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assured Bro . Portal that in his endeavours to reform the Grand Secretary ' s office , he should have his most cordial support , both through the Freemasons' Magazine , with which he had the honour to be connected , and in his place in Grand Lodge . One or two other toasts having been drunk , the Brethren separated .,
STAFFORDSHIRE . Tipton . —Noah ' s Ark Lodge ( No . 435 ) . —The members of this Lodge , who assembled at Bro . Whitehouse ' s , Navigation Inn , Tipton , on Friday the 15 th , were somewhat disappointed at the absence of the candidates—one for initiation , and another for passing—as it was the first full night of Bro . Howell ' s year of office as W . M ., and his known ability for the office led them to hope he would have had a fair trial of his skill in these two difficult degrees . It was however announced
that the Bev . W . Gibbens , B . D . ( brother to Bro . F . Gibbens , M . A ., initiated on the 19 th , at the Standard Lodge , No . 730 , and who leaves for the Baltic fleet ) , would be initiated at a Lodge of Emergency for the following Friday . The Rev . Bro . Gwynne , the P . M ., having left the room , Bro . Cresswell proposed and the W . M . seconded , that a P . M . ' s Jewel be presented to the Rev . Brother , that he be made an honorary member , and that a purse be raised for him as a testimonial of their regard and esteem for the ability and urbanity with which he
discharged the duties of W . M . during the past year . The resolution was carried unanimously , with the exception of "honorary member , " as it was supposed not to be agreeable to the feelings of the Bev . Brother . On bis return to Lodge , the announcement of the resolution was made to Bro . Gwynne , who acknowledged the compliment in a very good speech , in the delivery of wbich his emotion was visible . The thanks of the Lodge were likewise given to Bro . Netherwood for
the very handsome firing glasses he had presented the Lodge , as also to Bro . Davis , S . D ., for the chaste deacon ' s wand , surmounted by the appropriate jewels , which were presented to the Lodge by him . Nothing further offering for the good of the Craft in general , or this Lodge in particular , the Lodge was closed in due form . The visitors present comprised , Bro . W . Bristow , P . M . No . 31 B ; Bro . the Rev . T . W . Herbert , J . W . No . 313 ; and Bro . W . Wigginton , Sec . No . 313 , and I . G . No . 730 .
WORCESTERSHIRE . Dudley . —Harmonic Lodge ( No . 313 ) . —This Lodge was opened in due form on February 5 th , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Stone-street , by Bro . T . R . Cooper , the W . M . Shortly after Lodge was opened , some little excitement was caused among the Brethren by the announcement of the arrival of the Dep . Prov . G . M .,
Bro . L . A . H . Lechmere , who succeeded Bro . Hyde towards the close of last year . The R . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . was accompanied by the R . W . Prov . G . W ., Bro . Wainwright ( P . M . No . 730 ) , and the R . W . Prov . G . Treas ., Bro . Manfleld ( P . M . No . 313 ) . On this ( Bro . Lechmere ' s ) visit he was received with clue honours , the Brethren appearing delighted with the opportunity of showing him the satisfaction which his visit caused , it being the first of the kind since the year 1847 .
Mr . William Deakin , iron merchant , of Prince ' s-end , Tipton , having been duly prepared , was then brought forward and initiated to the First Degree ; the maiden performance of the ceremony by the W . M . giving a clear indication of what the Brethren may expect as to the future working of the Lodge of Harmony dining his reign . Upon the motion of Bro . Manfiold ( Prov . G . Treas . and P . M . No . 313 ) , seconded by Bro . W . Bmtow ( P . M .. No . 313 ) , the sum of £ 5 was voted to the building fund of the Boys' Institution ( a similar sum , it will be perceived , was given in
No . 730 ) . The claims of this institution were warmly advocated by the Dep . Prov . G . M ., who passed a great encomium upon the present condition of the Girls' School , and trusted that the present appeal to the Masonic world would realize sufficient to place the boys upon a similar footing with regard to building accommodation , and make that institution in every way worthy of those who ranked under the noble banner of brotherly love , relief , and truth . After the transaction of some business of minor importance , a Brother of No . 838 was proposed as a joining member , and the Lodge was duly closed .
