Article THE MARK MASTER'S JEWEL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article APPOINTMENT OF GRAND OFFICERS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Mark Master's Jewel.
many shields of Templars , with horns of Foresters , and a large engraving , handsomely framed , respecting the Order of Foresters , hung in the centre place of the wall opposite the fire place . Minute books of tiA'o Craft Lodges and Mark Master ' s Lodge mixed , open for the inspection of any who might walk up thc stairs and enter the silent Lodge room—with Avorking tools and
tracing board displayed ? Where is the schoolmaster ? Do send him to those naughty hoys , and tell him to transfer the horns and tableaux to some other and more fitting jilace than amongst Holy Templars and Knights of the Rose Croix—and do tell us where is the line of demarcation . Yours most truly , 29 ( 74 August , 1 S 59 . R . E . X .
Appointment Of Grand Officers.
I'O THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' JIAOAiIIJ * J 3 AUD MASONIC AIIRROU . DEAR Sin AND BROTHER , —Grand Lodge has lately created a new Grand Office , viz ., that of Assistant Grand Pursuivant , to ivhich I presume the M . AV . Grand Master will appoint at our ensuing Grand Lodge . It is thus acknowledged that in Grancl Lodge alone resides the poiver of creating new Grand Offices . For the last few years , however , the Grand Master has annually
appointed an Assistant Grand Secretary and g iven him rank before the Grand . Organist , and I am informed that Grand Lodge never having created that office , the appointment , consequently , is illegal . It appears for tlie first ' time in the edition of the Book of Constitutions published in 1855 , and as the former edition was published only tivo years previous , it is evidently during that period that the M . AV . Grand Master made the first appointment
, ami yet during that period the office was certainly not created by Grancl Lodge . Such being the case , if the oflice is necessary ivould it not be better for the Board of General Purposes at once to recommend Grand Lodge to legalize it ? Ere I close this letter I will allude to another subject that requires attention . In your account of the Masonic services of the Grand Officers for this 3-011 state that the SGAVLord
year , ... de Tabley is about to take the Junior AVardcn ' s chair of thc Lodge of Unit y , No . 103 , Crewe . Now is it not a pity that after a slumber of more than a quarter of a century , his newly awakened Masonic zeal should have been stopped by the head ol' our Order , for the Book of Constitutions states that the Grand AVardens cannot act as AVardens of a private Lodge . NOAV , pray inform the Craft of the utility of that law when they are allowed to fill the
far more important office of AV . M . AVould it not be fin * better to substitute for it the law relating to Provincial Grand AVardens , ivhich is as follows : — "No brother can be appointed a Provincial Grand Warden unless he be the Master or Past Master of a Lodge , & c The two laivs are certainly at variance , and one of them ought to be repealed—which of thc two might , I think , be left to the common sense of Grand Lodge . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , P . M .
The Masonic Mirror.
— - * MASONIC MEMS . Tin , Mount Sinai Chapter o £ Instruction will hold their first convocation for the season at the Keel Horse Tavern , Old Bond Street , on Saturday , September 3 rd , at eight o ' clock , and will continue to meet every Saturday during the winter season .
THE Albion Lodge of Instruction ( No . 9 ) will resume its labours for thc winter season on Saturday , September 3 rd , at seven o ' clock ; at Bro . John Gurtori ' s , Reel Horse Tavern , Old Bond Street . GEAND LODGE . The following is- the detailed programme of the business to bs
transacted on AVednesday , September 7 th , 1 S 59 : — The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 1 st of Juno , ¦ ind of an especial Grancl Lodge held 011 the 23 rd of June , will be read , ind respectively put for confirmation . The report of the Board of . Benevolence for the last quarter , in which ire recommendations for grants to Bro . Noah Wavdlc , of Lodge No . 421 , Marple , for . t'Oo Bro . AVilliam D , Laws , of Lodge No , 90 , Suiulerlaml , for ... - £ 30
The Masonic Mirror.
