Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 10 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
DEPUTY GKAND MASTER . We have heard with much regret that Lord Yarborough has resigned the office of Deputy Grand Master . It i » also reported that Lord Londesborough is to succeed him .
THE GBAND SECRETARY . It is with extreme regret that we hear Bro . White , who has filled the important office of Grand Secretary for a period of half a century , lies dangerously ill , and that hut slight hopes are entertained * of his recovery . We have had occasion sometimes to speak in terms of disapprobation of the management of the Grand Secretary ' s office ; but all who have the pleasure of the acquaintance of
Bro . White , will bear testimony to his truly estimable qualities as a man , and his excellence as a Freemason . Advancing years have of late doubtless prevented Bro . White paying such close attention to the duties of bis office as formerly , and to that cause may probably be traced many of those grounds of complaint to which we have had to allude , and which might have been prevented , had greater energy been displayed amongst the assistants in the Grand Secretary ' s office in reminding him of details which may have escaped his notice .
Lodge op Fidelity ( No . 3 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 13 th February , Bro . Shackleton was installed as W . M . by Bro . P . M . Grant . The other business of the evening consisted of four initiations , two passings , and two raisings , which were well performed . Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge ( No . 4 ) . — This Lodge held its usual meeting on the 25 th February , which was extremely numerous , several Grand Officers being present ; amongst others , Bros . Willett , Prov . G . M ., Dorset ; Purton Cooper , Prov . G . M ., Kent ; Parkinson , P . G . D . ; Evans and
LeVeau , P . G . S . B . ; Farnheld , Assist . C . Sec . ; Ransford , G . O . Bro . Koxburgh was duly installed as W . M . by Bro . Joseph , P . M ., in his usual perfect style . The newly-installed Master then proceeded to initiate Dr . Greenhalgh into the Order ; and the manner in which he performed the ceremony , showing that he perfectly understood the ritual , was especially noticed by the many experienced working P . Ms , who were present , with intense pleasure and satisfaction . Indeed we may congratulate this Lodge not only on its prosperous condition , but also upon having a Master to preside over it so fully competent in every respect as our Bro . Roxburgh , and we anticipate for him a brilliant year of office .
Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) . — -The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held 5 th February , when the W . M ., Bro . Woods initiated Mr . Jackson into Freemasonry , and raised three Bros , to the Third Degree .
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The Masonic Mirror.
DEPUTY GKAND MASTER . We have heard with much regret that Lord Yarborough has resigned the office of Deputy Grand Master . It i » also reported that Lord Londesborough is to succeed him .
THE GBAND SECRETARY . It is with extreme regret that we hear Bro . White , who has filled the important office of Grand Secretary for a period of half a century , lies dangerously ill , and that hut slight hopes are entertained * of his recovery . We have had occasion sometimes to speak in terms of disapprobation of the management of the Grand Secretary ' s office ; but all who have the pleasure of the acquaintance of
Bro . White , will bear testimony to his truly estimable qualities as a man , and his excellence as a Freemason . Advancing years have of late doubtless prevented Bro . White paying such close attention to the duties of bis office as formerly , and to that cause may probably be traced many of those grounds of complaint to which we have had to allude , and which might have been prevented , had greater energy been displayed amongst the assistants in the Grand Secretary ' s office in reminding him of details which may have escaped his notice .
Lodge op Fidelity ( No . 3 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 13 th February , Bro . Shackleton was installed as W . M . by Bro . P . M . Grant . The other business of the evening consisted of four initiations , two passings , and two raisings , which were well performed . Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge ( No . 4 ) . — This Lodge held its usual meeting on the 25 th February , which was extremely numerous , several Grand Officers being present ; amongst others , Bros . Willett , Prov . G . M ., Dorset ; Purton Cooper , Prov . G . M ., Kent ; Parkinson , P . G . D . ; Evans and
LeVeau , P . G . S . B . ; Farnheld , Assist . C . Sec . ; Ransford , G . O . Bro . Koxburgh was duly installed as W . M . by Bro . Joseph , P . M ., in his usual perfect style . The newly-installed Master then proceeded to initiate Dr . Greenhalgh into the Order ; and the manner in which he performed the ceremony , showing that he perfectly understood the ritual , was especially noticed by the many experienced working P . Ms , who were present , with intense pleasure and satisfaction . Indeed we may congratulate this Lodge not only on its prosperous condition , but also upon having a Master to preside over it so fully competent in every respect as our Bro . Roxburgh , and we anticipate for him a brilliant year of office .
Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) . — -The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held 5 th February , when the W . M ., Bro . Woods initiated Mr . Jackson into Freemasonry , and raised three Bros , to the Third Degree .