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Ms. Masonic Constitutions (Or Charges) No. 3.
o-reat pemll for a man to forseAveare himselfe on a booke . 1 . —The iirst charge is that yon shall bee true man to God ; and ye holy church ; and that you use noe heresie nor errour by yor vnderstandinge or by teaching of a discreet man . 2 . —Alsoe you shall bee true Leighman to the King
ivthout treason or falshood , and that you shall knowe noe treason , but that you amend it if you may ; or else warne the King or yo couusell thereof . 3 . —Alsoe yon shall bee true one to another that is to say to every Mr & fellowe of ye trust of Masonrie ; yt bee Masons allowed ; & that you doe to them as you would ye should doe to you . 4 . —Alsoe that noe Masons hee theife in companie
son far forth as you shall knowe . 5 , —Alsoe every Mason shall keepe true counsell of lodge aud chamber ; and all other counsell that ought to hee kept by ye way of Masonrie . 6 . —Alsoe that you shall bee true vnto ye lorde and Mr . that yon seme , and truly to see for his pfitt & advantage . 7 . —Alsoe yt you doe noe vilanies in that house whereby the Craft shall bee slandered .
These bee charges in generall AVCII every Mason should hould both Maistrs and felloAves . No we I will rehearse other charges in singular for Mrs . and fellowes . 1 . —First that noe Maister shall take upon him any Lords worke or other workcbut that hoe knowe
him-, selfe able and cunninge to pforme the same , so yt -the craft have noe dis ivorpp but that ye lord may bee serued and that truly . 2 . —Alsoe that noe Jlaister take any worke but he take it reasonable , so yt ye lord may bee truly serued vrth his owne good , & yt Mr . to line honestly ; and to pay his fellowes truly there pay as the manner of ye craft doth require .
3—Alsoe that noe Maister nor fellowe shall supplant others of there worke ; ( that is to say ) if ye haue taken a worke , or stand Mr of a Lords worke you shall not put him out of it ; if hee bee able of cunning to pforme ye same . 4—Alsoe that noe Mr . nor fellowe take any apprentice ; to bee alowed his apprentize ; but for scaven aud yt apprentize bee alsoe of his
yeares ; ye birth and limbs as hee ought to bee . 5 . —Alsoe that noe Mr . nor fellowe take alowancc to bee made Mason wthout ye asent of his fellows yt jd the least five or sixe ; and hoc that shall bee made Mason ; to bee able our all Syers ; ( yt is to say ) that hee bee free borne , and of good kiurod and noe bondman ; wd yt hee have his right Limes as a man ought to have .
" ¦—Alsoe that noe Mr . put a Lords man to taskc J't is vsed to goe to Joyrney . . f Alsoe every Mason shall give noo pay to his ellowes but as hee shall diserne ; soe that hee bee not >» deceived by tulce workemen . 8—Alsoe that noe fellowe slander other falsly MWK I his backe ; to make him loose his good name <« world d
ygoo ,. 9 - —Alsoe yt noe fellowe within the Lodge or wtli-„ aU 3 TO and other vngodlily wthout reasonable cause . i , „ J !' - ' -AIii 0 e ev ' ' 7 Ma - = on shall pferr his elder and M Una to worshipp .
11 . —Alsoe that noo Mason shall play at Hazards or any other unlawful game ; whereby they may bee slandered 12 . —Alsoe that noe Mason shall bee a common Rybold in lecherie ; to make ye craft slandered ; and that no followe goe into ye Towne where i * a Lodge of followos ; wthout owt a fellowe wth him ; that may bcare him witnes ; that hee was in honest Companie .
13 . —Also yt every Mr . and fellowe come to ye assembly if it boo wthin fiftie myles ; about him ; if hoe have any warninge ; and to stand at ye reward of Mrs . and fellowes . 14 . —Alsoe that eu'rye Maistsr and fellowe if the haue trespascd , shall stand at yo reward of Mrs . and fellowes to make them acord if ye may , but if ye may notu goo to ye Common Lawe .
