes , W . Carlisle Greaves , George Tolson , M . Thurmond , Dr . Halleivell , Charles Stapleton , Albert Kirk , J . Turner , John "Wilson , Jonas Sheard , John Brook , A . Winch , Henry Smith , P . Prov . S . G . D . P . M . 302 , 387 , and others . Unusual interest was attached to this meeting from the circumstance that it ivas the last that Avould be held in the present building , resolutions having been passed to rebuild on the same site larger and more suitable rooms , at a cost of upwards of £ 3 , 000 . We
hope shortly to give our readers some further information respecting the proposed new Masonic Hall , as , in support of this most desirable ivork , the brethren have come forward in a most praiseworthy manner with the main portion of the necessary funds , and it is hoped that , by the end of this year , a Masonic hall second to none in this province will be completed . In the meantime rooms have been secured at the Man and Saddle Hotel , in the Market-placewhich aro ivell
, adapted for the emergency . The business of the evening commenced by the reading and confirmation of minutes , including the important resolutions relating to the rebuilding of the lodge rooms and , adjournment to the before-mentioned temporary rooms . The ceremonies of tho three degrees were ably gone through by the W . M ., Bro . Henry Day , and his officers , Bro . George Fox , P . M ., being callled upon to give the
charge and illustrate the working tools in the various degrees . The lodge was closed in due form at half-past nine . The Stewards provided an excellent banquet , and a very agreeable evening was spent . Many of the brethren seemed to feel some regret at the demolition of the temple where they had so long and happily met , earnestly hoping that the . new structure ivould afford even more prosperity and happiness both to them and those who were to follow .
Despondency under misfortunes impairs our health and hastens our death .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVEEPOOL . —Sacred Delta Chapter ( 216 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at the Temple , 22 , Hope-street , the following Chiefs and Past Chiefs being present , viz .: —Laidlaw , Z . ; Moore , II . ; Sedgwick , J . ; Armstrong , P . Z . ; D . Jones , P . Z . ; Hamer , P . Z .,- Pepper , P . Z . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , when the companions retired and the ceremony of installation
was proceeded with . The M . E . Z . installed his successor , Comp . Moore , to the chair of Z . ; Comp . Sedgwick to the chair of II , and Comp . Phillips to the chair of J . ; Comp . Jarvis as Scribe E . ; Comp . McKane , P . S . The way in which Comp . Laidlaiv performed his duties ivas admirable , and the beautiful charges he delivered to each called forth the commendation of every one present . Two brethren Avere proposed for exaltation , Avhen the chapter ivas closed and the companions retired to the banquetting room .
Knights Templar
CHINA . SHANGHAI . — Celestial Encampment . —The Sir Knts . assembled in obedience to the summons , at nine o'clock , p . m ., on the 15 th Dec . last , the following answering to their names : Sir Knts . Markham , E . G . ; Butcher , Acting Prelate ; Hill , 1 st . Capt . ; Fearon , 2 nd Capt . ; Martin , Eegistrar ; Jameson , Acting Expert ; Overney , Capt . of Lines ; Coutts , 1 st Herald ; and PhillipsEquerry ; also Sir Knts . HooperDonaldsonK . C . T .
, , , , Devine , Lloyd , Bernard , Nutt , Blanchard , and Patridge . The encampment was opened in ancient form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were duly confirmed . The Sir Knts . then proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year , when the following were chosen unanimously : Sir Knts . E . I . Fearon , to be E . C ; J . P . Martin , Treas . ; W . Phillips , Equerry . Comps . A . J . Johnson and D . A . Emery , of the Zion Chapter 570 were then admitted and installed . The
, , Sir Knts . then retired to refreshment , and upon re-assembliug , listened to an able eulogy from the E . C , to the memories of those knights of the encampment who had been taken from their number by the grim messenger dnring the past year , Sir Knts . Gordon , Wheelock , and Dunlop . AU were true ancl worthy members of the Order , and deserving of every mark of honour and respect at our hands . During the last monthly meetings of the year our encampment had worn the habiliments
of woe , and he would ivish that some fitting testimonials of respect to their memories , should be ordered by the encampment . Sir Knt . Gordon had been oue of the most zealous and hard working members ; Sir . Knt . Wheelock was ono of the
oldest and most constant attendants ; and Sir Knt . Dunlop , our late Eev . Prelate , had most thoroughly endeared himhimself to us all by his many private as Avell as Masonic duties . He therefore proposed that the Celestial Encampment should unite with the other Masonic bodies of Shanghai in raising to the memories of the deceased Sir Knts . memorial windows in the new church about to be erected , upon which should be inscribed their many virtuesand also their ranks in Masonic
, circles . This was seconded by Sir Knt . Donaldson , ancl carried unanimously . The encampment was then closed at a quarter to twelve . REGULAE MEETING JAN . 19 . —The folloiving Sir Knts . answered to the roll call , Sir Knt . Markham , E . C . ; Butcher , Acting Prelate ; Jameson , 1 st . Captain ; Fearon , 2 nd Captain ; Martin , Registrar ; Overney , Expert ; Partridge , Capt . of Lines ;