REPORT . ' OF THE BOARD OJ ? GENERAL PURPOSES . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that on the 15 th of March last , on the complaint of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Sussex , they caused a summons to be issued to Bro . Thomas Howard , of the Mariners' Lodge , No . 878 , at Littlehampton , to attend and produce the warrant and books of the said Lodge ; that , failing to attend on the 19 th Aprilhe was peremptorily summoned to attend at
, the nest meeting of the Board ; that on the 17 th May he again failed to attend , but forwarded a communication , praying for further delay , ivhich was granted ; that since then he has neither attended nor taken any notice of the communications of thc Board , and the Board have , therefore , felt ifc their duty to suspend him from all Masonic functions , and now report the same to the Grand Lodge . The Board also report that it has been brought under their notice by
the M . AV . Grand Master that the members of certain Provincial Lodges are in the habit of wearing embroidered on their aprons other emblems than those sanctioned by the Book of Constitutions . The Board have directed a communication to be made to the Provincial Graucl Master of the province , directing his attention to tho circumstances , and requesting him to take the necessary steps for thc discontinuance of a practice which is in violation of the law ( p . 118 ) . The Board further report that thoy have received au application from Messrs . Elkington & Co ., the lessees of tho tavern , requesting the grant of a sum of money , to he expended iu repairs of the great hall ; that they have caused inquiry to be made under the authority of the Grancl
Superintendent of AVorks , who reports that the repairs necessary may bo completed for a sum not exceeding £ 175 , anel that competent persons are ready to undertake the work . The Board , therefore , recommend that the sanction of Grand Lodge be given for such outlay . The Board also report that they have caused the organs iu the great hall and temple to be carefully examined , aucl an estimate made of the expense of putting them into au efficient state . The Board have reason to believe that the cost ivill not exceed the sum of . £ 70 and they ,
, therefore , recommend that they be authorized to expend that amount . Complaints having been made to the Board of the inconvenience to which provincial brethren may be put by the late period at which tho Quarterly Communication papers are issued , they have made arrangements by which , for the future , such papers will be printed aucl circulated as speedily as possible after each Grand Lodge . The Board have much pleasure in recommending that the following
Loelges , ivhich have made the necessary returns , bo removed from the list of those which are summoned to show cause at the next meeting of : Grand Lodge why they should not be erased , viz .: Howard Lodge of Brotherly Love , No . 04 , Arundel . Derbyshire Lodge , No . 113 , Lougnor , Staffordshire . Sfc . David's Lodge , No . 17-1 , Milford . Combermero Lodge , No . SSO , Liscard , Cheshire . Peveril of the Peak Lodge , No . 910 , New Mills , near Glossop . Then idhowa the cash account . ( Signed ) Joins * l-liviius , President . . Freemasons' . Hall , London , August 22 , 1859 .
METROPOLITAN . HIGH CROSS LODGE ( No , 1056 ) . —The second annual festival of this Lodge took place at the Hallway Hotel , Northumberland Park , Tottenham , on Friday , the 26 th ulfc ., at three p . m ., for the purpose of installing the AA ' orshiful Master elect . The Lod was dulopened in tlie
p ge y iii-st , second , and third degrees for passing aucl raising two brethren . After ivhich Bro . J . G . AA illson was duly installed A \ . M . Bro . Dominy AA'as elected Treasurer , and tho new AV . M . appointed as his officers for thc ensuing year , Bros . T . AV . Dominy , S . AV . ; J . AA right , J . AA * . ; S . D . Potts , Sec . ; K AVilden , S . D . ; AV . P . Smith , J . D . ; Sells , I . G . Bro . Bradley was elected Tyler . Bro . S . D . Potts , P . M ., duly invested the ofiicers with their respective collarsand delivered a very impressive charge to
, each on his duties to the Great Architect of the universe , the brethren , and to this Lodge in particular . The Lodge was then closed in due form and solemn prayer . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the pavilion in the pleasure garden to dinner . Alter ivhich they proceeded to the Lodge , where an excellent dessert aivaited them . This Lodge , being so delightfully situated at an easy distance from the City of London , affords an agreeable trip to tho brethren of the various Lodges ,
ivho honour it with their presence as visitors . Tho dinner gave tingreatest satisfaction . Tho evening was spent in that spirit of brotherly love Avhich ought ever to animate Freemasons . INSTRUCTION . ItoYAL JUBILEE LODGE ( NO . So ) . —At the weekly meeting of this
Lodge , on Sunday last , Bro . Ireland , AV . M ., worked the third ceremony and lectures of the degree much to the edification of a numerous meeting . It was proposed by Bro . Haydon , and seconded by Bro . Head , that thc sum of ten guineas from the funds be voted to tho Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys , which was carried unanimously ; in proposing this vote , Bro . Haydon made some observations on the increased necessity of affording support to this charity , in consequence of the governors having resolved on i'llmitting thc whole of the boys into the establishment in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Mark Master's Jewel.
