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report of the committee of privileges was brought up , and Earl Granville announced that Lord Wensleydale would not attempt to take his seat until full time had been allowed for discussion . In the House of Commons , on the 1 st , Mr . Lowe brought in two bills—one for the amendment of the law of partnership , and the other for the
incorporation and regulation of joint-stock companies and other associations . Under the first measure , a dormant partner may put money into a concern without risking anything beyond the amount so invested . "Under the second measure , the Joint Stock Act , and the Act for its amendment , and the limited Liability Act of last session , will be repealed . The measure will be partly compulsory and partly permissive . The part compelling incorporation will extend to all portnerships for gain or profit of more than twenty members ; the permissive part will
extend to all partnerships of more than six partners and less than twenty ; associations , not for gain or profit , consisting of upwards of six members , may adopt the bill if they choose . Banking and insurance companies will be excluded from its operation . On the 4 th ; the same hon . gentleman introduced a measure for the better regulation of local dues upon shipping . He proposed to abolish the passing tolls entirely , as well as town dues , with the exception of that portion of them on the security of which money has been borrowed by the
corporations . Charity and special dues he proposes also to abolish . Under these arrangements the shipping interest will be immediately benefited to the extent of £ 45 , 000 per annum , —the ultimate benefit will exceed £ 200 , 000 per annum . On the same day Sir Geo . Grey obtained leave to bring in a bill for the amendment of the Acts relative to the metropolitan police , and the Solicitor-General for Ireland to abolish the Encumbered Estates Court and extend the jurisdiction of the Irish Court of Chancery as regards those estates . On the 5 th , Sir George
Grey brought in a bill for the improvement of the police in boroughs and counties of England and Wales , and Mr . Packe for the abolition of church-rates . The Metropolitan Police Bill was read a second time on the 6 th . On the 7 th , Mr . Collins obtained leave to introduce a bill to transfer the testamentary jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts to the superior courts of common law and to the county courts . Captain Scobell moved for a select committee to inquire into the naval administration , and the lists of officers , patronage , promotions , and retirements ,
and the efficiency of the service in all the grades belonging to it . The motion was lost by 171 to 80 . On the 8 th , some explanations took place relative to the American question . The Metropolitan Police Bill was passed , and the Partnership Amendment and Joint-Stock Companies Bill read a second time . In Committee of Supply on the 11 th , a vote was taken for 76 , 000 seamen , being an increase of 6 , 000 over the estimate of last year . On the 12 th , Mr . Napier moved that provision should be made for the skilful and proper structure of Parliamentary Bills ,
to promote the progressive amendment of the laws of the United Kingdom . The motion was in substance agreed to . A motion for considering the advisability of constructing a harbour of refuge and defence in Cardigan Bay was negatived by 118 to 44 . On the 13 th , several bills of minor importance were advanced a stage . On the 14 th , Sir Eitzroy Kelly obtained leave to bring in two bills—one to consolidate the statute law relating to offences against the person , and the other to consolidate the statute law relating to bills of exchange and promissory
notes . Sir John Shelley moved for returns to show the manner in which the Irish judges had discharged their duties , which , after a long discussion , were ordered by a majority of 132 to 121 . After some explanations on the Enlistment question in America , in which Lord Palmerston stated the papers could not yet he produced , as the negotiations were still pending , on the 15 th , the Chancellor of the Exchequer obtained leave to bring in a bill relating to the superannuation
of the civil service . On the 18 th , the Irish Court of Chancery Bill was read a second time , and a Select Committee appointed to inquire into the present constitution of the Ecclesiastical Commission . On the 19 th , Mr . * Mackinnon . obtained the appointment of a Committee to consider the inconvenience now felt in this country from the want of equitable tribunals hy whose means any difference between masters and operatives might bo satisfactorily adjusted . Leave was given to bring in a bill to amend the Act relative to ministers' money in Ireland .
