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Untitled Article
of the Eev . Bro . A . G . Davies , W . M ., when Bro . Saunders was passed to the Second Degree . On the motion of Bro . Barns ( P . M . ) , M . of Cers ., seconded by the Eev . Bro . E . A . Gwynne ( P . M . No . 435 ) , J . D ., the sum of £ 5 was voted to the building fund of the Boys' Institution . This Lodge , it will be remembered , at the last Lodge night , contributed a guinea annually to each of the institutions , and £ 1 to the Pund of Benevolence . We wish all other Lodges did likewise .
At a Lodge of Emergency held on Tuesday , the 19 th February , the Eev . Frederick Gibbens , M . A ., formerly curate of Dudley , was initiated into Freemasonry . The WM . was supported by the whole of the officers , and many of the members . The Eev . Brother has received the appointment of chaplain to cme of her Majesty ' s 21-gun frigates , and leaves in a few days to join his ship . At the banquet he expressed his determination not to receive any degrees in any other Lodge , but to return to his mother ' s lap for further instruction , when once
he has an opportunity so to do . The Eev . Bro . Herbert , J . W . No . 313 , returned thanks as visitor ; and Bro . Barns , in proposing a toast to the W . M ., took occasion to allude to the fact of four ministers of the Gospel then gracing the board , and said that was a proof that Masonry had nothing inherently bad in it . When he was made , there were no clerical members in the Province ; now some of their best supporters ( including their worthy W . M . ) were clergymen : he could not but congratulate Masons upon this fact .
YOBKSHIEE . Bradford . — Lodge of Harmony ( No . 874 ) . —On the 21 st February , Mr . Herrman Fraenkel , merchant , was duly initiated in the mysteries of our Order ; the ceremony was very effectively performed , and the charges were given in a most impressive manner by the W . M ,, Bro . Barsdorf ; the working tools were explained by P . M . Bro . Ward .
Ample justice having been done to the refreshments provided after the meeting , a very harmonious evening was spent , much enlivened by our talented musical Brethren , Ahrens , S . D . ; Goldstein , S . ; Crossley , and Sutcliffe ; whose vocal attainments never fail to be appreciated , and to diffuse harmony and good-will amongst the Brethren . Huddeesfield . —A numerously-attended Masonic assembly took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-street , on Friday evening , January 25 th , under the auspices of the Lodge of Truth , No . 763 , a dispensation for that purpose having been granted by the Dep . Prov . G . M .
The Lodge room was very tastefully decorated under the superintendence of Bros . Hardy and Jackson ; amongst other embellishments , we noticed the arms of the Earl of Zetland , E . W . G . M . ; the Earl of Mexbrough , Prov . G . M . ; and Lord Goderich , immediate P . M . of the Lodge . The musical arrangements were placed in the hands of Bro . J . Wood , Prov . G .
Org . ; and the orchestra elicited unqualified approbation by the effective manner in which the music was rendered . Dancing commenced about nine o ' clock , and was sustained with great spirit until four o ' clock the following morning , under the direction of Bro . Binton , who admirably performed the duties of M . of Cers . Eefreshments were provided in the lecture-room in recherche st } de , by the excellent
purveyors of the Lodge . During the evening the ball-room presented a very gay and animated appearance , from the variety of costume in which the Brethren appeared . We observed , beside Prov . G . clothing , the dress and jewels of the following degrees : M . M ., Mark M ., Eoyal Arch , Knight Templar , and Eose Croix . The whole proceedings passed off with great eclat , and not a single circumstance occurred to disturb the harmony and enjoyment of the evening . After defraying all expenses a considerable surplus remained , which the committee will devote to Masonic purposes .
The United Lodge of Instruction . —This Lodge , composed of members of each of the three Lodges in IT . uddersiield , and acting under a dispensation from the Prov . G . M ., which has met every week" for a number of years at the White Hart Hotel , was removed to the Zetland Hotel , on Friday evening , February 15 th .
