Article THE MASONIC MIEEOE. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mieeoe.
Lodges ; Bro . Crawley , P . M . No . 15 , acting as S . W ., and Bro . Blackburn , P . M . No . 169 , as J . W . There was a large number of Brethren present , amongst whom we observed Bros . J . W . Mams , P . M ., No . 169 ; Morbey , P . M . No . 169 ; Blackburn , sen ., P . M . No . 25 ; Potter , P . M . No . 10 -Bass , P . M . No . 29 ; Potter , jun ^ P . M . No . 902 ; Clements , P . M . No . 25 , and many others . The Lodge having been opened in the three degrees , and a voluntary performed on the harmonium by Bro . G . F . Taylor , Bro . Watson proceeded with the ceremony of
consecration , — -and certainly we have never met with any other Brother who performs it more efTeetively . The various anthems , which add so mtieh to the effect , were rendered by Bros . Gr . F . Taylor , E . Hart , J . Adams , and other Brethren , in a style of excellence which greatly enhanced the solemnity of this most beautiful ceremony . At the conclusion of the consecration , Bro . Balph Mitward Smith , the W . M . named in the warrant , was presented by Bro . Morbey , P . ME . No . 169 , and Bro . Watson proceeded to instal him according to ancient custom . The new W . M . having been duly saluted , invested his ofBcers as
felloes : —Bros . P . Purbrook , S . W . ; Handford , J . W . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Thompson , J . I ) . ; Oliver , I . Gr , ; Hill , as Treas ., and W . Blackburn , P . M . No . 23 , as Sec . Eleven Brethren were elected joining members , and the' ballot taken for six candidates , four of whom were afterwards most ably initiated by the new Master , Who showed himself capable of fulfilling the duties of his high office , so as to reflect honour on the Craft ; and we have rarely attended " a . Lodge where the officers were upon a first night so well able to discharge their respective duties . The gentlemen initiated were Messrs . E . E . Humphreys , J . Bertram , J . Smith ,
and G-, Smith . The other business having been disposed of , five new candidates were proposed for initiation , and several Brethren for joining . It Was then resolved that a vote of thanks should be entered on the minutes of the Lodge to Bro . Watson , for the admirable manner in which he had performed the ceremonies of consecration and in stall at ion , and that he should be enrolled an honorary member . The Lodge was then closed , and adjourned to the first Thursday in August—it being understood , however , that a Lodge of emergency would be called
in the course of July for the admission of some of the new candidates . The Brethren having separated for about an hour , during which they amused themselves by strolling about the neighbourhood , and enjoying the splendid scenery by which the Longton is surrounded , re-assembled shortly after seven , when they sat do wn to a magnificent dinner , well put upon the table by Messrs . Sawyer & Strange , of the Crystal Palace , Bro . Sewell , of the Longton , supplying the wines , which were most excellent . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the usual toasts
with great good taste , and Bro . Watson proposed " The Health of the W . M . and Success to the Crystal Palace Lodge . " He believed that no Lodge had ever commenced under more auspicious circumstances , or was likely more rapidly to grow into importance , so intimately connected as it was with that beautiful structurethe Crystal Palace , many of the officers of which he was happy to see present as members of the new Lodge . He was well aware , before he entered that room , of the great Masonic abilities of the W . M ., but the W . Brother certainly had surpassed all that he had expected by the excellence of his work . He was much
obliged to the Brethren for the opportunity which had been afforded him of taking part in the proceedings of the first meeting , and he hoped to be amongst them long enough to see the Lodge assuming the proudest position in the Order . The W . M . appropriately replied , and assured the Brethren that no efforts would be wanting on his part—and he thought he might say as much for his officers—to insure the stability and prosperity of the Lodge . After various other toasts , in the course of giving which the claims of the Freemasons' Magazine to support were gracefully urged by the W . M ., the Brethren separated , those [ residing in town returning home by train shortly after eleven o ' clock ,
St . Johh Vj Lodge ( No . 196 ) . —The fifth annual festival of this Lodge was held on rhursday ,, the 10 th instant , at the Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead , The Lodge was 4 i ;*> 21
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The Masonic Mieeoe.
