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February 1 st . It being the period of election , the following Companions were unanimously selected as Officers for the ensuing year :- — Comps . Stohwasser , Z . ; Dawson , H . ; Cooper , P . G . M . ; Kent , J . ; Yallance , E . ; Else , N . ; Cotterel , P . S . ; Bisgood , Treas . ; and Crawley , Janitor . The Companions then proceeded to banquet . After the health of ttie Queen , which was duly responded to , the M . E . Z . proposed the health of the Grand Z . of the Order , the Earl of Zetland ,
trusting that the nobleman ' s lady might enjoy better health during the ensuing year , whereby he mf ght be enabled to honour the Craft with his company more frequently than during the last (!) He had , when one of a committe of five for the revision of the Book of Constitutions , advocated the expediency , and should always continue to do so , of electing a fresh Grand Master every three years ; and if a law was made to prevent a Grand Master being elected for more than three years in succession , he felt satisfied that it would be of great advantage to
the Craft , and to the noble Brethren who honoured it with their support . The health of the Earl of Yarbordugh , G . H ., and the rest of the Officers , was then drunk , with thanks for their attention to the duties of their respective offices , but more particularly the M . E . Z ., Comp . Herbert Lloyd , Grand P . S ., whose great Masonic ability and exertions in the cause were universally known and appreciated . The M . E . Z ., in his usual happy manner , returned thanks , and proposed the health of the Past Principals , thanking them for the eminent services they had rendered
the Chapter . He then called upon the Companions to drink to the success of the Masonic Charities , trusting that the members of the Craft would redouble their efforts to render them pre-eminent in the amount of their usefulness , and worthy of an institution which was founded on charity . The healths of the three Principals were drunk with much enthusiasm ; to which the M . E . Z . replied , that they ever felt a pleasure in doing their duty , and although it had been less onerous during the past year than he could have wished , they would display their zeal on all occasions when called upon . He then proposed the health of the
Officers , thanking them for their able exertions , more particularly the Scribe , Comp . Purton Cooper , to whose able and energetic endeavours they were indebted for their present prosperous position . Comp . Cooper in return stated , that he had taken great pleasure in discharging the duties of the office , and more particularly in having been the means of rendering service to the Chapter by getting in a large amount of dues , and giving up the books to his successor , after taking considerable pains in their correction . The healths of the Treasurer and Wine Steward were also drunk , with the thanks of the Companions for the able manner in which they provided for their comfort and enjoyment .
Enoch Chapter ( No . 11 ) . —This Chapter met at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday , February 19 th . In consequence of the absence of Comp . Simpson , First Principal , Comp . Williams , P . Z ., presided , and with the assistance of the Officers , exalted Bro . Sewell , of the parent Lodge , in that able manner for which this Chapter is distinguished . The visitors were Comp . Chown , of the Chapter of Fidelity ; and Comp . Braithwaite , of the Albany Chapter .
Mount Sign Chapter ( No . 169 ) . —This Chapter , removed from Cornhill , has established itself at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge Street ; and at the meeting in January , Comp . Henry Muggeridge was , by dispensation , installed M . E . Z ., he being at the same time 1 st Principal of the Waterloo Chapter , at Woolwich ; Comps . Steele , H . ; Sliarpe , J . ; and Goodwin , E . The Convocation of February the 25 th was also well attended .
PROVINCIAL CHAPTERS . Bath , Somersetshire . —Tynte Chapter , attached to the Lodge of Honour . —On Monday , the 28 th January , a Chapter was held , when Comp . B . W . Falconer , M . I ) ., was installed in the chair of Z . ; Comp . Capt . Evans , V . Z . , in the chair of H . ; and Comp . Terey in the chair of J .
