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Oration By M.W. Grand Master Van Slyck, Of Rhode Island.
social jirogress , no less than from the ivants of the individual soul . Men must build temples for their Gods , statues for their heroes , and houses for themselves . The brotherhood must find its most emphatic forms of manifestation and organization
among the doers and the lenowers , AVIIO alone could construct tho lofty temple as a symbol of Avorship and beauty , and the humble dwelling for its daily comfort and convenience . So far as mere organization was concerned , it might Avisely enough for
a time , be restricted to the skilled classes of Avorkmen . The disposition by King-Solomon , of the artists and builders employed in the erection of the first temple at Jerusalem , into a harmonious hand of Brethrenmoved alike by reliious and
, g fraternal impulses , toAvard tho prosecution of their lofty design , Avith peculiar signs of recognition aud under tho control of equal laAvs and regulations , Avould bo an arrangement in itself so Aviso , philosophic and practicalas to need no special evidence for
, its demonstration . Though no cabalistic scrolls have descended to later clays , though no charters or constitutions of organization have been deciphered from musty plates hi
the excavations of the modern Jerusalem , and the historian may not place his finger upon a scrap of accredited evidence of an organic union of- the Brethren of the Temple , it is yet far more difficult to doubt , than to believe in it . That the choson
men of him Avhom AVC hail as our first tutelary Grand Master and Patron , could , for the long period of their mutual plans and labours in the erection of tho most stupendous edifice upon Avhich the eye of man had lookedhavo jirosecutcd tho ivork
, , Avith all its undeveloped hopes and possibilities of beauty and grandeur , and amid all its trials and anxieties , could have isolated themselves , Avorkino- alone pursuing only the ends of selfishness , Avith individual purposes and aims , even in the
absence of documentary proof , is a far stronger tost of credulity , than tho assumption for these workmen , of the most complete forms of organization . HOAV nearly such organization corresponded Avith the Masonic outgrowths of a later timeis
, . of course , a fair speculative epiostion for the philosophic student and inquirer . In the lapse of time , under the development of the Eoman Empire , and looking to the peculiar tendencies of the race
Avhich governed it , Avhich where , first , the mastery of mankind and tho spread of the imperial domination by Avar and conquest , and second , tho practical and constructive tendencies Avhich pointed to architecture and its kindred arts , AVO find that the great sentiment of fraternity among the Eomans
, loss religious indeed than tho JOAVS or Greeks and other races Avhich they Avere destined to supplant , Avas exhibited in those forms of organization Avhich ivore allied to the constructive arts . The Colleges of Workmenfor Avhose existence
, history affords us the special sanction of her unquestioned evidence , and AVIIO had adopted for their OAVU ritualistic observance , the profound Egyptian mysteries and . ceremonies first brought by Moses to the JOAVS , then passing to Eome through the
Greeks , were bound and associated by the strongest ties of mutual love and regard , and together sympathetically Avorked in the production of those ample and beautiful triumphs of architecture , Avhich even in their ruin and decay have challenged the admiration of all modern beholders . ( To be continued . )
FREDERICK II . —A page AAIIO had not been long in his Majesty ' s sendee , one morning early made his appearance in the king ' s chamber ; ho had been ordered to awake him at that hour . " Your majesty , " said ho , " it is time to get up . " " 0 , 1 am
tired , " replied the king , " lvait a little longer . " " Your majesty ordered me to aivake you early . " " Only a quarter of an hour more , and then I 'will rise , " said the sleepy monarch . " No , sire , not a minute , and you must get up . " " AYell clone , " cried
Frederick , leaping off tho bed , " you ' re a fine felloAV ; that ' s the ivay to do your duty . " At the close of seA en years' Avar , Frederick , in company Avith his brother Henry , made a progress through Silesia . They visitedamongst other placesa
con-, , vent for men . The prior , as a particular favour , begged permission to take young ncvices . The king graciously granted it , but , turning to his brother , he said hi French , a language ho did not suppose the prior to bo conversant Avith" Wo Avill send
, him a pair of donkeys ; I have a couple of very fine ones . " " I am exceedingly obliged to you , " observed tho prior , Avith inimitable coolness , ' - ' and my first duty Avill be to christen them Frederick and Henry . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Oration By M.W. Grand Master Van Slyck, Of Rhode Island.
