Article REVIEWS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article SUMMARY OF MASONIC LAW. Page 1 of 2 →
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many years of consulting ancient Masonic records , and the care with which he has examined and compared them , the work , although professing to be a " History of the Lodge of Edin burgh , " will be found to be in reality a history of tho Scottish Craft , and as such will take its place as a standard work in Masonic literature .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
The month of August is usually the " close season with the London theatres . Out of the thirty odd theatres which entrepreneurs have considered necessary to the entertainment of the London jilay-going public , some eighteen are at the present date closed . At COVENI GAEBEN * opera and drama having been abandoned , M . Riviere embraces the opportunity of introducing a series of promenade concerts . An excellent programme ,
constantlyvaried , has drawn good audiences . The ADELrni continues open with the drama of "Notre Dame . " The PEINCESS ' S , with "Ellen Oge , " in spite of almost tropical weather , finds a sufficient number of devotees to induce the management to keep the doors open . " Joan of Arc , " with the attractions of the personal beauty and graceful acting of Mrs . Rousby , has just completed au " innings of 155 runs" ( no connection with the cricketing
parson of " Punch" ) . The piece is withdrawn to enable Mr . and Rousby to enter upon a tour of provincial engagements in this their last and not least triumph . On Saturday next Mr . and Mrs . Herman A ezin will make their appearance at this house , introducing a new play by Mr . AA . G . Wills , author of " The Man of Airlie . " The LTCETOI is announced to open under the management of Mr . H . L . Batemanwho has secured the valuable aid of Mr . G .
, Belmore . The SIKAKD , witli Mr . John Clarke as Dr . Pangloss , in the " Heir at Law , " enjoys a lengthened run , having already reached nearly seventy representations . The burlesque of " Eily O'Connor" concludes , ami " Lodgers and Dodgers" opens the performance . The CnAiiisQ- CROSS TIIEATKE , which is conducted under the management of Mr . Edward Hastings , upon the principle of
introducing the works of dramatic authors who havo not hitherto been able to secure representations of their works , is content with relying npon Sir Charles Young's "Shadows . " On AVednesday a new cxtravangaga entitled " Crichton" was introduced . The GAIEIT , with the special attraction of Bro . AA alter Montgomery and the legitimate drama , failed to draw paying audiences during the month , in spite of the attractive programme offered . Tho " Era" remarks that " Bro . Walter Montgomery
has completed three weeks of his advertised month , and now closes the theatre in consequence ' of the intense heat of the weather . ' This is a fair , outspoken reason for the act , and we applaud it heartily . The result of the speculation is not by any means unsatisfactory , if all the circumstances be taken into consideration . In face of the enormous nightly expenses a favourable margin of profit could he scarcely be expected at this season of the yearancl we anticipate that the Manager
, looked less for that than fame is his enterprise . That he has gained the latter is unquestionable , and this in despite of some evident hostility . Bro . Montgomery startles the critics , and this , we augur , is a sure sign of his real ability . It is amusing to read the diversity of opinion expressed upon his acting , and to find a parallel for it wc must glance at the strictures upon our old actors by the writers of that era . " Mr . Hollingshead opened on Monday last for the performance of
comic opera , ballet , and light drama , the piece de resistance being the "Grand Duchess" of Offenbach . Mdlle . Clary , of the Boufl ' e Theatre , St . Petersburg !] , is announced to make her appearance in English . This lady , it will be remembered , made a favourable debut in this country in tbe French plays at the same theatre . The OPERA COMIQUE opened last week for tho representation of English translations of the Comedies of Moliere , that of tho
Notes On Music And The Drama.
" Doctor in Spite of Himself" being the first of the series . " Marie , " an operatta , concludes the entertainment . On Saturday , 11 th inst ., the HAXMAKKET will re-open , when Mr . Sothern will return to complete his engagement previous to his departure for America . His last appearance here will take tho 5 th October . DETJJKY LAKE , under the management of Mr . Chatterton , will
re-open on the 23 rd inst . The romantic and historical drama by Andrew Halliday , founded on Sir AA alter Scott's Ivanhoe , and entitled " Rebecca" is announced . The VAUDEVILLE is closed at present . Albory ' s long-talkedof new horticulturally-entitled piece , " Apple Blossoms , " will be produced early in September . Mr . H . J . Montague having seceded from the management of the A AUDEA iLLH , will open the GLOBE on the 7 ih October .
