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. ¦ ¦; YORKSHIRE ( NOETH AND EAST . ) Apr ointments . —Lorfg-es . —Wednesday , June 23 rd , Minerva ( 311 )' , Masonic Hall , Hull , at 7 j Friday , 25 th , North York ( 876 ) , Station Hotel , Middleshoro ' , at ¦ ' % . Chapter s .-Friday , 25 ih 3 Humher ( 65 ) , Freemason ' s Hall , Hull , at 8 > Minerva ( 31 i ) . Masonic Hall , Hull , at 8 .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) Atpointments . —Lodges . —Thursday , June 24 th , Harmony ( 342 ) , Masonic Hall , Huddersfield , at 7 , ' Three Grand Principles ( 251 ) , Masonic Hall , JDewshuryj at 6 ; Fidelity ( 364 ) , Freemasons' Hall / Leeds , at 7 ; Friday , 25 th , St . George ' s ( 298 ) , Town Hall , Dohcaster , at 7 j Holme Valley ( 937 ) , Victoria Hotel , Holrnnrth , at 7 . Instruction . —Friday , 25 th , Griffin Hotel Leeds .
Sheffield .---Britannia Lodge ( No . 162 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 1 Oth instant , at the Music Hall , Bro . Bailes , P . M ., in the absence of the W . M . / presiding . The business of the evening consisted in passing Bro . Atkinson to the 2 nd Degree ^ the ceremony was performed by Bro . Bailes in his usual able and impressive mariner . The Lodge having been closed in due form , the Brethren sat down to a plenteous repast , and the evening was spent in a manner at once fraternal , social , and agreeable , being much enlivened by several excellent songs contributed by the Brethren present .
Royal Arch,
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . Norwich .- —Perseverance Chapter ( No . 258 ) . —A quarterly convocation of this Chapter was held on the 3 rd instant , at the Lamb Inn , St . Peter ' s , Mancroft . Owing to the unavoidable absence of the first Principal , the Chapter was opened by Comp . J . Hawes , P . Z ., assisted by Comps . W . Cooper , as H . ; W . Wicks , P . Z ., as J . ; J . N . Cawburn , S . E . ; and 15 .. J . Mason , P . S . There were eight Master Masons proposed for exaltation . The room used for the meetings of this Chapter being limited in its dimensions , and the number for exaltation being
considerable , an adjournment to the 9 th instant was proposed and carried , the Chapter then to be held at the large room , of the Royal Hotel used by the Social Lodge , No . 110 , for their meetings . On the day appointed the Chapter assembled under the able presidency of Comps . S . W . Young , M . E . Z ; W . Cooper , H . ; J . Hawes , J . ; W . Wicks , E . ; E . Hyams , N . ; and H . J . Mason , P . S . There was a good attendance of members besides visitors . The Chapter was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , after which the following Brethren were balloted for and duly elected , viz . : —Sir Henry Josiah Stracey , Bart ., W . M . of
the Social-Lodge , No . 110 ; Albert John Collrhs , S . W ., and Arthur Foster Morgan J . W ., of the aforesaid Lodge ; John Plowman Ward and Charles Lucroft Chippern eld , of Friendship Lodge , No . 117 , Great Yarmouth ; and George William Minns , formerly of No , 103 . The six Brethren were then exalted to the Sublime Degree of the Holy Royal Arch . Afterwards , the P . S ., Comp . H . J . Mason , P . Z ., by particular request , delivered the symbolic and mystic lectures in a manner highly satisfactory to all present . Comp . Reuben Widdows , M . E . Z . of the British Chapter , No . 419 , Cape of Good Hope , expressed a wish before the
Chapter closed to testify to the great delight he had that evening experienced in witnessing the very able and perfect manner in which the whole ceremony was performed . The Chapter being closed , the Companions partook of an excellent supper . During the evening the health of Comp . Sir H . J . Stracey , in conjunction with that of the newly-exalted Companions , was proposed by Comp . W . Wicks , P . Z . In returnings thanks , Sir Henry expressed his extreme satisfaction and delight in becoming a Royal Arch Mason , and said that it would ever be his earnest endeavour to promote the extension not only of this very beautiful degree , but of the Order generally .
