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influenza , and the circumstance of the Walsal Masonic Ball being held on tins ' evening , sat flown to a most excellent dinner , well supplied . Several speeches were made in the course of the evening , by Bros . Warner , P . M ., Gwynne W . M ., Bristowe , W . M . ( No . 313 ) , T . Spenser , J . Creswell , Howells , S ., and B . Whitehouse , and the company enlivened by some excellent songs from Bros . Spenser , EA S . Creswell , Henry Whitehouse , W . Howells , White and Waring . We need scarcely say , that a most happy and pleasant evening was spent , and that the Brethren retired at an early hour .
SUFFOLK . The Brethren of this Province are about to present to their highly esteemed Prov . G . M . Sir E . S . Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., a testimonial . It is rumoured that a Portrait of the Baronet would be most acceptable . A considerable sum of money from Lodges , and private subscriptions from Brethren , members of Craft , has already been subscribed .
Ipswich . —British Union Lodge ( No . 131 ) . —On Monday , January 29 th , one of the largest meetings ever known in this town was held , at which the R . W . Bro . R . Martin , Dep . Prov . Grand Master , officiated for the W . M . Bro . J . Tracy , and initiated Mr . H . Neale and Mr . J . Fuller . Two Brethren were passed to the second degree by the W . M . Sixteen Brethren afterwards partook of the Banquet , when our brave army in the East was not forgotten , but success to their arms was drank
with Masonic fervour . A donation of ^ . Ye guineas from this Lodge to the Patriotic Fund was made . This Lodge , after a considerable recess , has at length raised her head , and is now in a fair way of being ( as in days of yore ) , one of the most numerous and best-working Lodges in the Province . A continued accession of new members , with a determination to carry out proper and genuine working , cannot fail to place her on a firm and solid footing .
Saint Luke ' s Lodge ( No . 272 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on the 14 th February , Bro . G . M . Tyrrell , W . M ., in the Chair . There being no business before the members this evening , the accounts of the Lodge were audited , and the question of the testimonial to the R . W . the Prov . G . M . was introduced . After some discussion the Secretary was instructed to collect all the arrears of quarterages due , and report the same to the next regular meeting .
SUSSEX . Bkighton . —The Royal Cloyrence Lodge ( No . 338 ) , met at the Old Ship Hotel , on Friday , January 19 th . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Peter Wilkinson , the immediate P . M . thereof ( the Y . W . the Prov . Dep . G . M ., Col . James McQueen , W . M * of this Lodge being absent on account of illness ) , after the transaction of the usual Lodge business , Bro . Gavin E . Pocock , Prov . G . Sec , who had been
unanimously elected W . M . at the meeting of this Lodge in December last , was installed in the Master ' s chair ; this ceremony was performed by Bro . D . M . Folkard , Prov . G . Registrar , and P . M . of this Lodge , in his usual impressive manner . After the installation , Bro . Folkard presented the W . M . with a handsome jewel , representing two of the emblematic lights in Masonry , as a mark of his friendship , and in estimation of the zeal and ability , with which Bro . Pocock had performed the duties of the various offices he had passed through .
The W . M . then appointed and invested the following Brethren as his Officers , viz . : —Bros . Henry Smithers , S . W . ; W . A . Stuckey , J . W . ; Geo . Lowdell , Sec . ; James McGee , D . of C . ; W . Batley , S . D . ; John Scott , J . D . ; G . F . Folkard , I . G . ; J . Rogers , G . Browne , and W . Taylor , Stewards . About forty of the Brethren , including all the P P . M M . '' s of this Lodere , afterwards partook of the Brethrenincluding all the .. s of this Lodgeafterwards partook of the
, , banquet ( provided by Mr . R . Bacon , of the Old Ship Hotel , in his usual good style ) , a very happy evening was passed , and the Lodge was closed in that peace and harmony so characteristic of Freemasonry . The * members of the Royal Clarence Lodge hold their meetings on the third Friday in every month .
