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presided , and several candidates , being Eoyal Arch Masons , were installed into the Order . The Coryton Encampment . —This Encampment of Knights Templar held a meeting at Shute House , near Axminster , on Monday morning , the 4 th February , when Comps . Hinton , Norman , and Montagu , were duly installed by the V . E , Prov . G . Commander of Dorset ,. Fr . Charles John Yigne ( who acted as E . C . P . T . ) . assisted by several distinguished Sir Knights from this and other Encampments .
Watfobd Encampment . —Mondav , January 28 th , Ers . present : William Stuart , D . G . M . and P . G . C . ; W . S . " Tootell , E . G . ; G . Francis , P . E . C , ; H . H . Burchell-Herne , P . E . C , Registrar , & c . The business of the day was the election of the E . G . and Treasurer for the year ensuing , when Fr . T . A . Ward was unanimously elected to the former , and Fr . Thomas Hogers to the latter , office . The election of Fr . Ward to the office of E . C ., and his acceptance of it , were hailed with much satisfaction hy all the Fratres present . Fr . Ward is the D . G . M .
of the Masonic body in Hertfordshire—not only one of the founders , but one of the ablest Masons in the Province ; the Encampment has therefore every prospect of a successful career under his able and vigorous rule . We may mention that owing to the hotel , " The Essex Arms , " which is connected with the Masonic Hall , having been untenanted , and lately undergoing very extensive repairs , and its juxtaposition to the new Corn Exchange ( an account of the laying of the foundationstone of which our readers will find in our July number ) , the Watford Lodge and Chapter , as well as the Encampment , have been for many months debarred from
exercising their wonted hospitality . The repairs being now completed , and the hotel taken by a landlord in every way qualified to restore it to the status it enjoyed while in the hands of Bro . Barnard , the reunions in the Masonic Hall will again , we hope , resume their pristine character of liberal and cordial hospitality . Though we have frequently had occasion to complain of too much money being spent in banquets , and too little for the real purposes of Masonry , we cannot object to the Watford Lodge in * this respect ; for while liberality prevails at the board , it does not forget the Masonic charities , to all of which it subscribes , as do most of its members in their individual capacity .
Ancient Lodge ( No . 49 ) . —The ball given by the members of this Lodge went off in excellent style on the 8 th of February . About eight o ' clock the Brethren and their fair companions began to assemble at the Exchange Buildings , and soon commenced the merry dance to the strains of an excellent band , led by Mr . Biyson of Perth , and in the Scotch dances by the eminent Scottish violinist , Bro . Allan of Forfar . Mr . Lowe , professor of dancing , acted as Master of
Ceremonies . About 150 ladies and gentlemen were present , the Brethren all appearing in the full Masonic costume of the Lodge , and the Office-bearers wearing their sashes and jewels . The hall , lobbies , and staircases , were tastefully decorated with evergreens , flags , and Masonic emblems , under the able direction of Bro . McLean ; and Bro . Rickard , of the British Hotel , satisfactorily provided the refreshments . Dancing was continued with great spirit until five o ' clock , A . M ., when the happy party broke up , highly pleased with the whole proceedings .
There is nothing of moment to report this month as to our Masonic affairs , except that preparations are in active progress for the general Masonic ball to take place on the 29 th February . Several of the Lodges have had an accession of members .
ROYAL ARCH . Dundee . —Union Chapter ( No . 6 ) . —This Chapter continues to receive additional members , and is in a very satisfactory condition . At the meeting of 18 th February , an excellent code of bye-laws for the regulation of the Chapter , prepared by a committee appointed for the purpose , was submitted and adopted .
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presided , and several candidates , being Eoyal Arch Masons , were installed into the Order . The Coryton Encampment . —This Encampment of Knights Templar held a meeting at Shute House , near Axminster , on Monday morning , the 4 th February , when Comps . Hinton , Norman , and Montagu , were duly installed by the V . E , Prov . G . Commander of Dorset ,. Fr . Charles John Yigne ( who acted as E . C . P . T . ) . assisted by several distinguished Sir Knights from this and other Encampments .
Watfobd Encampment . —Mondav , January 28 th , Ers . present : William Stuart , D . G . M . and P . G . C . ; W . S . " Tootell , E . G . ; G . Francis , P . E . C , ; H . H . Burchell-Herne , P . E . C , Registrar , & c . The business of the day was the election of the E . G . and Treasurer for the year ensuing , when Fr . T . A . Ward was unanimously elected to the former , and Fr . Thomas Hogers to the latter , office . The election of Fr . Ward to the office of E . C ., and his acceptance of it , were hailed with much satisfaction hy all the Fratres present . Fr . Ward is the D . G . M .
of the Masonic body in Hertfordshire—not only one of the founders , but one of the ablest Masons in the Province ; the Encampment has therefore every prospect of a successful career under his able and vigorous rule . We may mention that owing to the hotel , " The Essex Arms , " which is connected with the Masonic Hall , having been untenanted , and lately undergoing very extensive repairs , and its juxtaposition to the new Corn Exchange ( an account of the laying of the foundationstone of which our readers will find in our July number ) , the Watford Lodge and Chapter , as well as the Encampment , have been for many months debarred from
exercising their wonted hospitality . The repairs being now completed , and the hotel taken by a landlord in every way qualified to restore it to the status it enjoyed while in the hands of Bro . Barnard , the reunions in the Masonic Hall will again , we hope , resume their pristine character of liberal and cordial hospitality . Though we have frequently had occasion to complain of too much money being spent in banquets , and too little for the real purposes of Masonry , we cannot object to the Watford Lodge in * this respect ; for while liberality prevails at the board , it does not forget the Masonic charities , to all of which it subscribes , as do most of its members in their individual capacity .
Ancient Lodge ( No . 49 ) . —The ball given by the members of this Lodge went off in excellent style on the 8 th of February . About eight o ' clock the Brethren and their fair companions began to assemble at the Exchange Buildings , and soon commenced the merry dance to the strains of an excellent band , led by Mr . Biyson of Perth , and in the Scotch dances by the eminent Scottish violinist , Bro . Allan of Forfar . Mr . Lowe , professor of dancing , acted as Master of
Ceremonies . About 150 ladies and gentlemen were present , the Brethren all appearing in the full Masonic costume of the Lodge , and the Office-bearers wearing their sashes and jewels . The hall , lobbies , and staircases , were tastefully decorated with evergreens , flags , and Masonic emblems , under the able direction of Bro . McLean ; and Bro . Rickard , of the British Hotel , satisfactorily provided the refreshments . Dancing was continued with great spirit until five o ' clock , A . M ., when the happy party broke up , highly pleased with the whole proceedings .
There is nothing of moment to report this month as to our Masonic affairs , except that preparations are in active progress for the general Masonic ball to take place on the 29 th February . Several of the Lodges have had an accession of members .
ROYAL ARCH . Dundee . —Union Chapter ( No . 6 ) . —This Chapter continues to receive additional members , and is in a very satisfactory condition . At the meeting of 18 th February , an excellent code of bye-laws for the regulation of the Chapter , prepared by a committee appointed for the purpose , was submitted and adopted .