Article WILTSHIRE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article WILTSHIRE. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 3 →
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familiar faces . He had the privilege of opening the first Prov . G . Lodge in that province when Lord Methuen ' s health was so precarious , that he went to his bedside to ask his wishes on the subject . He was gratified beyond measure at seeing his friend comparatively well , and the change was wonderful , considering how ill he had been . He ivas also glad to see their excellent D . Prov . G . M . come hack from the Yankees , and in returning thanks for his own health , as time was short , he should propose the health of Bro . Gooch ,
who in every sphere was a most worthy ancl estimable brother . He , Sir AVatkin , saw him in connection with the Great AA estern Railway , where he was an able manager , he knew him in AAliles as a capital collier , and in the Province of AVilts he was heartily respected . ( Hear , hear . ) He felt sure that AVilis was a highly Savoured province , for none could be better off in having two such brethren at ihe head as Lord Methuen and Bro . Gooch , ancl he called upon them to drink a bumper toast to their excellent D . Prov .
G . M . After drinking the toast Lord Methuen and Sir AAlitkins AVilliams AVynne left , both being heartily cheered in their passage through the room . The D . PROV . GAL , Bvo . Goocn , then assumed the chair and said , he had to thank them for the very flattering reception they had given to fche toast of his name . He was very well pleased to see such a full attendance of the brethren of the province , ancl as they had gone somewhat out of order , owing to the health of their
Prov . G . M . and his desire to leave early , he should return into the proper track by uraposing " The health , of the Earl of Zetland , " the M . AV . G . M . ofthe Order . This was followed by " ' The Healths cf the D . G . AL , Lord Panmure , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " Bro . Goocn , D . Prov . G . AL , said his next toast was " Prosperity to the Masonic Charities . " They had amongst them Bro . Crew , than wham no Mason was move zealous in the cause , ancl none more
respected . Bro . Crew was there as by right of his being a AViltshire Mason , and he had appealed to the feelings of his brethren of the province , and explained the objects of the charity whicli had induced their worthy brother , Colonel Goddard , to add his name to
the list of stewards for the next festival of the Girls' School , and he hoped they would send up by their steward a noble subscription . He did not ask for large amounts bufc suggested a guinea fooni every Mason in the province , and the sum would then be a handsome one . If they once visited the Girls' School there was no doubt of there being any further need to exhort them to contribute fco so good an object . It was his pleasing duty to ask them to drink "Prosperity to the Masonic Charities ancl
Bro . Crew . " Bro . CREW rose , and said : He had ridden his hobby very hard that day , and as the R . AV . the Prov . G . M . had told him before that he not only rode it well hut kept his seat firmly , lie was not yet prepared to dismount , and therefore must ask them to bear ivith him whilst he took his last canter on that occasion . ( Laughter . ) The charities had no better friend than their D . Prov . G . il . who was ever readto lend his aid in furtherance
, y of so good an object . He ( Bro . Crew ) was only about to take a very short ride , and ivould only detain them a few minutes . Freemasonry now occupied a very different position , in numbers , to what it did some years ago . In the course of one year at Hertford lie himself made no less than seventy brethren , including the Marquis of Salisbury , and the effect of numbers . had been conspicuous in the prosperity of tlie institution with which he was connected . In the first year of his secretaryship the festival
produced the sum of £ 750 , whicli was a large amount at that time , lint now , when Masons were made by thousands , where ifc used to be by hundreds , the increase was proportionate in the support they gave to their charities , the last festival receipts being no less than £ 3 , 100 . ( Cheers . ) It was the guineas that did it , and he hoped each one would subscribe his guinea , for as their funds increased so did their necessities , and there was as much reason to be urged noivwith a larger revenue and larger participation in itthat all
, , who could ought to support the charities , as well , if not better than they did when their funds were less and the recipients fewer . For the honour they had done him in drinking his health he begged them to accept his graceful thanks . The I ) . Pnov . G . M . had had the pleasure of initiating Bro . Chandler , the AVAL of the lodge in which their proceedings had been opened that day . He was an ornament to the Craft , for he did
his work well , and it was important that it should be done well , particularl y on such occasions , and it gave him , Bro . Gooch , much satisfaction in proposing the health of Bro . Chandler and success to bis lodge . BRO . CHANDLER , was not prepared for such an unexpected compliment , still he was open to admit that the chair of his lodge had been a matter of Masonic ambition to hhn , and it had been his good fortune to have achieved his desire and to be well supported in it . He thanked the D . Prov . GAL and the brethren for their kindness in proposing his health , and beguedto pronose the health of Colonel
Goddard , with thanks to him , on behalf of the Masons of the province for his accepting the Stewardship at the next festival of the Girls' School , and hoped they would rally mind him in strong numbers and show their appreciation of his willingness by sending up with him a general ancl hearty subscription list . BRO . COLONEL GODDARD , who was received with great applause , had to thank them for their kindness . He had'accepted tlie office because he thought AA ilts should be as forward in the good work as
other provinces , and he knew there was no lack of funds amongst them . He must , of course , depend on their co-operative aid , and he did so with a full assurance of hopefulness that they would come forward and support him and the prestige of their province . The D . PROV . G . M . had kept the best toast till towards the last , and he would not say one word more about it , or the individual it concerned them to propose the Prov . G . Treas , of ihe Prcvjr . ee of AVilts , Bro . Shepherd .
