Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 3 →
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DERBYSHIRE . BUXTON . —LODGE PHOSNIX ST . ANN ( 1 , 235 ) . On Saturday , the 19 th ult ., the officers and members of the Phoenix Lodge of St . Ann , of Buxton , assembled at AVormhill , on the invitation of their worthy Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . A . Bagshawe , Vicar of AVormhill and Rural Dean , to aid him in the good work of extending the benefits of education to his
parishioners . There were present Bros . J . Millward , P / M ., P . Prov . G . D . ; R . Darwin , P . M ., P . G . J . AV . ; R . R . Duke , AV . M . ; F . Turner , S . AV . ; Josiah Taylor , J . AV . ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , Chap ., P . G . Chap- ; P . Klitz , Org ., P . Prov . G . Org . Hampshiie ; AV . Millward , AV . E . Clayton , E . J . Sykes , J . H . Lawson , P . Le Gros , J . C . Bates , C . AA ilkinson , AV . Goodwin , AV . D . Sutton , J . Bennett , S . C Darwin , AV . H . Newton , G . F . BarnardR . H . Hyde . J . C . Hyde 1235 ; G . Beardmore 966 J .
, , , ; S . Hague , H . Ffolliott , Chap . 127 Derry , G . Chap . Derry and Donegal ; W . AVebbe , AV . M . 884 , P . G . S . AV . ; E . J . Cullen , S . D . ; AVitham Lodge , 297 , Lincoln ; S . R . Ready , P . M . 654 ; C . Ferguson , 654 ; P . Bramwell , 654 ; T . Griggs , Architect ; T . Bragge , P . M . 74 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; and the Rev . Bagshawe . The school accommodation at AVormhill being found inadequate it had been resolved to enlarge it , and the occasion offered
an opportunity to lay tho chief stone with Masonic honours . The permission of the Marquis of Hartington , Provincial Grand Master of Derbyshire , having been duly obtained , the arrangements were perfected by the Phconix Lodge of St . Ann , who mastered in good force to do honour to the first public ceremony tliey have been called on to perform . Arrived at AVormhill , the lodge mot , by adjournment ironi tbo last regular lodge , at the Hall , where every preparation had beeu made for the comfort of
the visitors , and the proper carriage of the duties undertaken . After the reading of tiie authorization from the Grand Officer mimed , the brethren , re-in ! brceii by arrivals from AVirksworfch and other ledges , formed in procession , and attended divine service iu at the quaint and pretty little ehur : h , near the Hall . The service was most suitable , and was impressively rendered by the host of the day , aided by his son , Bro . the Rev . — Bagshawe . Wo must here notetoothat Bro . P . Klifcz had kindl
, , y volunteered to aid the ceremony by the introduction of suitable music , and witli a select portion of the Masonic choir , added to the service an interest which otherwise would have been wanting . Service ended , the brethren , with the new . banner of the lo'Igo flying ( used for the first time on this occasion ) proceeded to the site in the following order : —
The Tyler . Trumpeters . Brethren of the Lodge . The Stewards ; Corn , AA'ine , and Oil . Architect with Pians . Inner Guard . Organist . Director of Ceremonies .
Secretary with Book of Constitutions . Treasurer with Coins to be deposited iu Stone . Visiting- Brethren . Junior AA ' arden . Standard Bearer with Banner of Lodge . Senior AA'arden . Junior Deacou . Chaplain witli A olume of Sacred Law .
Bro . Darwin , P . M . Bro . Duke , AV . M . Bro . Millward , P . M . Senior Deacon . Sword Bearer . Arrived at the site , the beautiful work of laying the stone , with the touching lectures on the various tools by which an operative mason perfects his workwas impressively and solemnl
, y performed by Past Master Millward , a Mason of more than sixty years' standing , assisted by Bros . R . Darwin and R . R . Duke . A Masonic ode , arranged and adapted for the occasion by Bro . P . Kiltz , was then sung , and Bro . A . A . Bagshawe delivered an oration on the blessings of education , concluding with the benediction . A collection was made in aid of school furniture and
fittings , and the ceremonies , iri which a considerable number of the parishioners had , by thoir presence in church and at the site , shown great interest in tho good work of their incumbent , terminated . The brethren , returning to AA ormliill Hall , closed the lodge , and on their return from labour were received by their Chaplain and his son at the Alcarage , where a sumptuous collation
awaited them . Conversation and croquet filled up the time ere the return train arrived to convey the brethren back to Buxton , the host terminating an agreeable as well as useful day in a manner befitting a Mason , a chaplain , and a noble-hearted English gentleman , in his intercourse with men whose principles are Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth ! Tho inscription on the stone was as follows-.
