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bestowed on the tligh Grades : he was a member of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree for England and Wales , and M . W . S . of the Rose Croix ; he also filled the important office of Chancellor of the Grand Conclave of Knights
Templar , and his loss in that office will be most severely felt . Bro . Emly ' s attainments in every Degree of our Order were of the highest rank , and every duty he undertook was performed most admirably . Under a better system , had the purjole been bestowed as an honour and reward , he would have filled a prominent place in the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of England .
BRO . SALOMO SALOMO . On the 17 th February , at his residence in Smith ' s Buildings , Mansell Street , Bro . Salomo Salomo , S . W . of the Bank of England Lodge , aged 44 . He was also a member of the Joppa Lodge and the Joppa and Jerusalem Chapters .
BRO . JOHN FOWLER , D . G . SEC . OF IBELAND . We have already recorded the death of John Fowler , Esq ., one of the oldest , most respected , and most erudite members of the Masonic Fraternity in Ireland . Bro . Fowler had attained to the patriarchal age of 87 years , during 64 years of which he was a member of the Craft , having been initiated in Lodge No . 620 , known as' " The First Volunteer Lodge of Ireland , " in the year 1792 , and without intermission continued his zealous and useful aid on all occasions when his Brethren
found it necessary to draw upon his well-stored mind for advice and counsel under the pressure of any emergeney . That Bro . Fowler ' s deep research into ancient Masonic lore , his clear and lucid mode of imparting to his Brethren the information thus obtained , and his unremitting care and attention to the Order at all times , were highly appreciated , needs no further proof than will be furnished by the unprecedented attendance of the Brethren who , on the 29 th of January , assembled around his , the grave of departed worth , each anxious to testify his
personal regard for the man and the Mason , whose blameless life as the one , and whose intelligent and active discharge of his duties as the other , had drawn around him closely the hearts of alibis Brethren . On the solemn occasion of his interment there was an array of Brethren in which every grade of the Order , from the first to the last , seemed to vie each with the other which should be most conspicuous in paying the last sad tribute to his memory . The service was performed by the Grand Chaplain of the Order . An appropriate and impressive address was delivered within the chapel by Bro . the Rev . R . Wall , D . D ., the burial service
being performed by Bro . the Bev . Henry Westby ; the Deputy Grand Master , at the appropriate moment of committing the body to the grave , reading aloud the scroll inscribed with the style , title , and Masonic dignities of the deceased Brother , which , when read , was dropped into the grave , according to ancient usage ; and as the moment approached which was to hide for ever from mortal eyes all that was mortal of their departed and deceased Brother , is it too much to say that not a heart around that grave but throbbed with feelings of Fraternal sorrow , that each had lost a friend whose counsel and advice he had been accustomed to receive
—that within the precincts of the timedionoured Masonic temple a great light had been extinguished .
BRO . SIR WM . MOLESWORTH . A correspondent writes : — " As under this head I do not see mention of a distinguished Brother , I beg to state that the late Right Hon . Sir Wm . M ' olesworth , Bart ., M . P . for Southwark , ILM . ' s Secretary of State for the Colonies , was a Past Officer of the Province of Cornwall , and member of the One and All Lod ge / No . 413 , Bodmin . It will be unnecessary to say more in praise of the Hon . Baronet than the Prime Minister , Lord Palmerston , expresses in a letter to Sir William ' s widow , speaking of his great talents and noble nature , when he says ,
' for singleness of mind , honesty of purpose , clearness of judgment , faithfulness of conduct , courage in difficulties , and equanimity in success , he never was surpassed , and deeply must any nation lament the premature loss of such a man ; for voids so created arc not easily replaced . ' "
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bestowed on the tligh Grades : he was a member of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree for England and Wales , and M . W . S . of the Rose Croix ; he also filled the important office of Chancellor of the Grand Conclave of Knights
Templar , and his loss in that office will be most severely felt . Bro . Emly ' s attainments in every Degree of our Order were of the highest rank , and every duty he undertook was performed most admirably . Under a better system , had the purjole been bestowed as an honour and reward , he would have filled a prominent place in the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of England .
BRO . SALOMO SALOMO . On the 17 th February , at his residence in Smith ' s Buildings , Mansell Street , Bro . Salomo Salomo , S . W . of the Bank of England Lodge , aged 44 . He was also a member of the Joppa Lodge and the Joppa and Jerusalem Chapters .
BRO . JOHN FOWLER , D . G . SEC . OF IBELAND . We have already recorded the death of John Fowler , Esq ., one of the oldest , most respected , and most erudite members of the Masonic Fraternity in Ireland . Bro . Fowler had attained to the patriarchal age of 87 years , during 64 years of which he was a member of the Craft , having been initiated in Lodge No . 620 , known as' " The First Volunteer Lodge of Ireland , " in the year 1792 , and without intermission continued his zealous and useful aid on all occasions when his Brethren
found it necessary to draw upon his well-stored mind for advice and counsel under the pressure of any emergeney . That Bro . Fowler ' s deep research into ancient Masonic lore , his clear and lucid mode of imparting to his Brethren the information thus obtained , and his unremitting care and attention to the Order at all times , were highly appreciated , needs no further proof than will be furnished by the unprecedented attendance of the Brethren who , on the 29 th of January , assembled around his , the grave of departed worth , each anxious to testify his
personal regard for the man and the Mason , whose blameless life as the one , and whose intelligent and active discharge of his duties as the other , had drawn around him closely the hearts of alibis Brethren . On the solemn occasion of his interment there was an array of Brethren in which every grade of the Order , from the first to the last , seemed to vie each with the other which should be most conspicuous in paying the last sad tribute to his memory . The service was performed by the Grand Chaplain of the Order . An appropriate and impressive address was delivered within the chapel by Bro . the Rev . R . Wall , D . D ., the burial service
being performed by Bro . the Bev . Henry Westby ; the Deputy Grand Master , at the appropriate moment of committing the body to the grave , reading aloud the scroll inscribed with the style , title , and Masonic dignities of the deceased Brother , which , when read , was dropped into the grave , according to ancient usage ; and as the moment approached which was to hide for ever from mortal eyes all that was mortal of their departed and deceased Brother , is it too much to say that not a heart around that grave but throbbed with feelings of Fraternal sorrow , that each had lost a friend whose counsel and advice he had been accustomed to receive
—that within the precincts of the timedionoured Masonic temple a great light had been extinguished .
BRO . SIR WM . MOLESWORTH . A correspondent writes : — " As under this head I do not see mention of a distinguished Brother , I beg to state that the late Right Hon . Sir Wm . M ' olesworth , Bart ., M . P . for Southwark , ILM . ' s Secretary of State for the Colonies , was a Past Officer of the Province of Cornwall , and member of the One and All Lod ge / No . 413 , Bodmin . It will be unnecessary to say more in praise of the Hon . Baronet than the Prime Minister , Lord Palmerston , expresses in a letter to Sir William ' s widow , speaking of his great talents and noble nature , when he says ,
' for singleness of mind , honesty of purpose , clearness of judgment , faithfulness of conduct , courage in difficulties , and equanimity in success , he never was surpassed , and deeply must any nation lament the premature loss of such a man ; for voids so created arc not easily replaced . ' "