15 . —Alose that noe Mason make moulds square or rule to any rough Lyers . 16 . —Alsoe that noo Mason sett noe layos -wthin a Lodge or wthout to have to mould stone ; Avth noe mould of his owncworkinge . 17 . —Alsoe when ye come our ye country to sett them on worke as ye manner is ( yt is to say ) if they haue mould stones in place ; hee shall sett him a
fortnight in worke ; & give him his hire ; and if there bee noe stones for him ; Then refresh him wth some money ; to bring him to ye next Lodge . IS . —Alsoe you shall & evrnye Mason shall serne truly ye workes ; and tally make an end of yor workes , bee it taste or Joyrney ; if you may haue yor pay as you ought to haue ; These charges that wee haue
rehearsed & all other yt belongeth to Masonrie you shall keepe ; to ye uttermost of yor knowledge ; soo hclpe you God & by the Contents of this booke . Finis p me , EDUABDU SANKEY , decimo sexty die Octobris , Anno Domini , 1646 .
A FAMILY FIRE ESCAPE . —Mr . J . Scott , of 21 , Newton-road , AVestbourne-grove , has patented an ingenious machine , which admits of rapid and easy escape to the street in case of a sudden alarm of fire . The inventor claims for it many advantages , among which is its superiority over the public escapes , as the machine can be conveniently stowed under a bed , and
occupies no more space than is covered by a moderately-sized box . The machine is a flexible canvas shoot strongly fixed to an iron rim , which forms its mouth , and is so adjusted as to admit of ready access to the bag . A strong iron stanchion , adjusted to the rim , admits of its being fixed to a window ; the shoot is then allowed to gently drop , and is seized by some one outside . The person descending has merely to
stretch knees and elbows out , by which means the rapidity of transit can be regulated , and in a few seconds he is deposited safely on the ground . In case excess nervousness should prevent anyone from following tlie inventor's directions , a too rapid descent cm be prevented by the person at the bottom of the shoot twisting it for some distance , and gradually unfolding the twist as the occupant descends . A
circular issued by the inventor slates that the family escape " can bo used effectually in a quarter of a minute . " o 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ms. Masonic Constitutions (Or Charges) No. 3.
o-reat pemll for a man to forseAveare himselfe on a booke . 1 . —The iirst charge is that yon shall bee true man to God ; and ye holy church ; and that you use noe heresie nor errour by yor vnderstandinge or by teaching of a discreet man . 2 . —Alsoe you shall bee true Leighman to the King
ivthout treason or falshood , and that you shall knowe noe treason , but that you amend it if you may ; or else warne the King or yo couusell thereof . 3 . —Alsoe yon shall bee true one to another that is to say to every Mr & fellowe of ye trust of Masonrie ; yt bee Masons allowed ; & that you doe to them as you would ye should doe to you . 4 . —Alsoe that noe Masons hee theife in companie
son far forth as you shall knowe . 5 , —Alsoe every Mason shall keepe true counsell of lodge aud chamber ; and all other counsell that ought to hee kept by ye way of Masonrie . 6 . —Alsoe that you shall bee true vnto ye lorde and Mr . that yon seme , and truly to see for his pfitt & advantage . 7 . —Alsoe yt you doe noe vilanies in that house whereby the Craft shall bee slandered .
These bee charges in generall AVCII every Mason should hould both Maistrs and felloAves . No we I will rehearse other charges in singular for Mrs . and fellowes . 1 . —First that noe Maister shall take upon him any Lords worke or other workcbut that hoe knowe
him-, selfe able and cunninge to pforme the same , so yt -the craft have noe dis ivorpp but that ye lord may bee serued and that truly . 2 . —Alsoe that noe Jlaister take any worke but he take it reasonable , so yt ye lord may bee truly serued vrth his owne good , & yt Mr . to line honestly ; and to pay his fellowes truly there pay as the manner of ye craft doth require .