ASILEYS " newly modelled and elegantly decorated Amphitheatre " will be opened , with Sanger's Circus , on the 23 rd October . The management takes the unusual course of advertising for " a well-written Pantomine • • The chief effects in the scenic department and business will be supplied to the author by the Proprietors . " The Sangers also advertise for talent for the Agricultural Hall on Boxing day . The struggle between theatres and music halls continues , ancl
promises another bonne bouche for the lawyers . Feeling disappointed with the verdict in tho case of Brown v . Nugent , the Music Hall Proprietors have organised an association , ancl have subscribed over £ 600 , in order to cany an appeal to the Exchequer Chamber , and to agitate for an alteration in the laws regarding the licensing of theatres and music halls . Mr . Shepherd will resume the reins at the SUBEEY , which is announced to be opened during the present month , with a great original Drama . At the STANnAKD , the Christy's are attracting delighted crowds of East-Enders .
Summary Of Masonic Law.
The following decisions by the Grand Masters of the various Grand Lodges in the United States will point out to the Masonic student many differences in the Masonic Law of the two countries : —
ADVANCEMENT . A vote to advance should be as unanimous as that on a petition . —Lelcncare . An objection to the advancement of a candidate , made in open Lodge , or to the AVorshipful Master , must bo respected until removed or Avaived . —Illinois . Entered Apprentices who , by their own neglect , have
failed to apply for adA * ancement Avithin one year after their initiation , must petition and bo recommended aneAV for the second and third degrees , and pass through all the forms of reference , report , ancl ballot . The same rule applies to Fellow Crafts , —ib Objections to the advancement of a Candidate , before or after election , without reasons , in either degree , is a
permanent objection until the objection is rcinoA-ed or Avaived ; and until then , the Lodge cannot advance the candidate , nor or give consent to any other Lodge to entertain his application . —ib . An Entered Apprentice , having lost a leg , cannot be passed to the degree of ECIIOAV Craft , althotigh provided Avith an artificial leg which enables him to Avalk Avithout a
crutch or cane . —Louisiana . A Candidate cannot be advanced from one degree to another iu the face of objections by a member . —Missouri . An examination of a candidate may be had at a special communication , and may be made before or after ballot . —Wisconsin . After a ballot for initiation or advancement shall havo
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
many years of consulting ancient Masonic records , and the care with which he has examined and compared them , the work , although professing to be a " History of the Lodge of Edin burgh , " will be found to be in reality a history of tho Scottish Craft , and as such will take its place as a standard work in Masonic literature .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
The month of August is usually the " close season with the London theatres . Out of the thirty odd theatres which entrepreneurs have considered necessary to the entertainment of the London jilay-going public , some eighteen are at the present date closed . At COVENI GAEBEN * opera and drama having been abandoned , M . Riviere embraces the opportunity of introducing a series of promenade concerts . An excellent programme ,
constantlyvaried , has drawn good audiences . The ADELrni continues open with the drama of "Notre Dame . " The PEINCESS ' S , with "Ellen Oge , " in spite of almost tropical weather , finds a sufficient number of devotees to induce the management to keep the doors open . " Joan of Arc , " with the attractions of the personal beauty and graceful acting of Mrs . Rousby , has just completed au " innings of 155 runs" ( no connection with the cricketing
parson of " Punch" ) . The piece is withdrawn to enable Mr . and Rousby to enter upon a tour of provincial engagements in this their last and not least triumph . On Saturday next Mr . and Mrs . Herman A ezin will make their appearance at this house , introducing a new play by Mr . AA . G . Wills , author of " The Man of Airlie . " The LTCETOI is announced to open under the management of Mr . H . L . Batemanwho has secured the valuable aid of Mr . G .
