Article Untitled Article ← Page 2 of 2 Article TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Page 1 of 1 Article TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Page 1 of 2 →
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the Third Degree they are eligible to be made princes of the Eighteenth Degree of Rose Croix . Strange anomaly , to jump from three to eighteen ! As to being bound by my O . B . to bring the matter before the B . of G . P ., I would remark , that I am not a common informer ; and although you seem to cast a
doubt upon the Masonic spirit of my first letter , I trust I have too much charity to expose the weakness of Brethren so as to entail upon them the merited censure of the head of our Order . I do not find any article in the Constitutions bearing upon the point , so that I cannot understand how I have violated my O . B . by riot reporting the cases .
I have , as Master of a Lodge , always told every candidate that " Masonry" is imiversal . I have sat in a Lodge with Mahometans and Jews . But how am I to reconcile the universality of Masonry with an exclusiveness which only permits those who profess Christianity to take the degrees in question , and refuses admission to every other sect ? Anything which tends to destroy the universality of our Order is not Masonry , and I would bid every W . M . and KM . reflect ere he goes again into the Chair , if
he belongs to these Christian Degrees , and asking himself if he can consistently say to his Lodge and to the candidate that Masonry is universal , and consists of Three Degrees , while in his own person he ofiersa flat denial to the touth of his assertion , and violates the solemn promise he made in open Lodge to support the Constitutions , which expressly say that *' Pure and ancient Masonry consists of Three Degrees , and no more , including the Royal Arch !! " I am , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , Bath , February 5 / 1855 . B . C . Y .
To The Editor Of The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine.
Dear Sir and Brother , We observe , to our great surprise , in this month's number of your Magazine , under Notice to Subscribers , an answer to a Correspondent , D . T . W . , to certain questions ( we presume ) , respecting the proceedings at the installation of W . M . on the 17 th ulto ., in the Lodge of Amity , No . 160 ; and as we consider your inquirer must have written to you either in prejudice or ignorance—most assuredly not animated with a spirit compatible with the true principles of
Freemasonry—to have produced such a reply , we earnestly challenge him to bring the subject-matter of his inquiry or complaint before the B . of G . P ., in order that the slur thus attempted to be cast on us be thoroughly investigated and obliterated ; feeling confident that our proceedings will bear the strictest scrutiny , in both efficiently and properly carrying out and conducting the Masonic duties of our Lodge , in due conformity with ancient usage , custom , or Book of Constitutions , We are , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , Chas . John Stone , W . M . Thos . Pearce , P . O . Chap . John Osment , P . M . John Sydenham , P . M . J . H . COLBORNE , P . M . Poole , February 3 , 1855 .
To The Editor Of The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine.
Dear Sir and Brother , In the Quarterly Magazine for October , you entered at some length on the uncalled for interference of the Roman Catholic bishop with certain members of the Craft in the Mauritius , in regard to their deprivation of the Sacrament , because ,
forsooth , they were Freemasons , and you therein promised to give further details of the matter in your next number ; that number has been received , but alas ! it contains nothing on the subject , nor does it appear that the question had even come before the Grand Lodge , which is indeed too clear to admit of a doubt , that the Grand Lodge cares little and protects less , Lodges holding from her , but far away . You must no doubt be aware that the same question has arisen here , and
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Untitled Article
the Third Degree they are eligible to be made princes of the Eighteenth Degree of Rose Croix . Strange anomaly , to jump from three to eighteen ! As to being bound by my O . B . to bring the matter before the B . of G . P ., I would remark , that I am not a common informer ; and although you seem to cast a
doubt upon the Masonic spirit of my first letter , I trust I have too much charity to expose the weakness of Brethren so as to entail upon them the merited censure of the head of our Order . I do not find any article in the Constitutions bearing upon the point , so that I cannot understand how I have violated my O . B . by riot reporting the cases .
I have , as Master of a Lodge , always told every candidate that " Masonry" is imiversal . I have sat in a Lodge with Mahometans and Jews . But how am I to reconcile the universality of Masonry with an exclusiveness which only permits those who profess Christianity to take the degrees in question , and refuses admission to every other sect ? Anything which tends to destroy the universality of our Order is not Masonry , and I would bid every W . M . and KM . reflect ere he goes again into the Chair , if
he belongs to these Christian Degrees , and asking himself if he can consistently say to his Lodge and to the candidate that Masonry is universal , and consists of Three Degrees , while in his own person he ofiersa flat denial to the touth of his assertion , and violates the solemn promise he made in open Lodge to support the Constitutions , which expressly say that *' Pure and ancient Masonry consists of Three Degrees , and no more , including the Royal Arch !! " I am , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , Bath , February 5 / 1855 . B . C . Y .
To The Editor Of The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine.
Dear Sir and Brother , We observe , to our great surprise , in this month's number of your Magazine , under Notice to Subscribers , an answer to a Correspondent , D . T . W . , to certain questions ( we presume ) , respecting the proceedings at the installation of W . M . on the 17 th ulto ., in the Lodge of Amity , No . 160 ; and as we consider your inquirer must have written to you either in prejudice or ignorance—most assuredly not animated with a spirit compatible with the true principles of
Freemasonry—to have produced such a reply , we earnestly challenge him to bring the subject-matter of his inquiry or complaint before the B . of G . P ., in order that the slur thus attempted to be cast on us be thoroughly investigated and obliterated ; feeling confident that our proceedings will bear the strictest scrutiny , in both efficiently and properly carrying out and conducting the Masonic duties of our Lodge , in due conformity with ancient usage , custom , or Book of Constitutions , We are , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , Chas . John Stone , W . M . Thos . Pearce , P . O . Chap . John Osment , P . M . John Sydenham , P . M . J . H . COLBORNE , P . M . Poole , February 3 , 1855 .
To The Editor Of The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine.
Dear Sir and Brother , In the Quarterly Magazine for October , you entered at some length on the uncalled for interference of the Roman Catholic bishop with certain members of the Craft in the Mauritius , in regard to their deprivation of the Sacrament , because ,
forsooth , they were Freemasons , and you therein promised to give further details of the matter in your next number ; that number has been received , but alas ! it contains nothing on the subject , nor does it appear that the question had even come before the Grand Lodge , which is indeed too clear to admit of a doubt , that the Grand Lodge cares little and protects less , Lodges holding from her , but far away . You must no doubt be aware that the same question has arisen here , and