Birkenhead . — Chapter of Fidelity ( No . 701 ) . —An extraordinary meeting was held on Friday , February 8 , at the Angel Hotel , Birkenhead , when the principal business was the installation of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., as 2 nd Prin-
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Untitled Article
February 1 st . It being the period of election , the following Companions were unanimously selected as Officers for the ensuing year :- — Comps . Stohwasser , Z . ; Dawson , H . ; Cooper , P . G . M . ; Kent , J . ; Yallance , E . ; Else , N . ; Cotterel , P . S . ; Bisgood , Treas . ; and Crawley , Janitor . The Companions then proceeded to banquet . After the health of ttie Queen , which was duly responded to , the M . E . Z . proposed the health of the Grand Z . of the Order , the Earl of Zetland ,
trusting that the nobleman ' s lady might enjoy better health during the ensuing year , whereby he mf ght be enabled to honour the Craft with his company more frequently than during the last (!) He had , when one of a committe of five for the revision of the Book of Constitutions , advocated the expediency , and should always continue to do so , of electing a fresh Grand Master every three years ; and if a law was made to prevent a Grand Master being elected for more than three years in succession , he felt satisfied that it would be of great advantage to
the Craft , and to the noble Brethren who honoured it with their support . The health of the Earl of Yarbordugh , G . H ., and the rest of the Officers , was then drunk , with thanks for their attention to the duties of their respective offices , but more particularly the M . E . Z ., Comp . Herbert Lloyd , Grand P . S ., whose great Masonic ability and exertions in the cause were universally known and appreciated . The M . E . Z ., in his usual happy manner , returned thanks , and proposed the health of the Past Principals , thanking them for the eminent services they had rendered
the Chapter . He then called upon the Companions to drink to the success of the Masonic Charities , trusting that the members of the Craft would redouble their efforts to render them pre-eminent in the amount of their usefulness , and worthy of an institution which was founded on charity . The healths of the three Principals were drunk with much enthusiasm ; to which the M . E . Z . replied , that they ever felt a pleasure in doing their duty , and although it had been less onerous during the past year than he could have wished , they would display their zeal on all occasions when called upon . He then proposed the health of the
Officers , thanking them for their able exertions , more particularly the Scribe , Comp . Purton Cooper , to whose able and energetic endeavours they were indebted for their present prosperous position . Comp . Cooper in return stated , that he had taken great pleasure in discharging the duties of the office , and more particularly in having been the means of rendering service to the Chapter by getting in a large amount of dues , and giving up the books to his successor , after taking considerable pains in their correction . The healths of the Treasurer and Wine Steward were also drunk , with the thanks of the Companions for the able manner in which they provided for their comfort and enjoyment .
Enoch Chapter ( No . 11 ) . —This Chapter met at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday , February 19 th . In consequence of the absence of Comp . Simpson , First Principal , Comp . Williams , P . Z ., presided , and with the assistance of the Officers , exalted Bro . Sewell , of the parent Lodge , in that able manner for which this Chapter is distinguished . The visitors were Comp . Chown , of the Chapter of Fidelity ; and Comp . Braithwaite , of the Albany Chapter .
Mount Sign Chapter ( No . 169 ) . —This Chapter , removed from Cornhill , has established itself at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge Street ; and at the meeting in January , Comp . Henry Muggeridge was , by dispensation , installed M . E . Z ., he being at the same time 1 st Principal of the Waterloo Chapter , at Woolwich ; Comps . Steele , H . ; Sliarpe , J . ; and Goodwin , E . The Convocation of February the 25 th was also well attended .
PROVINCIAL CHAPTERS . Bath , Somersetshire . —Tynte Chapter , attached to the Lodge of Honour . —On Monday , the 28 th January , a Chapter was held , when Comp . B . W . Falconer , M . I ) ., was installed in the chair of Z . ; Comp . Capt . Evans , V . Z . , in the chair of H . ; and Comp . Terey in the chair of J .
Birkenhead . — Chapter of Fidelity ( No . 701 ) . —An extraordinary meeting was held on Friday , February 8 , at the Angel Hotel , Birkenhead , when the principal business was the installation of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., as 2 nd Prin-