Article ROSLYN CHAPEL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Roslyn Chapel.
We take great pleasure m presenting our readers with the second in the beautiful series of notes of foreign travel from the facile pen of our gifted and observant correspondent , 111 . Bro . Edward }[ . Kent , 32 ° . It is to be hoped that
engagements at homo will not interfere with his original intention of visiting p laces of Masonic interest on the Continent , ancl of witnessing the Avork at the several Orients of the Old World .
We naturally look to tho East for light on all subjects pertaining to the social and intellectual condition of man , and , above all other considerations , Ave have a right to expect information on Masonic matters , including History , Ethics , Jurisprudence , mid all those dogmas Avhich have become fixed as corner-stones ancl land-marks in
our beautiful science . We will not delay the reader , but at once place before him the letter of Major Kent , as folloAvs : "Tioslyn Chapel , upon tlie grounds of Eoslyn Castle , near Edinburgh—now the
property of the Sinclair family—is , noted for its Masonic interest . Our guide , a Master Mason , showed us , Avith much , pride , the various signs and symbols of the Masonic Craft , from the 'Apprentice ' s Pillar' to the master Avho kdlcd him . The Pillar is an excellent piece of Avork , and bears this singular history :
" The craft being at Avork upon a house to he erected to God and dedicated to His services , the Avorkmen were all desirous of showing handsomer specimens of their handicraft than had been done by their brethren at the building of Melrose Abbey ,
quite a century before , and Avhich had been the admiration of all Master Masons . J he work progressed , and as stone after stone Avas laid , merited unqualified praise j ° r the skill and ingenuity bestowed upon •' , hut the crowning masterpiece of
Avorkmanshi p Avas to be the Pillar . The master " ' ten spoke of his anxiety touching its locution and many sleepless nights Avere Passed after the toils of the day , thinking ° ' suitable designs , and many Avere the
designs stricken from the trestle board as unsatisfactory : Avhile oft he lamented his OAVII inability and that of his workmen to execute it . " At length the Earl of Roslyn sent the Master to RomeAvith instructions to search
, everywhere until a design could be found suitable for the Pillar . " Tlie feeling in regard to it had extended to all , fellow-craftsmen ancl apprentices alike , and during the absence of the master an apprentice set to Avork on an
immense solid block , and before the master ' s return had completed a pillar , that Avas admired and complimented by the Earl and nobility of the neighbourhood .
" Upon the master ' s return he at once heard of the apprentice ' s success and became greatly enraged thereat , considering it to be a gross insult to himself and his prerogatives as master , his fury becoming greater Avhen told hy the Earl that the apprentice had made his mark , and should be invested Avith all the ri ghts and privileges of his new rank .
" The master entered the chapel , mallet in hand , and there S-AAV the croAvd of admiring ones around the pillar , Avhen unable to control his fury he struck the apprentice upOn the forehead with the mallet , instantly killing him .
" The master ' s head Avas found shortly afterward , but IIOAV the deed Avas done is unknoAvn . The apprentice AVUS the only son of a AvidoAvj hence the head of a AvidoAv , son ancl master are shoAvn cut in stone and forming part of the
ornamental work of the chapel . All the stones bear the mark of a mark master upon them so that their Avork can readily be distinguished from those of higher or loiver degrees .
" On the outside is a figure Avhich our guide said , had often been recognized by Masons of high degree and pronounced correct . It represents a man tied to a tree , AAdiile another is running a knife into his right arm , a third standing by to note CIOAVII
anything the victim might say . The history is that the first Avas a hi gh mason Avho came bore from forei gn parts and the others tried by torture to obtain the secrets that he possessed , but the first gave up his life ancl the others only obtained the punishment they merited .
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Roslyn Chapel.
We take great pleasure m presenting our readers with the second in the beautiful series of notes of foreign travel from the facile pen of our gifted and observant correspondent , 111 . Bro . Edward }[ . Kent , 32 ° . It is to be hoped that
engagements at homo will not interfere with his original intention of visiting p laces of Masonic interest on the Continent , ancl of witnessing the Avork at the several Orients of the Old World .
We naturally look to tho East for light on all subjects pertaining to the social and intellectual condition of man , and , above all other considerations , Ave have a right to expect information on Masonic matters , including History , Ethics , Jurisprudence , mid all those dogmas Avhich have become fixed as corner-stones ancl land-marks in
our beautiful science . We will not delay the reader , but at once place before him the letter of Major Kent , as folloAvs : "Tioslyn Chapel , upon tlie grounds of Eoslyn Castle , near Edinburgh—now the
property of the Sinclair family—is , noted for its Masonic interest . Our guide , a Master Mason , showed us , Avith much , pride , the various signs and symbols of the Masonic Craft , from the 'Apprentice ' s Pillar' to the master Avho kdlcd him . The Pillar is an excellent piece of Avork , and bears this singular history :
" The craft being at Avork upon a house to he erected to God and dedicated to His services , the Avorkmen were all desirous of showing handsomer specimens of their handicraft than had been done by their brethren at the building of Melrose Abbey ,
quite a century before , and Avhich had been the admiration of all Master Masons . J he work progressed , and as stone after stone Avas laid , merited unqualified praise j ° r the skill and ingenuity bestowed upon •' , hut the crowning masterpiece of
Avorkmanshi p Avas to be the Pillar . The master " ' ten spoke of his anxiety touching its locution and many sleepless nights Avere Passed after the toils of the day , thinking ° ' suitable designs , and many Avere the
designs stricken from the trestle board as unsatisfactory : Avhile oft he lamented his OAVII inability and that of his workmen to execute it . " At length the Earl of Roslyn sent the Master to RomeAvith instructions to search
, everywhere until a design could be found suitable for the Pillar . " Tlie feeling in regard to it had extended to all , fellow-craftsmen ancl apprentices alike , and during the absence of the master an apprentice set to Avork on an
immense solid block , and before the master ' s return had completed a pillar , that Avas admired and complimented by the Earl and nobility of the neighbourhood .
" Upon the master ' s return he at once heard of the apprentice ' s success and became greatly enraged thereat , considering it to be a gross insult to himself and his prerogatives as master , his fury becoming greater Avhen told hy the Earl that the apprentice had made his mark , and should be invested Avith all the ri ghts and privileges of his new rank .
" The master entered the chapel , mallet in hand , and there S-AAV the croAvd of admiring ones around the pillar , Avhen unable to control his fury he struck the apprentice upOn the forehead with the mallet , instantly killing him .
" The master ' s head Avas found shortly afterward , but IIOAV the deed Avas done is unknoAvn . The apprentice AVUS the only son of a AvidoAvj hence the head of a AvidoAv , son ancl master are shoAvn cut in stone and forming part of the
ornamental work of the chapel . All the stones bear the mark of a mark master upon them so that their Avork can readily be distinguished from those of higher or loiver degrees .
" On the outside is a figure Avhich our guide said , had often been recognized by Masons of high degree and pronounced correct . It represents a man tied to a tree , AAdiile another is running a knife into his right arm , a third standing by to note CIOAVII
anything the victim might say . The history is that the first Avas a hi gh mason Avho came bore from forei gn parts and the others tried by torture to obtain the secrets that he possessed , but the first gave up his life ancl the others only obtained the punishment they merited .