Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article COLONIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Liirdship-lauo , and which would entail a very considerable increase in the expenditure of that establishment . By this donation thc AV . M . pro / cm . of the Lodge becomes a governor during tho existence of the Lodge .
PROVINCIAL . CHANNEL ISLANDS . JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . S 60 ) . —The usual monthly meeting nf tliis Lodge ivas held on Thursday , August 25 th , under the . presidency of Bro . Sehmitt , P . M ., in the absence ofthe WM .., AVIIO was detained by urgent domestic circunistancesbut nevertheless arrived in time to close
, the Lodge and to preside at the banquet . There ivas a large attendance of members , and among the visitors ivere the lit . AA orsliipful Prov . Grand Master , Bro . . 1 . J . Hammond ; Bro . Percival , S . AV ., of the Scientific Lodge , Cambridge , No . 105 ; Bro . Luxton , AViseonsiu Lodge ( America ) , No . 13 ; Bro . Hopkins , Past Prov . S . G . AV ., for AVarwielcshire ; Hro . Burbling , of the Royal Clarence Lodge , Brighton , No . 338 ; Bro . Charles Johnson , S . D ., of the ltoyal Sussex Lodge , No . 722 ; anel other brethrenmembers
, oE tho local Loelges . The Lodge having been opened in the first degree , the circular convening the meeting was read , from ivhich it appeared that the work of the evening Avould be heavy , consisting of two initiations and six raisings , but of these only two actually took place . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A printed communication was announced from Graucl Lodge , in reference to irregular Lod in Turkeywhich ordered to be received
ges , was and entered on thc minutes . Letters AA-ere read from the Yarborough Lodge , No . 302 , and from thc Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 722 , in reply to applications made by the Secretary of La Cesaree , on behalf of the proposed Masonic Temple . In the former it was stated that Bro . Baker had been appointed a delegate to act with the members of La Cesaree ou the building committee , and that discussion on the question of
pecuniary aid towards the accomplishment of the object was deferred until tlie views and plans of its promoters should bo more matured and better understood . The Royal Sussex Lodge mentioned the appointment of Bro . James Johnson , P . H ., to represent the members on the building committee , and expressed best wishes for the successful completion of so desirable cm undertaking , without however giving any promise of pecuniary assistance . The Lodge was then openeel in the second degree , and tho usual questions having been to Leih and Neelthe
put Bros . g , Lodge was opened in the third degree . ' On their roadmission they were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., with the accustomed ceremonies , ivhich were impressivel y performed by Bro . Sehmitt . Ifc was announced , that since the last meeting a highly esteemed member , Bro . Picofc , had 1 'CIMI removed from his earthly Lodge , and that as a mark of deserved respect , his funeral rites had been attended by a very largo number of thc Brethren , though without Masonic honours and observances . It ordered that the Lod
v . v . s ge should wear the emblems of mourning for the space of three months . Bro . Sehmitt proposed as a joining member hro . AA ilham Smith , who , though initiated into Masonry in England , Lid recently taken the third degree iu La Cesaree . Tho Lodge was sicii closed with the usual solemn ceremonies , and the brethren , having r- iituiecl their fraternal vows , retired to an adjoining room at about halipirsfc nine , for refreshment and an hour ' s social intercourse . It may be Mlclcd , that the ground for the proposed Temple has been purchased , dint the plans arc "early finished , and that tbe architect hopes in the course of a few days to place them in the hands of the brethren
authored by the Lodge to decide respecting them—H , H . CUMBERLAND . CARL-SEE . —Union , Lodge ( No . 389 ) . —This Lodge hold a meeting at - Uo ° S s Hoad > August 30 th . Ifc being the regular monthly meet" % the Lodge was opened by Ero . F . AV . Haywood , S . AV ., assisted by ¦ io last Masters of the Lod ge . The visitors present were , Bro . Bracl-HUIV No 793 LroShenn 424
, . ; . , No . ; Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., No . 267 , » . 'U ., No . 06 , who officiated as Deacon . Bros . AVilson and Armstrong ! « ' ! g present , and desirous to take the third degree , were examined , and ' ¦' Let-wards raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., which was very efficiently y'ue by the S . AV ., assisted by Bro . Bradshaw as S . AV ., Bro . Ritson as •¦ •»> . there was a full attendance of the brethren of the Lodge , aucl ; -uor the business was ended the visitors and members adjourned to oshnioutsand
^ u' , spent a very happy evening . This Lodge is showing ¦ si-ns of great improvement , and a stimulus is given to its members by . / " ' IU rov G . M . conferring the purple upon Bro . Haywood , to the satis" -ion of thc Lodge . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given - "J responded to , and the brethren separated at eleven o ' clock .