many shields of Templars , with horns of Foresters , and a large engraving , handsomely framed , respecting the Order of Foresters , hung in the centre place of the wall opposite the fire place . Minute books of tiA'o Craft Lodges and Mark Master ' s Lodge mixed , open for the inspection of any who might walk up thc stairs and enter the silent Lodge room—with Avorking tools and
tracing board displayed ? Where is the schoolmaster ? Do send him to those naughty hoys , and tell him to transfer the horns and tableaux to some other and more fitting jilace than amongst Holy Templars and Knights of the Rose Croix—and do tell us where is the line of demarcation . Yours most truly , 29 ( 74 August , 1 S 59 . R . E . X .
Appointment Of Grand Officers.
I'O THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' JIAOAiIIJ * J 3 AUD MASONIC AIIRROU . DEAR Sin AND BROTHER , —Grand Lodge has lately created a new Grand Office , viz ., that of Assistant Grand Pursuivant , to ivhich I presume the M . AV . Grand Master will appoint at our ensuing Grand Lodge . It is thus acknowledged that in Grancl Lodge alone resides the poiver of creating new Grand Offices . For the last few years , however , the Grand Master has annually
appointed an Assistant Grand Secretary and g iven him rank before the Grand . Organist , and I am informed that Grand Lodge never having created that office , the appointment , consequently , is illegal . It appears for tlie first ' time in the edition of the Book of Constitutions published in 1855 , and as the former edition was published only tivo years previous , it is evidently during that period that the M . AV . Grand Master made the first appointment
, ami yet during that period the office was certainly not created by Grancl Lodge . Such being the case , if the oflice is necessary ivould it not be better for the Board of General Purposes at once to recommend Grand Lodge to legalize it ? Ere I close this letter I will allude to another subject that requires attention . In your account of the Masonic services of the Grand Officers for this 3-011 state that the SGAVLord
year , ... de Tabley is about to take the Junior AVardcn ' s chair of thc Lodge of Unit y , No . 103 , Crewe . Now is it not a pity that after a slumber of more than a quarter of a century , his newly awakened Masonic zeal should have been stopped by the head ol' our Order , for the Book of Constitutions states that the Grand AVardens cannot act as AVardens of a private Lodge . NOAV , pray inform the Craft of the utility of that law when they are allowed to fill the
far more important office of AV . M . AVould it not be fin * better to substitute for it the law relating to Provincial Grand AVardens , ivhich is as follows : — "No brother can be appointed a Provincial Grand Warden unless he be the Master or Past Master of a Lodge , & c The two laivs are certainly at variance , and one of them ought to be repealed—which of thc two might , I think , be left to the common sense of Grand Lodge . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , P . M .
The Masonic Mirror.
— - * MASONIC MEMS . Tin , Mount Sinai Chapter o £ Instruction will hold their first convocation for the season at the Keel Horse Tavern , Old Bond Street , on Saturday , September 3 rd , at eight o ' clock , and will continue to meet every Saturday during the winter season .
THE Albion Lodge of Instruction ( No . 9 ) will resume its labours for thc winter season on Saturday , September 3 rd , at seven o ' clock ; at Bro . John Gurtori ' s , Reel Horse Tavern , Old Bond Street . GEAND LODGE . The following is- the detailed programme of the business to bs
transacted on AVednesday , September 7 th , 1 S 59 : — The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 1 st of Juno , ¦ ind of an especial Grancl Lodge held 011 the 23 rd of June , will be read , ind respectively put for confirmation . The report of the Board of . Benevolence for the last quarter , in which ire recommendations for grants to Bro . Noah Wavdlc , of Lodge No . 421 , Marple , for . t'Oo Bro . AVilliam D , Laws , of Lodge No , 90 , Suiulerlaml , for ... - £ 30
The Masonic Mirror.
