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lines . The ancient church of Stone , erected above 600 years back , was dedicated to St . John the Baptist , and as the two saints of that name were , by our traditions , said to have been the Grand Masters of the Order , he should be glad to find that Ellesborough church , which was of the same age , was dedicated to the Evangelist [ Ellesborough church is dedicated to St . Peter and St . Paul ] . Bro . Reade then asked permission to propose a toast , which , as they might anticipate , was that oi Bro . Howwho had so efficientldischarged the duties of Master that dayIn Bro .
, y . How they had a most valuable member ; on many occasions , almost from the birth of the Lodge he had rendered thern great aid , and the active part he had taken in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the province , proved he had rendered great service to Masonry in general aud to the Buckingham Lodge in particular . Tho W . M . pro tern ., in returning thanks for the kind terms in which , his services bad been mentioned , assured the brethren that his attendances as a visitor had afforded him uniform leasurethat gratification was increased since he had been a member
p , , as his position enabled him to take a more active part in the proceedings . Bro . How , afterwards , in proposing " The W . M . elect , " referred to the attention Bro . Wharton had given to the duties of his office as Warden , and from the experience ihey had of the regularity of his attendance and . his efficiency , they might anticipate hej would give equal satisfaction with his predecessor , whose absence on this occasion was unavoidable .
CHANNEL ISLANDS . ArroiiraiiExi . —iorfje . —Tuesday , May 10 th , St . Anne ' s ( 683 ) , New Street , Aldemey , at 7 . JERSEY . —Logo La Oesaree ( No . 860 ) . —On Thursday , April 28 th , the usual monthly meeting was held under the presidency of the Venerable , Bro . Le Cras , to whom sincere congratulations must be offered on the success attendant on his exertions during his year of office , which terminated on this occasion . Tho year has been a memorable one for several reasons ; firstthe efficiency with which the
, mystic rites have been carried out by the W . M . and all the officers , in the selection of whom great judgment must have been displayed ; secondly , in the great number of additions to the Craft through the instrumentality of this Lodge , the initiations having amounted to sixteen , besides three joining members ; and , lastly , by the social position and character of those who have thus been admitted to the privileges of the Order , of which it may be confidently predicted that some of them will prove ornaments . This is a point of much importancewhich cannot be too strongl
, y impressed on existing Lodges in the selection of their candidates . After opening the Lodge , reading the minutes , passing the accounts , and other ordinary routine business , the ceremony of conferring the second degree on a brother and afterwards four initiations followed , in which the W . M . was assisted by Bro . Du Jardin , P . M . The address to the new members was given by the Orator , Bro . Ratier , with
ms usual eloquence , and was extempore , but not the less strictly conformable to Masonic rule , with the additional advantage ( of which he does not scruple extensively to avail himself ) , of being able to enforce the ordinary explanations and injunctions , by allusions suited to the individual occasion , and arising out of particular and passing occurrences . In this instance he confined himself within narrow limits , merely pointing out the objects of study especially recommended to candidates on their initiations , and not taking up any one of the many questions to which tho oriin and history of Freemasonry ive riseInquiry being made if
g g . any brother had aught to propose , the name of one profane was offered for initiation at the meeting in May , after the ordinary scrutiny . The next proceedings of the Lodge will not fail to attract especial notice . The following resolutions were unanimously passed-1 . That it is highly desirable that Lodges should not be held in taverns , hotels , or private houses . 2 . That the present position and the Masonic tendencies of Lodge LaCesar 6 e authorize its members in determining that measures should be forthwith taken for the erection of a temple specially
consecrated to Freemasonry . 3 . That a committee be appointed , whose duty it shall be to select a spot of ground in a convenient situation , to ascertain the sum required for the erection of the building , and to devise means for raising this amount . -1 . That the committee be authorized to consult an architect , go as to be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
lines . The ancient church of Stone , erected above 600 years back , was dedicated to St . John the Baptist , and as the two saints of that name were , by our traditions , said to have been the Grand Masters of the Order , he should be glad to find that Ellesborough church , which was of the same age , was dedicated to the Evangelist [ Ellesborough church is dedicated to St . Peter and St . Paul ] . Bro . Reade then asked permission to propose a toast , which , as they might anticipate , was that oi Bro . Howwho had so efficientldischarged the duties of Master that dayIn Bro .
, y . How they had a most valuable member ; on many occasions , almost from the birth of the Lodge he had rendered thern great aid , and the active part he had taken in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the province , proved he had rendered great service to Masonry in general aud to the Buckingham Lodge in particular . Tho W . M . pro tern ., in returning thanks for the kind terms in which , his services bad been mentioned , assured the brethren that his attendances as a visitor had afforded him uniform leasurethat gratification was increased since he had been a member
p , , as his position enabled him to take a more active part in the proceedings . Bro . How , afterwards , in proposing " The W . M . elect , " referred to the attention Bro . Wharton had given to the duties of his office as Warden , and from the experience ihey had of the regularity of his attendance and . his efficiency , they might anticipate hej would give equal satisfaction with his predecessor , whose absence on this occasion was unavoidable .
CHANNEL ISLANDS . ArroiiraiiExi . —iorfje . —Tuesday , May 10 th , St . Anne ' s ( 683 ) , New Street , Aldemey , at 7 . JERSEY . —Logo La Oesaree ( No . 860 ) . —On Thursday , April 28 th , the usual monthly meeting was held under the presidency of the Venerable , Bro . Le Cras , to whom sincere congratulations must be offered on the success attendant on his exertions during his year of office , which terminated on this occasion . Tho year has been a memorable one for several reasons ; firstthe efficiency with which the
, mystic rites have been carried out by the W . M . and all the officers , in the selection of whom great judgment must have been displayed ; secondly , in the great number of additions to the Craft through the instrumentality of this Lodge , the initiations having amounted to sixteen , besides three joining members ; and , lastly , by the social position and character of those who have thus been admitted to the privileges of the Order , of which it may be confidently predicted that some of them will prove ornaments . This is a point of much importancewhich cannot be too strongl
, y impressed on existing Lodges in the selection of their candidates . After opening the Lodge , reading the minutes , passing the accounts , and other ordinary routine business , the ceremony of conferring the second degree on a brother and afterwards four initiations followed , in which the W . M . was assisted by Bro . Du Jardin , P . M . The address to the new members was given by the Orator , Bro . Ratier , with
ms usual eloquence , and was extempore , but not the less strictly conformable to Masonic rule , with the additional advantage ( of which he does not scruple extensively to avail himself ) , of being able to enforce the ordinary explanations and injunctions , by allusions suited to the individual occasion , and arising out of particular and passing occurrences . In this instance he confined himself within narrow limits , merely pointing out the objects of study especially recommended to candidates on their initiations , and not taking up any one of the many questions to which tho oriin and history of Freemasonry ive riseInquiry being made if
g g . any brother had aught to propose , the name of one profane was offered for initiation at the meeting in May , after the ordinary scrutiny . The next proceedings of the Lodge will not fail to attract especial notice . The following resolutions were unanimously passed-1 . That it is highly desirable that Lodges should not be held in taverns , hotels , or private houses . 2 . That the present position and the Masonic tendencies of Lodge LaCesar 6 e authorize its members in determining that measures should be forthwith taken for the erection of a temple specially
consecrated to Freemasonry . 3 . That a committee be appointed , whose duty it shall be to select a spot of ground in a convenient situation , to ascertain the sum required for the erection of the building , and to devise means for raising this amount . -1 . That the committee be authorized to consult an architect , go as to be