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Old Kind ' s Arms Lodge . ( No . 30 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday January 22 . The business consisted of a raising and the installation of W . M . The raising was performed by Bro . Filer , P . M ., in a very impressive manner . The installation of Bro . Edward Warwick was next proceeded with by Bro . Barnes , P . M ., and Treas ., in his usual able manner . The W . M . then invested his Officers as follows : —Bro . Paas , S . W . ; Bro . Groft , J . W . ; Bro . Marsh , S . D . ; Bro . Gurney , J . W . ; Bro . Play ford , I . Gr . ; Bro . P . M . Jaques , D . C . ; Bro . P . M . Barnes , Treas . ; and Bro . Scrivener ,
Hon . Sec . The Lodge having been closed , the Brethren retired to the banquet , prepared under the immediate superintendence of the proprietors . About forty Brethren sat down to dinner , amongst whom were three or four-and-twenty visitors , including Bros . Dr . Rowe , P . G . S . D . and P . P . G . M ., for Essex ; Bisgood , D . P . G . M ., for Kent ; Wing , P . M . ; Z . Watkins , P . M . ; Warren , P . M . ; Adlard , P . M . ; Pereira , P . M . ; Crew , P . M . ; Lenney , P . M . ; Harris , P . M . ; Oram , W . M ., No . 40 ; Maudsley , Sams , Glover , Carter , Thompson , & c . The enjoyment of the evening was very much heightened by some first-rate music and singing by Bros . G . Genge , Farquharson , D . King , and G . Perren .
Constitutional Lodge ( No . 63 ) . —This Lodge held its meeting at the Exeter Hall Hotel , Strand , on Thursday , the 15 th February , when Bro . John Shirley , P . M ., in a very able manner installed Brc > William Vence , W . M ., for the ensuing twelve months , who was pleased to appoint Bros . Percy Moss , S . W . ; J . Horn , J . W . ; John Shirley , Tr . ; William Farnfield , Sec . ; G . Grumbridge , S . D . ; J . Ward , J . D . ; and Joseph Smith , J . G . The Sec . gave a statement of the usefulness of the several Masonic Charities , after which the usual subscriptions were
voted to the Freemasons' Girls' School , Boys' School , Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and the Widows' Fund . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren proceeded to the banquet ; when , in due time , a P . M . Jewel was presented to Bro . John Mules , in token of respect for the manner in which he had presided over the Lodge during the past year , which was acknowledged in a neat and appropriate speech by him . Many of the Brethren of the Lodge having received much valuable instruction , both privately and at the Lodge of Instruction , from Bro . James
Scotcher , P . M ., they , and the other members of the Lodge , as a mark of the high estimation he is held in by them , took this opportunity of presenting him with a silver tankard ; for which mark of esteem and friendship Bro . J . Scotcher , in a very able speech , thanked the Brethren , at the same time pointing out the beauties of Freemasonry ; and further stated , that he had but one son to whom this mark of their kindness would be handed down when it pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to call him from this world . As an inducement to others , we think
it proper to mention , that from the able manner the Sec , Bro . Farnfield , explained the benefits of the several Charities to our poorer Brethren and their Widows , a Brother of the Lodge , not yetiri office , handed him a check for the sum of £ 26 . 5 s ., with a request that he would pay the same to the proper parties , to enable him to become Governor of the Charities above-named . Lodge of Unit y ( No . 82 ) , London Tavern . —The members assembled on Monday , February 5 ; and this being the Installation meeting , there was a full
attendance . There were three initiates—Thomas Ruston , Esq ., John Funge , Esq ., and James Thomas Cookney , Esq . The first was initiated by Bro . Stearns , P . M . ; and the two last by Bro . How , P . M . The W . M . Bro . J . M . Thearle , then presented Bro . A . L . Bellinger , W . M . elect , to Bro . How , who duly performed the ceremony of installation , and proclaimed the W . M . in the several degrees . Bro . How then addressed the W . M ., and alluded to the gratifying honours that had been conferred on him in the Province of Hertford , and intimated to the Officers the
excellent example set by the W . M ., as the best guide to their obtaining the elevated post he occupied . Bro . How , agreeably to a notice given at the preceding Lodge , proposed , " That a jewel of a design prepared for this Lodge exclusivel y * he presented to each P . M ., " which being seconded by Bro . the Rev . J . E . Cox , P . M . and Gr . Chap ., was carried unanimously . The W . M . then appointed as his Officers Bros . Masterman , S . W . ; Sleigh , J . W . ; Slight , S . D . ; J . H . Anderson , J . D . ; Porter ' I . G . : How , Sec . The members adjourned to banquet at
