Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
the H . R . A . degree ; and upon their having heen duly elected , they were exalted in a very impressive and efficient manner by Comp . Dawson , as Z ., assisted by Comps . Bedick , Clugh , Pilkington , and Collinson . Cornps . William Harrison and Backhouse were appointed Scribes E . and N ., and Comp . Heneker , P . S . The Chapter having been closed , the Companions adjourned to the banqneting-room , where the worthy hostess ( Mrs . Vansom ) had provided a recherche banquet , if possible eclipsing her former efforts .
Newcastle-upon-Tyne .- — Swinbw * ne Chapter ( No . 24 ) . —The installation of the Principals of this Chapter was fixed for Wednesday , the 3 rd of September . The Chapter was opened by Ex . Comps . John Barker , as Z . ; B . J . Thompson , as H . ; William Johnson , as J . ; and other Past Principals . After the preliminary business , the Companions who had not passed the first chair withdrew , and the Chapter was prepared for the installation of Comp . Benjamin J . Thompson , the Z . elect , who , on being presented by the Past Principals Dalziel and Barker ,
was regularly installed as M . E . Z ., by the Ex . Comp . E . D . Davies , Prov . Grand H . for Northumberland ; Past Principal Barker duly obligated Past Principal Davies as H . of the Chapter ; and Comp . John Hopper was introduced and installed in the chair of J ., by the M . E . Comp . Davies . On the re-admission of the Companions , the other officers elect were invested , viz ., Comps . Francis H . Woolley , E . ; J . B . Hodge , 1 ST . ; Harrison , P . S . ; who appointed Comps . Jaques de Hart and Ludwig as Sojourners ; Comps . William Johnson was elected
and invested the Treasurer , and Alex . Dickson , Janitor . After the ceremonies of the Chapter were ended at the Freemasons * Hall , the Companions adjourned to the Central Exchange Hotel , where a most excellent banquet was prepared by Bro . John Bogerson , whose wines and viands were deserving of praise . Besides the Companions we have named , there were several other Companions of distinction , who one and all acknowledged their great gratification at being present at so satisfactory a meeting .
Stonehouse , Devonshire . —Chapter of Fortitude ( ¥ o . 122 ) . —This Chapter held its annual meeting on Thursday , the 18 th September , at St . George ' s Hall , for the purpose of electing the officers for the ensuing year . The Chapter was opened in solemn form , and after the minutes of the preceding Chapter had been read and confirmed , and other business disposed of , the Companions present eame to the unanimous resolution of requesting Comp . Dr . Dowse ,, Deput 3 ' - Inspector General of the Army Medical Department , M . E . Past Z . of the Ancient Frontenac Chapter , No . 491 , of Kingston , Upper Canada , to take the First Principal ' s chair for the
ensuing year . He having acceded to their complimentary request , the following Companions were duly balloted for and installed in their respective offices : — - Comps . Bichard Dowse , Z . ; James Gidleys , H . ; Thomas Earl , J . ; Eichard May , E . ; John Killingly , Past First Principal of No . 122 , N . ; W . B . Phillips , P . S . ; Samuel Cave , Treas . ; J . Bogers , Janitor . We are sorry to learn that Boyal Arch Masonry is not attended to in this neighbourhood , or understood by the Brethren as it ought to he . Few of the Chapters do anything more than meet once a year to appoint officers ; hence under such management it is impossible that the beauties and solemnity of the Order can be understood or appreciated .
Watford , Herts . —Watford Chapter ( No . 580 ) . —Monday , the 15 th of September , was the day fixed for the installation of the Brincipals elected at the preceding Chapter , all of whom , however , were unable to attend . Comps . George Francis , M . E . Z . ; J . How , asH . ; H . H . Burchell , as J , ; presided . The Chapter was honoured by the presence of the B . Ex . Comp . William Stuart , Prov . Grand Superintendent ; Ex . Comps . T . A . Ward , Bogers , King , & c . The Treasurer ' s report , which was very satisfactory , was received and adopted , and the Companions adjourned to the Essex Arms , and tested the capabilities of the cuisine and cellar of the new landlord .
