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Bedgrayey P . M . The attendance , of members and visitors was numerous , which nearly rilled this handsome and spacious Lodge-room ^ in which was displayed the splendid new furniture , banners , and collars of the Order . The thanks of the Lodge are due , for its rapid improvement , to the W . M ., who is always punctual to to time at the meetings of the Lodge , not having been one night absent since His installation to the chair . After the Lodge was closed , more than forty of the Brethren surrounded the social board , and spent a joyous evening under the presidency of the W . M .
Appointments .- — Lodge , —Monday , June 21 st , Fidelity ( 652 ) , Talbot Inn , Towcester , at 6 .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Appointments . —il / a : r / c . —Wednesday , June 23 rd , Newcastle and Berwick ( Immemorial ) , Fre ' emasons' Hall , Newcastle , at 7 . Chapter . —Thusday , 24 th , De Swinbiime ( 24 ) , Freemasons ' Hall , Newcastle , at 7 . Encampment . —Royal Kent , Freemasons' Hall , at f . OXPORBSHIRE .
Appointments . —Lodges—Monday , June 28 th , Cherweli , ( 873 ) , Red Lion , Banbury , at 7 ; Tuesday , 29 th , Alfred ( 425 ) , Masonic Hall , Oxford , at 7 } Wednesday , 30 th , Apollo University ( 460 ) , Masonic Hall , Oxford , at 4 .
AppoinTxMents . —i (?^ . —Wednesday , June 23 rd , Salopian of Charity ( 135 ) , Lion Hotel , Shrewsbury , at 7 .
SOMERSETSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . — Wednesday , June 23 rd , Brotherly Love ( 412 ) , Chough ' s Inn , Yeovil ; Friday , 25 th , Rural Philanthropic ( 367 ) , Highbriclge Inn , Huntspill , at l . STAFFORDSHIRE .
App ointments . —Lfldges . —Tuesoay , June 22 nd , Abbey < 907 )> High-street , Burton-on-Tient , at 6 k ; Wednesday , 23 rd , Sutherland ( 660 ) , Town Hall , Burslem , at 6 ; Thursday , 24 th , St . Martin ' s ( 115 ) , Freemasons' Amis , Burslem , at 6 ; Friday , 25 th , Sutherland of Unity ( 674 ) , Castle Hotel , Newcastle-under-Lyne , at 7 .
Wolverhampton . —Lodge of Honour [ No . yt > y ) . —imaay , June utn , was tue festival of St . John and installation of Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Gough , the W . M . elect , was presented by W . Bro . Warner to Bro Lewis , P . M ., who presided in the absence of the W . M ., and conducted the cei'emony . The Treasurer and Tyler were elected and the other Officers appointed . The W . M . reminded the Brethren that the Lodge in future would be held at the Star and Garter , in St . Peter ' s Lodge-room .
SUFFOLK . Appointments . — -Lotfgy ? . s \—Thursday , June 24 th , Virtue and Silence (< U 7 ) , Lion Hotel , Hadleigh , at 7 5 Unity ( 81 ) , Suffolk Hotel , Lowestoft , at 7 .
• ; SUSSEX . Sussex . —Royal Bnmmkk Lodge ( No . 1 , 034 ) . —The first regular monthly meeting of the above Lodge took place at the Old Ship Hotel , on Thursday , June 10 th last . The by-laws were read and confirmed , and referred to the Provincial Grand Lodge for approval . Bro . G . B . Pocock , P . G . S ., was unanimously elected an honorary member , and three candidates for initiation were proposed to be balloted for at the next meeting ,
WORCESTEBSHIEE . AppoiNTMiiisfTS . —Z / o ^ . s . '—Tuesday , June 22 nd , Stability ( 824 ) , Talbot , Stourbridge , at 6 k 3 Wednesday , ti 3 rd , Perseverance ( 838 ) , Swan Inn , Dudley , at 6 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bedgrayey P . M . The attendance , of members and visitors was numerous , which nearly rilled this handsome and spacious Lodge-room ^ in which was displayed the splendid new furniture , banners , and collars of the Order . The thanks of the Lodge are due , for its rapid improvement , to the W . M ., who is always punctual to to time at the meetings of the Lodge , not having been one night absent since His installation to the chair . After the Lodge was closed , more than forty of the Brethren surrounded the social board , and spent a joyous evening under the presidency of the W . M .