3—Alsoe that noe Maister nor fellowe shall supplant others of there worke ; ( that is to say ) if ye haue taken a worke , or stand Mr of a Lords worke you shall not put him out of it ; if hee bee able of cunning to pforme ye same . 4—Alsoe that noe Mr . nor fellowe take any apprentice ; to bee alowed his apprentize ; but for scaven aud yt apprentize bee alsoe of his
yeares ; ye birth and limbs as hee ought to bee . 5 . —Alsoe that noe Mr . nor fellowe take alowancc to bee made Mason wthout ye asent of his fellows yt jd the least five or sixe ; and hoc that shall bee made Mason ; to bee able our all Syers ; ( yt is to say ) that hee bee free borne , and of good kiurod and noe bondman ; wd yt hee have his right Limes as a man ought to have .
" ¦—Alsoe that noe Mr . put a Lords man to taskc J't is vsed to goe to Joyrney . . f Alsoe every Mason shall give noo pay to his ellowes but as hee shall diserne ; soe that hee bee not >» deceived by tulce workemen . 8—Alsoe that noe fellowe slander other falsly MWK I his backe ; to make him loose his good name <« world d
ygoo ,. 9 - —Alsoe yt noe fellowe within the Lodge or wtli-„ aU 3 TO and other vngodlily wthout reasonable cause . i , „ J !' - ' -AIii 0 e ev ' ' 7 Ma - = on shall pferr his elder and M Una to worshipp .
11 . —Alsoe that noo Mason shall play at Hazards or any other unlawful game ; whereby they may bee slandered 12 . —Alsoe that noe Mason shall bee a common Rybold in lecherie ; to make ye craft slandered ; and that no followe goe into ye Towne where i * a Lodge of followos ; wthout owt a fellowe wth him ; that may bcare him witnes ; that hee was in honest Companie .
13 . —Also yt every Mr . and fellowe come to ye assembly if it boo wthin fiftie myles ; about him ; if hoe have any warninge ; and to stand at ye reward of Mrs . and fellowes . 14 . —Alsoe that eu'rye Maistsr and fellowe if the haue trespascd , shall stand at yo reward of Mrs . and fellowes to make them acord if ye may , but if ye may notu goo to ye Common Lawe .
15 . —Alose that noe Mason make moulds square or rule to any rough Lyers . 16 . —Alsoe that noo Mason sett noe layos -wthin a Lodge or wthout to have to mould stone ; Avth noe mould of his owncworkinge . 17 . —Alsoe when ye come our ye country to sett them on worke as ye manner is ( yt is to say ) if they haue mould stones in place ; hee shall sett him a
fortnight in worke ; & give him his hire ; and if there bee noe stones for him ; Then refresh him wth some money ; to bring him to ye next Lodge . IS . —Alsoe you shall & evrnye Mason shall serne truly ye workes ; and tally make an end of yor workes , bee it taste or Joyrney ; if you may haue yor pay as you ought to haue ; These charges that wee haue
rehearsed & all other yt belongeth to Masonrie you shall keepe ; to ye uttermost of yor knowledge ; soo hclpe you God & by the Contents of this booke . Finis p me , EDUABDU SANKEY , decimo sexty die Octobris , Anno Domini , 1646 .
A FAMILY FIRE ESCAPE . —Mr . J . Scott , of 21 , Newton-road , AVestbourne-grove , has patented an ingenious machine , which admits of rapid and easy escape to the street in case of a sudden alarm of fire . The inventor claims for it many advantages , among which is its superiority over the public escapes , as the machine can be conveniently stowed under a bed , and
occupies no more space than is covered by a moderately-sized box . The machine is a flexible canvas shoot strongly fixed to an iron rim , which forms its mouth , and is so adjusted as to admit of ready access to the bag . A strong iron stanchion , adjusted to the rim , admits of its being fixed to a window ; the shoot is then allowed to gently drop , and is seized by some one outside . The person descending has merely to
stretch knees and elbows out , by which means the rapidity of transit can be regulated , and in a few seconds he is deposited safely on the ground . In case excess nervousness should prevent anyone from following tlie inventor's directions , a too rapid descent cm be prevented by the person at the bottom of the shoot twisting it for some distance , and gradually unfolding the twist as the occupant descends . A
circular issued by the inventor slates that the family escape " can bo used effectually in a quarter of a minute . " o 2