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The Brethren were , much pleased by the truly beautiful singing of Bro . Lowick , supported ably at * the piano by Bro . Charles Solomon , who likewise amused the Lodge with his comic singing . Eastekn Star Lodge ( No . 112 ) . —The annual meeting for the installation of the W . M . elect , was held at the Warden Arms , Poplar , on Wednesday , the 12 th February , when there was a full attendance of the members , Bro . G . F . Grimes ,
W . M ., in the chair . The first business was the passing to the Second Degree of Bros . Umney and Yorke , after which the following five gentlemen were initiated : —W . M . Evans , G . Dyson , A . W . Lucas , C . I ^ oss , and G . Bowell . The ceremonies were ably performed by the W . M . Bro . Grimes then vacated the chair , which was assumed by Bro . Thomas Yesper , P . M ., and Bro . Grimes presented Bro . W . E . Gardner , the W . M . elect , for installation , in which ceremony Bro . Yesper was assisted by Bros . W . W . Davis , P . M ., No . 112 ; T . E . Davis , P . M ., No . 812 ; D . Potts , P . M ., No . 203 ; J . How , P . M ., No . 82 ; and W . Freeman , P . M ., No .
247 ; Bros . Yesper , How , and Potts , delivering the addresses . The W . M . appointed and invested as his officers the following Brethren : —Grimes , P . M . ; Holt , jun ., S . W . ; Allison , J . W . ; Thos . Yesper , Sec . ; Daniels , S . D . ; Yousely , J . D . ; and Helps , I . G . Bro . W . Wentworth Davis , who had been re-elected Treas ., and Hookey , Tyler , were also invested . The Brethren , in number thirty-four , then adjourned to a well-appointed banquet , and a most agreeable evening was spent . Among the visitors present , besides those we have named , were Bros . Atkins and Francis of No . 11 , and Capt . Booth of No . 8 .
Burlington Lodge ( No . 113 ) . —Centenary Festival . —As might be expected from the position this influential Lodge holds in the Order , a large number of Brethren were invited to meet the W . M . and members to celebrate its hundredth anniversary , on February 12 . The M . W . Grand Master granted a dispensation , which was read in open Lodge , empowering the members to wear an honorary jewel in commemoration of the event . From the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Honey , in his usual able manner , initiated four candidates and passed three Brethren to the Second Degree . The installation of Bro . Wilson as W . M . was
most efficiently performed by Bro . Whitmore , a P . M . of the Bank of England Lodge , and who on several previous installations had been selected by the Lodge to discharge this interesting ceremony . The W . M . appointed and . invested the following officers : —Bros . Ramskill and Sidgwick , S . and J . Wardens ; Chown and Leaf , S . and J . D . ; Faudel , P . G . D ., Treas . ; Barber , Sec . A letter was read from the M . W . Grand Master , regretting his inability to accept the invitation of the Lodge , and also one from the Deputy Grand Master , likewise regretting the state of his health would prevent him being present .
At the banquet the Grand Secretary responded to the toast of " The Present and Past Grand Officers , " and alluded to the esteem testified towards the W . M ., by being elected to preside over a Lodge of such a high position in the Craft . We missed at this meeting the Father of the Lodge , Bro . J . Hodgkinson , P . S . G . D ., and regret an omission , on our part , in not recording the very handsome testimonial , elaborately written on vellum , that was presented to him on the 10 th April last , accompanied with a large chased silver-gilt snuff-box , as a mark of the esteem and affection he was held in by the members , previous to his taking up his residence in Jersey .
The following visitors were present , viz . : W . II . White , Grand Sec . ; H . Lloyd , S . G . D . ; J . N . Tomkins , J . G . D . ; G . W . K . Potter , P . G . D . ; J . Hervey , P . G . D . ; W . F . Dobson , Past Prov . G . J . W . for Kent ; D , H . Stone , J . A . Pose , No . 1 ; W . Moxon , P . M ., No . 14 ; G . Cox , P . M ., No . 18 ; W . Honey , P . M ., No . 19 ; W . Nesbett , P . M ., No . 30 ; W . Kynaston and R . Kynaston , No . 6 Q ; C . Hogg , P . M ., and G . M . Todd , No . 109 ; G . Soames , P . M ., No . 116 ; S . Morris , P . M ., No . 237 ; J . Bigby , J . W ., No . 324 ; G „ Chance , W . M ., No . 329 ; E . Spencer , Z . Watkins , W . L . Wright , J . Whitmore , F . G . Warrick , C . Stroughill , P . Ms ., No . 329 ; W . Gooch , No . 453 , & c . Temple Lodge ( No . 118 ) . —This Lodge met at the Ship and Turtle on Tuesday , February 5 , when there wan a full muster of the members ; Bro . W . Weedon ,
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Untitled Article
The Brethren were , much pleased by the truly beautiful singing of Bro . Lowick , supported ably at * the piano by Bro . Charles Solomon , who likewise amused the Lodge with his comic singing . Eastekn Star Lodge ( No . 112 ) . —The annual meeting for the installation of the W . M . elect , was held at the Warden Arms , Poplar , on Wednesday , the 12 th February , when there was a full attendance of the members , Bro . G . F . Grimes ,
W . M ., in the chair . The first business was the passing to the Second Degree of Bros . Umney and Yorke , after which the following five gentlemen were initiated : —W . M . Evans , G . Dyson , A . W . Lucas , C . I ^ oss , and G . Bowell . The ceremonies were ably performed by the W . M . Bro . Grimes then vacated the chair , which was assumed by Bro . Thomas Yesper , P . M ., and Bro . Grimes presented Bro . W . E . Gardner , the W . M . elect , for installation , in which ceremony Bro . Yesper was assisted by Bros . W . W . Davis , P . M ., No . 112 ; T . E . Davis , P . M ., No . 812 ; D . Potts , P . M ., No . 203 ; J . How , P . M ., No . 82 ; and W . Freeman , P . M ., No .