DURHAM . Jlf ' * " ^' * ^ ° f Industry ( No . 56 ) . —The regular monthly \ -,.- ? ¥ £ V , Lodge was held at thc Grey Horse Inn , on Monday . S f ; Present : the AV . M . Bro . 0 . J , Banister iu the chair ) i ! l % , * H * H' ^ , P . AI , Prov . S . G . AV ., Northumberland : n . riony Clapham , P . Prov . G ., Registrar ; arrd the officers of thc Lodge , ' i 1 and second
iva-ov , " , " g resc - 't' wishing to take thc degree , ho r , T'T )\? mlr ^ - Bel * ' ' ' ° f Lodge No . 793 , was also passed , afc ' « q est of the AV . M . of that Lodge , by Bro . Anthony Clapham , P . M ., Uon ir-o f VT ?»™ manner . Bros ? Einmerson , AVm . Green , AVm . wn .. ou , aud Barker , wishing to take the third degree , were severally
The Masonic Mirror.
examined and raised to that sublime degree by the AV . M ., ivho distinguished himself in explaining the tracing board , working tools , and giving each the charge with his usual earnestness . Mr . John Jackson Bruin-AVCII Avas proposed and seconded as a candidate for Freemasonry ; aud , the business of the Lodge concluded , it was closeel in due form and with solemn prayer at ten p . m ., and the brethren separated . LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) .
LIVERPOOL . —Merchants' Lodge of Instruction ( No . 294 ) . —Ou Tuesday , tho 30 th August , this Lodge helel its regular meeting at the Masonic Temple , No . 20 , Hope-street , Liverpool , when the whole of the seven sections of the first lecture were ably worked , - the questions being put by Bro . Younghusband , AV . M ., No . 29-1 . NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE . —Lodge of Ins / ruction , under the AVarrant of No . 2-L—A
meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Blaekett-street , Neivcastle-on-Tyne , on Tuesday , August 23 rd , 1859 , Bro . Anthony Clapham , P . M . as AA . M . There were also present , Bros . II . Hotham , P . M . ; S . Bell , P . M . ; Bros . Lambton as S . AV . ; Harding as J . AV . ; A . Gillespie , Treas . ; Banning , Sec . ; and a very full attendance of the brethren . Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., was appointed Lecture Master , aucl proceeded to deliver a beautiful lecture on the tracing board in the first degree , which was acknowledged by the brethren , who wished a vote of thanks
to be recorded on the minutes . To this the Lecture Master objected : he said that being one of the founders of the Lodge , it was no more than his duty to do all in his power for its welfare . The Lodge was opened in tho several degrees , and the officers instructed in their several duties . This Lodge is working well , and numbers all the working Masons of Newcastle and Gateshead ; and from the zeal of its young members , and tho kindness ofthe Past Masters of the district , it is bringing about a correct uniformity . Four brethren-were proposed as joining members , and the
Lodge was closeel at ten o ' clock . AVORCESTERSHr . RE . KIDDERMINSTER . —Lodge of Hope and Charily ( No . 52 D ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Monday , August 29 , when Bro . the Rev . M . S . A . AValrohd , of Kidderminster , and the Apollo University Lodge , No . 460 , Oxford , was unanimously elected a joining member and Chaplain to the Lodge . Bro . J . Cope ivas raised to the sublime degree of Mark Master . The visitors were Bros . B . Brooks , P . M ., No . 824 ; Stourbridge-, Prov . Cf . Dir . of Cers . ; aud IT . T . AVooclivard , of Kidderminster , hailing from No . 843 , Sydney , New South AVales .
