Article GRAND LODGE ← Page 3 of 9 →
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Grand Lodge
have existed , for we find by reference to the official calendar , that of the three Lodges stated to exist in Launceston two received their charters only in 1856 , the very year of the appointment of the Prov . G . M . ; and we have further a right to suppose that these charters were granted very late in the year , as no mention of them
is made in the Calendar of 1857 , prepared in the G . Secretary s office in London so late as October or November , 1856 . It is true that there would appear to have been a Lodge working for some years at Launceston under dispensation , from the Provincial Grr & nd Lodge of Sydney ; but as its title is different to either of those
mentioned by the R . W . D . Gr . M . or now published in the Calendar , it is impossible for us to say whether it is one of those to which the new charters have been granted . And that no very exalted idea of Bro . Ewing as a Masonic authority could have been entertained in Launceston , so late as November , 1855 , is shown by the following letter , addressed by Bro . Kane , the "W . M . of jSo ' . 901 ( the only Lodge then holding a regular charter in Launceston ) , to the W . M . of the Hobart Town Lodge : —
* . ' Church Grammar School , Launceston , Nov . 19 , An . 5855 . " WoiisiiiPFiJ ^ Master and Dear B-ROtker , —I desire your fraternal advice on the following subject , as being of vital interest to Freemasonry , and shall be obliged by your early answer , —if possible before Tuesday next , when we meet regular . " A number of the Masons resident in Launceston have drawn up a petition in regular form to the Grand Lodge , praying for a warrant , and have forwarded it to No . 901 , as the nearest Lodge under the Grand Lodge
of England ^ for recommendation ; they have at the same time forwarded a letter to me , as the W . M . of the nearest Lodge , to grant them a dispensation to work until their warrant arrives from the Grand Lodge . " Application for such dispensation was made by us to the Prov . Grand Lodge of Sydney , but I am sorry to say that we were nearly two years without our Grand Lodge warrant , and only obtained it after all by and through the personal application of our Treasurer ( Bro . James Robertson ) , at the Grand Lodge Office in London . .
" I may mention at the same time that a Lodge— Peace and Friendship '—five years ago applied to Sydney , and sent the fees payable , and have not to this day received a Grand Lodge warrant ; they are consequently irregular , and I have , after offering to state their case to the Grand Lodge , declined to recognize them . "It becomes a question , therefore , whether under such circumstances , we , as the Masters of the only English Lodges in this colony , should not
feel justified in granting a dispensation to the Brethren applying . The circumstances are so peculiar , that I cannot but think the grant of the dispensation would be approved of by the M . W . the G ^ M . u I shall be obliged by your kindly stating to me your judgment and opinion on this matter ; and if you will kindly consult with your Past Masters and Masters , and let me hear from you before Tuesday , it will much oblige , yours fraternally ,
( Signed ) cc IIhnuy P . Kane , M . A . " W . M . Lodge of Hope , No . 901 " To the W . M . j Tasmanian Union Lodge , Hobart Town . " 2 * 2
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Grand Lodge
have existed , for we find by reference to the official calendar , that of the three Lodges stated to exist in Launceston two received their charters only in 1856 , the very year of the appointment of the Prov . G . M . ; and we have further a right to suppose that these charters were granted very late in the year , as no mention of them
is made in the Calendar of 1857 , prepared in the G . Secretary s office in London so late as October or November , 1856 . It is true that there would appear to have been a Lodge working for some years at Launceston under dispensation , from the Provincial Grr & nd Lodge of Sydney ; but as its title is different to either of those
mentioned by the R . W . D . Gr . M . or now published in the Calendar , it is impossible for us to say whether it is one of those to which the new charters have been granted . And that no very exalted idea of Bro . Ewing as a Masonic authority could have been entertained in Launceston , so late as November , 1855 , is shown by the following letter , addressed by Bro . Kane , the "W . M . of jSo ' . 901 ( the only Lodge then holding a regular charter in Launceston ) , to the W . M . of the Hobart Town Lodge : —
* . ' Church Grammar School , Launceston , Nov . 19 , An . 5855 . " WoiisiiiPFiJ ^ Master and Dear B-ROtker , —I desire your fraternal advice on the following subject , as being of vital interest to Freemasonry , and shall be obliged by your early answer , —if possible before Tuesday next , when we meet regular . " A number of the Masons resident in Launceston have drawn up a petition in regular form to the Grand Lodge , praying for a warrant , and have forwarded it to No . 901 , as the nearest Lodge under the Grand Lodge
of England ^ for recommendation ; they have at the same time forwarded a letter to me , as the W . M . of the nearest Lodge , to grant them a dispensation to work until their warrant arrives from the Grand Lodge . " Application for such dispensation was made by us to the Prov . Grand Lodge of Sydney , but I am sorry to say that we were nearly two years without our Grand Lodge warrant , and only obtained it after all by and through the personal application of our Treasurer ( Bro . James Robertson ) , at the Grand Lodge Office in London . .
" I may mention at the same time that a Lodge— Peace and Friendship '—five years ago applied to Sydney , and sent the fees payable , and have not to this day received a Grand Lodge warrant ; they are consequently irregular , and I have , after offering to state their case to the Grand Lodge , declined to recognize them . "It becomes a question , therefore , whether under such circumstances , we , as the Masters of the only English Lodges in this colony , should not
feel justified in granting a dispensation to the Brethren applying . The circumstances are so peculiar , that I cannot but think the grant of the dispensation would be approved of by the M . W . the G ^ M . u I shall be obliged by your kindly stating to me your judgment and opinion on this matter ; and if you will kindly consult with your Past Masters and Masters , and let me hear from you before Tuesday , it will much oblige , yours fraternally ,
( Signed ) cc IIhnuy P . Kane , M . A . " W . M . Lodge of Hope , No . 901 " To the W . M . j Tasmanian Union Lodge , Hobart Town . " 2 * 2