Lodges ; Bro . Crawley , P . M . No . 15 , acting as S . W ., and Bro . Blackburn , P . M . No . 169 , as J . W . There was a large number of Brethren present , amongst whom we observed Bros . J . W . Mams , P . M ., No . 169 ; Morbey , P . M . No . 169 ; Blackburn , sen ., P . M . No . 25 ; Potter , P . M . No . 10 -Bass , P . M . No . 29 ; Potter , jun ^ P . M . No . 902 ; Clements , P . M . No . 25 , and many others . The Lodge having been opened in the three degrees , and a voluntary performed on the harmonium by Bro . G . F . Taylor , Bro . Watson proceeded with the ceremony of
consecration , — -and certainly we have never met with any other Brother who performs it more efTeetively . The various anthems , which add so mtieh to the effect , were rendered by Bros . Gr . F . Taylor , E . Hart , J . Adams , and other Brethren , in a style of excellence which greatly enhanced the solemnity of this most beautiful ceremony . At the conclusion of the consecration , Bro . Balph Mitward Smith , the W . M . named in the warrant , was presented by Bro . Morbey , P . ME . No . 169 , and Bro . Watson proceeded to instal him according to ancient custom . The new W . M . having been duly saluted , invested his ofBcers as
felloes : —Bros . P . Purbrook , S . W . ; Handford , J . W . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Thompson , J . I ) . ; Oliver , I . Gr , ; Hill , as Treas ., and W . Blackburn , P . M . No . 23 , as Sec . Eleven Brethren were elected joining members , and the' ballot taken for six candidates , four of whom were afterwards most ably initiated by the new Master , Who showed himself capable of fulfilling the duties of his high office , so as to reflect honour on the Craft ; and we have rarely attended " a . Lodge where the officers were upon a first night so well able to discharge their respective duties . The gentlemen initiated were Messrs . E . E . Humphreys , J . Bertram , J . Smith ,
and G-, Smith . The other business having been disposed of , five new candidates were proposed for initiation , and several Brethren for joining . It Was then resolved that a vote of thanks should be entered on the minutes of the Lodge to Bro . Watson , for the admirable manner in which he had performed the ceremonies of consecration and in stall at ion , and that he should be enrolled an honorary member . The Lodge was then closed , and adjourned to the first Thursday in August—it being understood , however , that a Lodge of emergency would be called
in the course of July for the admission of some of the new candidates . The Brethren having separated for about an hour , during which they amused themselves by strolling about the neighbourhood , and enjoying the splendid scenery by which the Longton is surrounded , re-assembled shortly after seven , when they sat do wn to a magnificent dinner , well put upon the table by Messrs . Sawyer & Strange , of the Crystal Palace , Bro . Sewell , of the Longton , supplying the wines , which were most excellent . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the usual toasts
with great good taste , and Bro . Watson proposed " The Health of the W . M . and Success to the Crystal Palace Lodge . " He believed that no Lodge had ever commenced under more auspicious circumstances , or was likely more rapidly to grow into importance , so intimately connected as it was with that beautiful structurethe Crystal Palace , many of the officers of which he was happy to see present as members of the new Lodge . He was well aware , before he entered that room , of the great Masonic abilities of the W . M ., but the W . Brother certainly had surpassed all that he had expected by the excellence of his work . He was much
obliged to the Brethren for the opportunity which had been afforded him of taking part in the proceedings of the first meeting , and he hoped to be amongst them long enough to see the Lodge assuming the proudest position in the Order . The W . M . appropriately replied , and assured the Brethren that no efforts would be wanting on his part—and he thought he might say as much for his officers—to insure the stability and prosperity of the Lodge . After various other toasts , in the course of giving which the claims of the Freemasons' Magazine to support were gracefully urged by the W . M ., the Brethren separated , those [ residing in town returning home by train shortly after eleven o ' clock ,
St . Johh Vj Lodge ( No . 196 ) . —The fifth annual festival of this Lodge was held on rhursday ,, the 10 th instant , at the Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead , The Lodge was 4 i ;*> 21