Bno . SHEPHERD , who was hailed with tremendous applause , said : if ever he bad the feelings of a man , it must be that they would show themselves on an occasion like that . He had teen a member of a lodge for forty-three years , and Treasurer for twenty-seven years . His accounts were true and faithful , and he should bo much more pleased if the £ 60 or £ 70 , ivhich was due from various lodges and brethren , could be got in . He was glad they had a charity fund , which was steadily , and satisfactorily progressing , and he had hoped that they would have found some younger member to havo taken his office ( No , no ); but- since they had honoured him by another re-investment , lie supposed he must trv again for one woro year ..
The hale ancl venerable brother resumed his seat amidst enthusiastic cheers . The D . PROY . GAL said they could not separate without ; drinking the healths of the Prov . Grand Officers , who had been appointed that day . Bro . AV . F . Goocn , Prov . S . G . AV ., returned thanks in a very neat speech on behalf of his brother officers and himself , and said ifc should be their endeavour to carry out the duties they were each ,
called upon td perform . After which fche D . Prov . G . M . ( eft tho chair , and the brethren separated . DEVIZES . —Wiltshire Lodge of Fidelity ( No . SGI . )—This lodge met at the Town Hall on Tuesday , October 23 rd , for the purpose of holding the Annual Festival , and installing Bro . F . G . AVhite as AVorshipful Master . Among the brethren present ; , were Bros . H . Weaver , AVAL ; F . G . White , S . AV . ; AV . Bigirs , P . M ., 2 . 17 , 963 , and Prov . G-. Reg . for AVilts ; S . AVitfcev , P . M . ; " j . Burt , PAL ; H . C . '
Levander , PAL ; AV . Smith , AVAL , 61 ; J . Hollway , 4-20 ; AV . A .. Grimes , J . D ., 915 , & c . The ceremony of installation was most ably performed hy Bro . Biggs with his usual accuracy . Indeed so well versed is our worthy brother in all that pertains to the working of Freemasonry , whether in its ritual or in practice , that it is always considered by the Devizes brethren a great treat , when the distance at ivhich Bro . Biggs lives from them , and Ins engagements elsewhere , will allow him to come among them , and give them the benefit of his advice ancl assistance . The excellent stylo in ivhich . he worked the ceremony on the present occasion , afterwards elicited a well-merited vote of thanks from the brethren . lira . F . G .
AVhite , being duly installed in the chair , invested Bro . Weaver with the P . M . 's collar , and also appointed and invested the following officers : —Bros . H . Calf , S . AV . and Treas . ; E . Ii . Guv , J , AV . H . C Levander , Sec ; D . A . Gibbs , S . D . ; J . Guy , J . D . ; . / . " Knight , Tyler . After some business connected with the affairs of tlie lodge had been transacted , and two brethren proposed as joining members , the loclge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , which held at the Elm Treein large formerly used
was , a room , as a lodge-room by the old Devizes Lodge of A irfcue , ( No . 31-J . ) The dinner was served up in good style , and gave general satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with full honours , and the brethren separated at au early hour , after having had a most agreeable meeting .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME QRAND CHAPTER . Thefoilowing is the report of tlie Committee of General Purposes , to be presented to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England on AVednesday next : — The Committee of General Purposes beg to Report that they have examined fche Accounts from the ISth July , to the 10 th Oct ., I 860 , whicli they find to be as follows : —
Balance , ISth July , 1860 , £ 329 17 2 Subsequent Receipts 161 6 6 491 3 3 Disbursements , including the purchase of £ 200 3 per Cent . Consols 270 17 8 Leaving a Balance of £ 21 b 0 0
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
familiar faces . He had the privilege of opening the first Prov . G . Lodge in that province when Lord Methuen ' s health was so precarious , that he went to his bedside to ask his wishes on the subject . He was gratified beyond measure at seeing his friend comparatively well , and the change was wonderful , considering how ill he had been . He ivas also glad to see their excellent D . Prov . G . M . come hack from the Yankees , and in returning thanks for his own health , as time was short , he should propose the health of Bro . Gooch ,
who in every sphere was a most worthy ancl estimable brother . He , Sir AVatkin , saw him in connection with the Great AA estern Railway , where he was an able manager , he knew him in AAliles as a capital collier , and in the Province of AVilts he was heartily respected . ( Hear , hear . ) He felt sure that AVilis was a highly Savoured province , for none could be better off in having two such brethren at ihe head as Lord Methuen and Bro . Gooch , ancl he called upon them to drink a bumper toast to their excellent D . Prov .
