Article SOTAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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PBOYIlSrCIAL CHAPTERS . Blackburn . —Chapter of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) . —This Chapter held a meeting on the 30 th January , the P . Z ., Comp . Clough , occupying the place of Z . Comps . Bawson and Bedick , Nos , 44 and 268 , and Collinson , No . 336 , were among the visitors present . Bros . Baynsfbrd Jackson , J , P ., Dodgsom and Chatburn , were exalted to the U . K . A . Degree by Comp . Dawson , assisted by Comps . Redick and
Clough . On the 9 th March , the Chapter held another meeting , when Bros . Warlowj No . 350 , and Walsh and Entwistle , No . 534 , were exalted in a very impressive manner by Comp . Dawson , dSTos . 44 and 268 > who favoured the Chapter with his presence , Comp . Bedick most ably acting as P . S . This Chapter , though but newly resuscitated , has increased wonderfully in numbers and influence , and is in a most prosperous state .
NEWCASTLE-UPON-TrNE .- ^ 6 % ap ^ r de Sussex ( No . 586 ) .- —This Chapter met on the 31 st March , it being the day appointed for the installation of Officers . The Chapter was opened by E . D . Davis , P . Z ., and other Principals present , among whom we noticed John Barker , P . Z . No . 24 . ' •¦ W . Dalziel , P . Z . No . 586 ; P . P . Jonn , P . Z . No . 614 ; George Beldon , H . No . 586 ; J . It . Hodge , J . No . 586 . After confirmation of the minutes , E . B . Davis , P . Z ., proceeded to instal the
three Principals elect , viz ; , George Beldon as Z . ; J . B . Hodge as H . } and Henry Bell as J . On the admission of the Companions after the principal installation , the following were duly invested as Officers : — -viz ., Henry Hotham as E . ; William Plues as N . ; Bobert Pisher as P . S . ; J . Trotter Asst . S . The ceremonies being over , the Companions adjourned to Bro . Eogerson ' s , the Central Exchange Hotel , where they sat down to an excellent banquet , and closed the ceremonies of the day in love and harmony .
West YouKSHrEE . —We understand the M . E . Z . of the Supreme Grand Chapter has appointed M . E . Comp . Dr . Fearnley , D . P . G . M . of West Yorkshire , and P . Z . of the Chapter of Three Grand Principles , Dewsbury , to be Prov . Grand Superintendent of B . A . Masonry for this Province . This appointment will give great satisfaction to the Companions of this Province .
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
The Supreme Grand Council of the 33 rd Degree for England and Wales and the Dependencies of the British Crown , held a meeting at their Grand East , London , on the 21 st April , when the Ilius . Bro . George Beaiichamp Cole , 32 nd Degree , was elected to fill the vacant seat in the Council .
A Consistory of S . P . R . S . 32 nd Degree was afterwards held , when the Illus . Bros . Dr . R . Goolden and Charles Goolden were admitted . A Sovereign Grand Tribunal of the 31 st Degree was also held , when the following Brethren were admitted to the rank of ' Grand Inquisitor Commanders : — Illus . T" » A " ¥ ¦» 1 ~ w "I T i -f \ f ~ I - m n-3 reninui \ ivJ
ros . -a . . , jvcnc , rrov . Ur . for Australia ; Dr . A ins worth , Dr . W . Jones , Obandos Pole , Bridson , and J . Stone .
A Sovereign Chapter of Kts . K . PL , 30 th Degree , was held at the Freemason * ' Ttwern , on the 21 st April , for the reception of candidates , when the
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PBOYIlSrCIAL CHAPTERS . Blackburn . —Chapter of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) . —This Chapter held a meeting on the 30 th January , the P . Z ., Comp . Clough , occupying the place of Z . Comps . Bawson and Bedick , Nos , 44 and 268 , and Collinson , No . 336 , were among the visitors present . Bros . Baynsfbrd Jackson , J , P ., Dodgsom and Chatburn , were exalted to the U . K . A . Degree by Comp . Dawson , assisted by Comps . Redick and
Clough . On the 9 th March , the Chapter held another meeting , when Bros . Warlowj No . 350 , and Walsh and Entwistle , No . 534 , were exalted in a very impressive manner by Comp . Dawson , dSTos . 44 and 268 > who favoured the Chapter with his presence , Comp . Bedick most ably acting as P . S . This Chapter , though but newly resuscitated , has increased wonderfully in numbers and influence , and is in a most prosperous state .
NEWCASTLE-UPON-TrNE .- ^ 6 % ap ^ r de Sussex ( No . 586 ) .- —This Chapter met on the 31 st March , it being the day appointed for the installation of Officers . The Chapter was opened by E . D . Davis , P . Z ., and other Principals present , among whom we noticed John Barker , P . Z . No . 24 . ' •¦ W . Dalziel , P . Z . No . 586 ; P . P . Jonn , P . Z . No . 614 ; George Beldon , H . No . 586 ; J . It . Hodge , J . No . 586 . After confirmation of the minutes , E . B . Davis , P . Z ., proceeded to instal the
three Principals elect , viz ; , George Beldon as Z . ; J . B . Hodge as H . } and Henry Bell as J . On the admission of the Companions after the principal installation , the following were duly invested as Officers : — -viz ., Henry Hotham as E . ; William Plues as N . ; Bobert Pisher as P . S . ; J . Trotter Asst . S . The ceremonies being over , the Companions adjourned to Bro . Eogerson ' s , the Central Exchange Hotel , where they sat down to an excellent banquet , and closed the ceremonies of the day in love and harmony .
West YouKSHrEE . —We understand the M . E . Z . of the Supreme Grand Chapter has appointed M . E . Comp . Dr . Fearnley , D . P . G . M . of West Yorkshire , and P . Z . of the Chapter of Three Grand Principles , Dewsbury , to be Prov . Grand Superintendent of B . A . Masonry for this Province . This appointment will give great satisfaction to the Companions of this Province .
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
The Supreme Grand Council of the 33 rd Degree for England and Wales and the Dependencies of the British Crown , held a meeting at their Grand East , London , on the 21 st April , when the Ilius . Bro . George Beaiichamp Cole , 32 nd Degree , was elected to fill the vacant seat in the Council .
A Consistory of S . P . R . S . 32 nd Degree was afterwards held , when the Illus . Bros . Dr . R . Goolden and Charles Goolden were admitted . A Sovereign Grand Tribunal of the 31 st Degree was also held , when the following Brethren were admitted to the rank of ' Grand Inquisitor Commanders : — Illus . T" » A " ¥ ¦» 1 ~ w "I T i -f \ f ~ I - m n-3 reninui \ ivJ
ros . -a . . , jvcnc , rrov . Ur . for Australia ; Dr . A ins worth , Dr . W . Jones , Obandos Pole , Bridson , and J . Stone .
A Sovereign Chapter of Kts . K . PL , 30 th Degree , was held at the Freemason * ' Ttwern , on the 21 st April , for the reception of candidates , when the