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Smith , the retiring Worshipful Master , to Masonry in general , aud the Arboretum Lodge in particular , by presenting hiin with a handsome testimonial in the shape of a silver centre-piece , which had been procured from the establishment of Messrs . Elkington , of Birmingham . This was a " special" presentation to Bro . Smith ( and one which no previous P . M . has received ) in consequence of the great liberality he has shown in
supporting the charities of the order . Only a few weeks ago he contributed fifty guineas to the fund ol the Boys' School , and last week he attended ot the anniversary festival in aid of the same charity , along with Bro . J . C . Merry , Steward , when £ 105 was announced as a contribution of the Arboretum Lodge . There was an -unusually large attendance on Wednesday , and tbe proceedings throughout were of the most gratifying character . Bro . Baldock , as usual , provided one of those recherche repasts
for which he is so famous . Tbe AV . M . gave the usual Masonic toasts , that of " The Deputy Grand Master and Officers of the Grand Lodge of England " being responded to by Bro . Binckes , who made an eloquent appeal on behalf of the Boys' School , and stated that at the anniversary festival last week the Province of Derbyshire had contributed £ 200 , £ 105 of which was subscribed by the Arboretum Lodge . Bro J . Smith , having proposed " The AV . M . of the Arboretum Lod" which was
ge , duly honoured , the W . M . then gave "The health of Bro . John Smith , the Immediate Past Master , " whose heart , he said , overflowed for Freemasonry and charity . The brethren of the lodge thought some slight mark of appreciation was due to him on his leaving the chair , and he had great pleasure in presenting him with a Past Master's Jewel . Tbe piece of plate having been brought into the room , Bro . G . T . AVrigbt , P . M ., made the presentation in an eloquent addressin the course of which he
, referred to Bro . Smith having buckled on the armour of Masonry , and had worked for the good of the Order . Bro . Smith responded , and in the course of his remarks said he had endeavoured during his year of office to do bis duty to the best of bis ability . He thanked the P . M ' s and officers for the manner in which they had rallied round him . He then thanked them for the Jewel they bad presented him with , arid also for the handsome piece of plate before him . A number of other toasts followed .
DEVONSHIRE . STONEHOTJSE . — Metham Lodge ( No . 1205 . ) —On Monday , 23 th ult ., the members of this lodge assembled in the Masonic Temple at Stonehouse , for the purpose of installing the AVoishipful Master , Major H . B . Russell , of the 57 th Regiment , in the chair of King Solomon , and transacting other business . There was a good attendance of Past Masters and of visitors . This lodge was specially formed to enable tbe members of the United
Service to take official rank in a manner more readily than they « ould otherwise do in ordinary lodges where the civilians , who are stationary , can establish claims to office which military and naval men , on account of their nomadic habits , are unable to sustain . Hence , most of the members of Lodge Metham are either military or naval men , and it is something like a point of honour with them , apparently , that if a brother fills one of the chairs , and is called away by duty to another part of the globe ,
be is to be remembered on his return , and take up , as far as possible , the position he occupied when he left . Thus , in the present case , Major Russell , owing to the removal of the Senior Warden , has passed from the J . Warden ' s to that of the Worshipful Master , and it was pleasant to hear in the course of the day a sort of tacit pledge given that if the late S . AV . returned at any proper opportunity the Master's chair should be placed at his service . The Acting AVorshipful Master on this occasion
was the V . W . Bro . Colonel John Elliott , who is tbe founder of the lodge , and is a most admirable worker , being learned in all the mjsteries of tbe craft . He performed -all the ceremonies of the installation , and delivered the charges , in a most agreeable manner . On the completion of the installation , the AVorshipful Master was saluted with the customary honours , and the solemn service was much enhanced by Bro . Daniel Cross . After the installationthe following brethren received their collars : —Bros
, . Col . Elliott , P . M ., 1929 , 1205 , P . Prov . S . G . AA ., 30 , I . P . M . ; W . Powell , S . AV . ; David Cross , J . W . ; James Montgomery , P . M ., Treas ; HenryArbery , Sec . ; Henry T . Taylor , S . D . ; E . A . Nothey , J . D . ;~ Michael Sullivan , I . G . ; Lieutenant and Adjutant J . Phillips , D . C . ; Hunter and AV . Howe , Stewards ; Thomas Shepherd , Tyler After appointing bis officers for tbe ensuing year , the AV . Master proceeded to raise one of the brethren to the sublime degree of a