G . M . After drinking the toast Lord Methuen and Sir AAlitkins AVilliams AVynne left , both being heartily cheered in their passage through the room . The D . PROV . GAL , Bvo . Goocn , then assumed the chair and said , he had to thank them for the very flattering reception they had given to fche toast of his name . He was very well pleased to see such a full attendance of the brethren of the province , ancl as they had gone somewhat out of order , owing to the health of their
Prov . G . M . and his desire to leave early , he should return into the proper track by uraposing " The health , of the Earl of Zetland , " the M . AV . G . M . ofthe Order . This was followed by " ' The Healths cf the D . G . AL , Lord Panmure , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " Bro . Goocn , D . Prov . G . AL , said his next toast was " Prosperity to the Masonic Charities . " They had amongst them Bro . Crew , than wham no Mason was move zealous in the cause , ancl none more
respected . Bro . Crew was there as by right of his being a AViltshire Mason , and he had appealed to the feelings of his brethren of the province , and explained the objects of the charity whicli had induced their worthy brother , Colonel Goddard , to add his name to
the list of stewards for the next festival of the Girls' School , and he hoped they would send up by their steward a noble subscription . He did not ask for large amounts bufc suggested a guinea fooni every Mason in the province , and the sum would then be a handsome one . If they once visited the Girls' School there was no doubt of there being any further need to exhort them to contribute fco so good an object . It was his pleasing duty to ask them to drink "Prosperity to the Masonic Charities ancl
Bro . Crew . " Bro . CREW rose , and said : He had ridden his hobby very hard that day , and as the R . AV . the Prov . G . M . had told him before that he not only rode it well hut kept his seat firmly , lie was not yet prepared to dismount , and therefore must ask them to bear ivith him whilst he took his last canter on that occasion . ( Laughter . ) The charities had no better friend than their D . Prov . G . il . who was ever readto lend his aid in furtherance
, y of so good an object . He ( Bro . Crew ) was only about to take a very short ride , and ivould only detain them a few minutes . Freemasonry now occupied a very different position , in numbers , to what it did some years ago . In the course of one year at Hertford lie himself made no less than seventy brethren , including the Marquis of Salisbury , and the effect of numbers . had been conspicuous in the prosperity of tlie institution with which he was connected . In the first year of his secretaryship the festival
produced the sum of £ 750 , whicli was a large amount at that time , lint now , when Masons were made by thousands , where ifc used to be by hundreds , the increase was proportionate in the support they gave to their charities , the last festival receipts being no less than £ 3 , 100 . ( Cheers . ) It was the guineas that did it , and he hoped each one would subscribe his guinea , for as their funds increased so did their necessities , and there was as much reason to be urged noivwith a larger revenue and larger participation in itthat all
, , who could ought to support the charities , as well , if not better than they did when their funds were less and the recipients fewer . For the honour they had done him in drinking his health he begged them to accept his graceful thanks . The I ) . Pnov . G . M . had had the pleasure of initiating Bro . Chandler , the AVAL of the lodge in which their proceedings had been opened that day . He was an ornament to the Craft , for he did
his work well , and it was important that it should be done well , particularl y on such occasions , and it gave him , Bro . Gooch , much satisfaction in proposing the health of Bro . Chandler and success to bis lodge . BRO . CHANDLER , was not prepared for such an unexpected compliment , still he was open to admit that the chair of his lodge had been a matter of Masonic ambition to hhn , and it had been his good fortune to have achieved his desire and to be well supported in it . He thanked the D . Prov . GAL and the brethren for their kindness in proposing his health , and beguedto pronose the health of Colonel
Goddard , with thanks to him , on behalf of the Masons of the province for his accepting the Stewardship at the next festival of the Girls' School , and hoped they would rally mind him in strong numbers and show their appreciation of his willingness by sending up with him a general ancl hearty subscription list . BRO . COLONEL GODDARD , who was received with great applause , had to thank them for their kindness . He had'accepted tlie office because he thought AA ilts should be as forward in the good work as
other provinces , and he knew there was no lack of funds amongst them . He must , of course , depend on their co-operative aid , and he did so with a full assurance of hopefulness that they would come forward and support him and the prestige of their province . The D . PROV . G . M . had kept the best toast till towards the last , and he would not say one word more about it , or the individual it concerned them to propose the Prov . G . Treas , of ihe Prcvjr . ee of AVilts , Bro . Shepherd .
