Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Mark Masonry.
Bro . George E . Bennett , 53 Prov . G . S . D . „ Thomas Scbofield , 111 Prov . G . J . D . „ AV . H . D . Horsfall , 53 Prov . G . I . M . „ John Armitage , W . M . 127 ... Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ W . F . AA'ilkinson , 58 Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ,. James Holroyd , 14 Prov . G . Sword Bearer . „ Thomas Oakden , 14 Prov . G . Standard Bearer . Thomas AVhitaker 58 Prov . G . Organist .
„ , „ George H . Fryer , 127 Prov . G . I . G . „ Frederick AVhitaker , 58 Prov . G . Steward . „ Joseph Sykes , 110 Prov . G . „ „ Joseph P . Crossby , M . D ., 111 Prov . G . „ „ John Lobley , 127 Prov . G . „ „ John Greenwood , P . M . 58 ... Prov . G . Tyler . On approaching the pedestal to be invested as Provincial
Grand Sword Bearer , Bro . James Holroyd presented a magnificent state sword to the Provincial Grand Lodge , for the use of himself and successors in office , which was cordially accepted on behalf of the Provincial Grand Lodge by the Provincial Grand Mark Master .
A committee , consisting of Bros . Matthews , Allison , Roberts , Firth , Hartley , Normanton , and Burgess , with the Prov . G . M . M ., D . Prov . G . M . M ., and Prov . Grand Secretary as ex officio members , was then appointed to draw up a code of bye laws for the government of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . Copley , Past G . S . B ., then cordially proposed that the thanks of this Provincial Grand Lodge be accorded to R . W . Bro . Callenderfor so freely coming forward to discharge the
, duties deputed to him by the AV . W . G . M . M ., and that the same be recorded on the minutes . This resolution was seconded by Bro . Matthews , Prov . S . G . AV ., and carried with acclamation , the honours on this occasion , as well as in the previous instances , being very ably led by Bro . Titmass , Grand Dir . of Cers . for Lancashire .
R . AV . Bro . Callender , in thanking the brethren for the kindly feeling so heartily shown to himself and his oflicers , expressed the pleasure it afforded him in having been deputed to inaugurate the Provincial Grand Lodge of so important a place as the West Riding of Yorkshire ; and hoped that nothing but good results would spring from uniting the several lodges in the province in one bond of union and harmony . Bro . Thomas Burgess , Prov . G . Reg ., then presented a
petition from several brethren in Huddersfield , praying to be constituted into a Lodge of Mark Masters , under tho title of " The Mark Lodge of Truth ; " after which the Prov . Grand Mark Lodge was duly closed , ancl the brethren , to the number of nearly sixty , then adjourned to the dining hall , where a banquet had been ^ provided by Bro . Ibberson , of the Upper George Hotel . R . AV . Bro . Thomas Perkington presided , beiug supported on his right by R . W . Bro . Callender aud the Prov .
Grand Officers for Lancashire , and ou his left by AV . Bro . John AVordsworth and the Prov . Graud Officers for West Yorkshire , the vice-chairs being ably filled bv Bro . Matthews , Prov . S . G . AA ., and Bro . Allison , Prov . J . G . W . Ample justice having been done to the viands , the cloth was ¦ withdrawn , and tho usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given from the chair , followed by that of " The Most AVorshipful Grand Mark Master" and "The Right AVorshipful Deputy
Grand Mark Master and the Grand Officers , past ancl present . " V . AV . Bro . AVilliam Cooke , Past G . S . O ., in responding to the latter toast , said that at the time when he had the honour of being a Grand Officer ( 1864 ) the Grand Lodge itself was not held in such high estimation as it was at the present time , having been but recently formed . He could testify to the earnestness and zeal of the M . AA . G . M . M ., who , although his junior in office at that time , had risen to the head of their Order , aud had been the means of establishing several Provincial Grand Mark Lodges , and thus putting the degree on a firmer basis .