M . M ., and he performed his ceremony in a beautiful manner . Subsequently the brethren dined at the Duke ; f Cornwall Hotel under the presidency of their AVorshipful Master . There was a good attendance , any many distinguished visitor-shad tho honour of receiving invitations . Amongst those present were Colonel Elliott , P . M ., 1 , 029 , 1 , 205 , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., 30 ; R . R . Rodd , P . M . 189 P . Prov . G . S . AV . CornwallCaptain Shad well Clarke
, , ; , 21 st F . P . M . 1 , 205 , P . G . S . B . ; Lieutenant the Hon . AA alter Hylfcon Jolliffe , R . N . ; Stafi-Surgeon Ahmutey Ir-vin ; Capt . Hore , R . M . ; Lieut . Mcllwaine , P . M . ; Capt . Hallctt , 57 th Regiment ; Lieut . Beechy , B . M . ; John Sadler , P . M ' . 189 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; James Cla ' se , P . M . 230 , P . Prov . G . D . ; E . AV . Cole , P . M . 105 ; L . P . Metham , D . P . G . M ., P . G . D . ; L . Latimer , P . Prov . G . Sec ; J . N . BlakeP . M . 1205 H . MillerP . M
, , ; , . 223 ; J . May , P . M . 223 ; E . March , P . M . 202 , P . Prov . G . O . ; L . D . AA estcott , P . M . 70 . The dinner was excellent , and was well and quickly served , doing great credit to tbe " management" of tbe hotel . After dinner , it being somewhat late , the AVorshipful Master omitted some of the toasts , so as to reduce the number of the speeches . Bro . Cross , J . W ., again officiated at the piano , and thus added much to the pleasures of the evening .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , and some excellent speeches were made . Colonel Elliott descanted on the value of the lodge , for it would enable the members , when abroad , to keep up lodges which had often broken down lor want of Masters to govern them . —Brother Clase spoke eloquently and feelingly , as he always does , of the cosmopolitan character or Freemasonry ; of its brotherhood amongst all men , without regard to their politics or their religion ; and of the charitable
principles which it inculcated , and which were so frequently evidenced wherever it was a living principle . Bro . Metham also enlarged upon this important point in the speech proposing ' ¦ ' Our Poor and Distressed Brethren , wherever dispersed , speedy relief to them" —a toast with which all banquets of Freemasons quietly conclude , and gave some touching instances of the benefits conferred by Masonry upon the orphan , the bereaved , and the distressed brethrenupon whom the shafts of misfortuue
, may have fallen . In tbo course of bis speech , he referred to the children ' s Masonic Bed in tho Albert Hospital , and called for the liberality of the brethren towards the maintenance of a charity of so much value . AVe ought to state that the lodge has nearly a hundred members , and that its finances are in a flourishing condition .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 292 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at the Masonic Temple , Hope Street . The chair was occupied by Bro . Pelham , W . M ; who was ably supported in the performance of his duties by Bro . R . S . AVilliams , I . P . M . ; T . Wylie , P . M . ; R . Wylie , P . M . ; Haner , P . M . ; Hess , P . M ., and Treas . ; AVilson , S . AV . ; Huswick , . T . AV . ;
Elliot , Sec ; Evans ; S . D . ; Rupell , J . D . ; Hughes , I . G . Four gentlemen having been ballotted for , and unanimously approved , were initiated by the AV . M ., whose first performance of his ceremony proved him a worthy occupant of the chair . The oflicers also were well up to their work , the Senior and Junior Wardens giving the charge and the working tools . A banquet followed the proceedings . Tbe visitors were Bros . Major Leslie , 1205 ; C . H . Hill , AV . M ., 724 ; and Jones , J . AV ., 1270 .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . PONTXPOOL . —Kennard Lodge ( No . 1258 . )—The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Monday last , and an unusual number of brethren were in attendance , from the fact that the R . AV ., tbe Prov . G . M . ; the D . P . G . M ., and very many of the P . G . D . Officers , having signified their intention to be present . The AA . M ., Bro . H . M . Kennard , took the chair , and after the
minutes of tbe last lodge had been read and confirmed , the AA . M . proceeded to raise Bros . Richard Knipe , Davis Beaumont , and Fox . The lodge was immediately closed down to the first degree , when a candidate fur initiation at the next meeting was proposed by tbe Chaplain , seconded by the P . M . The W . M . thou proposed that a cordial and hearty vote of thanks be given to the R . AV . the P . G . M ., the D . P . G . M ., the P . G . L ., Officers , and the visitors , who bad honoured the lodge with their company that evening , and the same having been acknowledged by the P . G . M . in his usual happy felicitious style . The lodge was closed in harmony at 7 . 45 p . m . The brethren proceeded immediately to the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Smith , the retiring Worshipful Master , to Masonry in general , aud the Arboretum Lodge in particular , by presenting hiin with a handsome testimonial in the shape of a silver centre-piece , which had been procured from the establishment of Messrs . Elkington , of Birmingham . This was a " special" presentation to Bro . Smith ( and one which no previous P . M . has received ) in consequence of the great liberality he has shown in
