Article MAY MASON. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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May Mason.
The child had changed so that Rica at first almost doubted if she was the once fat , rosy-cheeked May . Thin , white , with a sickly pallor , her eyes heavy and sunken , lier whole form wasted , too weak even to hold her head up . " She looks like her
dead mother , " thought Rica , as , with tears in her eyes , she went towards her . " Where is auntie ' s pet ? " she asked in the old way , as near as she could with the pain she felt in her heart . May smileda weaksadsatisfied smile ,
, , , and tried to put out her hands . Rica took her in her arms , petting and kissing her , while May lay perfectly still and content . When Mr . Gerard came into the room , she looked up and said prettily" Auntie
, come , me kiss you ; me good baby now ; me naughty no more . " And she was not naughty , but she was very , very sick . For days and nights she was not out of Rica ' s arms . For when little clinging hands are about your neekand a little life rests on
, your care , you are not very apt to tear the hands away , or withold your care , on the selfish plea of being physically tired yourself . Any way , Rica St . John was not one to do so . The perfect trust with which May rested in her love , made that love rise
sufficient for all she must endure for her , and she kept her watch faithfully , and was rewarded at last by seeing the child grow a little better .
May was lying asleep on a pillow in Rica ' s lap one afternoon , when the nurse girl entered with a card in her hand . " Hugh Harrison , " Riea read , and whispered , " Where is he ?" " Down stairs , " whispered back . "Tell him I cannot see him . I am with a sick child . "
" I told him so , but he says he must see you . If you can not come down , he will come up here . " " Tell him I cannot do the one , and he must not do the other . " '' Perhaps we could lay her on the bed . He said he would only keep you a moment ,
and if yon don ' t go down , I am sure he'll come up , he is awful determined-looking . " They succeeded in getting the child on the bed without awakening her , and then Riea went down stairs . She never stopped to think of herself or realize her tired and exhausted state , till she entered the
parlour to meet Hugh Harrison , the first time after their quarrel , which had broken an engagement between them , if it had not broken their hearts . She had laid her burden out of her arms fen- a moment , and it was as though everything had gone from
her , even strength to hold herself up , to speak or to act . " Rica , for heaven ' s sake , how you look !" He started forward and steadied her into a chair . While she , perfectly unnerved , burst into violent weeping . The nerves ,
strained to their utmost the past weeks , whatever they mig ht have undergone before , were taking their revenge , Hugh ' s inopportune visit being the last straw . It was some time before she could control herself ; she cried from sheer mortification at last , at showing herself so weak to Hugh , of all others in the world . " How came you here 1 " she asked ,
after regaining control of her tongue . " I came for you , " said he quietly , " and it is well . I was detained on the yacht and only reached Newport yesterday . George told me you had gone crazy ; bad come to this place to nurse a Mason ' s baby through scarlet or spotted feveror
, small pox , for all he knew . And begged me , if I had any Masonic power , to use it here , aud take the child from you , if I could not take you from the child , before you had taken the disease yourself and died . I promised to bring you back
with me to-morrow , but you must leave this house immediately . " He spoke in his old imperative way . It was pleasant to Rica to hear it again , and she lay back in the chair watching him walk up and clown the room , thinking how quick he had fallen back to his old natural manner , and how , like " old times , " it
was . He turned , caught the amused smile on her face—she looked more natural with it—and colouring slightly , he said , taking her hand in his , " Riea , there is not to be any more foolishness between us , and wc will not mind for explanations . I have
the right to take you away , for yon are worn out and ill . We will have a dozen nurses for the baby , but yon must go with me . " " I must not go with you , " she answered gently , but she left her hand in his ; " the baby needs me— "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
May Mason.
The child had changed so that Rica at first almost doubted if she was the once fat , rosy-cheeked May . Thin , white , with a sickly pallor , her eyes heavy and sunken , lier whole form wasted , too weak even to hold her head up . " She looks like her
dead mother , " thought Rica , as , with tears in her eyes , she went towards her . " Where is auntie ' s pet ? " she asked in the old way , as near as she could with the pain she felt in her heart . May smileda weaksadsatisfied smile ,
, , , and tried to put out her hands . Rica took her in her arms , petting and kissing her , while May lay perfectly still and content . When Mr . Gerard came into the room , she looked up and said prettily" Auntie
, come , me kiss you ; me good baby now ; me naughty no more . " And she was not naughty , but she was very , very sick . For days and nights she was not out of Rica ' s arms . For when little clinging hands are about your neekand a little life rests on
, your care , you are not very apt to tear the hands away , or withold your care , on the selfish plea of being physically tired yourself . Any way , Rica St . John was not one to do so . The perfect trust with which May rested in her love , made that love rise
sufficient for all she must endure for her , and she kept her watch faithfully , and was rewarded at last by seeing the child grow a little better .
May was lying asleep on a pillow in Rica ' s lap one afternoon , when the nurse girl entered with a card in her hand . " Hugh Harrison , " Riea read , and whispered , " Where is he ?" " Down stairs , " whispered back . "Tell him I cannot see him . I am with a sick child . "
" I told him so , but he says he must see you . If you can not come down , he will come up here . " " Tell him I cannot do the one , and he must not do the other . " '' Perhaps we could lay her on the bed . He said he would only keep you a moment ,
and if yon don ' t go down , I am sure he'll come up , he is awful determined-looking . " They succeeded in getting the child on the bed without awakening her , and then Riea went down stairs . She never stopped to think of herself or realize her tired and exhausted state , till she entered the
parlour to meet Hugh Harrison , the first time after their quarrel , which had broken an engagement between them , if it had not broken their hearts . She had laid her burden out of her arms fen- a moment , and it was as though everything had gone from
her , even strength to hold herself up , to speak or to act . " Rica , for heaven ' s sake , how you look !" He started forward and steadied her into a chair . While she , perfectly unnerved , burst into violent weeping . The nerves ,
strained to their utmost the past weeks , whatever they mig ht have undergone before , were taking their revenge , Hugh ' s inopportune visit being the last straw . It was some time before she could control herself ; she cried from sheer mortification at last , at showing herself so weak to Hugh , of all others in the world . " How came you here 1 " she asked ,
after regaining control of her tongue . " I came for you , " said he quietly , " and it is well . I was detained on the yacht and only reached Newport yesterday . George told me you had gone crazy ; bad come to this place to nurse a Mason ' s baby through scarlet or spotted feveror
, small pox , for all he knew . And begged me , if I had any Masonic power , to use it here , aud take the child from you , if I could not take you from the child , before you had taken the disease yourself and died . I promised to bring you back
with me to-morrow , but you must leave this house immediately . " He spoke in his old imperative way . It was pleasant to Rica to hear it again , and she lay back in the chair watching him walk up and clown the room , thinking how quick he had fallen back to his old natural manner , and how , like " old times , " it
was . He turned , caught the amused smile on her face—she looked more natural with it—and colouring slightly , he said , taking her hand in his , " Riea , there is not to be any more foolishness between us , and wc will not mind for explanations . I have
the right to take you away , for yon are worn out and ill . We will have a dozen nurses for the baby , but yon must go with me . " " I must not go with you , " she answered gently , but she left her hand in his ; " the baby needs me— "