—"Laid the 19 th August , 1871 , by the 'Phcenix Lodge of St . Ann , Buxton , No . 1235 . " Bro . R . R . Duke , AA . M . Bro . R . Darwin , P . AI . Bro . J . Millward , P . M . Bro . A . A . Bagshawe , M . A ., P . G . C , A icar . Bro . R . Griggs , Architect . "
Mark Masonry.
YORRSHIRE ( AVEST ) . INAUGUEATION 01- THE PllOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE AND INSTALLATION OF PEOVINOIAL GEAND MASTEE . On AA ' cdnesday , 2 ud ult ., R . AV . Bro . AA i ) liam Romaiue Callendar , jnn ., Provincial Grand Mark Master for Lancashire , accompanied by a large number of his officers , attended as the representatives of the Most AA orshipful Grand Mark Master of England aud AVales to perform the ceremony of inaugurating
the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons for AA ' est Yorkshire , ancl also of installing Bro . Perkington into the office of Provincial Graud Master . The Fearnley Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 58 ( Bro . Perkington's mother lodge ) , had requested the Provincial Graud Mark Master designate to hold his first Provincial meeting under its auspices , at the Masonic Hal ] , Halifax ; consequently shortly after two o'clock , tho W . M ., Bro . John Firth , assisted by his
officers , opened the Lodge , upon which the Lancashire Provincial Grand Oflicers wero duly formed , and entered the lodge room . Bro . Chadwick , Provincial Grand Secretary for Lancashire , then read the authority of the Most AA orshipl ' ul Grand Mark Master for R . AV . Bro . Callender to perform the duties for lhat day ; ami he accordingly commenced by opening a Provincial Grand Mark Lodge . He then called upon Bro . Chadwick to read Bro . Perkington ' s patent as Provincial Grand Mark Master for AA ' est Yorkshire , which being done , a deputation left the room for the
purpose of escorting the Provincial Grand Mark Master designate into the lodge , where R . AV . Bro . Callender , in a masterly manner , inducted Bro . Perkington into his office . The next business was tho obligation and investiture of Bro . John AA ordsworth Morley , P . M . 14 , and AV . M . 110 , as Deputy Provincial Grand Jlark Master . Bro . John Copley , P . G . S . B ., then proposed Bro . G . NormantonP . M . 58 G . L of AV . as Prov . Grand Treasurerwhich was
, , , , seconded by Bro . AV . H . D . Horsfall , supported by Bro . John Armitage , AA' . M . 137 , and carried unanimously ; aud on the motion of Bro . John Firth , AV . M . 58 , seconded by Bro . AA' . F . AVilkinson , it was resolved that Bro . John Greenwood , P . M . 5 S , be Prov . Grand Tyler . The following brethren were then invested by tho Provincial Grand Mark Master as the first officers of the Provincial Grand
Mark Lodge : — Bro . Henry Mathews , W . M . 53 ... Prov . G . S . AV . „ R . V . Allison , W . M . Ill ... Prov . G . J . AV . „ AVilliam Roberts , P . M . 14 ... Prov . G . M . O . „ John Firth , AV . M . 58 Prov . G . S . O . „ Edmund Hartley , P . M . 14 ... Prov . G . J . O . „ Rev . Appleyard , M . A ., 127 ... Prov . G . Chaplain . „ G . Normanton , P . M . 58 Prov . G . Treasurer . „ Thomas Burgess , 14 Prov . G . Registrar . „ W . Cook , P . M . 58 , Past G . S . O . Prov . G . Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
DERBYSHIRE . BUXTON . —LODGE PHOSNIX ST . ANN ( 1 , 235 ) . On Saturday , the 19 th ult ., the officers and members of the Phoenix Lodge of St . Ann , of Buxton , assembled at AVormhill , on the invitation of their worthy Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . A . Bagshawe , Vicar of AVormhill and Rural Dean , to aid him in the good work of extending the benefits of education to his
parishioners . There were present Bros . J . Millward , P / M ., P . Prov . G . D . ; R . Darwin , P . M ., P . G . J . AV . ; R . R . Duke , AV . M . ; F . Turner , S . AV . ; Josiah Taylor , J . AV . ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , Chap ., P . G . Chap- ; P . Klitz , Org ., P . Prov . G . Org . Hampshiie ; AV . Millward , AV . E . Clayton , E . J . Sykes , J . H . Lawson , P . Le Gros , J . C . Bates , C . AA ilkinson , AV . Goodwin , AV . D . Sutton , J . Bennett , S . C Darwin , AV . H . Newton , G . F . BarnardR . H . Hyde . J . C . Hyde 1235 ; G . Beardmore 966 J .
