Article Literature. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1
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of mind , it is possible his name will be absent ; or , if present , be introduced in characters so small and insignificant , that you marvel the merit whicli drew you so far from your path can be so poorly represented . On the other hand , the graves easiest to trace are those of successful traders . Enter any churchyard or cemetery
you may , these favourites of fortune will be found sleeping beneath the weight of the largest tombs , and the eulogy of the longest inscriptions . Yet , after all , these elaborate monuments can win merely the passing glance of curiosity , while the simple stone , when bearing a notable name , attracts the pilgrim from afar . So the spirit of justice hovers above the churchyard , ancl the spirit of
freedom keeps her company . Here is no shrinking from the empty purse or the unfashionable form ; freed from the trammels of pride , mind mingles with mind in a communion purely spiritual , dispensing with the formality of an introduction , or even the presentation of a card . " The demand tor American Books in Italy is becoming of some
commercial importance . The house of Daille & Co ., of Milan , has effected an arrangement with Mr . Charles B . Xortaii , of Xew Yoik , for the supply of American books ancl periodicals . A specimen copy of every journal in the United States has been ordered by the house referred to . On of the Few Ripe Scholars that Franco can boast of—M . Eichoff , Inspector of the "University—has published a new work ,
heing a comparison between the Indian epic , the " Ramayana" of Vahneeki , with the epic poetry of the ancients , illustrated bymeans of a French translation and imitations in Latin verse . This valuable addition to classic literature ancl philology entitles its author to take rank by the side of Bopp ancl Max Mullei- among the savants of the day .
In the Budget of Holland for next year , -1000 florins are put down for the encouragement of learning and science . Among other undertakings to be patronised are a general dictionary of the Dutch language , and a work containing a description of all the insects in the country , ancl the best means of destroying them . The first elaborate history as yet written of the Russian army ,
from the pen of Captain von Stein , a Prussian officer , resident for some time past in Russia , is on the eve of publication . The subject is treated on a large scale , aud the . work will comprise many volumes , with plates , illustrations , & e . As the author writes in German , the book will be at once available for professional men in England . An excellent history of the Cossacks , by an anonymous writer , has just
been issued afc Lei ] isic . Some curious statistics have been lately published in Germany respecting Homoeopathy . According to these it appears that there are 3 / 254 homceopathic doctors , of whom 1 , 612 are Americans . In France there are 403 , in England 24-4 , in Spain 94 , in Belgium 20 , in Holland 7 , in Switzerland 34 , in Italy 141 , iu Russia 67 , and in Portugal -17 .
[ Tira EDITOU does not hold himself responsible for any opinion entertained ly Correspondents , " ! THE PROVINCES AST ) THE CHAEITIES . IO IHE EDITOK OP IIIE FHEEHASOX-S MAGAZIXE AND JIAS 0 X 1 C MIMlOB . SIE AXD BROTHEE , —Ifc has long been a great cause of regret that our charities do nofc receive better support from
ihe provinces , ancl my attention has been again especially drawn to this lamentable fact by the list of subscriptions and donations to the Boys' School for the year 18-59 . which has just come into my hands . I must own I ivas startled at the total absence of some counties , and the great deficiency of man } - others , ancl the enquiry naturally suggests itself as to the cause of this want of support-. Does ifc arise from
the hikewarmness of Prov . Grancl Masters and their deputies , exercising an influence over Worshipful Masters of lodges and the brethren generally ? Or does it arise from a lack of information , or an indifference to that "distinguished characteristic" which is so forcibly paraded , if not
impressed , on an initiate ? I fear that to one or other of these causes must be attributed the meagre list of provincial assistance now before me , for surely it cannot be from a general wish of lodges to hoard up money , and I would fain hope it is not from a too ^ liberai and too frequent use of the knife and fork , though a novice might suppose that these
were the working tools , and "The Banquet" the "Bough Ashlar . " From whatever course it may proceed , it is worth the enquiry of every Freemason as to how it can be remedied , and my object in this letter is to call attention to the fact , leaving it in the breast of every brother , who feels he has not acted his part , to at once make up for shortcomings . I turn from the list of subscriptions and donations , to the
list of candidates for the last election , and I find that out of thirteen candidates , nine were from the provinces , as were also five out of the seven elected . Let us see how fche case stands wifch these , and what claims the towns ancl counties from which they are sent , have on the funds of the Boys' School . At the head of the pollby a large majority , stands the
, candidates from Stockton-on-Tees in the North Biding of Yorkshire , of which the Earl of Zetland is Prov . Grand Master . This town is not named in last year ' s list of subscriptions , bufc the province figures for ten guineas . The second successful provincial candidate is from Bedford , but in vain we search the subscription list for the town or the count } ' —arc there no Masons there ? The third successful