Coutts , 1 st Herald ; Phillips , Equerry . Also Sir Knts . Donaldson , K . C . T . ; Parker , P . E . C . ; Hooper , Devine , Lloyd , Partridge , Seaman , Blanchard , Alabaster , and Deslandes . The minutes of the meeting of 15 th Dec . Avore duly confirmed . The Treasurer ' s account were then presented by Bro . Parker , P . E . C , who informed the Sir Knts . that he had duly audited the sain * finding them entirely correctshelving the handsome balance of 895 . 16
, taels to the credit , he therefore proposed that they should be passed as audited . This being seconded by Sir Knt . Fearon , ivas unanimously carried . The Registrar then read a communication from Bro . Ransom , P . G . C ., thanking the Sir Knts . for the valuable present they had made him in forwarding through Sir ICnfc . Spencer , of London , a P . G . C . jewel , which he said
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
between some portions of the 1 st and 2 nd degrees . The lodge was then closed in tho 2 nd degree , when , at the request of the acting W . M ., Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., delivered an exhaustive lecture on the 1 st tracing board , at the conclusion of which a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to him . Bro . Bowes drew the attention of the brethren to the distinguished honour conferred on tho W . M . by the Grand Master , in appointing him Senior Grand Warden . He also distributee ! some
copies of the prospectus of the "Fraternity of Genealogists . " The lodge was duly closed at nine o'clock . LIVERPOOL . —Hverlon Lodge ( No . 823 ) . —The monthly meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held ou Friday , the 27 th nit ., at the Clarence Hotel , Everton-road . The lodge was ¦ opened by Bro . G . R . Goepel , P . M ., and tbe minutes read and confirmed . There being no business on the summons , the AV . M . called upon Bro . Hamer for the lecture on the tracing board in
the first degree . To this call Bro . Hamer very willingly responded , and for about three quarters of an hour rivetted the attention of the brethren to his discourse , and explained to them the meaning of the furniture , ornaments , ancl jewels , strongly directing their attention to the spiritual tracing board by ivhich , as through a glass , they could see the lvisdom , strength , and beauty of our Order . A vote of thanks was recorded to Bro . Hamer . Three gentlemen Avere proposed for
initiation . This lodge is IIOAV in a very flourishing condition , and it is mainly through the indefatigable exertions of Bro . Goepel , to whom too much praise cannot be given for having brought about so happy a state of things . The W . M . invited the brethren to refreshment after the lodge was closed .
YORKSHIEE ( WEST ) . DEAVSBUEY . —Lodge of the Three Grand Principles ( No . 208 ) . —A meeting of the above numerous and flourishing lodge was held in the old Masonic Hall on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at halfpast six o ' clock , and presided over by Bro . Henry Day , W . M ., assisted by his officers , Bros . I . France , S . W . ; E . T . Oates , J . W . ; John SikingP . M . Hon . Sec ; James Cardwellas
p , , , S . D . ; W . J . Wilkinson , J . D . ; George Crawshaw , I . G . ; Frank Aked , Prov . G . Tyler , O . G . There were also present Bros . James Clay , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; L . A . Shephard , P . M ., Prov . G . Steward ; J . 0 . Gill , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Purst . and Supt . of Works ; Charles Oldroyd , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Eeg . ; George Fox , B . Oates , Thomas Halleivell , W . Audesley , Treas ., and John Ehodes , P . M . 's ; John Johnson , James Hunter , C . E .
Rhodes , W . Carlisle Greaves , George Tolson , M . Thurmond , Dr . Halleivell , Charles Stapleton , Albert Kirk , J . Turner , John "Wilson , Jonas Sheard , John Brook , A . Winch , Henry Smith , P . Prov . S . G . D . P . M . 302 , 387 , and others . Unusual interest was attached to this meeting from the circumstance that it ivas the last that Avould be held in the present building , resolutions having been passed to rebuild on the same site larger and more suitable rooms , at a cost of upwards of £ 3 , 000 . We
hope shortly to give our readers some further information respecting the proposed new Masonic Hall , as , in support of this most desirable ivork , the brethren have come forward in a most praiseworthy manner with the main portion of the necessary funds , and it is hoped that , by the end of this year , a Masonic hall second to none in this province will be completed . In the meantime rooms have been secured at the Man and Saddle Hotel , in the Market-placewhich aro ivell
, adapted for the emergency . The business of the evening commenced by the reading and confirmation of minutes , including the important resolutions relating to the rebuilding of the lodge rooms and , adjournment to the before-mentioned temporary rooms . The ceremonies of tho three degrees were ably gone through by the W . M ., Bro . Henry Day , and his officers , Bro . George Fox , P . M ., being callled upon to give the
charge and illustrate the working tools in the various degrees . The lodge was closed in due form at half-past nine . The Stewards provided an excellent banquet , and a very agreeable evening was spent . Many of the brethren seemed to feel some regret at the demolition of the temple where they had so long and happily met , earnestly hoping that the . new structure ivould afford even more prosperity and happiness both to them and those who were to follow .