supporting the charities of the order . Only a few weeks ago he contributed fifty guineas to the fund ol the Boys' School , and last week he attended ot the anniversary festival in aid of the same charity , along with Bro . J . C . Merry , Steward , when £ 105 was announced as a contribution of the Arboretum Lodge . There was an -unusually large attendance on Wednesday , and tbe proceedings throughout were of the most gratifying character . Bro . Baldock , as usual , provided one of those recherche repasts
for which he is so famous . Tbe AV . M . gave the usual Masonic toasts , that of " The Deputy Grand Master and Officers of the Grand Lodge of England " being responded to by Bro . Binckes , who made an eloquent appeal on behalf of the Boys' School , and stated that at the anniversary festival last week the Province of Derbyshire had contributed £ 200 , £ 105 of which was subscribed by the Arboretum Lodge . Bro J . Smith , having proposed " The AV . M . of the Arboretum Lod" which was
ge , duly honoured , the W . M . then gave "The health of Bro . John Smith , the Immediate Past Master , " whose heart , he said , overflowed for Freemasonry and charity . The brethren of the lodge thought some slight mark of appreciation was due to him on his leaving the chair , and he had great pleasure in presenting him with a Past Master's Jewel . Tbe piece of plate having been brought into the room , Bro . G . T . AVrigbt , P . M ., made the presentation in an eloquent addressin the course of which he
, referred to Bro . Smith having buckled on the armour of Masonry , and had worked for the good of the Order . Bro . Smith responded , and in the course of his remarks said he had endeavoured during his year of office to do bis duty to the best of bis ability . He thanked the P . M ' s and officers for the manner in which they had rallied round him . He then thanked them for the Jewel they bad presented him with , arid also for the handsome piece of plate before him . A number of other toasts followed .
DEVONSHIRE . STONEHOTJSE . — Metham Lodge ( No . 1205 . ) —On Monday , 23 th ult ., the members of this lodge assembled in the Masonic Temple at Stonehouse , for the purpose of installing the AVoishipful Master , Major H . B . Russell , of the 57 th Regiment , in the chair of King Solomon , and transacting other business . There was a good attendance of Past Masters and of visitors . This lodge was specially formed to enable tbe members of the United
Service to take official rank in a manner more readily than they « ould otherwise do in ordinary lodges where the civilians , who are stationary , can establish claims to office which military and naval men , on account of their nomadic habits , are unable to sustain . Hence , most of the members of Lodge Metham are either military or naval men , and it is something like a point of honour with them , apparently , that if a brother fills one of the chairs , and is called away by duty to another part of the globe ,
be is to be remembered on his return , and take up , as far as possible , the position he occupied when he left . Thus , in the present case , Major Russell , owing to the removal of the Senior Warden , has passed from the J . Warden ' s to that of the Worshipful Master , and it was pleasant to hear in the course of the day a sort of tacit pledge given that if the late S . AV . returned at any proper opportunity the Master's chair should be placed at his service . The Acting AVorshipful Master on this occasion
was the V . W . Bro . Colonel John Elliott , who is tbe founder of the lodge , and is a most admirable worker , being learned in all the mjsteries of tbe craft . He performed -all the ceremonies of the installation , and delivered the charges , in a most agreeable manner . On the completion of the installation , the AVorshipful Master was saluted with the customary honours , and the solemn service was much enhanced by Bro . Daniel Cross . After the installationthe following brethren received their collars : —Bros
, . Col . Elliott , P . M ., 1929 , 1205 , P . Prov . S . G . AA ., 30 , I . P . M . ; W . Powell , S . AV . ; David Cross , J . W . ; James Montgomery , P . M ., Treas ; HenryArbery , Sec . ; Henry T . Taylor , S . D . ; E . A . Nothey , J . D . ;~ Michael Sullivan , I . G . ; Lieutenant and Adjutant J . Phillips , D . C . ; Hunter and AV . Howe , Stewards ; Thomas Shepherd , Tyler After appointing bis officers for tbe ensuing year , the AV . Master proceeded to raise one of the brethren to the sublime degree of a
