Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1 Article LIST OF LODGE MEETINGS &c., FOR WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER 8TH, 1871. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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Poetry .
THE WORLD'S OPINION . AVe walk in anxious , thoughtful moods ; Our hearts we fully set them , To gain great share of this world ' s goods , No matter how we get them . But , ah ! what fairy boats go down
In dark Oblivion's stream , AA'hile racing for that leafless crown , The outer word ' s esteem , AVe strive with eager feet and hands ; Sad hearts and faces gay ; From youth to age n-e head Life's pangs AV ith what will people say ?"
Most of us live a double life : The one is outside show ; The other springs from hope of things None but ourselves must know . Our time is so entirely claitn'd By worldly thought alone , It almost makes one feel ashamed A softer heart to own . Alas ! they miss earth ' s purest bliss ,
Far , far from light they stray , AVho always vtakes their watchword this : "But what will people say ?" Kind acts , to bless those in dish-ess . Are oft in secret done ; But how much oftener when we know
Mankind is looking on ! Better a kind word , enter'd in The great Recorder's book , Than careless thousands spent to win The AVorld ' s approving look ; And he who does a noble deed , And hides it from the day , Be sure will gain a worthier meed
Than " AVhat will people say ?" There is a higher One to please , AA ho sends no cloud in vain ; He will despise no sacrifice AA'ho bore all human pain ; And so , if we could only act
To our owu conscience true , Keeping God ' s law of Love intact In all we say and do—AA ' e should not need so mean a chart To guide us on our way . To lay its shackles on the heart , As , "AVhat will people say ?" . —JS ' ew York Dispatch .
MacNiven and Cameron ' s pens , the Owl , oA \ averly , Pickwick , and Pluoton , have been approved by the editors of 1000 newspapers—no mean recommendation—for who can better appreciate a pen specially adapted for rapid writing .
List Of Lodge Meetings &C., For Week Ending September 8th, 1871.
METEOPOLITAN LODGES AND CJHAFTEES . Monday , September 4 th . LODG-ES . —St . Luke ' s , Masons' Arms , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall Street ; Asaph , Freemasons' Hall . Tuesday , September 5 th . Colonial BoardFreemasons' Hallat 3 .
, , LODGES . —St . John ' s , Holly BushTavcrUj Hampstead ; Grosvenor , Alctoria Station , Metropolitan District Railway Station , Pimlico ; Duke of Edinburgh , New Globe Tavern , Bow Road ; Golden Rule , Great AA estern Hotel , Bayswater ; Royal Standard , Marquess Tavern . Cnnonbury . CrrAn-Eit .- -Temperance , AA hite Swan Tavern , Deptford . Wednesday , September 6 th .
Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , Freemnsons' Hall , at G for 7 p . m . Thursday , September 7 th . LODGES . —Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; A ictoria Rifles Freemasons' Hall ; Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lowisham Road Perfect Ashlar , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey Road . Saturda . y , September 8 th . LODGES . —Caveac ; Granite , Freemasons' Hall .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
A 'number of Lodges and Chapters of Instruction do not meet during the summer months , ive shall , therefore discontinue the publication of our usual list until the re-commencement of the season . We shall , hoicever , give the announcements of those Lodges and Chapters of Instruction which continue to meet during the summer on receiving authoritative intimation thereof .
The following Lodges of Instruction , we are informed by the Secretaries , meet all the year round .- — ROXAI . UNION LODGE ( NO . 382 ) , Horse and Groom , AA'insley Street , Oxford Street , at S . Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . PANJIUKE LODGE ( No . 720 ) , Balham Hotel , Balham , Fridays at 8 . Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . A \ ESTBOiTENE LODGE ( No . 733 ) Horse and GroomTViasley
, , Street , Oxford Street , Fridays at 8 . Bro . Ash , Preceptor . STRONG MAN , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , Monday , at 8 . Bro . Terry , Preceptor . ST . JAMES ' , ( NO . 705 ) , Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica Road , Bermondsey , Fridays at S . TEMPERANCE , ( No . 169 ) , Victoria Tavern , Alctoria Road , Deptford , Fridays at 8 .
STAB , ( No . 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross Road Deptford , Saturdays at 7 . Br / EDETT COUTTS LODGE OE INSTKUCTION , Approach Tavern Victoria Park , Fridays . SINCERITY LODGE ( No . 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Railway Station , Fenchurch Street , Monday at 7 . AA ' e have been requested to announce that Radley ' s Hotel being closed , no meetings of Lodges or Chapters can he held there for the present .
To Correspondents.
* £ * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , AA ' . C . AVE shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Masonic meetings , which shall be duly inserted . Coummmcations should ho forwarded so as to reach us as early in the week as convenient—not later than AA ' cdnesday if possible . AA e have to request our correspondents to be particular in writing names distinctly .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Poetry .
