Article THE CHANGE OF YEARS. Page 1 of 1
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The Change Of Years.
BY GENEVIEVE L . HOHBNLINDEN . Annette Aymer and Captain Korton , seated in the Captain ' s handsome turn-out , drove dashingly doAvn the Waynosville
Koad , and , as they passed a small Avood , a man stepped aside from the highway into a fence corner . The Captain ' s black horses trotted rapidly by , and their OAvner and Miss Aymer were so busily engaged in laughing and talking that they failed to see
the handsome pair of eyes that Avero turned upon them . Miss Aymer ' s laugh rang out clear and musical ; a bitter smile passed over Carl A ortez ' s lace , and ho at once pursued his Avay , Avhile a look of deep despair settled in his eyes—those large , dark orbs of gray .
The moon Avas clear and full that summer night , and the blue sky Avas jeAvelled Avith glittering stars . On Farmer Aymer ' s front piazza Carl and Annette Avere standing . It Avas Carl who spoke . "And this , then , is all you Avanted of
me—to be a plaything till a richer Avoocr came 1 Oh , it cannot be that my old friend has changed so much ? Annette , I love you Avell . " Captain Korton ' s voice sounded in the room behind themas he exchanged
greet-, ings with the farmer and his wife . Annette ' s face gi'OAv cold and hard in the moonlight , as she said in steady tones : "Carl , go now ; I am Captain Korton ' s promised Avife . Next I \ ow Year ' s day sees me his bride . "
Without another Avoid Carl turned and passed out of Annette Aymer ' s sight , and life too , it Avould seem , for years passed before she heard of him again . NeAv Year ' s Day dawned clear and cold . Splendid Avas Annette Aymer in her costly bridal robes of trailing satin ; but death
ivas not more icy , nor paler , than the bloodless lips upon Avhich Captain Korton pressed the marriage kiss . Five years Annette Aymer Korton reigned mistress of a biwvn stone palace , but so cold , so unapproachable , that no one understood her , and even her husband know no relaxing from her reserve . Hut his wife Avas queen of society , and though
things Avere not just as he had thought they Avould be , ho seemed to be content . In the midst of a neAv excitement caused by the fame of a great man across the ocean , AVIIO Avon his honours by his Avritings , and by searching out things long hidden from men of scienceCaptain
, Korton died , and two years rolled on . There was a brilliant assemblage of beauty , Avealth , fashion , and talent , at , Mrs . Granger ' s , one night , to Avelcome to the shores of America the renoAvned gentleman AVIIO had been making such a stir in the
world of letters . Tall and noble looking , Avith chestnut hair curling around a massive Avhite brow , under Avhich gleamed a magnificent pah of full gray eyes , the noted man stood in the shade of the floating curtains at an open Avindow . A Avoman ' s graceful figure glided in at the ArindoAV , and a IOAV A oicc
called"Carl ! " ¦ With a half surprised glance , he boAved , and said"What can I do for you , Mrs . Korton ?" "This , Carl , " she said . " When I sent you aivay that evening , so many iveury years agoAvhen you asked me to love you ,
, I trampled on my heart , and stifled my best feelings for the sake of Avealth and position ; but I loved you Carl , and ivith you my heart Avenfc also , though I married Capt . Korton , and am HOAV his AvidoAV . " She stood before him in her beautyAvith
, the faintest blush upon her marble-like cheeks , Avhile her eyes shone Avith a radiant light . Did he love her still ? Would her Avords move bis heart ? Had the changes of eight years worked no change in him ? He called to a lady just passing , and
taking her hand through his arm , ho said , "Mrs . Korton , allOAV me to present to you my Avife , Mrs . Vortez . Adele , this is an old acquaintance of mine , of Arhom you have heard me speak . " Annette ' s face greAv deathly Avhite . And AVIIO Avas this Avoman Avhom Carl Vortez
regarded Avith a look of tender , trusting love , a look in Avhich Annette plainly read a total forgetfillness of herself ? A tall , graceful Avoman , a blonde of the faintest type , upon Avhoso broAV Avas stamped intellect . She Avas Lis helpmeet , his comforter , his friend , his companion , and his loved and trusted Avife . Anil Annette went back to her lonely life again . — Wamrkii Magazine .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Change Of Years.