social jirogress , no less than from the ivants of the individual soul . Men must build temples for their Gods , statues for their heroes , and houses for themselves . The brotherhood must find its most emphatic forms of manifestation and organization
among the doers and the lenowers , AVIIO alone could construct tho lofty temple as a symbol of Avorship and beauty , and the humble dwelling for its daily comfort and convenience . So far as mere organization was concerned , it might Avisely enough for
a time , be restricted to the skilled classes of Avorkmen . The disposition by King-Solomon , of the artists and builders employed in the erection of the first temple at Jerusalem , into a harmonious hand of Brethrenmoved alike by reliious and
, g fraternal impulses , toAvard tho prosecution of their lofty design , Avith peculiar signs of recognition aud under tho control of equal laAvs and regulations , Avould bo an arrangement in itself so Aviso , philosophic and practicalas to need no special evidence for
, its demonstration . Though no cabalistic scrolls have descended to later clays , though no charters or constitutions of organization have been deciphered from musty plates hi
the excavations of the modern Jerusalem , and the historian may not place his finger upon a scrap of accredited evidence of an organic union of- the Brethren of the Temple , it is yet far more difficult to doubt , than to believe in it . That the choson
men of him Avhom AVC hail as our first tutelary Grand Master and Patron , could , for the long period of their mutual plans and labours in the erection of tho most stupendous edifice upon Avhich the eye of man had lookedhavo jirosecutcd tho ivork
, , Avith all its undeveloped hopes and possibilities of beauty and grandeur , and amid all its trials and anxieties , could have isolated themselves , Avorkino- alone pursuing only the ends of selfishness , Avith individual purposes and aims , even in the
absence of documentary proof , is a far stronger tost of credulity , than tho assumption for these workmen , of the most complete forms of organization . HOAV nearly such organization corresponded Avith the Masonic outgrowths of a later timeis
, . of course , a fair speculative epiostion for the philosophic student and inquirer . In the lapse of time , under the development of the Eoman Empire , and looking to the peculiar tendencies of the race
Avhich governed it , Avhich where , first , the mastery of mankind and tho spread of the imperial domination by Avar and conquest , and second , tho practical and constructive tendencies Avhich pointed to architecture and its kindred arts , AVO find that the great sentiment of fraternity among the Eomans
, loss religious indeed than tho JOAVS or Greeks and other races Avhich they Avere destined to supplant , Avas exhibited in those forms of organization Avhich ivore allied to the constructive arts . The Colleges of Workmenfor Avhose existence
, history affords us the special sanction of her unquestioned evidence , and AVIIO had adopted for their OAVU ritualistic observance , the profound Egyptian mysteries and . ceremonies first brought by Moses to the JOAVS , then passing to Eome through the
Greeks , were bound and associated by the strongest ties of mutual love and regard , and together sympathetically Avorked in the production of those ample and beautiful triumphs of architecture , Avhich even in their ruin and decay have challenged the admiration of all modern beholders . ( To be continued . )
FREDERICK II . —A page AAIIO had not been long in his Majesty ' s sendee , one morning early made his appearance in the king ' s chamber ; ho had been ordered to awake him at that hour . " Your majesty , " said ho , " it is time to get up . " " 0 , 1 am
tired , " replied the king , " lvait a little longer . " " Your majesty ordered me to aivake you early . " " Only a quarter of an hour more , and then I 'will rise , " said the sleepy monarch . " No , sire , not a minute , and you must get up . " " AYell clone , " cried
Frederick , leaping off tho bed , " you ' re a fine felloAV ; that ' s the ivay to do your duty . " At the close of seA en years' Avar , Frederick , in company Avith his brother Henry , made a progress through Silesia . They visitedamongst other placesa
con-, , vent for men . The prior , as a particular favour , begged permission to take young ncvices . The king graciously granted it , but , turning to his brother , he said hi French , a language ho did not suppose the prior to bo conversant Avith" Wo Avill send
, him a pair of donkeys ; I have a couple of very fine ones . " " I am exceedingly obliged to you , " observed tho prior , Avith inimitable coolness , ' - ' and my first duty Avill be to christen them Frederick and Henry . "