REPORT . ' OF THE BOARD OJ ? GENERAL PURPOSES . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that on the 15 th of March last , on the complaint of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Sussex , they caused a summons to be issued to Bro . Thomas Howard , of the Mariners' Lodge , No . 878 , at Littlehampton , to attend and produce the warrant and books of the said Lodge ; that , failing to attend on the 19 th Aprilhe was peremptorily summoned to attend at
, the nest meeting of the Board ; that on the 17 th May he again failed to attend , but forwarded a communication , praying for further delay , ivhich was granted ; that since then he has neither attended nor taken any notice of the communications of thc Board , and the Board have , therefore , felt ifc their duty to suspend him from all Masonic functions , and now report the same to the Grand Lodge . The Board also report that it has been brought under their notice by
the M . AV . Grand Master that the members of certain Provincial Lodges are in the habit of wearing embroidered on their aprons other emblems than those sanctioned by the Book of Constitutions . The Board have directed a communication to be made to the Provincial Graucl Master of the province , directing his attention to tho circumstances , and requesting him to take the necessary steps for thc discontinuance of a practice which is in violation of the law ( p . 118 ) . The Board further report that thoy have received au application from Messrs . Elkington & Co ., the lessees of tho tavern , requesting the grant of a sum of money , to he expended iu repairs of the great hall ; that they have caused inquiry to be made under the authority of the Grancl
Superintendent of AVorks , who reports that the repairs necessary may bo completed for a sum not exceeding £ 175 , anel that competent persons are ready to undertake the work . The Board , therefore , recommend that the sanction of Grand Lodge be given for such outlay . The Board also report that they have caused the organs iu the great hall and temple to be carefully examined , aucl an estimate made of the expense of putting them into au efficient state . The Board have reason to believe that the cost ivill not exceed the sum of . £ 70 and they ,
, therefore , recommend that they be authorized to expend that amount . Complaints having been made to the Board of the inconvenience to which provincial brethren may be put by the late period at which tho Quarterly Communication papers are issued , they have made arrangements by which , for the future , such papers will be printed aucl circulated as speedily as possible after each Grand Lodge . The Board have much pleasure in recommending that the following
Loelges , ivhich have made the necessary returns , bo removed from the list of those which are summoned to show cause at the next meeting of : Grand Lodge why they should not be erased , viz .: Howard Lodge of Brotherly Love , No . 04 , Arundel . Derbyshire Lodge , No . 113 , Lougnor , Staffordshire . Sfc . David's Lodge , No . 17-1 , Milford . Combermero Lodge , No . SSO , Liscard , Cheshire . Peveril of the Peak Lodge , No . 910 , New Mills , near Glossop . Then idhowa the cash account . ( Signed ) Joins * l-liviius , President . . Freemasons' . Hall , London , August 22 , 1859 .
METROPOLITAN . HIGH CROSS LODGE ( No , 1056 ) . —The second annual festival of this Lodge took place at the Hallway Hotel , Northumberland Park , Tottenham , on Friday , the 26 th ulfc ., at three p . m ., for the purpose of installing the AA ' orshiful Master elect . The Lod was dulopened in tlie
p ge y iii-st , second , and third degrees for passing aucl raising two brethren . After ivhich Bro . J . G . AA illson was duly installed A \ . M . Bro . Dominy AA'as elected Treasurer , and tho new AV . M . appointed as his officers for thc ensuing year , Bros . T . AV . Dominy , S . AV . ; J . AA right , J . AA * . ; S . D . Potts , Sec . ; K AVilden , S . D . ; AV . P . Smith , J . D . ; Sells , I . G . Bro . Bradley was elected Tyler . Bro . S . D . Potts , P . M ., duly invested the ofiicers with their respective collarsand delivered a very impressive charge to
, each on his duties to the Great Architect of the universe , the brethren , and to this Lodge in particular . The Lodge was then closed in due form and solemn prayer . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the pavilion in the pleasure garden to dinner . Alter ivhich they proceeded to the Lodge , where an excellent dessert aivaited them . This Lodge , being so delightfully situated at an easy distance from the City of London , affords an agreeable trip to tho brethren of the various Lodges ,
ivho honour it with their presence as visitors . Tho dinner gave tingreatest satisfaction . Tho evening was spent in that spirit of brotherly love Avhich ought ever to animate Freemasons . INSTRUCTION . ItoYAL JUBILEE LODGE ( NO . So ) . —At the weekly meeting of this
Lodge , on Sunday last , Bro . Ireland , AV . M ., worked the third ceremony and lectures of the degree much to the edification of a numerous meeting . It was proposed by Bro . Haydon , and seconded by Bro . Head , that thc sum of ten guineas from the funds be voted to tho Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys , which was carried unanimously ; in proposing this vote , Bro . Haydon made some observations on the increased necessity of affording support to this charity , in consequence of the governors having resolved on i'llmitting thc whole of the boys into the establishment in