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The International Masonic Gathering.
that spirit , I am quite sine , Worshipful President , the Craft will be so good as to drink it . Bro . Altman said in reply : After the eloquent words that have fallen from the young man who has just spoken , I am almost ashamed to think that this is the last toast of the evening , although , as he has justly observed , it is not the least . For my own part I woidd rather it had been the first toast , because from what I hear of
Masonry , if it were not for the laches many of the brethren who are now around the festive board woidd not be able to be present . They are the heartstrings of Masonry . I , for my part , regret that the ladies are not present to give our American friends the hearty welcome that they will give to all Masons , not only here but coming from the other side of the Atlantic . After the eloquent speeches of the brethren right and left of usthe only thing I can say is this-that although the ladies could not
, , be present to-night , I am sure they feel very grateful for this toast . The ladies are very useful in Freemasonry . Look through the books of subscriptions that are published ancl you will see that the ladies become Life Governors ancl Life Patrons of our Institutions . Therefore , as they are such a help to us it is our duty to drink their health . I thank you on their behalf for the very kind way in which you have done so .
This closed the proceedings in the dining ball , ancl the brethren then took tea ancl coffee together in the drawing room . The whole evening was of a most enjoyable character , ancl all the brethren expressed the greatest gratification at what they had witnessed ; The English brethren were much amused and astonished at the special American " fire , " which was given by the American visitors . This fire is called " the rocket fire , " and is only given on exceptionally grand occasions . The musical artistes who contributed materially to the enjoyment of the evening were Bros . T . W . Shnons , G . T . Carter , F . II . Cozens , Theodore Distin , and Thomas Lawler .
LEGENDS AND FOLK-LORE . * T / yillLST there is perhaps no more interesting , ancl ofttimes amusing , study than ' ' that of the superstitious beliefs ancl observances , coupled with their concomitant Legends , of the rural population of some out-of-the-way districta just complaint has
, been made in a popular publication t that " no such effort has been made in the British Islands , as there has been clone in Germany by the Brothers Grimm , to generalise it for any purpose connected with anthropology , ethnology , or any other science . " For this purpose of generalization it is of course necessary to first collect the Lore and the Legends ; but this is becoming every day more difficult ; as all such " foolish twaddle " as " grandmother ' s tales " is rapidly becoming a thing of the past before the
relentless encroachments of the " iron horse , " and the no less stern rule of the schoolmaster ' s rod . Most thankful , then , should we be to any student of philology , ethnology , or any other " ology , " that would trouble himself to collect and embalm for future generations these relics of the past ; for , foolish as they may seem to us of these enlightened days , there may still be some germs of such truth in them as to make them embodiments of some local history , or caskets in which the records of the manners and customs of a by-gone age are enshrined .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The International Masonic Gathering.
that spirit , I am quite sine , Worshipful President , the Craft will be so good as to drink it . Bro . Altman said in reply : After the eloquent words that have fallen from the young man who has just spoken , I am almost ashamed to think that this is the last toast of the evening , although , as he has justly observed , it is not the least . For my own part I woidd rather it had been the first toast , because from what I hear of
Masonry , if it were not for the laches many of the brethren who are now around the festive board woidd not be able to be present . They are the heartstrings of Masonry . I , for my part , regret that the ladies are not present to give our American friends the hearty welcome that they will give to all Masons , not only here but coming from the other side of the Atlantic . After the eloquent speeches of the brethren right and left of usthe only thing I can say is this-that although the ladies could not
, , be present to-night , I am sure they feel very grateful for this toast . The ladies are very useful in Freemasonry . Look through the books of subscriptions that are published ancl you will see that the ladies become Life Governors ancl Life Patrons of our Institutions . Therefore , as they are such a help to us it is our duty to drink their health . I thank you on their behalf for the very kind way in which you have done so .
This closed the proceedings in the dining ball , ancl the brethren then took tea ancl coffee together in the drawing room . The whole evening was of a most enjoyable character , ancl all the brethren expressed the greatest gratification at what they had witnessed ; The English brethren were much amused and astonished at the special American " fire , " which was given by the American visitors . This fire is called " the rocket fire , " and is only given on exceptionally grand occasions . The musical artistes who contributed materially to the enjoyment of the evening were Bros . T . W . Shnons , G . T . Carter , F . II . Cozens , Theodore Distin , and Thomas Lawler .
LEGENDS AND FOLK-LORE . * T / yillLST there is perhaps no more interesting , ancl ofttimes amusing , study than ' ' that of the superstitious beliefs ancl observances , coupled with their concomitant Legends , of the rural population of some out-of-the-way districta just complaint has
, been made in a popular publication t that " no such effort has been made in the British Islands , as there has been clone in Germany by the Brothers Grimm , to generalise it for any purpose connected with anthropology , ethnology , or any other science . " For this purpose of generalization it is of course necessary to first collect the Lore and the Legends ; but this is becoming every day more difficult ; as all such " foolish twaddle " as " grandmother ' s tales " is rapidly becoming a thing of the past before the
relentless encroachments of the " iron horse , " and the no less stern rule of the schoolmaster ' s rod . Most thankful , then , should we be to any student of philology , ethnology , or any other " ology , " that would trouble himself to collect and embalm for future generations these relics of the past ; for , foolish as they may seem to us of these enlightened days , there may still be some germs of such truth in them as to make them embodiments of some local history , or caskets in which the records of the manners and customs of a by-gone age are enshrined .