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Untitled Article
of the Eev . Bro . A . G . Davies , W . M ., when Bro . Saunders was passed to the Second Degree . On the motion of Bro . Barns ( P . M . ) , M . of Cers ., seconded by the Eev . Bro . E . A . Gwynne ( P . M . No . 435 ) , J . D ., the sum of £ 5 was voted to the building fund of the Boys' Institution . This Lodge , it will be remembered , at the last Lodge night , contributed a guinea annually to each of the institutions , and £ 1 to the Pund of Benevolence . We wish all other Lodges did likewise .
At a Lodge of Emergency held on Tuesday , the 19 th February , the Eev . Frederick Gibbens , M . A ., formerly curate of Dudley , was initiated into Freemasonry . The WM . was supported by the whole of the officers , and many of the members . The Eev . Brother has received the appointment of chaplain to cme of her Majesty ' s 21-gun frigates , and leaves in a few days to join his ship . At the banquet he expressed his determination not to receive any degrees in any other Lodge , but to return to his mother ' s lap for further instruction , when once
he has an opportunity so to do . The Eev . Bro . Herbert , J . W . No . 313 , returned thanks as visitor ; and Bro . Barns , in proposing a toast to the W . M ., took occasion to allude to the fact of four ministers of the Gospel then gracing the board , and said that was a proof that Masonry had nothing inherently bad in it . When he was made , there were no clerical members in the Province ; now some of their best supporters ( including their worthy W . M . ) were clergymen : he could not but congratulate Masons upon this fact .
YOBKSHIEE . Bradford . — Lodge of Harmony ( No . 874 ) . —On the 21 st February , Mr . Herrman Fraenkel , merchant , was duly initiated in the mysteries of our Order ; the ceremony was very effectively performed , and the charges were given in a most impressive manner by the W . M ,, Bro . Barsdorf ; the working tools were explained by P . M . Bro . Ward .
Ample justice having been done to the refreshments provided after the meeting , a very harmonious evening was spent , much enlivened by our talented musical Brethren , Ahrens , S . D . ; Goldstein , S . ; Crossley , and Sutcliffe ; whose vocal attainments never fail to be appreciated , and to diffuse harmony and good-will amongst the Brethren . Huddeesfield . —A numerously-attended Masonic assembly took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-street , on Friday evening , January 25 th , under the auspices of the Lodge of Truth , No . 763 , a dispensation for that purpose having been granted by the Dep . Prov . G . M .
The Lodge room was very tastefully decorated under the superintendence of Bros . Hardy and Jackson ; amongst other embellishments , we noticed the arms of the Earl of Zetland , E . W . G . M . ; the Earl of Mexbrough , Prov . G . M . ; and Lord Goderich , immediate P . M . of the Lodge . The musical arrangements were placed in the hands of Bro . J . Wood , Prov . G .
Org . ; and the orchestra elicited unqualified approbation by the effective manner in which the music was rendered . Dancing commenced about nine o ' clock , and was sustained with great spirit until four o ' clock the following morning , under the direction of Bro . Binton , who admirably performed the duties of M . of Cers . Eefreshments were provided in the lecture-room in recherche st } de , by the excellent
purveyors of the Lodge . During the evening the ball-room presented a very gay and animated appearance , from the variety of costume in which the Brethren appeared . We observed , beside Prov . G . clothing , the dress and jewels of the following degrees : M . M ., Mark M ., Eoyal Arch , Knight Templar , and Eose Croix . The whole proceedings passed off with great eclat , and not a single circumstance occurred to disturb the harmony and enjoyment of the evening . After defraying all expenses a considerable surplus remained , which the committee will devote to Masonic purposes .
The United Lodge of Instruction . —This Lodge , composed of members of each of the three Lodges in IT . uddersiield , and acting under a dispensation from the Prov . G . M ., which has met every week" for a number of years at the White Hart Hotel , was removed to the Zetland Hotel , on Friday evening , February 15 th .