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL . NEAVCASTLE . —Lodge of Alark Masters ( L . C . )—A mooting of this Lodge was held on AA ednesday , August 24 th , at Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne . In the absence of thc R . AV . M ., the chair AA-as taken by the S . AV ., Bro . Septimus Bell , assisted by the rest of the officers . Bro . Penman having been balloted for some time previously and wishing to receive this degree ivas admitted in duo form , attended by the Deacons , Bros . A . Gillespie anel C . I . Banister . The acting AV . M .
was very impressive in tho performance of thc ceremony . After tho remaining business was completed , a candidate was proposed , seconded , and recorded , and the Lodgo was closeel at nine o ' clock . Tho brethren adjourned to refreshment and spent a very happy hour .
ANTIGUA , SAINT JOHN ' LODOE ( NO . 723 ) , —At the meeting hold on AVednesday evening , the 13 th July , 1859 , at the Lodge Room in tho city of Saint John ' s , Antigua , Bro . Chas . Alexander , AV . M ., presiding , it was moved by Bro . Joseph Shervington , P . M ., seconded by Bro . John Sherrington , P . M ., and resolved unanimously , " That this Lodge tenders its sincere congratulations to Bro . tho Right AVorshipful Daniel Hart , upon his appointmentby the Grand Master of Englandto the distinguished
, , office of Provincial Grand Master in the Island of Trinidad , Grenada , and Saint Vincent—a post which his abilities as a talented anel worthy member of the brotherhood so well merits—anel the duties of which every Craftsman here feels convinced ivill bo so abl y performed as to secure the unqualified approbation of the head ofthe Order , by whom bo has been appointed . " It was also resolved , " That a copy or these resolutions be respectfully enclosed to our brother , the Right AVorshipful
Provincial Grand Master , whose period of . service in his exalted position the members of the Saint John ' s Lodge feel the assurance ivill be marked with the satisfaction ofthe brethren of those Lodges within his jurisdiction ; aud that the AVorshipful Master bo requested to carry out the foregoing . " ST . VINCENT . ROYAL A ' tCTOiUA LOME ( NO . 755 . )—The brethren of the Masonic Craft have , during the last few clays , been actively engaged in the prosecution of their duties ; owing to the arrival iu the Maud of the Right iYo « s ]»>
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Liirdship-lauo , and which would entail a very considerable increase in the expenditure of that establishment . By this donation thc AV . M . pro / cm . of the Lodge becomes a governor during tho existence of the Lodge .
PROVINCIAL . CHANNEL ISLANDS . JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . S 60 ) . —The usual monthly meeting nf tliis Lodge ivas held on Thursday , August 25 th , under the . presidency of Bro . Sehmitt , P . M ., in the absence ofthe WM .., AVIIO was detained by urgent domestic circunistancesbut nevertheless arrived in time to close
, the Lodge and to preside at the banquet . There ivas a large attendance of members , and among the visitors ivere the lit . AA orsliipful Prov . Grand Master , Bro . . 1 . J . Hammond ; Bro . Percival , S . AV ., of the Scientific Lodge , Cambridge , No . 105 ; Bro . Luxton , AViseonsiu Lodge ( America ) , No . 13 ; Bro . Hopkins , Past Prov . S . G . AV ., for AVarwielcshire ; Hro . Burbling , of the Royal Clarence Lodge , Brighton , No . 338 ; Bro . Charles Johnson , S . D ., of the ltoyal Sussex Lodge , No . 722 ; anel other brethrenmembers
, oE tho local Loelges . The Lodge having been opened in the first degree , the circular convening the meeting was read , from ivhich it appeared that the work of the evening Avould be heavy , consisting of two initiations and six raisings , but of these only two actually took place . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A printed communication was announced from Graucl Lodge , in reference to irregular Lod in Turkeywhich ordered to be received
ges , was and entered on thc minutes . Letters AA-ere read from the Yarborough Lodge , No . 302 , and from thc Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 722 , in reply to applications made by the Secretary of La Cesaree , on behalf of the proposed Masonic Temple . In the former it was stated that Bro . Baker had been appointed a delegate to act with the members of La Cesaree ou the building committee , and that discussion on the question of