, , , ; S . Hague , H . Ffolliott , Chap . 127 Derry , G . Chap . Derry and Donegal ; W . AVebbe , AV . M . 884 , P . G . S . AV . ; E . J . Cullen , S . D . ; AVitham Lodge , 297 , Lincoln ; S . R . Ready , P . M . 654 ; C . Ferguson , 654 ; P . Bramwell , 654 ; T . Griggs , Architect ; T . Bragge , P . M . 74 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; and the Rev . Bagshawe . The school accommodation at AVormhill being found inadequate it had been resolved to enlarge it , and the occasion offered
an opportunity to lay tho chief stone with Masonic honours . The permission of the Marquis of Hartington , Provincial Grand Master of Derbyshire , having been duly obtained , the arrangements were perfected by the Phconix Lodge of St . Ann , who mastered in good force to do honour to the first public ceremony tliey have been called on to perform . Arrived at AVormhill , the lodge mot , by adjournment ironi tbo last regular lodge , at the Hall , where every preparation had beeu made for the comfort of
the visitors , and the proper carriage of the duties undertaken . After the reading of tiie authorization from the Grand Officer mimed , the brethren , re-in ! brceii by arrivals from AVirksworfch and other ledges , formed in procession , and attended divine service iu at the quaint and pretty little ehur : h , near the Hall . The service was most suitable , and was impressively rendered by the host of the day , aided by his son , Bro . the Rev . — Bagshawe . Wo must here notetoothat Bro . P . Klifcz had kindl
, , y volunteered to aid the ceremony by the introduction of suitable music , and witli a select portion of the Masonic choir , added to the service an interest which otherwise would have been wanting . Service ended , the brethren , with the new . banner of the lo'Igo flying ( used for the first time on this occasion ) proceeded to the site in the following order : —
The Tyler . Trumpeters . Brethren of the Lodge . The Stewards ; Corn , AA'ine , and Oil . Architect with Pians . Inner Guard . Organist . Director of Ceremonies .
Secretary with Book of Constitutions . Treasurer with Coins to be deposited iu Stone . Visiting- Brethren . Junior AA ' arden . Standard Bearer with Banner of Lodge . Senior AA'arden . Junior Deacou . Chaplain witli A olume of Sacred Law .
Bro . Darwin , P . M . Bro . Duke , AV . M . Bro . Millward , P . M . Senior Deacon . Sword Bearer . Arrived at the site , the beautiful work of laying the stone , with the touching lectures on the various tools by which an operative mason perfects his workwas impressively and solemnl
, y performed by Past Master Millward , a Mason of more than sixty years' standing , assisted by Bros . R . Darwin and R . R . Duke . A Masonic ode , arranged and adapted for the occasion by Bro . P . Kiltz , was then sung , and Bro . A . A . Bagshawe delivered an oration on the blessings of education , concluding with the benediction . A collection was made in aid of school furniture and
fittings , and the ceremonies , iri which a considerable number of the parishioners had , by thoir presence in church and at the site , shown great interest in tho good work of their incumbent , terminated . The brethren , returning to AA ormliill Hall , closed the lodge , and on their return from labour were received by their Chaplain and his son at the Alcarage , where a sumptuous collation
awaited them . Conversation and croquet filled up the time ere the return train arrived to convey the brethren back to Buxton , the host terminating an agreeable as well as useful day in a manner befitting a Mason , a chaplain , and a noble-hearted English gentleman , in his intercourse with men whose principles are Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth ! Tho inscription on the stone was as follows-.