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Untitled Article
influenza , and the circumstance of the Walsal Masonic Ball being held on tins ' evening , sat flown to a most excellent dinner , well supplied . Several speeches were made in the course of the evening , by Bros . Warner , P . M ., Gwynne W . M ., Bristowe , W . M . ( No . 313 ) , T . Spenser , J . Creswell , Howells , S ., and B . Whitehouse , and the company enlivened by some excellent songs from Bros . Spenser , EA S . Creswell , Henry Whitehouse , W . Howells , White and Waring . We need scarcely say , that a most happy and pleasant evening was spent , and that the Brethren retired at an early hour .
SUFFOLK . The Brethren of this Province are about to present to their highly esteemed Prov . G . M . Sir E . S . Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., a testimonial . It is rumoured that a Portrait of the Baronet would be most acceptable . A considerable sum of money from Lodges , and private subscriptions from Brethren , members of Craft , has already been subscribed .
Ipswich . —British Union Lodge ( No . 131 ) . —On Monday , January 29 th , one of the largest meetings ever known in this town was held , at which the R . W . Bro . R . Martin , Dep . Prov . Grand Master , officiated for the W . M . Bro . J . Tracy , and initiated Mr . H . Neale and Mr . J . Fuller . Two Brethren were passed to the second degree by the W . M . Sixteen Brethren afterwards partook of the Banquet , when our brave army in the East was not forgotten , but success to their arms was drank
with Masonic fervour . A donation of ^ . Ye guineas from this Lodge to the Patriotic Fund was made . This Lodge , after a considerable recess , has at length raised her head , and is now in a fair way of being ( as in days of yore ) , one of the most numerous and best-working Lodges in the Province . A continued accession of new members , with a determination to carry out proper and genuine working , cannot fail to place her on a firm and solid footing .
Saint Luke ' s Lodge ( No . 272 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on the 14 th February , Bro . G . M . Tyrrell , W . M ., in the Chair . There being no business before the members this evening , the accounts of the Lodge were audited , and the question of the testimonial to the R . W . the Prov . G . M . was introduced . After some discussion the Secretary was instructed to collect all the arrears of quarterages due , and report the same to the next regular meeting .
SUSSEX . Bkighton . —The Royal Cloyrence Lodge ( No . 338 ) , met at the Old Ship Hotel , on Friday , January 19 th . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Peter Wilkinson , the immediate P . M . thereof ( the Y . W . the Prov . Dep . G . M ., Col . James McQueen , W . M * of this Lodge being absent on account of illness ) , after the transaction of the usual Lodge business , Bro . Gavin E . Pocock , Prov . G . Sec , who had been
unanimously elected W . M . at the meeting of this Lodge in December last , was installed in the Master ' s chair ; this ceremony was performed by Bro . D . M . Folkard , Prov . G . Registrar , and P . M . of this Lodge , in his usual impressive manner . After the installation , Bro . Folkard presented the W . M . with a handsome jewel , representing two of the emblematic lights in Masonry , as a mark of his friendship , and in estimation of the zeal and ability , with which Bro . Pocock had performed the duties of the various offices he had passed through .
The W . M . then appointed and invested the following Brethren as his Officers , viz . : —Bros . Henry Smithers , S . W . ; W . A . Stuckey , J . W . ; Geo . Lowdell , Sec . ; James McGee , D . of C . ; W . Batley , S . D . ; John Scott , J . D . ; G . F . Folkard , I . G . ; J . Rogers , G . Browne , and W . Taylor , Stewards . About forty of the Brethren , including all the P P . M M . '' s of this Lodere , afterwards partook of the Brethrenincluding all the .. s of this Lodgeafterwards partook of the
, , banquet ( provided by Mr . R . Bacon , of the Old Ship Hotel , in his usual good style ) , a very happy evening was passed , and the Lodge was closed in that peace and harmony so characteristic of Freemasonry . The * members of the Royal Clarence Lodge hold their meetings on the third Friday in every month .