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the ensuing year , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . W . Farnneld , A . G . Sec . The W . M . then appointed his Officers , as follows : —Bros . J . Horn , S . W . ; G . Groombridge , J . W . ; J . Shirley , Treas . ; W . Farnfield , Sec . ; J . Smith , S . D . ; J . W . M . Dosell , J . D . ; A . J . Dorward , I . G . : and afterwards initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of the Order .
Lodge of Felicity ( No . 6 Q ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Old Bedapron Lodge was held on Monday , February 18 th , at the London Tavern ; Bro . James Morris , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Wm . Kynaston , S . W ., and B . Kynaston , J . W . The office of S . D . was ably discharged by Bro . W . Graham . Bros . Baumann , Cross , Goddard , and Noyes , were passed to the Second Degree ; and Bro . Cohen was Taised to the Third Degree— the ceremonies being most
excellently performed by the W . M . Bro . Graham was returned to G . L . as the G . Steward for 1857 . Bro . Kynaston has undertaken the stewardship of tbe Girls' School Festival , and Bro . Smith , P . M ., for the second time , offered himself for the Boys' School Festival on the 12 th of March . The Brethren adjourned to one of those pleasant banquets to which they are accustomed , and a most pleasant evening was spent .
Lodge op Prosperity ( No . 78 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met on the 15 th ultimo , to celebrate the installation of Bro . Thomas , W . M . elect , who presented the retiring W . M ., Bro . Weeks , with a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel , voted to him from the funds of the Lodge . Bro . Weeks , in a feeling and appropriate speech , expressed his thanks , and said , " Worshipful Sir and Brethren , ere I take my seat as a P . M . of your Lodge , permit me to acknowledge the deep debt of gratitude I owe our Bro . Isaacs for the valuable Masonic instruction he has upon every
possible occasion imparted to me , to which instruction alone I am indebted for this very handsome mark of your approbation . At the same time I trust he will honour me by accepting this box , as a token of my gratitude and esteem for him as a man and a Mason . " A very beautifully chased silver snuff-box was then presented to Bro . Isaacs , bearing the following inscription : — " A slight token of gratitude and esteem from Bro . Thomas Weeks , P . M . Lodge of Prosperity , No . 78 ,
to Br . Henry A . Isaacs , W . M . Lodge of Israel , No . 247 , for his unwearied . and valuable Masonic Instruction . —15 th February , 1856 . " Bro . Isaacs having returned thanks in appropriate terms for the honour thus unexpectedly conferred upon him , the Brethren adjourned to banquet , and passed a most agreeable evening , their only regret being occasioned by the indisposition of Bro . Weeks , which prevented his joining them at the festive board .
Lodge of Hegularity ( No . 108 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met at tne Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , February 14 th . The W . M ., Bro . Albertz , was installed by Bro . Crohn , and afterwards appointed his Officers , and initiated a gentleman into the Order . Bro . Grosjean was appointed S . W . ; Bee , J . W . ; Azemar , S . D . ; Jarchou , J . D . ; Heine , I . G . ; Augero , Sec . Bro . MacCallan was also invested as Treasurer . Bro . Grosjean was elected to represent the Lodge as Grand Steward for 1857 . Bro . Ree , J . W ., will serve as Steward at the Girls '
Festival . The Brethren then adjourned to partake of an elegant banquet . Several toasts having been drunk , Bro . L . Solomon , P . M ., proposed the health of the W . M ., and expressed his great delight in vacating the chair to a Brother who possessed such great Masonic talent as Bro . Albertz . The W . M . returned thanks to the Brethren for placing him in his high position , and expressed his determination to discharge its duties to the best of his ability . He then proposed the health of the Past Masters , thanking them individually for their zeal and
ability , and more particularly expressed his satisfaction in having to present Bro . Lewis Solomon with a jewel , as a mark of respect from the Brethren for his exertions in promoting the prosperity of the Lodge . Bro . Solomon , in a feeling manner , returned thanks . In proposing the health of the Officers , the W . M . congratulated himself on possessing their friendship , and stated he was certain they would exert themselves to the utmost to discharge their vaiious duties , and support him in the labours of the Lodge . The S . W . and rest of the Officers individually assured the W . M ' ., that his confidence should not be misplaced . VOL . II . 2 c
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the ensuing year , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . W . Farnneld , A . G . Sec . The W . M . then appointed his Officers , as follows : —Bros . J . Horn , S . W . ; G . Groombridge , J . W . ; J . Shirley , Treas . ; W . Farnfield , Sec . ; J . Smith , S . D . ; J . W . M . Dosell , J . D . ; A . J . Dorward , I . G . : and afterwards initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of the Order .
