Article Monthly Masonic Summary. Page 1 of 2 →
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Monthly Masonic Summary.
Monthly Masonic Summary .
THE lodges in tlie Metropolis being mostly in recess , ire liavo little to record ol interest for our readers . TUB Giiis and Boys Schools' elections have taken place , in the former twent y girls have been elected out of thirty-one applicants , and in the latter sixteen boys out of forty-five candidates .
Os the 18 th of September the foundation stone of a new church , at South Shields , was laid b y Bro . Sir H . Williamson , Bart ., M . P ., D . P . G . M ., for Durham , iu the absence of the much respected P . G . M ., Bro .- J . Fawcett , The Provincial
Grand Lodge assembled in great strength and all seems to have passed of most happily and satisfactorily .
ONE of the . largest gatherings of the Cheshire Preemasons for many years , took place also on the 18 th September , at Altrincham , where about 320 Brethren mustered to support their excellent P . G . M ., Lord de Tabley , in the Annual Provincial Grand Lodge . All the addresses and
arrangements seem to have been characterized by the best Masonic spirit , we especiall y commend the P . G . M ' s . admirable address , and the great order and happy reeling displayed in so numerous an assemblage rendered the duties of the
, stewards most easy and pleasurable . In the following week our distinquished and noble Brother laid the foundation of a new school at Knutsford , with due Masonic eerenioiry .
-Luis Lod ge of Hope , Bradford , with its wonted liberalit y and hospitality , enterl amed such Brethren of our order as were Jttendmg the Social Science Congress 10 Wen m that town on the 22 nd
September . The proceedings wore marked , as we might well expect , by all that cordialit y and kindl y feeling which always distinguish that very excellent lod ge . Pew lodges have done more than the Lodge , of Hope , Bradford , to evince their sense of
the claims our great Masonic charities have on all the Brethren of our order , whether Metropolitan or Provincial .
Is Prance the lod ges seem slowl y recovering from the great political changes and commotions of the last few years , but all is not quite clear yet in their Masonic atmosphere , and clouds seem still to be hanging over the pathway of French .
Freemasonry . Indeed , they seem to be struggling just now with conflicting jurisdictions and divided allegiance , so that the unity of the order , as we have it happily in England , does not reall y exist for
them . We hope soon , to lay before our readers a comprehensive sketch of the present position of Freemasonry in France , and wo need hardly say that , like their beautiful country , the French Brotherhood have our heartfelt good wishes .
IK Germany the Bretliren are followinotheir usual routine course of peaceful and philosophical Freemasonry , but we need not dilate on German Freemasonry , as Bro . Findel has given us a long and clear account this very month both of its wants and working .
IN Vienna the Craft seems to be progressing with considerable rapidity and success . The Humanitas Lodge , which is also termed by some , the Grand Lodge of Vienna , though hardly , perhaps , what we call a Grand Lodge , has a large number of
members , and works efficientl y the three degrees of Craft Masonry . For many years , as is generally known , Freemasonry has been a thing " verboten " or forbidden L
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Masonic Summary.
Monthly Masonic Summary .
THE lodges in tlie Metropolis being mostly in recess , ire liavo little to record ol interest for our readers . TUB Giiis and Boys Schools' elections have taken place , in the former twent y girls have been elected out of thirty-one applicants , and in the latter sixteen boys out of forty-five candidates .
Os the 18 th of September the foundation stone of a new church , at South Shields , was laid b y Bro . Sir H . Williamson , Bart ., M . P ., D . P . G . M ., for Durham , iu the absence of the much respected P . G . M ., Bro .- J . Fawcett , The Provincial
Grand Lodge assembled in great strength and all seems to have passed of most happily and satisfactorily .
ONE of the . largest gatherings of the Cheshire Preemasons for many years , took place also on the 18 th September , at Altrincham , where about 320 Brethren mustered to support their excellent P . G . M ., Lord de Tabley , in the Annual Provincial Grand Lodge . All the addresses and
arrangements seem to have been characterized by the best Masonic spirit , we especiall y commend the P . G . M ' s . admirable address , and the great order and happy reeling displayed in so numerous an assemblage rendered the duties of the
, stewards most easy and pleasurable . In the following week our distinquished and noble Brother laid the foundation of a new school at Knutsford , with due Masonic eerenioiry .
-Luis Lod ge of Hope , Bradford , with its wonted liberalit y and hospitality , enterl amed such Brethren of our order as were Jttendmg the Social Science Congress 10 Wen m that town on the 22 nd
September . The proceedings wore marked , as we might well expect , by all that cordialit y and kindl y feeling which always distinguish that very excellent lod ge . Pew lodges have done more than the Lodge , of Hope , Bradford , to evince their sense of
the claims our great Masonic charities have on all the Brethren of our order , whether Metropolitan or Provincial .
Is Prance the lod ges seem slowl y recovering from the great political changes and commotions of the last few years , but all is not quite clear yet in their Masonic atmosphere , and clouds seem still to be hanging over the pathway of French .
Freemasonry . Indeed , they seem to be struggling just now with conflicting jurisdictions and divided allegiance , so that the unity of the order , as we have it happily in England , does not reall y exist for
them . We hope soon , to lay before our readers a comprehensive sketch of the present position of Freemasonry in France , and wo need hardly say that , like their beautiful country , the French Brotherhood have our heartfelt good wishes .
IK Germany the Bretliren are followinotheir usual routine course of peaceful and philosophical Freemasonry , but we need not dilate on German Freemasonry , as Bro . Findel has given us a long and clear account this very month both of its wants and working .
IN Vienna the Craft seems to be progressing with considerable rapidity and success . The Humanitas Lodge , which is also termed by some , the Grand Lodge of Vienna , though hardly , perhaps , what we call a Grand Lodge , has a large number of
members , and works efficientl y the three degrees of Craft Masonry . For many years , as is generally known , Freemasonry has been a thing " verboten " or forbidden L