pecuniary aid towards the accomplishment of the object was deferred until tlie views and plans of its promoters should bo more matured and better understood . The Royal Sussex Lodge mentioned the appointment of Bro . James Johnson , P . H ., to represent the members on the building committee , and expressed best wishes for the successful completion of so desirable cm undertaking , without however giving any promise of pecuniary assistance . The Lodge was then openeel in the second degree , and tho usual questions having been to Leih and Neelthe
put Bros . g , Lodge was opened in the third degree . ' On their roadmission they were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., with the accustomed ceremonies , ivhich were impressivel y performed by Bro . Sehmitt . Ifc was announced , that since the last meeting a highly esteemed member , Bro . Picofc , had 1 'CIMI removed from his earthly Lodge , and that as a mark of deserved respect , his funeral rites had been attended by a very largo number of thc Brethren , though without Masonic honours and observances . It ordered that the Lod
v . v . s ge should wear the emblems of mourning for the space of three months . Bro . Sehmitt proposed as a joining member hro . AA ilham Smith , who , though initiated into Masonry in England , Lid recently taken the third degree iu La Cesaree . Tho Lodge was sicii closed with the usual solemn ceremonies , and the brethren , having r- iituiecl their fraternal vows , retired to an adjoining room at about halipirsfc nine , for refreshment and an hour ' s social intercourse . It may be Mlclcd , that the ground for the proposed Temple has been purchased , dint the plans arc "early finished , and that tbe architect hopes in the course of a few days to place them in the hands of the brethren
authored by the Lodge to decide respecting them—H , H . CUMBERLAND . CARL-SEE . —Union , Lodge ( No . 389 ) . —This Lodge hold a meeting at - Uo ° S s Hoad > August 30 th . Ifc being the regular monthly meet" % the Lodge was opened by Ero . F . AV . Haywood , S . AV ., assisted by ¦ io last Masters of the Lod ge . The visitors present were , Bro . Bracl-HUIV No 793 LroShenn 424
, . ; . , No . ; Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., No . 267 , » . 'U ., No . 06 , who officiated as Deacon . Bros . AVilson and Armstrong ! « ' ! g present , and desirous to take the third degree , were examined , and ' ¦' Let-wards raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., which was very efficiently y'ue by the S . AV ., assisted by Bro . Bradshaw as S . AV ., Bro . Ritson as •¦ •»> . there was a full attendance of the brethren of the Lodge , aucl ; -uor the business was ended the visitors and members adjourned to oshnioutsand
^ u' , spent a very happy evening . This Lodge is showing ¦ si-ns of great improvement , and a stimulus is given to its members by . / " ' IU rov G . M . conferring the purple upon Bro . Haywood , to the satis" -ion of thc Lodge . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given - "J responded to , and the brethren separated at eleven o ' clock .
DURHAM . Jlf ' * " ^' * ^ ° f Industry ( No . 56 ) . —The regular monthly \ -,.- ? ¥ £ V , Lodge was held at thc Grey Horse Inn , on Monday . S f ; Present : the AV . M . Bro . 0 . J , Banister iu the chair ) i ! l % , * H * H' ^ , P . AI , Prov . S . G . AV ., Northumberland : n . riony Clapham , P . Prov . G ., Registrar ; arrd the officers of thc Lodge , ' i 1 and second
iva-ov , " , " g resc - 't' wishing to take thc degree , ho r , T'T )\? mlr ^ - Bel * ' ' ' ° f Lodge No . 793 , was also passed , afc ' « q est of the AV . M . of that Lodge , by Bro . Anthony Clapham , P . M ., Uon ir-o f VT ?»™ manner . Bros ? Einmerson , AVm . Green , AVm . wn .. ou , aud Barker , wishing to take the third degree , were severally
The Masonic Mirror.
examined and raised to that sublime degree by the AV . M ., ivho distinguished himself in explaining the tracing board , working tools , and giving each the charge with his usual earnestness . Mr . John Jackson Bruin-AVCII Avas proposed and seconded as a candidate for Freemasonry ; aud , the business of the Lodge concluded , it was closeel in due form and with solemn prayer at ten p . m ., and the brethren separated . LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) .