Lodge of Felicity ( No . 6 Q ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Old Bedapron Lodge was held on Monday , February 18 th , at the London Tavern ; Bro . James Morris , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Wm . Kynaston , S . W ., and B . Kynaston , J . W . The office of S . D . was ably discharged by Bro . W . Graham . Bros . Baumann , Cross , Goddard , and Noyes , were passed to the Second Degree ; and Bro . Cohen was Taised to the Third Degree— the ceremonies being most
excellently performed by the W . M . Bro . Graham was returned to G . L . as the G . Steward for 1857 . Bro . Kynaston has undertaken the stewardship of tbe Girls' School Festival , and Bro . Smith , P . M ., for the second time , offered himself for the Boys' School Festival on the 12 th of March . The Brethren adjourned to one of those pleasant banquets to which they are accustomed , and a most pleasant evening was spent .
Lodge op Prosperity ( No . 78 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met on the 15 th ultimo , to celebrate the installation of Bro . Thomas , W . M . elect , who presented the retiring W . M ., Bro . Weeks , with a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel , voted to him from the funds of the Lodge . Bro . Weeks , in a feeling and appropriate speech , expressed his thanks , and said , " Worshipful Sir and Brethren , ere I take my seat as a P . M . of your Lodge , permit me to acknowledge the deep debt of gratitude I owe our Bro . Isaacs for the valuable Masonic instruction he has upon every
possible occasion imparted to me , to which instruction alone I am indebted for this very handsome mark of your approbation . At the same time I trust he will honour me by accepting this box , as a token of my gratitude and esteem for him as a man and a Mason . " A very beautifully chased silver snuff-box was then presented to Bro . Isaacs , bearing the following inscription : — " A slight token of gratitude and esteem from Bro . Thomas Weeks , P . M . Lodge of Prosperity , No . 78 ,
to Br . Henry A . Isaacs , W . M . Lodge of Israel , No . 247 , for his unwearied . and valuable Masonic Instruction . —15 th February , 1856 . " Bro . Isaacs having returned thanks in appropriate terms for the honour thus unexpectedly conferred upon him , the Brethren adjourned to banquet , and passed a most agreeable evening , their only regret being occasioned by the indisposition of Bro . Weeks , which prevented his joining them at the festive board .
Lodge of Hegularity ( No . 108 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met at tne Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , February 14 th . The W . M ., Bro . Albertz , was installed by Bro . Crohn , and afterwards appointed his Officers , and initiated a gentleman into the Order . Bro . Grosjean was appointed S . W . ; Bee , J . W . ; Azemar , S . D . ; Jarchou , J . D . ; Heine , I . G . ; Augero , Sec . Bro . MacCallan was also invested as Treasurer . Bro . Grosjean was elected to represent the Lodge as Grand Steward for 1857 . Bro . Ree , J . W ., will serve as Steward at the Girls '
Festival . The Brethren then adjourned to partake of an elegant banquet . Several toasts having been drunk , Bro . L . Solomon , P . M ., proposed the health of the W . M ., and expressed his great delight in vacating the chair to a Brother who possessed such great Masonic talent as Bro . Albertz . The W . M . returned thanks to the Brethren for placing him in his high position , and expressed his determination to discharge its duties to the best of his ability . He then proposed the health of the Past Masters , thanking them individually for their zeal and
ability , and more particularly expressed his satisfaction in having to present Bro . Lewis Solomon with a jewel , as a mark of respect from the Brethren for his exertions in promoting the prosperity of the Lodge . Bro . Solomon , in a feeling manner , returned thanks . In proposing the health of the Officers , the W . M . congratulated himself on possessing their friendship , and stated he was certain they would exert themselves to the utmost to discharge their vaiious duties , and support him in the labours of the Lodge . The S . W . and rest of the Officers individually assured the W . M ' ., that his confidence should not be misplaced . VOL . II . 2 c