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Untitled Article
assured Bro . Portal that in his endeavours to reform the Grand Secretary ' s office , he should have his most cordial support , both through the Freemasons' Magazine , with which he had the honour to be connected , and in his place in Grand Lodge . One or two other toasts having been drunk , the Brethren separated .,
STAFFORDSHIRE . Tipton . —Noah ' s Ark Lodge ( No . 435 ) . —The members of this Lodge , who assembled at Bro . Whitehouse ' s , Navigation Inn , Tipton , on Friday the 15 th , were somewhat disappointed at the absence of the candidates—one for initiation , and another for passing—as it was the first full night of Bro . Howell ' s year of office as W . M ., and his known ability for the office led them to hope he would have had a fair trial of his skill in these two difficult degrees . It was however announced
that the Bev . W . Gibbens , B . D . ( brother to Bro . F . Gibbens , M . A ., initiated on the 19 th , at the Standard Lodge , No . 730 , and who leaves for the Baltic fleet ) , would be initiated at a Lodge of Emergency for the following Friday . The Rev . Bro . Gwynne , the P . M ., having left the room , Bro . Cresswell proposed and the W . M . seconded , that a P . M . ' s Jewel be presented to the Rev . Brother , that he be made an honorary member , and that a purse be raised for him as a testimonial of their regard and esteem for the ability and urbanity with which he
discharged the duties of W . M . during the past year . The resolution was carried unanimously , with the exception of "honorary member , " as it was supposed not to be agreeable to the feelings of the Bev . Brother . On bis return to Lodge , the announcement of the resolution was made to Bro . Gwynne , who acknowledged the compliment in a very good speech , in the delivery of wbich his emotion was visible . The thanks of the Lodge were likewise given to Bro . Netherwood for
the very handsome firing glasses he had presented the Lodge , as also to Bro . Davis , S . D ., for the chaste deacon ' s wand , surmounted by the appropriate jewels , which were presented to the Lodge by him . Nothing further offering for the good of the Craft in general , or this Lodge in particular , the Lodge was closed in due form . The visitors present comprised , Bro . W . Bristow , P . M . No . 31 B ; Bro . the Rev . T . W . Herbert , J . W . No . 313 ; and Bro . W . Wigginton , Sec . No . 313 , and I . G . No . 730 .
WORCESTERSHIRE . Dudley . —Harmonic Lodge ( No . 313 ) . —This Lodge was opened in due form on February 5 th , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Stone-street , by Bro . T . R . Cooper , the W . M . Shortly after Lodge was opened , some little excitement was caused among the Brethren by the announcement of the arrival of the Dep . Prov . G . M .,
Bro . L . A . H . Lechmere , who succeeded Bro . Hyde towards the close of last year . The R . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . was accompanied by the R . W . Prov . G . W ., Bro . Wainwright ( P . M . No . 730 ) , and the R . W . Prov . G . Treas ., Bro . Manfleld ( P . M . No . 313 ) . On this ( Bro . Lechmere ' s ) visit he was received with clue honours , the Brethren appearing delighted with the opportunity of showing him the satisfaction which his visit caused , it being the first of the kind since the year 1847 .
Mr . William Deakin , iron merchant , of Prince ' s-end , Tipton , having been duly prepared , was then brought forward and initiated to the First Degree ; the maiden performance of the ceremony by the W . M . giving a clear indication of what the Brethren may expect as to the future working of the Lodge of Harmony dining his reign . Upon the motion of Bro . Manfiold ( Prov . G . Treas . and P . M . No . 313 ) , seconded by Bro . W . Bmtow ( P . M .. No . 313 ) , the sum of £ 5 was voted to the building fund of the Boys' Institution ( a similar sum , it will be perceived , was given in
No . 730 ) . The claims of this institution were warmly advocated by the Dep . Prov . G . M ., who passed a great encomium upon the present condition of the Girls' School , and trusted that the present appeal to the Masonic world would realize sufficient to place the boys upon a similar footing with regard to building accommodation , and make that institution in every way worthy of those who ranked under the noble banner of brotherly love , relief , and truth . After the transaction of some business of minor importance , a Brother of No . 838 was proposed as a joining member , and the Lodge was duly closed .