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Untitled Article
report of the committee of privileges was brought up , and Earl Granville announced that Lord Wensleydale would not attempt to take his seat until full time had been allowed for discussion . In the House of Commons , on the 1 st , Mr . Lowe brought in two bills—one for the amendment of the law of partnership , and the other for the
incorporation and regulation of joint-stock companies and other associations . Under the first measure , a dormant partner may put money into a concern without risking anything beyond the amount so invested . "Under the second measure , the Joint Stock Act , and the Act for its amendment , and the limited Liability Act of last session , will be repealed . The measure will be partly compulsory and partly permissive . The part compelling incorporation will extend to all portnerships for gain or profit of more than twenty members ; the permissive part will
extend to all partnerships of more than six partners and less than twenty ; associations , not for gain or profit , consisting of upwards of six members , may adopt the bill if they choose . Banking and insurance companies will be excluded from its operation . On the 4 th ; the same hon . gentleman introduced a measure for the better regulation of local dues upon shipping . He proposed to abolish the passing tolls entirely , as well as town dues , with the exception of that portion of them on the security of which money has been borrowed by the
corporations . Charity and special dues he proposes also to abolish . Under these arrangements the shipping interest will be immediately benefited to the extent of £ 45 , 000 per annum , —the ultimate benefit will exceed £ 200 , 000 per annum . On the same day Sir Geo . Grey obtained leave to bring in a bill for the amendment of the Acts relative to the metropolitan police , and the Solicitor-General for Ireland to abolish the Encumbered Estates Court and extend the jurisdiction of the Irish Court of Chancery as regards those estates . On the 5 th , Sir George
Grey brought in a bill for the improvement of the police in boroughs and counties of England and Wales , and Mr . Packe for the abolition of church-rates . The Metropolitan Police Bill was read a second time on the 6 th . On the 7 th , Mr . Collins obtained leave to introduce a bill to transfer the testamentary jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts to the superior courts of common law and to the county courts . Captain Scobell moved for a select committee to inquire into the naval administration , and the lists of officers , patronage , promotions , and retirements ,
and the efficiency of the service in all the grades belonging to it . The motion was lost by 171 to 80 . On the 8 th , some explanations took place relative to the American question . The Metropolitan Police Bill was passed , and the Partnership Amendment and Joint-Stock Companies Bill read a second time . In Committee of Supply on the 11 th , a vote was taken for 76 , 000 seamen , being an increase of 6 , 000 over the estimate of last year . On the 12 th , Mr . Napier moved that provision should be made for the skilful and proper structure of Parliamentary Bills ,
to promote the progressive amendment of the laws of the United Kingdom . The motion was in substance agreed to . A motion for considering the advisability of constructing a harbour of refuge and defence in Cardigan Bay was negatived by 118 to 44 . On the 13 th , several bills of minor importance were advanced a stage . On the 14 th , Sir Eitzroy Kelly obtained leave to bring in two bills—one to consolidate the statute law relating to offences against the person , and the other to consolidate the statute law relating to bills of exchange and promissory
notes . Sir John Shelley moved for returns to show the manner in which the Irish judges had discharged their duties , which , after a long discussion , were ordered by a majority of 132 to 121 . After some explanations on the Enlistment question in America , in which Lord Palmerston stated the papers could not yet he produced , as the negotiations were still pending , on the 15 th , the Chancellor of the Exchequer obtained leave to bring in a bill relating to the superannuation
of the civil service . On the 18 th , the Irish Court of Chancery Bill was read a second time , and a Select Committee appointed to inquire into the present constitution of the Ecclesiastical Commission . On the 19 th , Mr . * Mackinnon . obtained the appointment of a Committee to consider the inconvenience now felt in this country from the want of equitable tribunals hy whose means any difference between masters and operatives might bo satisfactorily adjusted . Leave was given to bring in a bill to amend the Act relative to ministers' money in Ireland .