M . M ., and he performed his ceremony in a beautiful manner . Subsequently the brethren dined at the Duke ; f Cornwall Hotel under the presidency of their AVorshipful Master . There was a good attendance , any many distinguished visitor-shad tho honour of receiving invitations . Amongst those present were Colonel Elliott , P . M ., 1 , 029 , 1 , 205 , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., 30 ; R . R . Rodd , P . M . 189 P . Prov . G . S . AV . CornwallCaptain Shad well Clarke
, , ; , 21 st F . P . M . 1 , 205 , P . G . S . B . ; Lieutenant the Hon . AA alter Hylfcon Jolliffe , R . N . ; Stafi-Surgeon Ahmutey Ir-vin ; Capt . Hore , R . M . ; Lieut . Mcllwaine , P . M . ; Capt . Hallctt , 57 th Regiment ; Lieut . Beechy , B . M . ; John Sadler , P . M ' . 189 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; James Cla ' se , P . M . 230 , P . Prov . G . D . ; E . AV . Cole , P . M . 105 ; L . P . Metham , D . P . G . M ., P . G . D . ; L . Latimer , P . Prov . G . Sec ; J . N . BlakeP . M . 1205 H . MillerP . M
, , ; , . 223 ; J . May , P . M . 223 ; E . March , P . M . 202 , P . Prov . G . O . ; L . D . AA estcott , P . M . 70 . The dinner was excellent , and was well and quickly served , doing great credit to tbe " management" of tbe hotel . After dinner , it being somewhat late , the AVorshipful Master omitted some of the toasts , so as to reduce the number of the speeches . Bro . Cross , J . W ., again officiated at the piano , and thus added much to the pleasures of the evening .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , and some excellent speeches were made . Colonel Elliott descanted on the value of the lodge , for it would enable the members , when abroad , to keep up lodges which had often broken down lor want of Masters to govern them . —Brother Clase spoke eloquently and feelingly , as he always does , of the cosmopolitan character or Freemasonry ; of its brotherhood amongst all men , without regard to their politics or their religion ; and of the charitable
principles which it inculcated , and which were so frequently evidenced wherever it was a living principle . Bro . Metham also enlarged upon this important point in the speech proposing ' ¦ ' Our Poor and Distressed Brethren , wherever dispersed , speedy relief to them" —a toast with which all banquets of Freemasons quietly conclude , and gave some touching instances of the benefits conferred by Masonry upon the orphan , the bereaved , and the distressed brethrenupon whom the shafts of misfortuue
, may have fallen . In tbo course of bis speech , he referred to the children ' s Masonic Bed in tho Albert Hospital , and called for the liberality of the brethren towards the maintenance of a charity of so much value . AVe ought to state that the lodge has nearly a hundred members , and that its finances are in a flourishing condition .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 292 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at the Masonic Temple , Hope Street . The chair was occupied by Bro . Pelham , W . M ; who was ably supported in the performance of his duties by Bro . R . S . AVilliams , I . P . M . ; T . Wylie , P . M . ; R . Wylie , P . M . ; Haner , P . M . ; Hess , P . M ., and Treas . ; AVilson , S . AV . ; Huswick , . T . AV . ;
Elliot , Sec ; Evans ; S . D . ; Rupell , J . D . ; Hughes , I . G . Four gentlemen having been ballotted for , and unanimously approved , were initiated by the AV . M ., whose first performance of his ceremony proved him a worthy occupant of the chair . The oflicers also were well up to their work , the Senior and Junior Wardens giving the charge and the working tools . A banquet followed the proceedings . Tbe visitors were Bros . Major Leslie , 1205 ; C . H . Hill , AV . M ., 724 ; and Jones , J . AV ., 1270 .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . PONTXPOOL . —Kennard Lodge ( No . 1258 . )—The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Monday last , and an unusual number of brethren were in attendance , from the fact that the R . AV ., tbe Prov . G . M . ; the D . P . G . M ., and very many of the P . G . D . Officers , having signified their intention to be present . The AA . M ., Bro . H . M . Kennard , took the chair , and after the
minutes of tbe last lodge had been read and confirmed , the AA . M . proceeded to raise Bros . Richard Knipe , Davis Beaumont , and Fox . The lodge was immediately closed down to the first degree , when a candidate fur initiation at the next meeting was proposed by tbe Chaplain , seconded by the P . M . The W . M . thou proposed that a cordial and hearty vote of thanks be given to the R . AV . the P . G . M ., the D . P . G . M ., the P . G . L ., Officers , and the visitors , who bad honoured the lodge with their company that evening , and the same having been acknowledged by the P . G . M . in his usual happy felicitious style . The lodge was closed in harmony at 7 . 45 p . m . The brethren proceeded immediately to the