BY GENEVIEVE L . HOHBNLINDEN . Annette Aymer and Captain Korton , seated in the Captain ' s handsome turn-out , drove dashingly doAvn the Waynosville
Koad , and , as they passed a small Avood , a man stepped aside from the highway into a fence corner . The Captain ' s black horses trotted rapidly by , and their OAvner and Miss Aymer were so busily engaged in laughing and talking that they failed to see
the handsome pair of eyes that Avero turned upon them . Miss Aymer ' s laugh rang out clear and musical ; a bitter smile passed over Carl A ortez ' s lace , and ho at once pursued his Avay , Avhile a look of deep despair settled in his eyes—those large , dark orbs of gray .
The moon Avas clear and full that summer night , and the blue sky Avas jeAvelled Avith glittering stars . On Farmer Aymer ' s front piazza Carl and Annette Avere standing . It Avas Carl who spoke . "And this , then , is all you Avanted of
me—to be a plaything till a richer Avoocr came 1 Oh , it cannot be that my old friend has changed so much ? Annette , I love you Avell . " Captain Korton ' s voice sounded in the room behind themas he exchanged
greet-, ings with the farmer and his wife . Annette ' s face gi'OAv cold and hard in the moonlight , as she said in steady tones : "Carl , go now ; I am Captain Korton ' s promised Avife . Next I \ ow Year ' s day sees me his bride . "
Without another Avoid Carl turned and passed out of Annette Aymer ' s sight , and life too , it Avould seem , for years passed before she heard of him again . NeAv Year ' s Day dawned clear and cold . Splendid Avas Annette Aymer in her costly bridal robes of trailing satin ; but death
ivas not more icy , nor paler , than the bloodless lips upon Avhich Captain Korton pressed the marriage kiss . Five years Annette Aymer Korton reigned mistress of a biwvn stone palace , but so cold , so unapproachable , that no one understood her , and even her husband know no relaxing from her reserve . Hut his wife Avas queen of society , and though
things Avere not just as he had thought they Avould be , ho seemed to be content . In the midst of a neAv excitement caused by the fame of a great man across the ocean , AVIIO Avon his honours by his Avritings , and by searching out things long hidden from men of scienceCaptain
, Korton died , and two years rolled on . There was a brilliant assemblage of beauty , Avealth , fashion , and talent , at , Mrs . Granger ' s , one night , to Avelcome to the shores of America the renoAvned gentleman AVIIO had been making such a stir in the
world of letters . Tall and noble looking , Avith chestnut hair curling around a massive Avhite brow , under Avhich gleamed a magnificent pah of full gray eyes , the noted man stood in the shade of the floating curtains at an open Avindow . A Avoman ' s graceful figure glided in at the ArindoAV , and a IOAV A oicc
called"Carl ! " ¦ With a half surprised glance , he boAved , and said"What can I do for you , Mrs . Korton ?" "This , Carl , " she said . " When I sent you aivay that evening , so many iveury years agoAvhen you asked me to love you ,
, I trampled on my heart , and stifled my best feelings for the sake of Avealth and position ; but I loved you Carl , and ivith you my heart Avenfc also , though I married Capt . Korton , and am HOAV his AvidoAV . " She stood before him in her beautyAvith
, the faintest blush upon her marble-like cheeks , Avhile her eyes shone Avith a radiant light . Did he love her still ? Would her Avords move bis heart ? Had the changes of eight years worked no change in him ? He called to a lady just passing , and
taking her hand through his arm , ho said , "Mrs . Korton , allOAV me to present to you my Avife , Mrs . Vortez . Adele , this is an old acquaintance of mine , of Arhom you have heard me speak . " Annette ' s face greAv deathly Avhite . And AVIIO Avas this Avoman Avhom Carl Vortez
regarded Avith a look of tender , trusting love , a look in Avhich Annette plainly read a total forgetfillness of herself ? A tall , graceful Avoman , a blonde of the faintest type , upon Avhoso broAV Avas stamped intellect . She Avas Lis helpmeet , his comforter , his friend , his companion , and his loved and trusted Avife . Anil Annette went back to her lonely life again . — Wamrkii Magazine .