Appointments .- — Lodge , —Monday , June 21 st , Fidelity ( 652 ) , Talbot Inn , Towcester , at 6 .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Appointments . —il / a : r / c . —Wednesday , June 23 rd , Newcastle and Berwick ( Immemorial ) , Fre ' emasons' Hall , Newcastle , at 7 . Chapter . —Thusday , 24 th , De Swinbiime ( 24 ) , Freemasons ' Hall , Newcastle , at 7 . Encampment . —Royal Kent , Freemasons' Hall , at f . OXPORBSHIRE .
Appointments . —Lodges—Monday , June 28 th , Cherweli , ( 873 ) , Red Lion , Banbury , at 7 ; Tuesday , 29 th , Alfred ( 425 ) , Masonic Hall , Oxford , at 7 } Wednesday , 30 th , Apollo University ( 460 ) , Masonic Hall , Oxford , at 4 .
AppoinTxMents . —i (?^ . —Wednesday , June 23 rd , Salopian of Charity ( 135 ) , Lion Hotel , Shrewsbury , at 7 .
SOMERSETSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . — Wednesday , June 23 rd , Brotherly Love ( 412 ) , Chough ' s Inn , Yeovil ; Friday , 25 th , Rural Philanthropic ( 367 ) , Highbriclge Inn , Huntspill , at l . STAFFORDSHIRE .
App ointments . —Lfldges . —Tuesoay , June 22 nd , Abbey < 907 )> High-street , Burton-on-Tient , at 6 k ; Wednesday , 23 rd , Sutherland ( 660 ) , Town Hall , Burslem , at 6 ; Thursday , 24 th , St . Martin ' s ( 115 ) , Freemasons' Amis , Burslem , at 6 ; Friday , 25 th , Sutherland of Unity ( 674 ) , Castle Hotel , Newcastle-under-Lyne , at 7 .
Wolverhampton . —Lodge of Honour [ No . yt > y ) . —imaay , June utn , was tue festival of St . John and installation of Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Gough , the W . M . elect , was presented by W . Bro . Warner to Bro Lewis , P . M ., who presided in the absence of the W . M ., and conducted the cei'emony . The Treasurer and Tyler were elected and the other Officers appointed . The W . M . reminded the Brethren that the Lodge in future would be held at the Star and Garter , in St . Peter ' s Lodge-room .
SUFFOLK . Appointments . — -Lotfgy ? . s \—Thursday , June 24 th , Virtue and Silence (< U 7 ) , Lion Hotel , Hadleigh , at 7 5 Unity ( 81 ) , Suffolk Hotel , Lowestoft , at 7 .
• ; SUSSEX . Sussex . —Royal Bnmmkk Lodge ( No . 1 , 034 ) . —The first regular monthly meeting of the above Lodge took place at the Old Ship Hotel , on Thursday , June 10 th last . The by-laws were read and confirmed , and referred to the Provincial Grand Lodge for approval . Bro . G . B . Pocock , P . G . S ., was unanimously elected an honorary member , and three candidates for initiation were proposed to be balloted for at the next meeting ,
WORCESTEBSHIEE . AppoiNTMiiisfTS . —Z / o ^ . s . '—Tuesday , June 22 nd , Stability ( 824 ) , Talbot , Stourbridge , at 6 k 3 Wednesday , ti 3 rd , Perseverance ( 838 ) , Swan Inn , Dudley , at 6 .