ROYAL ARCH INSTRUCTION . DomatiC CllAPTKlt ( No . 20 (>) . —The first meeting of the season was held at the Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane , on Thursday , September 4 th , when there wore
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
the H . R . A . degree ; and upon their having heen duly elected , they were exalted in a very impressive and efficient manner by Comp . Dawson , as Z ., assisted by Comps . Bedick , Clugh , Pilkington , and Collinson . Cornps . William Harrison and Backhouse were appointed Scribes E . and N ., and Comp . Heneker , P . S . The Chapter having been closed , the Companions adjourned to the banqneting-room , where the worthy hostess ( Mrs . Vansom ) had provided a recherche banquet , if possible eclipsing her former efforts .
Newcastle-upon-Tyne .- — Swinbw * ne Chapter ( No . 24 ) . —The installation of the Principals of this Chapter was fixed for Wednesday , the 3 rd of September . The Chapter was opened by Ex . Comps . John Barker , as Z . ; B . J . Thompson , as H . ; William Johnson , as J . ; and other Past Principals . After the preliminary business , the Companions who had not passed the first chair withdrew , and the Chapter was prepared for the installation of Comp . Benjamin J . Thompson , the Z . elect , who , on being presented by the Past Principals Dalziel and Barker ,
was regularly installed as M . E . Z ., by the Ex . Comp . E . D . Davies , Prov . Grand H . for Northumberland ; Past Principal Barker duly obligated Past Principal Davies as H . of the Chapter ; and Comp . John Hopper was introduced and installed in the chair of J ., by the M . E . Comp . Davies . On the re-admission of the Companions , the other officers elect were invested , viz ., Comps . Francis H . Woolley , E . ; J . B . Hodge , 1 ST . ; Harrison , P . S . ; who appointed Comps . Jaques de Hart and Ludwig as Sojourners ; Comps . William Johnson was elected
and invested the Treasurer , and Alex . Dickson , Janitor . After the ceremonies of the Chapter were ended at the Freemasons * Hall , the Companions adjourned to the Central Exchange Hotel , where a most excellent banquet was prepared by Bro . John Bogerson , whose wines and viands were deserving of praise . Besides the Companions we have named , there were several other Companions of distinction , who one and all acknowledged their great gratification at being present at so satisfactory a meeting .
Stonehouse , Devonshire . —Chapter of Fortitude ( ¥ o . 122 ) . —This Chapter held its annual meeting on Thursday , the 18 th September , at St . George ' s Hall , for the purpose of electing the officers for the ensuing year . The Chapter was opened in solemn form , and after the minutes of the preceding Chapter had been read and confirmed , and other business disposed of , the Companions present eame to the unanimous resolution of requesting Comp . Dr . Dowse ,, Deput 3 ' - Inspector General of the Army Medical Department , M . E . Past Z . of the Ancient Frontenac Chapter , No . 491 , of Kingston , Upper Canada , to take the First Principal ' s chair for the
ensuing year . He having acceded to their complimentary request , the following Companions were duly balloted for and installed in their respective offices : — - Comps . Bichard Dowse , Z . ; James Gidleys , H . ; Thomas Earl , J . ; Eichard May , E . ; John Killingly , Past First Principal of No . 122 , N . ; W . B . Phillips , P . S . ; Samuel Cave , Treas . ; J . Bogers , Janitor . We are sorry to learn that Boyal Arch Masonry is not attended to in this neighbourhood , or understood by the Brethren as it ought to he . Few of the Chapters do anything more than meet once a year to appoint officers ; hence under such management it is impossible that the beauties and solemnity of the Order can be understood or appreciated .
Watford , Herts . —Watford Chapter ( No . 580 ) . —Monday , the 15 th of September , was the day fixed for the installation of the Brincipals elected at the preceding Chapter , all of whom , however , were unable to attend . Comps . George Francis , M . E . Z . ; J . How , asH . ; H . H . Burchell , as J , ; presided . The Chapter was honoured by the presence of the B . Ex . Comp . William Stuart , Prov . Grand Superintendent ; Ex . Comps . T . A . Ward , Bogers , King , & c . The Treasurer ' s report , which was very satisfactory , was received and adopted , and the Companions adjourned to the Essex Arms , and tested the capabilities of the cuisine and cellar of the new landlord .
ROYAL ARCH INSTRUCTION . DomatiC CllAPTKlt ( No . 20 (>) . —The first meeting of the season was held at the Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane , on Thursday , September 4 th , when there wore