Prov . candidate is from Hull , the only subscriptions being from lodge ISTo . 65 , of two guineas ; this also is in the Grand Master ' s province , as well as the first . The fourth is from "Walsall , the Lodge No . 786 , subscribes one guinea . The Province of Staffordshire , twenty guineas . The fifth successful candidate is from Cleckheaton ; the lodge there ( "So . 1052 ) , gives five guineas , the Province of West
Yorkshire , 319 guineas , verily ifc may be said , the last shall be first , and the first last . Of unsuccessful candidates from the provinces , taken in rotation of numbers polled , the first is from Ehmtingdon ; neither town nor county in the subscription list . The second is from Devon , the county subscribes ten guineas . The third is from Monmouthshire , which subscribes two guineas . The fourth is from Northampton , which subscribes eleven
guineas . I have given the above figures from the subscription list to show how little , ivith one or two honourable exceptions , is subscribed by those provinces who sent candidates to the Boy ' s School at the last election . The subscriptions from many ofcher counties are equally small , but as they sent no candidates , I forbear naming them , but I trust one and all ivill
see the necessity of putting their shoulders to the wheel , so that not only this charity , bufc the others , may ere long be enabled to admit all applications vntliout election . One thing strikes me very forcibly on examining the list of successful candidates at the last election , and which I shall be glad if some brother , well up in working elections , would explainI mean fche difficulty which fche West Yorkshire
, candidate appears to have had , and the ease with which two other candidates seem to havo ridden in on the back of the GrandMasfcer * Imust own that I am puzzled with this , seeing the disproportions ofthe subscriptions in the two provinces There must be something in a name after all , even for charity . Is there such a thing as helping that province , to curry favour in Grand Lodge ? However be , this as it may , my
object will be gained , should this- letter stir up the provinces to increased labour , so that all may be admitted ; the London brethren do their cluty , let us do likewise . I am Sir and Brother , truly ancl fraternally yours , P . Pnov . G . W . P . S . —I gather from the balance sheet before me , that the new buildings for the Boy ' s School are completed ; will some
brother , through your columns , kindly inform those at a distance of their accommodation and usefulness . Information respecting the various charities mig ht ; be frequently given in this wa }' , without ; our having to wait for annual reports , which sometimes are long in reaching us . —P . Pltov . G . W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of mind , it is possible his name will be absent ; or , if present , be introduced in characters so small and insignificant , that you marvel the merit whicli drew you so far from your path can be so poorly represented . On the other hand , the graves easiest to trace are those of successful traders . Enter any churchyard or cemetery
you may , these favourites of fortune will be found sleeping beneath the weight of the largest tombs , and the eulogy of the longest inscriptions . Yet , after all , these elaborate monuments can win merely the passing glance of curiosity , while the simple stone , when bearing a notable name , attracts the pilgrim from afar . So the spirit of justice hovers above the churchyard , ancl the spirit of
freedom keeps her company . Here is no shrinking from the empty purse or the unfashionable form ; freed from the trammels of pride , mind mingles with mind in a communion purely spiritual , dispensing with the formality of an introduction , or even the presentation of a card . " The demand tor American Books in Italy is becoming of some
commercial importance . The house of Daille & Co ., of Milan , has effected an arrangement with Mr . Charles B . Xortaii , of Xew Yoik , for the supply of American books ancl periodicals . A specimen copy of every journal in the United States has been ordered by the house referred to . On of the Few Ripe Scholars that Franco can boast of—M . Eichoff , Inspector of the "University—has published a new work ,
heing a comparison between the Indian epic , the " Ramayana" of Vahneeki , with the epic poetry of the ancients , illustrated bymeans of a French translation and imitations in Latin verse . This valuable addition to classic literature ancl philology entitles its author to take rank by the side of Bopp ancl Max Mullei- among the savants of the day .
In the Budget of Holland for next year , -1000 florins are put down for the encouragement of learning and science . Among other undertakings to be patronised are a general dictionary of the Dutch language , and a work containing a description of all the insects in the country , ancl the best means of destroying them . The first elaborate history as yet written of the Russian army ,
from the pen of Captain von Stein , a Prussian officer , resident for some time past in Russia , is on the eve of publication . The subject is treated on a large scale , aud the . work will comprise many volumes , with plates , illustrations , & e . As the author writes in German , the book will be at once available for professional men in England . An excellent history of the Cossacks , by an anonymous writer , has just
been issued afc Lei ] isic . Some curious statistics have been lately published in Germany respecting Homoeopathy . According to these it appears that there are 3 / 254 homceopathic doctors , of whom 1 , 612 are Americans . In France there are 403 , in England 24-4 , in Spain 94 , in Belgium 20 , in Holland 7 , in Switzerland 34 , in Italy 141 , iu Russia 67 , and in Portugal -17 .