, Belmore . The SIKAKD , witli Mr . John Clarke as Dr . Pangloss , in the " Heir at Law , " enjoys a lengthened run , having already reached nearly seventy representations . The burlesque of " Eily O'Connor" concludes , ami " Lodgers and Dodgers" opens the performance . The CnAiiisQ- CROSS TIIEATKE , which is conducted under the management of Mr . Edward Hastings , upon the principle of
introducing the works of dramatic authors who havo not hitherto been able to secure representations of their works , is content with relying npon Sir Charles Young's "Shadows . " On AVednesday a new cxtravangaga entitled " Crichton" was introduced . The GAIEIT , with the special attraction of Bro . AA alter Montgomery and the legitimate drama , failed to draw paying audiences during the month , in spite of the attractive programme offered . Tho " Era" remarks that " Bro . Walter Montgomery
has completed three weeks of his advertised month , and now closes the theatre in consequence ' of the intense heat of the weather . ' This is a fair , outspoken reason for the act , and we applaud it heartily . The result of the speculation is not by any means unsatisfactory , if all the circumstances be taken into consideration . In face of the enormous nightly expenses a favourable margin of profit could he scarcely be expected at this season of the yearancl we anticipate that the Manager
, looked less for that than fame is his enterprise . That he has gained the latter is unquestionable , and this in despite of some evident hostility . Bro . Montgomery startles the critics , and this , we augur , is a sure sign of his real ability . It is amusing to read the diversity of opinion expressed upon his acting , and to find a parallel for it wc must glance at the strictures upon our old actors by the writers of that era . " Mr . Hollingshead opened on Monday last for the performance of
comic opera , ballet , and light drama , the piece de resistance being the "Grand Duchess" of Offenbach . Mdlle . Clary , of the Boufl ' e Theatre , St . Petersburg !] , is announced to make her appearance in English . This lady , it will be remembered , made a favourable debut in this country in tbe French plays at the same theatre . The OPERA COMIQUE opened last week for tho representation of English translations of the Comedies of Moliere , that of tho
Notes On Music And The Drama.
" Doctor in Spite of Himself" being the first of the series . " Marie , " an operatta , concludes the entertainment . On Saturday , 11 th inst ., the HAXMAKKET will re-open , when Mr . Sothern will return to complete his engagement previous to his departure for America . His last appearance here will take tho 5 th October . DETJJKY LAKE , under the management of Mr . Chatterton , will
re-open on the 23 rd inst . The romantic and historical drama by Andrew Halliday , founded on Sir AA alter Scott's Ivanhoe , and entitled " Rebecca" is announced . The VAUDEVILLE is closed at present . Albory ' s long-talkedof new horticulturally-entitled piece , " Apple Blossoms , " will be produced early in September . Mr . H . J . Montague having seceded from the management of the A AUDEA iLLH , will open the GLOBE on the 7 ih October .
ASILEYS " newly modelled and elegantly decorated Amphitheatre " will be opened , with Sanger's Circus , on the 23 rd October . The management takes the unusual course of advertising for " a well-written Pantomine • • The chief effects in the scenic department and business will be supplied to the author by the Proprietors . " The Sangers also advertise for talent for the Agricultural Hall on Boxing day . The struggle between theatres and music halls continues , ancl
promises another bonne bouche for the lawyers . Feeling disappointed with the verdict in tho case of Brown v . Nugent , the Music Hall Proprietors have organised an association , ancl have subscribed over £ 600 , in order to cany an appeal to the Exchequer Chamber , and to agitate for an alteration in the laws regarding the licensing of theatres and music halls . Mr . Shepherd will resume the reins at the SUBEEY , which is announced to be opened during the present month , with a great original Drama . At the STANnAKD , the Christy's are attracting delighted crowds of East-Enders .
Summary Of Masonic Law.
The following decisions by the Grand Masters of the various Grand Lodges in the United States will point out to the Masonic student many differences in the Masonic Law of the two countries : —
ADVANCEMENT . A vote to advance should be as unanimous as that on a petition . —Lelcncare . An objection to the advancement of a candidate , made in open Lodge , or to the AVorshipful Master , must bo respected until removed or Avaived . —Illinois . Entered Apprentices who , by their own neglect , have
failed to apply for adA * ancement Avithin one year after their initiation , must petition and bo recommended aneAV for the second and third degrees , and pass through all the forms of reference , report , ancl ballot . The same rule applies to Fellow Crafts , —ib Objections to the advancement of a Candidate , before or after election , without reasons , in either degree , is a
permanent objection until the objection is rcinoA-ed or Avaived ; and until then , the Lodge cannot advance the candidate , nor or give consent to any other Lodge to entertain his application . —ib . An Entered Apprentice , having lost a leg , cannot be passed to the degree of ECIIOAV Craft , althotigh provided Avith an artificial leg which enables him to Avalk Avithout a
crutch or cane . —Louisiana . A Candidate cannot be advanced from one degree to another iu the face of objections by a member . —Missouri . An examination of a candidate may be had at a special communication , and may be made before or after ballot . —Wisconsin . After a ballot for initiation or advancement shall havo