Bno . SHEPHERD , who was hailed with tremendous applause , said : if ever he bad the feelings of a man , it must be that they would show themselves on an occasion like that . He had teen a member of a lodge for forty-three years , and Treasurer for twenty-seven years . His accounts were true and faithful , and he should bo much more pleased if the £ 60 or £ 70 , ivhich was due from various lodges and brethren , could be got in . He was glad they had a charity fund , which was steadily , and satisfactorily progressing , and he had hoped that they would have found some younger member to havo taken his office ( No , no ); but- since they had honoured him by another re-investment , lie supposed he must trv again for one woro year ..
The hale ancl venerable brother resumed his seat amidst enthusiastic cheers . The D . PROY . GAL said they could not separate without ; drinking the healths of the Prov . Grand Officers , who had been appointed that day . Bro . AV . F . Goocn , Prov . S . G . AV ., returned thanks in a very neat speech on behalf of his brother officers and himself , and said ifc should be their endeavour to carry out the duties they were each ,
called upon td perform . After which fche D . Prov . G . M . ( eft tho chair , and the brethren separated . DEVIZES . —Wiltshire Lodge of Fidelity ( No . SGI . )—This lodge met at the Town Hall on Tuesday , October 23 rd , for the purpose of holding the Annual Festival , and installing Bro . F . G . AVhite as AVorshipful Master . Among the brethren present ; , were Bros . H . Weaver , AVAL ; F . G . White , S . AV . ; AV . Bigirs , P . M ., 2 . 17 , 963 , and Prov . G-. Reg . for AVilts ; S . AVitfcev , P . M . ; " j . Burt , PAL ; H . C . '
Levander , PAL ; AV . Smith , AVAL , 61 ; J . Hollway , 4-20 ; AV . A .. Grimes , J . D ., 915 , & c . The ceremony of installation was most ably performed hy Bro . Biggs with his usual accuracy . Indeed so well versed is our worthy brother in all that pertains to the working of Freemasonry , whether in its ritual or in practice , that it is always considered by the Devizes brethren a great treat , when the distance at ivhich Bro . Biggs lives from them , and Ins engagements elsewhere , will allow him to come among them , and give them the benefit of his advice ancl assistance . The excellent stylo in ivhich . he worked the ceremony on the present occasion , afterwards elicited a well-merited vote of thanks from the brethren . lira . F . G .
AVhite , being duly installed in the chair , invested Bro . Weaver with the P . M . 's collar , and also appointed and invested the following officers : —Bros . H . Calf , S . AV . and Treas . ; E . Ii . Guv , J , AV . H . C Levander , Sec ; D . A . Gibbs , S . D . ; J . Guy , J . D . ; . / . " Knight , Tyler . After some business connected with the affairs of tlie lodge had been transacted , and two brethren proposed as joining members , the loclge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , which held at the Elm Treein large formerly used
was , a room , as a lodge-room by the old Devizes Lodge of A irfcue , ( No . 31-J . ) The dinner was served up in good style , and gave general satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with full honours , and the brethren separated at au early hour , after having had a most agreeable meeting .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME QRAND CHAPTER . Thefoilowing is the report of tlie Committee of General Purposes , to be presented to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England on AVednesday next : — The Committee of General Purposes beg to Report that they have examined fche Accounts from the ISth July , to the 10 th Oct ., I 860 , whicli they find to be as follows : —
Balance , ISth July , 1860 , £ 329 17 2 Subsequent Receipts 161 6 6 491 3 3 Disbursements , including the purchase of £ 200 3 per Cent . Consols 270 17 8 Leaving a Balance of £ 21 b 0 0