W . Bro . John AVordsworth , D . Prov . G . M . M ., then proposed the next toast , that of the " R . AV . Bro . Callender , Provincial Grand Mark Master for Lancashire , " and , in doing so referred to the difference between the time when the two counties were engaged in the wars of the Roses , iu the struggle for supremacy—and the present , when they were joining hand in hand for the purpose of doing good . He regretted the time at his disposal would not permit him to do justice to the toast . R . AV . Bro . Callender , in responding , hoped that that day ' s proceedings were the prelude of many happy meetings between the
two sister Provincial Grand Mark Lodges . Although they wero not now engaged in an internecine war , he could yet assure them there would be rivalry between them—the rivalry of trying which could do the most for the benefit of their Order . Bro . Matthews , Prov . S . G . W ., then proposed " The Deputy Provincial Grand Mark Master and the Prov . Grand Oflicers for Lancashire , " which was humourously responded to by Bro . Duffield , Prov . G . Reg .
R . W . Bro . Callender then rose to propose the toast of the evening , that of the "R . AV . Bro . Thomas Perkington , Prov . Grand Mark Master for AVest Yorkshire . " He said he had some conversation that morning with Bro . Perkington , who had shown him the toast list , and he quite approved of it , as it was not very long . He did not think it required , on the present occasion , a long speech from him to extol the good qualities of their Prov . Grand Master , the fact of his occupying that high
position that day was sufficient to prove that his merits were well known to the brethren of West Yorkshire , and , he could assure them , out of Yorkshire as well . He concluded by wishing the Provincial Grand Mark Master every prosperity during his term of office , and called upon the brethren to drink the toast in a bumper , which they accordingly did , the customary honours being led at this , as well as the other toasts by Bro . John ArmitageProv . Grand D . of C .
, R . W . Bro . Perkington , in responding to the toast so ably proposed by his friend Bro . Callender , said he could assure the brethren that he deeply , very deeply , felt the proud position he had been placed in that day ; his feelings were such that he could not respond to the toast in the manner he desired . But it should be his every study so to govern the province entrusted to his charge , as to maintain and foster that union between ihe various lod for which Provincial Grand Lodges were
ges mainly established . He thanked them all most sincerely for the hearty and cordial way in which they had received the toast . AV . Bro . Prince , Prev . G . S . B ., Lancashire , was entrusted with the next toast , that of- 'The Deputy Provincial Grand Mark Master and the Provincial Grand Officers for West Yorkshire . " He said he could not understand why he had been selected to propose this toast ; but as be had long been taught that the
first duty of a Mason was to obey , he willingly undertook the task imposed upon him ; at the same time , he had not sufficient knowledge of the officers to enlarge upon their merits as he ought . Judging from his personal acquaintance with their , deputy , Bro . AVordsworth , he felt confident that , if the other officers of the province were animated by the same amount of zeal for Masonry , the Prov . Grand Mark Master had made a good selection , and one that would assist him to discharge the duties
of his high station . AA . ; Bro . AVordsworth , D . Prov . G . M . M ., forcibly but briefly replied for himself and brother officers . Bro . Allison , Prov . J . G . AV ., was then entrusted with the gavel for the next toast , that of " The Alsiting Brethren from other Provinces , " which was suitably replied to by Bro , Jones , of Rochdale . Bro . J . Armitage , P . G . D . of C , gave "The Chaplain , " to
which the Rev . AV . Appleyard , M . A ., responded . Bro . AA . Roberts , Prov . G . M . O ., then rose to . propose "The AA orshipful Masters of the Mark Lodges in AA ' est Yorkshire , " with each of whom , he said , he had a personal knowledge . They were all animated with a determination to work heartily for the prosperity , not only of the Mark degree , but also for the newly-formed Provincial Grand Marl ; Lodge . The toast was responded tobBro . Firth 58 ; Hartley 14 ;
y , , Allison , 111 ; Matthew , 53 ; Armitage , 127 ; and Bro . AVordsworth , 110 . AV . Bro . Copley , Past G . S . B ., then proposed " The Masonic Charities , " and stated that as Bro . Allison had talked about challenging , bo would give him a challenge , and that was , if the members of the . Copley Mark Lodge , 111 , would subscribe sufficient to make their S . AV . and J . W . Life Governors of either of the Masonic Schools , he himself would make the AV . M . one .
He had great pleasure in coupling with the toast the name of Bro . AVhitaker , who was a very liberal supporter of the different charities . Bro . F . Whitaker , Prov . G . S ., said , it had given him great satisfaction in contributing towards the support of those institutions which were the pride of the Order and an ornament to tbe country , and hoped what he had done would be the means of inducing others to follow his example .