Despondency under misfortunes impairs our health and hastens our death .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVEEPOOL . —Sacred Delta Chapter ( 216 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at the Temple , 22 , Hope-street , the following Chiefs and Past Chiefs being present , viz .: —Laidlaw , Z . ; Moore , II . ; Sedgwick , J . ; Armstrong , P . Z . ; D . Jones , P . Z . ; Hamer , P . Z .,- Pepper , P . Z . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , when the companions retired and the ceremony of installation
was proceeded with . The M . E . Z . installed his successor , Comp . Moore , to the chair of Z . ; Comp . Sedgwick to the chair of II , and Comp . Phillips to the chair of J . ; Comp . Jarvis as Scribe E . ; Comp . McKane , P . S . The way in which Comp . Laidlaiv performed his duties ivas admirable , and the beautiful charges he delivered to each called forth the commendation of every one present . Two brethren Avere proposed for exaltation , Avhen the chapter ivas closed and the companions retired to the banquetting room .
Knights Templar
CHINA . SHANGHAI . — Celestial Encampment . —The Sir Knts . assembled in obedience to the summons , at nine o'clock , p . m ., on the 15 th Dec . last , the following answering to their names : Sir Knts . Markham , E . G . ; Butcher , Acting Prelate ; Hill , 1 st . Capt . ; Fearon , 2 nd Capt . ; Martin , Eegistrar ; Jameson , Acting Expert ; Overney , Capt . of Lines ; Coutts , 1 st Herald ; and PhillipsEquerry ; also Sir Knts . HooperDonaldsonK . C . T .
, , , , Devine , Lloyd , Bernard , Nutt , Blanchard , and Patridge . The encampment was opened in ancient form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were duly confirmed . The Sir Knts . then proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year , when the following were chosen unanimously : Sir Knts . E . I . Fearon , to be E . C ; J . P . Martin , Treas . ; W . Phillips , Equerry . Comps . A . J . Johnson and D . A . Emery , of the Zion Chapter 570 were then admitted and installed . The
, , Sir Knts . then retired to refreshment , and upon re-assembliug , listened to an able eulogy from the E . C , to the memories of those knights of the encampment who had been taken from their number by the grim messenger dnring the past year , Sir Knts . Gordon , Wheelock , and Dunlop . AU were true ancl worthy members of the Order , and deserving of every mark of honour and respect at our hands . During the last monthly meetings of the year our encampment had worn the habiliments
of woe , and he would ivish that some fitting testimonials of respect to their memories , should be ordered by the encampment . Sir Knt . Gordon had been oue of the most zealous and hard working members ; Sir . Knt . Wheelock was ono of the
oldest and most constant attendants ; and Sir Knt . Dunlop , our late Eev . Prelate , had most thoroughly endeared himhimself to us all by his many private as Avell as Masonic duties . He therefore proposed that the Celestial Encampment should unite with the other Masonic bodies of Shanghai in raising to the memories of the deceased Sir Knts . memorial windows in the new church about to be erected , upon which should be inscribed their many virtuesand also their ranks in Masonic
, circles . This was seconded by Sir Knt . Donaldson , ancl carried unanimously . The encampment was then closed at a quarter to twelve . REGULAE MEETING JAN . 19 . —The folloiving Sir Knts . answered to the roll call , Sir Knt . Markham , E . C . ; Butcher , Acting Prelate ; Jameson , 1 st . Captain ; Fearon , 2 nd Captain ; Martin , Registrar ; Overney , Expert ; Partridge , Capt . of Lines ;
Coutts , 1 st Herald ; Phillips , Equerry . Also Sir Knts . Donaldson , K . C . T . ; Parker , P . E . C . ; Hooper , Devine , Lloyd , Partridge , Seaman , Blanchard , Alabaster , and Deslandes . The minutes of the meeting of 15 th Dec . Avore duly confirmed . The Treasurer ' s account were then presented by Bro . Parker , P . E . C , who informed the Sir Knts . that he had duly audited the sain * finding them entirely correctshelving the handsome balance of 895 . 16
, taels to the credit , he therefore proposed that they should be passed as audited . This being seconded by Sir Knt . Fearon , ivas unanimously carried . The Registrar then read a communication from Bro . Ransom , P . G . C ., thanking the Sir Knts . for the valuable present they had made him in forwarding through Sir ICnfc . Spencer , of London , a P . G . C . jewel , which he said