THE WORLD'S OPINION . AVe walk in anxious , thoughtful moods ; Our hearts we fully set them , To gain great share of this world ' s goods , No matter how we get them . But , ah ! what fairy boats go down
In dark Oblivion's stream , AA'hile racing for that leafless crown , The outer word ' s esteem , AVe strive with eager feet and hands ; Sad hearts and faces gay ; From youth to age n-e head Life's pangs AV ith what will people say ?"
Most of us live a double life : The one is outside show ; The other springs from hope of things None but ourselves must know . Our time is so entirely claitn'd By worldly thought alone , It almost makes one feel ashamed A softer heart to own . Alas ! they miss earth ' s purest bliss ,
Far , far from light they stray , AVho always vtakes their watchword this : "But what will people say ?" Kind acts , to bless those in dish-ess . Are oft in secret done ; But how much oftener when we know
Mankind is looking on ! Better a kind word , enter'd in The great Recorder's book , Than careless thousands spent to win The AVorld ' s approving look ; And he who does a noble deed , And hides it from the day , Be sure will gain a worthier meed
Than " AVhat will people say ?" There is a higher One to please , AA ho sends no cloud in vain ; He will despise no sacrifice AA'ho bore all human pain ; And so , if we could only act
To our owu conscience true , Keeping God ' s law of Love intact In all we say and do—AA ' e should not need so mean a chart To guide us on our way . To lay its shackles on the heart , As , "AVhat will people say ?" . —JS ' ew York Dispatch .
MacNiven and Cameron ' s pens , the Owl , oA \ averly , Pickwick , and Pluoton , have been approved by the editors of 1000 newspapers—no mean recommendation—for who can better appreciate a pen specially adapted for rapid writing .
List Of Lodge Meetings &C., For Week Ending September 8th, 1871.
METEOPOLITAN LODGES AND CJHAFTEES . Monday , September 4 th . LODG-ES . —St . Luke ' s , Masons' Arms , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall Street ; Asaph , Freemasons' Hall . Tuesday , September 5 th . Colonial BoardFreemasons' Hallat 3 .
, , LODGES . —St . John ' s , Holly BushTavcrUj Hampstead ; Grosvenor , Alctoria Station , Metropolitan District Railway Station , Pimlico ; Duke of Edinburgh , New Globe Tavern , Bow Road ; Golden Rule , Great AA estern Hotel , Bayswater ; Royal Standard , Marquess Tavern . Cnnonbury . CrrAn-Eit .- -Temperance , AA hite Swan Tavern , Deptford . Wednesday , September 6 th .
Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , Freemnsons' Hall , at G for 7 p . m . Thursday , September 7 th . LODGES . —Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; A ictoria Rifles Freemasons' Hall ; Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lowisham Road Perfect Ashlar , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey Road . Saturda . y , September 8 th . LODGES . —Caveac ; Granite , Freemasons' Hall .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
A 'number of Lodges and Chapters of Instruction do not meet during the summer months , ive shall , therefore discontinue the publication of our usual list until the re-commencement of the season . We shall , hoicever , give the announcements of those Lodges and Chapters of Instruction which continue to meet during the summer on receiving authoritative intimation thereof .
The following Lodges of Instruction , we are informed by the Secretaries , meet all the year round .- — ROXAI . UNION LODGE ( NO . 382 ) , Horse and Groom , AA'insley Street , Oxford Street , at S . Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . PANJIUKE LODGE ( No . 720 ) , Balham Hotel , Balham , Fridays at 8 . Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . A \ ESTBOiTENE LODGE ( No . 733 ) Horse and GroomTViasley
, , Street , Oxford Street , Fridays at 8 . Bro . Ash , Preceptor . STRONG MAN , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , Monday , at 8 . Bro . Terry , Preceptor . ST . JAMES ' , ( NO . 705 ) , Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica Road , Bermondsey , Fridays at S . TEMPERANCE , ( No . 169 ) , Victoria Tavern , Alctoria Road , Deptford , Fridays at 8 .
STAB , ( No . 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross Road Deptford , Saturdays at 7 . Br / EDETT COUTTS LODGE OE INSTKUCTION , Approach Tavern Victoria Park , Fridays . SINCERITY LODGE ( No . 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Railway Station , Fenchurch Street , Monday at 7 . AA ' e have been requested to announce that Radley ' s Hotel being closed , no meetings of Lodges or Chapters can he held there for the present .
To Correspondents.
* £ * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , AA ' . C . AVE shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Masonic meetings , which shall be duly inserted . Coummmcations should ho forwarded so as to reach us as early in the week as convenient—not later than AA ' cdnesday if possible . AA e have to request our correspondents to be particular in writing names distinctly .