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Mark Masonry.
Bro . George E . Bennett , 53 Prov . G . S . D . „ Thomas Scbofield , 111 Prov . G . J . D . „ AV . H . D . Horsfall , 53 Prov . G . I . M . „ John Armitage , W . M . 127 ... Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ W . F . AA'ilkinson , 58 Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ,. James Holroyd , 14 Prov . G . Sword Bearer . „ Thomas Oakden , 14 Prov . G . Standard Bearer . Thomas AVhitaker 58 Prov . G . Organist .
„ , „ George H . Fryer , 127 Prov . G . I . G . „ Frederick AVhitaker , 58 Prov . G . Steward . „ Joseph Sykes , 110 Prov . G . „ „ Joseph P . Crossby , M . D ., 111 Prov . G . „ „ John Lobley , 127 Prov . G . „ „ John Greenwood , P . M . 58 ... Prov . G . Tyler . On approaching the pedestal to be invested as Provincial
Grand Sword Bearer , Bro . James Holroyd presented a magnificent state sword to the Provincial Grand Lodge , for the use of himself and successors in office , which was cordially accepted on behalf of the Provincial Grand Lodge by the Provincial Grand Mark Master .
A committee , consisting of Bros . Matthews , Allison , Roberts , Firth , Hartley , Normanton , and Burgess , with the Prov . G . M . M ., D . Prov . G . M . M ., and Prov . Grand Secretary as ex officio members , was then appointed to draw up a code of bye laws for the government of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . Copley , Past G . S . B ., then cordially proposed that the thanks of this Provincial Grand Lodge be accorded to R . W . Bro . Callenderfor so freely coming forward to discharge the
, duties deputed to him by the AV . W . G . M . M ., and that the same be recorded on the minutes . This resolution was seconded by Bro . Matthews , Prov . S . G . AV ., and carried with acclamation , the honours on this occasion , as well as in the previous instances , being very ably led by Bro . Titmass , Grand Dir . of Cers . for Lancashire .
R . AV . Bro . Callender , in thanking the brethren for the kindly feeling so heartily shown to himself and his oflicers , expressed the pleasure it afforded him in having been deputed to inaugurate the Provincial Grand Lodge of so important a place as the West Riding of Yorkshire ; and hoped that nothing but good results would spring from uniting the several lodges in the province in one bond of union and harmony . Bro . Thomas Burgess , Prov . G . Reg ., then presented a
petition from several brethren in Huddersfield , praying to be constituted into a Lodge of Mark Masters , under tho title of " The Mark Lodge of Truth ; " after which the Prov . Grand Mark Lodge was duly closed , ancl the brethren , to the number of nearly sixty , then adjourned to the dining hall , where a banquet had been ^ provided by Bro . Ibberson , of the Upper George Hotel . R . AV . Bro . Thomas Perkington presided , beiug supported on his right by R . W . Bro . Callender aud the Prov .
Grand Officers for Lancashire , and ou his left by AV . Bro . John AVordsworth and the Prov . Graud Officers for West Yorkshire , the vice-chairs being ably filled bv Bro . Matthews , Prov . S . G . AA ., and Bro . Allison , Prov . J . G . W . Ample justice having been done to the viands , the cloth was ¦ withdrawn , and tho usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given from the chair , followed by that of " The Most AVorshipful Grand Mark Master" and "The Right AVorshipful Deputy
Grand Mark Master and the Grand Officers , past ancl present . " V . AV . Bro . AVilliam Cooke , Past G . S . O ., in responding to the latter toast , said that at the time when he had the honour of being a Grand Officer ( 1864 ) the Grand Lodge itself was not held in such high estimation as it was at the present time , having been but recently formed . He could testify to the earnestness and zeal of the M . AA . G . M . M ., who , although his junior in office at that time , had risen to the head of their Order , aud had been the means of establishing several Provincial Grand Mark Lodges , and thus putting the degree on a firmer basis .