—"Laid the 19 th August , 1871 , by the 'Phcenix Lodge of St . Ann , Buxton , No . 1235 . " Bro . R . R . Duke , AA . M . Bro . R . Darwin , P . AI . Bro . J . Millward , P . M . Bro . A . A . Bagshawe , M . A ., P . G . C , A icar . Bro . R . Griggs , Architect . "
Mark Masonry.
YORRSHIRE ( AVEST ) . INAUGUEATION 01- THE PllOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE AND INSTALLATION OF PEOVINOIAL GEAND MASTEE . On AA ' cdnesday , 2 ud ult ., R . AV . Bro . AA i ) liam Romaiue Callendar , jnn ., Provincial Grand Mark Master for Lancashire , accompanied by a large number of his officers , attended as the representatives of the Most AA orshipful Grand Mark Master of England aud AVales to perform the ceremony of inaugurating
the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons for AA ' est Yorkshire , ancl also of installing Bro . Perkington into the office of Provincial Graud Master . The Fearnley Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 58 ( Bro . Perkington's mother lodge ) , had requested the Provincial Graud Mark Master designate to hold his first Provincial meeting under its auspices , at the Masonic Hal ] , Halifax ; consequently shortly after two o'clock , tho W . M ., Bro . John Firth , assisted by his
officers , opened the Lodge , upon which the Lancashire Provincial Grand Oflicers wero duly formed , and entered the lodge room . Bro . Chadwick , Provincial Grand Secretary for Lancashire , then read the authority of the Most AA orshipl ' ul Grand Mark Master for R . AV . Bro . Callender to perform the duties for lhat day ; ami he accordingly commenced by opening a Provincial Grand Mark Lodge . He then called upon Bro . Chadwick to read Bro . Perkington ' s patent as Provincial Grand Mark Master for AA ' est Yorkshire , which being done , a deputation left the room for the
purpose of escorting the Provincial Grand Mark Master designate into the lodge , where R . AV . Bro . Callender , in a masterly manner , inducted Bro . Perkington into his office . The next business was tho obligation and investiture of Bro . John AA ordsworth Morley , P . M . 14 , and AV . M . 110 , as Deputy Provincial Grand Jlark Master . Bro . John Copley , P . G . S . B ., then proposed Bro . G . NormantonP . M . 58 G . L of AV . as Prov . Grand Treasurerwhich was
, , , , seconded by Bro . AV . H . D . Horsfall , supported by Bro . John Armitage , AA' . M . 137 , and carried unanimously ; aud on the motion of Bro . John Firth , AV . M . 58 , seconded by Bro . AA' . F . AVilkinson , it was resolved that Bro . John Greenwood , P . M . 5 S , be Prov . Grand Tyler . The following brethren were then invested by tho Provincial Grand Mark Master as the first officers of the Provincial Grand
Mark Lodge : — Bro . Henry Mathews , W . M . 53 ... Prov . G . S . AV . „ R . V . Allison , W . M . Ill ... Prov . G . J . AV . „ AVilliam Roberts , P . M . 14 ... Prov . G . M . O . „ John Firth , AV . M . 58 Prov . G . S . O . „ Edmund Hartley , P . M . 14 ... Prov . G . J . O . „ Rev . Appleyard , M . A ., 127 ... Prov . G . Chaplain . „ G . Normanton , P . M . 58 Prov . G . Treasurer . „ Thomas Burgess , 14 Prov . G . Registrar . „ W . Cook , P . M . 58 , Past G . S . O . Prov . G . Secretary .