Article ROYAL ARCH, ← Page 3 of 3 Article MARKMASONRY Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch,
therefore a somewhat small , but very happy , party was compelled to separate at a comparatively early hour . Amongst the members of-the Chapter present we should not omit to notice the immediate P . Z ., Com p . Bowers , while the visiting Comps . were Morhey , No . 778 , and Abbot .
( UNDER SCOTTISH CONSTITUTION . ) Southwabe LoDaE ( No . 11 ) . —This newly constituted Lodge , on the roll of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , held its first meeting on Wednesday last , the 5 th inst ^ at the Gi * een Man Tavern , London Bridge . The R , W . Mi Bio . John Dixon , M . D ,, assisted by his Wardens and distinguished visitors , having obligated Bro . Aldhouse as a serving Brother / and appointed him as Tyler , proceeded to advance Bros . J * Donkin , W . L ; Baker , Rev . R . D . Brown , M * A „ W . Parker , E . A . Wishart , and J . Wrangham , to the ancient and honourable Degree of Mark Masters . Bros . R . Parfcer > and were admitted as jpihing members , and other Brethren were duly proposed for
advancement at the next meeting' . The R . W . M . expressed his gratification at the very successml result of the fi ^ offices of the Southwark Mark Lodge with zealous and worthy Masons , and appointed Bros , R . Slade , S ; W , ; H . G . Baker , J . W . ; J . Donkin , M . O . ; W . Parker , S . O . ; P . A . Wishart , J . O . ; R . Parker , C . ; A . D . Loewenstark S , I > . ; A . J . Wrangham , J . D . ; and W . Baker , T . K . In nominating the Rev . Bro , R . Brown , to be Chaplain ^ the R . W . M / observed the office might he unusual in
the Mark Degree , but he considered it would be both serviceable and honourable to the Lodge . Bro . Dixon , R . W . M ., was unanimously elected Treas ., and Bro . Wishart , Sec . and Reg ' . of \ Marks . Bros . Bristow , Lazarus ,, Parker , and Loewenstark , honoured the Lodge with their presence as visitors , and kindly lent their assistance in the ceremonies . After business , the Brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to with that cordial loyalty to the sovereign , and devotion to the Order which should ever characterise Freemasons . The health of the RiW . M .
Bro . Dixon , was proposed by Bro . Lazarus , who , as an old Mark Master of thirtyfour years standing , congratulated the Southwark Lodge on its auspicious opening and on the zeal displayed by its R . W . M ., observing that in the whole of his experience he had not seen the ceremony of the Mark Degree worked in a better manner , or in a way more calculated to afford the advancing Brethren instruction on every essential point connected with it . Bro . Dixon , in replying , thanked the Brethren for the kind feeling they had displayed , and observed that he had endeavoured to do his duty to the best of his abilities , but trusted his
future exertions would be more worthy of their approbation , especially when united with the labours of his officers , in whose talents he placed every confidence . He embraced the opportunity of commenting on the history of Masonry and some of its rites ; more particularly on the position of the Mark Degree and the differences which at present unfortunately exist with reference to it , expressing a hope that all English Mark Masters would soon see the advantage of uniting in one body and under one head . He did not approve of the Scotch Mark Lodges excluding Brethren who had been legally advanced under the old English Constitutions merely because the latter choose to place themselves under Lord Leigh , and , while he would endeavour to avoid such a personal injustice , he hoped the Brethren would carefully shun any illegality . The health of the " Visitors "
being drunk with enthusiasm , Bro . Bristow replied for them in a most pleasing and effective manner . The toasts of the " Advanced Brethren , " " Officers / ' and " Joining Members , ' elicited very gratifying observations on the beauties of this excellent Degree , the working of the new Lodge , and the agreeable entertainment in which all had participated with mutual instruction and unalloyed atisfaction .
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Royal Arch,
therefore a somewhat small , but very happy , party was compelled to separate at a comparatively early hour . Amongst the members of-the Chapter present we should not omit to notice the immediate P . Z ., Com p . Bowers , while the visiting Comps . were Morhey , No . 778 , and Abbot .
( UNDER SCOTTISH CONSTITUTION . ) Southwabe LoDaE ( No . 11 ) . —This newly constituted Lodge , on the roll of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , held its first meeting on Wednesday last , the 5 th inst ^ at the Gi * een Man Tavern , London Bridge . The R , W . Mi Bio . John Dixon , M . D ,, assisted by his Wardens and distinguished visitors , having obligated Bro . Aldhouse as a serving Brother / and appointed him as Tyler , proceeded to advance Bros . J * Donkin , W . L ; Baker , Rev . R . D . Brown , M * A „ W . Parker , E . A . Wishart , and J . Wrangham , to the ancient and honourable Degree of Mark Masters . Bros . R . Parfcer > and were admitted as jpihing members , and other Brethren were duly proposed for
advancement at the next meeting' . The R . W . M . expressed his gratification at the very successml result of the fi ^ offices of the Southwark Mark Lodge with zealous and worthy Masons , and appointed Bros , R . Slade , S ; W , ; H . G . Baker , J . W . ; J . Donkin , M . O . ; W . Parker , S . O . ; P . A . Wishart , J . O . ; R . Parker , C . ; A . D . Loewenstark S , I > . ; A . J . Wrangham , J . D . ; and W . Baker , T . K . In nominating the Rev . Bro , R . Brown , to be Chaplain ^ the R . W . M / observed the office might he unusual in
the Mark Degree , but he considered it would be both serviceable and honourable to the Lodge . Bro . Dixon , R . W . M ., was unanimously elected Treas ., and Bro . Wishart , Sec . and Reg ' . of \ Marks . Bros . Bristow , Lazarus ,, Parker , and Loewenstark , honoured the Lodge with their presence as visitors , and kindly lent their assistance in the ceremonies . After business , the Brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to with that cordial loyalty to the sovereign , and devotion to the Order which should ever characterise Freemasons . The health of the RiW . M .
Bro . Dixon , was proposed by Bro . Lazarus , who , as an old Mark Master of thirtyfour years standing , congratulated the Southwark Lodge on its auspicious opening and on the zeal displayed by its R . W . M ., observing that in the whole of his experience he had not seen the ceremony of the Mark Degree worked in a better manner , or in a way more calculated to afford the advancing Brethren instruction on every essential point connected with it . Bro . Dixon , in replying , thanked the Brethren for the kind feeling they had displayed , and observed that he had endeavoured to do his duty to the best of his abilities , but trusted his
future exertions would be more worthy of their approbation , especially when united with the labours of his officers , in whose talents he placed every confidence . He embraced the opportunity of commenting on the history of Masonry and some of its rites ; more particularly on the position of the Mark Degree and the differences which at present unfortunately exist with reference to it , expressing a hope that all English Mark Masters would soon see the advantage of uniting in one body and under one head . He did not approve of the Scotch Mark Lodges excluding Brethren who had been legally advanced under the old English Constitutions merely because the latter choose to place themselves under Lord Leigh , and , while he would endeavour to avoid such a personal injustice , he hoped the Brethren would carefully shun any illegality . The health of the " Visitors "
being drunk with enthusiasm , Bro . Bristow replied for them in a most pleasing and effective manner . The toasts of the " Advanced Brethren , " " Officers / ' and " Joining Members , ' elicited very gratifying observations on the beauties of this excellent Degree , the working of the new Lodge , and the agreeable entertainment in which all had participated with mutual instruction and unalloyed atisfaction .