W . Bro . John AVordsworth , D . Prov . G . M . M ., then proposed the next toast , that of the " R . AV . Bro . Callender , Provincial Grand Mark Master for Lancashire , " and , in doing so referred to the difference between the time when the two counties were engaged in the wars of the Roses , iu the struggle for supremacy—and the present , when they were joining hand in hand for the purpose of doing good . He regretted the time at his disposal would not permit him to do justice to the toast . R . AV . Bro . Callender , in responding , hoped that that day ' s proceedings were the prelude of many happy meetings between the
two sister Provincial Grand Mark Lodges . Although they wero not now engaged in an internecine war , he could yet assure them there would be rivalry between them—the rivalry of trying which could do the most for the benefit of their Order . Bro . Matthews , Prov . S . G . W ., then proposed " The Deputy Provincial Grand Mark Master and the Prov . Grand Oflicers for Lancashire , " which was humourously responded to by Bro . Duffield , Prov . G . Reg .
R . W . Bro . Callender then rose to propose the toast of the evening , that of the "R . AV . Bro . Thomas Perkington , Prov . Grand Mark Master for AVest Yorkshire . " He said he had some conversation that morning with Bro . Perkington , who had shown him the toast list , and he quite approved of it , as it was not very long . He did not think it required , on the present occasion , a long speech from him to extol the good qualities of their Prov . Grand Master , the fact of his occupying that high
position that day was sufficient to prove that his merits were well known to the brethren of West Yorkshire , and , he could assure them , out of Yorkshire as well . He concluded by wishing the Provincial Grand Mark Master every prosperity during his term of office , and called upon the brethren to drink the toast in a bumper , which they accordingly did , the customary honours being led at this , as well as the other toasts by Bro . John ArmitageProv . Grand D . of C .
, R . W . Bro . Perkington , in responding to the toast so ably proposed by his friend Bro . Callender , said he could assure the brethren that he deeply , very deeply , felt the proud position he had been placed in that day ; his feelings were such that he could not respond to the toast in the manner he desired . But it should be his every study so to govern the province entrusted to his charge , as to maintain and foster that union between ihe various lod for which Provincial Grand Lodges were
ges mainly established . He thanked them all most sincerely for the hearty and cordial way in which they had received the toast . AV . Bro . Prince , Prev . G . S . B ., Lancashire , was entrusted with the next toast , that of- 'The Deputy Provincial Grand Mark Master and the Provincial Grand Officers for West Yorkshire . " He said he could not understand why he had been selected to propose this toast ; but as be had long been taught that the
first duty of a Mason was to obey , he willingly undertook the task imposed upon him ; at the same time , he had not sufficient knowledge of the officers to enlarge upon their merits as he ought . Judging from his personal acquaintance with their , deputy , Bro . AVordsworth , he felt confident that , if the other officers of the province were animated by the same amount of zeal for Masonry , the Prov . Grand Mark Master had made a good selection , and one that would assist him to discharge the duties
of his high station . AA . ; Bro . AVordsworth , D . Prov . G . M . M ., forcibly but briefly replied for himself and brother officers . Bro . Allison , Prov . J . G . AV ., was then entrusted with the gavel for the next toast , that of " The Alsiting Brethren from other Provinces , " which was suitably replied to by Bro , Jones , of Rochdale . Bro . J . Armitage , P . G . D . of C , gave "The Chaplain , " to
which the Rev . AV . Appleyard , M . A ., responded . Bro . AA . Roberts , Prov . G . M . O ., then rose to . propose "The AA orshipful Masters of the Mark Lodges in AA ' est Yorkshire , " with each of whom , he said , he had a personal knowledge . They were all animated with a determination to work heartily for the prosperity , not only of the Mark degree , but also for the newly-formed Provincial Grand Marl ; Lodge . The toast was responded tobBro . Firth 58 ; Hartley 14 ;
y , , Allison , 111 ; Matthew , 53 ; Armitage , 127 ; and Bro . AVordsworth , 110 . AV . Bro . Copley , Past G . S . B ., then proposed " The Masonic Charities , " and stated that as Bro . Allison had talked about challenging , bo would give him a challenge , and that was , if the members of the . Copley Mark Lodge , 111 , would subscribe sufficient to make their S . AV . and J . W . Life Governors of either of the Masonic Schools , he himself would make the AV . M . one .
He had great pleasure in coupling with the toast the name of Bro . AVhitaker , who was a very liberal supporter of the different charities . Bro . F . Whitaker , Prov . G . S ., said , it had given him great satisfaction in contributing towards the support of those institutions which were the pride of the Order and an ornament to tbe country , and hoped what he had done would be the means of inducing others to follow his example .