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. ¦ ¦; YORKSHIRE ( NOETH AND EAST . ) Apr ointments . —Lorfg-es . —Wednesday , June 23 rd , Minerva ( 311 )' , Masonic Hall , Hull , at 7 j Friday , 25 th , North York ( 876 ) , Station Hotel , Middleshoro ' , at ¦ ' % . Chapter s .-Friday , 25 ih 3 Humher ( 65 ) , Freemason ' s Hall , Hull , at 8 > Minerva ( 31 i ) . Masonic Hall , Hull , at 8 .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) Atpointments . —Lodges . —Thursday , June 24 th , Harmony ( 342 ) , Masonic Hall , Huddersfield , at 7 , ' Three Grand Principles ( 251 ) , Masonic Hall , JDewshuryj at 6 ; Fidelity ( 364 ) , Freemasons' Hall / Leeds , at 7 ; Friday , 25 th , St . George ' s ( 298 ) , Town Hall , Dohcaster , at 7 j Holme Valley ( 937 ) , Victoria Hotel , Holrnnrth , at 7 . Instruction . —Friday , 25 th , Griffin Hotel Leeds .
Sheffield .---Britannia Lodge ( No . 162 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 1 Oth instant , at the Music Hall , Bro . Bailes , P . M ., in the absence of the W . M . / presiding . The business of the evening consisted in passing Bro . Atkinson to the 2 nd Degree ^ the ceremony was performed by Bro . Bailes in his usual able and impressive mariner . The Lodge having been closed in due form , the Brethren sat down to a plenteous repast , and the evening was spent in a manner at once fraternal , social , and agreeable , being much enlivened by several excellent songs contributed by the Brethren present .
Royal Arch,
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . Norwich .- —Perseverance Chapter ( No . 258 ) . —A quarterly convocation of this Chapter was held on the 3 rd instant , at the Lamb Inn , St . Peter ' s , Mancroft . Owing to the unavoidable absence of the first Principal , the Chapter was opened by Comp . J . Hawes , P . Z ., assisted by Comps . W . Cooper , as H . ; W . Wicks , P . Z ., as J . ; J . N . Cawburn , S . E . ; and 15 .. J . Mason , P . S . There were eight Master Masons proposed for exaltation . The room used for the meetings of this Chapter being limited in its dimensions , and the number for exaltation being
considerable , an adjournment to the 9 th instant was proposed and carried , the Chapter then to be held at the large room , of the Royal Hotel used by the Social Lodge , No . 110 , for their meetings . On the day appointed the Chapter assembled under the able presidency of Comps . S . W . Young , M . E . Z ; W . Cooper , H . ; J . Hawes , J . ; W . Wicks , E . ; E . Hyams , N . ; and H . J . Mason , P . S . There was a good attendance of members besides visitors . The Chapter was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , after which the following Brethren were balloted for and duly elected , viz . : —Sir Henry Josiah Stracey , Bart ., W . M . of
the Social-Lodge , No . 110 ; Albert John Collrhs , S . W ., and Arthur Foster Morgan J . W ., of the aforesaid Lodge ; John Plowman Ward and Charles Lucroft Chippern eld , of Friendship Lodge , No . 117 , Great Yarmouth ; and George William Minns , formerly of No , 103 . The six Brethren were then exalted to the Sublime Degree of the Holy Royal Arch . Afterwards , the P . S ., Comp . H . J . Mason , P . Z ., by particular request , delivered the symbolic and mystic lectures in a manner highly satisfactory to all present . Comp . Reuben Widdows , M . E . Z . of the British Chapter , No . 419 , Cape of Good Hope , expressed a wish before the
Chapter closed to testify to the great delight he had that evening experienced in witnessing the very able and perfect manner in which the whole ceremony was performed . The Chapter being closed , the Companions partook of an excellent supper . During the evening the health of Comp . Sir H . J . Stracey , in conjunction with that of the newly-exalted Companions , was proposed by Comp . W . Wicks , P . Z . In returnings thanks , Sir Henry expressed his extreme satisfaction and delight in becoming a Royal Arch Mason , and said that it would ever be his earnest endeavour to promote the extension not only of this very beautiful degree , but of the Order generally .