[ Tira EDITOU does not hold himself responsible for any opinion entertained ly Correspondents , " ! THE PROVINCES AST ) THE CHAEITIES . IO IHE EDITOK OP IIIE FHEEHASOX-S MAGAZIXE AND JIAS 0 X 1 C MIMlOB . SIE AXD BROTHEE , —Ifc has long been a great cause of regret that our charities do nofc receive better support from
ihe provinces , ancl my attention has been again especially drawn to this lamentable fact by the list of subscriptions and donations to the Boys' School for the year 18-59 . which has just come into my hands . I must own I ivas startled at the total absence of some counties , and the great deficiency of man } - others , ancl the enquiry naturally suggests itself as to the cause of this want of support-. Does ifc arise from
the hikewarmness of Prov . Grancl Masters and their deputies , exercising an influence over Worshipful Masters of lodges and the brethren generally ? Or does it arise from a lack of information , or an indifference to that "distinguished characteristic" which is so forcibly paraded , if not
impressed , on an initiate ? I fear that to one or other of these causes must be attributed the meagre list of provincial assistance now before me , for surely it cannot be from a general wish of lodges to hoard up money , and I would fain hope it is not from a too ^ liberai and too frequent use of the knife and fork , though a novice might suppose that these
were the working tools , and "The Banquet" the "Bough Ashlar . " From whatever course it may proceed , it is worth the enquiry of every Freemason as to how it can be remedied , and my object in this letter is to call attention to the fact , leaving it in the breast of every brother , who feels he has not acted his part , to at once make up for shortcomings . I turn from the list of subscriptions and donations , to the
list of candidates for the last election , and I find that out of thirteen candidates , nine were from the provinces , as were also five out of the seven elected . Let us see how fche case stands wifch these , and what claims the towns ancl counties from which they are sent , have on the funds of the Boys' School . At the head of the pollby a large majority , stands the
, candidates from Stockton-on-Tees in the North Biding of Yorkshire , of which the Earl of Zetland is Prov . Grand Master . This town is not named in last year ' s list of subscriptions , bufc the province figures for ten guineas . The second successful provincial candidate is from Bedford , but in vain we search the subscription list for the town or the count } ' —arc there no Masons there ? The third successful
Prov . candidate is from Hull , the only subscriptions being from lodge ISTo . 65 , of two guineas ; this also is in the Grand Master ' s province , as well as the first . The fourth is from "Walsall , the Lodge No . 786 , subscribes one guinea . The Province of Staffordshire , twenty guineas . The fifth successful candidate is from Cleckheaton ; the lodge there ( "So . 1052 ) , gives five guineas , the Province of West
Yorkshire , 319 guineas , verily ifc may be said , the last shall be first , and the first last . Of unsuccessful candidates from the provinces , taken in rotation of numbers polled , the first is from Ehmtingdon ; neither town nor county in the subscription list . The second is from Devon , the county subscribes ten guineas . The third is from Monmouthshire , which subscribes two guineas . The fourth is from Northampton , which subscribes eleven
guineas . I have given the above figures from the subscription list to show how little , ivith one or two honourable exceptions , is subscribed by those provinces who sent candidates to the Boy ' s School at the last election . The subscriptions from many ofcher counties are equally small , but as they sent no candidates , I forbear naming them , but I trust one and all ivill
see the necessity of putting their shoulders to the wheel , so that not only this charity , bufc the others , may ere long be enabled to admit all applications vntliout election . One thing strikes me very forcibly on examining the list of successful candidates at the last election , and which I shall be glad if some brother , well up in working elections , would explainI mean fche difficulty which fche West Yorkshire
, candidate appears to have had , and the ease with which two other candidates seem to havo ridden in on the back of the GrandMasfcer * Imust own that I am puzzled with this , seeing the disproportions ofthe subscriptions in the two provinces There must be something in a name after all , even for charity . Is there such a thing as helping that province , to curry favour in Grand Lodge ? However be , this as it may , my
object will be gained , should this- letter stir up the provinces to increased labour , so that all may be admitted ; the London brethren do their cluty , let us do likewise . I am Sir and Brother , truly ancl fraternally yours , P . Pnov . G . W . P . S . —I gather from the balance sheet before me , that the new buildings for the Boy ' s School are completed ; will some
brother , through your columns , kindly inform those at a distance of their accommodation and usefulness . Information respecting the various charities mig ht ; be frequently given in this wa }' , without ; our having to wait for annual reports , which sometimes are long in reaching us . —P . Pltov . G . W .