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Untitled Article
Old Kind ' s Arms Lodge . ( No . 30 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday January 22 . The business consisted of a raising and the installation of W . M . The raising was performed by Bro . Filer , P . M ., in a very impressive manner . The installation of Bro . Edward Warwick was next proceeded with by Bro . Barnes , P . M ., and Treas ., in his usual able manner . The W . M . then invested his Officers as follows : —Bro . Paas , S . W . ; Bro . Groft , J . W . ; Bro . Marsh , S . D . ; Bro . Gurney , J . W . ; Bro . Play ford , I . Gr . ; Bro . P . M . Jaques , D . C . ; Bro . P . M . Barnes , Treas . ; and Bro . Scrivener ,
Hon . Sec . The Lodge having been closed , the Brethren retired to the banquet , prepared under the immediate superintendence of the proprietors . About forty Brethren sat down to dinner , amongst whom were three or four-and-twenty visitors , including Bros . Dr . Rowe , P . G . S . D . and P . P . G . M ., for Essex ; Bisgood , D . P . G . M ., for Kent ; Wing , P . M . ; Z . Watkins , P . M . ; Warren , P . M . ; Adlard , P . M . ; Pereira , P . M . ; Crew , P . M . ; Lenney , P . M . ; Harris , P . M . ; Oram , W . M ., No . 40 ; Maudsley , Sams , Glover , Carter , Thompson , & c . The enjoyment of the evening was very much heightened by some first-rate music and singing by Bros . G . Genge , Farquharson , D . King , and G . Perren .
Constitutional Lodge ( No . 63 ) . —This Lodge held its meeting at the Exeter Hall Hotel , Strand , on Thursday , the 15 th February , when Bro . John Shirley , P . M ., in a very able manner installed Brc > William Vence , W . M ., for the ensuing twelve months , who was pleased to appoint Bros . Percy Moss , S . W . ; J . Horn , J . W . ; John Shirley , Tr . ; William Farnfield , Sec . ; G . Grumbridge , S . D . ; J . Ward , J . D . ; and Joseph Smith , J . G . The Sec . gave a statement of the usefulness of the several Masonic Charities , after which the usual subscriptions were
voted to the Freemasons' Girls' School , Boys' School , Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and the Widows' Fund . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren proceeded to the banquet ; when , in due time , a P . M . Jewel was presented to Bro . John Mules , in token of respect for the manner in which he had presided over the Lodge during the past year , which was acknowledged in a neat and appropriate speech by him . Many of the Brethren of the Lodge having received much valuable instruction , both privately and at the Lodge of Instruction , from Bro . James
Scotcher , P . M ., they , and the other members of the Lodge , as a mark of the high estimation he is held in by them , took this opportunity of presenting him with a silver tankard ; for which mark of esteem and friendship Bro . J . Scotcher , in a very able speech , thanked the Brethren , at the same time pointing out the beauties of Freemasonry ; and further stated , that he had but one son to whom this mark of their kindness would be handed down when it pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to call him from this world . As an inducement to others , we think
it proper to mention , that from the able manner the Sec , Bro . Farnfield , explained the benefits of the several Charities to our poorer Brethren and their Widows , a Brother of the Lodge , not yetiri office , handed him a check for the sum of £ 26 . 5 s ., with a request that he would pay the same to the proper parties , to enable him to become Governor of the Charities above-named . Lodge of Unit y ( No . 82 ) , London Tavern . —The members assembled on Monday , February 5 ; and this being the Installation meeting , there was a full
attendance . There were three initiates—Thomas Ruston , Esq ., John Funge , Esq ., and James Thomas Cookney , Esq . The first was initiated by Bro . Stearns , P . M . ; and the two last by Bro . How , P . M . The W . M . Bro . J . M . Thearle , then presented Bro . A . L . Bellinger , W . M . elect , to Bro . How , who duly performed the ceremony of installation , and proclaimed the W . M . in the several degrees . Bro . How then addressed the W . M ., and alluded to the gratifying honours that had been conferred on him in the Province of Hertford , and intimated to the Officers the
excellent example set by the W . M ., as the best guide to their obtaining the elevated post he occupied . Bro . How , agreeably to a notice given at the preceding Lodge , proposed , " That a jewel of a design prepared for this Lodge exclusivel y * he presented to each P . M ., " which being seconded by Bro . the Rev . J . E . Cox , P . M . and Gr . Chap ., was carried unanimously . The W . M . then appointed as his Officers Bros . Masterman , S . W . ; Sleigh , J . W . ; Slight , S . D . ; J . H . Anderson , J . D . ; Porter ' I . G . : How , Sec . The members adjourned to banquet at