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to represent the undue competition they would have to contend with , on the 12 th . The right hon . gentleman stated that , if necessary , measures would be taken for the protection of the revenue and English companies . On the 2 nd , a grand dinner was given by the East-India Company to Lieut .-
General Patrick Grant , prior to his leaving England to take the command of the army of the Madras Presidency . Lieut .-General Grant is the first officer of the Company ' s service upon whom so distinguished an appointment has been conferred . Mr . John Braham , the celebrated vocalist , died on the 17 th , aged 79 .
On the 16 th February , Mr . John Sadlier , M . P ., and formerly a Lord of the Treasury and Chairman of the London and County Bank , committed suicide , by poisoning himself with essential oil of almonds . It appears that his affairs were
much involved . On the 29 th January , Bro . W . H . Massy , P . M . of No . 333 , and the M . W . Sovereign of Prince Masons , Chap . No . 4 , Limerick , was married to the Countess of Sean eld . The bridegroom , who is a captain in her Majesty ' s service , has only just returned from the Crimea , where he greatly distinguished himself .
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BRO . REV . THEODOBE ALOIS BUCKLEY , Bro . the Bev . Theodore Alois Buckley , Chaplain of Christ Church , Oxford , well known by his various literary works of the highest merit , and by talented contributions to several periodicals , including our own , has closed a brief career of twenty-eight years . He was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , Oxford , in 1852 . BBO . J . 0 . COOK .
The funeral of this much .-respected Brother took place on the 1 st of February , at Netherton . The melancholy cortege consisted of three mourning-coaches and the hearse , the procession being joined , as it moved off , by the Brethren of the various Lodges who had assembled for the purpose of displaying this last mark of respect to departed worth . The funeral service was read by the Rev . John
Davies , M . A ., of St . Edmund's Church , Dudley ; the Bev . J . C . Browne , D . C . L ., Vicar of St . Thomas ' s , Dudley , and the * Vicar of Netherton , being likewise present . The deceased Brother was an inhabitant of Dudley for upwards of thirty years , and served the town well for many years as a member of the Board of Guardians , the Board of Health , & c . As we have already stated , he was a (< P . M . " of the Harmonic Lodge , No . 313 .
BBO . WILLIAM HOWELL . At Boston , lately , Bro . William Howell , P . M . of the Lodge of Harmony , No , 339 , and for many years a consistent member of that Lodge , and much respected by all the Brethren .
BRO . HENRY EMLY . On the 15 th of February , in his 67 th year , Bro . Henry Emly , of New Square , Lincoln ' s Inn , Barrister-at-Law . Bro . Emly was a native of Salisbury , in which
city his father was the proprietor of a brewery , and served the office of mayor . Our deceased Brother was extensively known in Masonry : he was twice W . M . of No . 76 ; he also filled the chair of No . 194 and No . 3 ^ ; besides which he went through the several offices in the Grand Steward ' s Lodge , discharging the important duties of the Master ' s chair most excellently . Ho was a member of the Prince of Wales' ( Jhapter , and had filled the different chairs of the Croydon Chapter . For the last seven years Bro . Emly ' s more active attention was
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to represent the undue competition they would have to contend with , on the 12 th . The right hon . gentleman stated that , if necessary , measures would be taken for the protection of the revenue and English companies . On the 2 nd , a grand dinner was given by the East-India Company to Lieut .-
General Patrick Grant , prior to his leaving England to take the command of the army of the Madras Presidency . Lieut .-General Grant is the first officer of the Company ' s service upon whom so distinguished an appointment has been conferred . Mr . John Braham , the celebrated vocalist , died on the 17 th , aged 79 .
On the 16 th February , Mr . John Sadlier , M . P ., and formerly a Lord of the Treasury and Chairman of the London and County Bank , committed suicide , by poisoning himself with essential oil of almonds . It appears that his affairs were
much involved . On the 29 th January , Bro . W . H . Massy , P . M . of No . 333 , and the M . W . Sovereign of Prince Masons , Chap . No . 4 , Limerick , was married to the Countess of Sean eld . The bridegroom , who is a captain in her Majesty ' s service , has only just returned from the Crimea , where he greatly distinguished himself .
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BRO . REV . THEODOBE ALOIS BUCKLEY , Bro . the Bev . Theodore Alois Buckley , Chaplain of Christ Church , Oxford , well known by his various literary works of the highest merit , and by talented contributions to several periodicals , including our own , has closed a brief career of twenty-eight years . He was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , Oxford , in 1852 . BBO . J . 0 . COOK .
The funeral of this much .-respected Brother took place on the 1 st of February , at Netherton . The melancholy cortege consisted of three mourning-coaches and the hearse , the procession being joined , as it moved off , by the Brethren of the various Lodges who had assembled for the purpose of displaying this last mark of respect to departed worth . The funeral service was read by the Rev . John
Davies , M . A ., of St . Edmund's Church , Dudley ; the Bev . J . C . Browne , D . C . L ., Vicar of St . Thomas ' s , Dudley , and the * Vicar of Netherton , being likewise present . The deceased Brother was an inhabitant of Dudley for upwards of thirty years , and served the town well for many years as a member of the Board of Guardians , the Board of Health , & c . As we have already stated , he was a (< P . M . " of the Harmonic Lodge , No . 313 .
BBO . WILLIAM HOWELL . At Boston , lately , Bro . William Howell , P . M . of the Lodge of Harmony , No , 339 , and for many years a consistent member of that Lodge , and much respected by all the Brethren .
BRO . HENRY EMLY . On the 15 th of February , in his 67 th year , Bro . Henry Emly , of New Square , Lincoln ' s Inn , Barrister-at-Law . Bro . Emly was a native of Salisbury , in which
city his father was the proprietor of a brewery , and served the office of mayor . Our deceased Brother was extensively known in Masonry : he was twice W . M . of No . 76 ; he also filled the chair of No . 194 and No . 3 ^ ; besides which he went through the several offices in the Grand Steward ' s Lodge , discharging the important duties of the Master ' s chair most excellently . Ho was a member of the Prince of Wales' ( Jhapter , and had filled the different chairs of the Croydon Chapter . For the last seven years Bro . Emly ' s more active attention was