247 ; Bros . Yesper , How , and Potts , delivering the addresses . The W . M . appointed and invested as his officers the following Brethren : —Grimes , P . M . ; Holt , jun ., S . W . ; Allison , J . W . ; Thos . Yesper , Sec . ; Daniels , S . D . ; Yousely , J . D . ; and Helps , I . G . Bro . W . Wentworth Davis , who had been re-elected Treas ., and Hookey , Tyler , were also invested . The Brethren , in number thirty-four , then adjourned to a well-appointed banquet , and a most agreeable evening was spent . Among the visitors present , besides those we have named , were Bros . Atkins and Francis of No . 11 , and Capt . Booth of No . 8 .
Burlington Lodge ( No . 113 ) . —Centenary Festival . —As might be expected from the position this influential Lodge holds in the Order , a large number of Brethren were invited to meet the W . M . and members to celebrate its hundredth anniversary , on February 12 . The M . W . Grand Master granted a dispensation , which was read in open Lodge , empowering the members to wear an honorary jewel in commemoration of the event . From the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Honey , in his usual able manner , initiated four candidates and passed three Brethren to the Second Degree . The installation of Bro . Wilson as W . M . was
most efficiently performed by Bro . Whitmore , a P . M . of the Bank of England Lodge , and who on several previous installations had been selected by the Lodge to discharge this interesting ceremony . The W . M . appointed and . invested the following officers : —Bros . Ramskill and Sidgwick , S . and J . Wardens ; Chown and Leaf , S . and J . D . ; Faudel , P . G . D ., Treas . ; Barber , Sec . A letter was read from the M . W . Grand Master , regretting his inability to accept the invitation of the Lodge , and also one from the Deputy Grand Master , likewise regretting the state of his health would prevent him being present .
At the banquet the Grand Secretary responded to the toast of " The Present and Past Grand Officers , " and alluded to the esteem testified towards the W . M ., by being elected to preside over a Lodge of such a high position in the Craft . We missed at this meeting the Father of the Lodge , Bro . J . Hodgkinson , P . S . G . D ., and regret an omission , on our part , in not recording the very handsome testimonial , elaborately written on vellum , that was presented to him on the 10 th April last , accompanied with a large chased silver-gilt snuff-box , as a mark of the esteem and affection he was held in by the members , previous to his taking up his residence in Jersey .
The following visitors were present , viz . : W . II . White , Grand Sec . ; H . Lloyd , S . G . D . ; J . N . Tomkins , J . G . D . ; G . W . K . Potter , P . G . D . ; J . Hervey , P . G . D . ; W . F . Dobson , Past Prov . G . J . W . for Kent ; D , H . Stone , J . A . Pose , No . 1 ; W . Moxon , P . M ., No . 14 ; G . Cox , P . M ., No . 18 ; W . Honey , P . M ., No . 19 ; W . Nesbett , P . M ., No . 30 ; W . Kynaston and R . Kynaston , No . 6 Q ; C . Hogg , P . M ., and G . M . Todd , No . 109 ; G . Soames , P . M ., No . 116 ; S . Morris , P . M ., No . 237 ; J . Bigby , J . W ., No . 324 ; G „ Chance , W . M ., No . 329 ; E . Spencer , Z . Watkins , W . L . Wright , J . Whitmore , F . G . Warrick , C . Stroughill , P . Ms ., No . 329 ; W . Gooch , No . 453 , & c . Temple Lodge ( No . 118 ) . —This Lodge met at the Ship and Turtle on Tuesday , February 5 , when there wan a full muster of the members ; Bro . W . Weedon ,