LIVERPOOL . —Merchants' Lodge of Instruction ( No . 294 ) . —Ou Tuesday , tho 30 th August , this Lodge helel its regular meeting at the Masonic Temple , No . 20 , Hope-street , Liverpool , when the whole of the seven sections of the first lecture were ably worked , - the questions being put by Bro . Younghusband , AV . M ., No . 29-1 . NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE . —Lodge of Ins / ruction , under the AVarrant of No . 2-L—A
meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Blaekett-street , Neivcastle-on-Tyne , on Tuesday , August 23 rd , 1859 , Bro . Anthony Clapham , P . M . as AA . M . There were also present , Bros . II . Hotham , P . M . ; S . Bell , P . M . ; Bros . Lambton as S . AV . ; Harding as J . AV . ; A . Gillespie , Treas . ; Banning , Sec . ; and a very full attendance of the brethren . Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., was appointed Lecture Master , aucl proceeded to deliver a beautiful lecture on the tracing board in the first degree , which was acknowledged by the brethren , who wished a vote of thanks
to be recorded on the minutes . To this the Lecture Master objected : he said that being one of the founders of the Lodge , it was no more than his duty to do all in his power for its welfare . The Lodge was opened in tho several degrees , and the officers instructed in their several duties . This Lodge is working well , and numbers all the working Masons of Newcastle and Gateshead ; and from the zeal of its young members , and tho kindness ofthe Past Masters of the district , it is bringing about a correct uniformity . Four brethren-were proposed as joining members , and the
Lodge was closeel at ten o ' clock . AVORCESTERSHr . RE . KIDDERMINSTER . —Lodge of Hope and Charily ( No . 52 D ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Monday , August 29 , when Bro . the Rev . M . S . A . AValrohd , of Kidderminster , and the Apollo University Lodge , No . 460 , Oxford , was unanimously elected a joining member and Chaplain to the Lodge . Bro . J . Cope ivas raised to the sublime degree of Mark Master . The visitors were Bros . B . Brooks , P . M ., No . 824 ; Stourbridge-, Prov . Cf . Dir . of Cers . ; aud IT . T . AVooclivard , of Kidderminster , hailing from No . 843 , Sydney , New South AVales .
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL . NEAVCASTLE . —Lodge of Alark Masters ( L . C . )—A mooting of this Lodge was held on AA ednesday , August 24 th , at Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne . In the absence of thc R . AV . M ., the chair AA-as taken by the S . AV ., Bro . Septimus Bell , assisted by the rest of the officers . Bro . Penman having been balloted for some time previously and wishing to receive this degree ivas admitted in duo form , attended by the Deacons , Bros . A . Gillespie anel C . I . Banister . The acting AV . M .
was very impressive in tho performance of thc ceremony . After tho remaining business was completed , a candidate was proposed , seconded , and recorded , and the Lodgo was closeel at nine o ' clock . Tho brethren adjourned to refreshment and spent a very happy hour .
ANTIGUA , SAINT JOHN ' LODOE ( NO . 723 ) , —At the meeting hold on AVednesday evening , the 13 th July , 1859 , at the Lodge Room in tho city of Saint John ' s , Antigua , Bro . Chas . Alexander , AV . M ., presiding , it was moved by Bro . Joseph Shervington , P . M ., seconded by Bro . John Sherrington , P . M ., and resolved unanimously , " That this Lodge tenders its sincere congratulations to Bro . tho Right AVorshipful Daniel Hart , upon his appointmentby the Grand Master of Englandto the distinguished
, , office of Provincial Grand Master in the Island of Trinidad , Grenada , and Saint Vincent—a post which his abilities as a talented anel worthy member of the brotherhood so well merits—anel the duties of which every Craftsman here feels convinced ivill bo so abl y performed as to secure the unqualified approbation of the head ofthe Order , by whom bo has been appointed . " It was also resolved , " That a copy or these resolutions be respectfully enclosed to our brother , the Right AVorshipful
Provincial Grand Master , whose period of . service in his exalted position the members of the Saint John ' s Lodge feel the assurance ivill be marked with the satisfaction ofthe brethren of those Lodges within his jurisdiction ; aud that the AVorshipful Master bo requested to carry out the foregoing . " ST . VINCENT . ROYAL A ' tCTOiUA LOME ( NO . 755 . )—The brethren of the Masonic Craft have , during the last few clays , been actively engaged in the prosecution of their duties ; owing to the arrival iu the Maud of the Right iYo « s ]»>