Article AN HERMETIC WORK. Page 1 of 3 →
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An Hermetic Work.
( Continued fvom page 581 . ) CHAPTER II . Tin Testimony of divers illustrious Authors of this Arcanum . IEST , Paracelsusin the Signature of Natural thingsfob 358 . This is a true
F , , sign of . the tincture of philosophers . That by its transmuting force , all imperfect metals are changed , vis . ( the white ) into Silver , and ( the red ) into the best Gold , if but the smallest part of it be cast into a Crucible upon melted metal , etc . Item , For the invincible Astmm of metalls eonquercth all things and cbangetb them into a nature like to itself , etc . And- this Gold and Silver is nobler and better than that brought out of the Metallick Mines : and out of it may be prepared better Medicinal Arcana ' s .
Item , therefore every Alchymist who hath the Asirum of tbe Sun , can transmute all red Metals into Gold , etc . Item , Our Tincture of Gold hath Astral Stars within it : it is a most fixt substance , and immutable in the Multiplication . It is a powder having the reddest colour , almost like Saffron , yet the whole corporeal substance is liquid like Eosin , transparent like Christal , frangible like glass . It is of a Ruby colour , and of the greatest wei g ht , etc .
Eead more of this in Paracelsus Heaven of Philosophers . Item , Paracelsus in Ids seventh book of Transmutation of natural things saith , Tbe Transmutation of Metals is a great natural mistery , not against natures course , nor against God ' s order , as many falsely judge . For the imperfect Metals are transmuted into Gold , nor into Silver , without the Philosopher ' s Stone . Item , Paracelsus In his Manual of the Medicinal Stone of Philosophers saith , Our Stone is a heavenly Medicine , and more than perfect , because it cleansetb all filth from the Metals , etc .
Secondly , Henry Khunrade , in bis Amphitheater of the eternal wisdom . I have travelled much and visited those esteemed to know somewhat by experience , ancl not in vain , etc . ( Amongst whom , I call God to witness , I got of one tbe universal Green Lyon , and the blood of the Lyon : That is , Gold , not vulgar but of the Philosophers . I have seen it , touched it , tasted it , ancl smelt it . 0 bow wonderful is God in I-Iis works . ' ) I say they gave mc the prepared Medicine , which I most
friiictfiilly used towards my poor neighbour in most desperate cases , and they did sincerely reveal to me the true manner of preparing their medicine . Item , This is the wonderful method which God only hath given me immediately ancl mediately , yet subordinately through Nature , Ere , 'Art , and masters , help ( as well living as silent ) corporal and spiritual , watching and sleeping . ItemFol . 202 . I write not Fableswith thine own hands slialt thou handleand
, , , with thine eyes see the Azoth , viz . the Universal Mercury of the Philosophers , which alone , with its internal and external fire , is sufficient for thee to get our Stone ; nevertheless with a sympathetic !; : Harmony , being Maglck-physically muted with tho Olympiek fire , by an inevitable necessity , etc .
Item , Thou shalt see the Stone of tbe Philosophers ( our King ) go forth of- the bed-chamber of his Glassie Sepulchre , in his glorified body , like a Lord of Lords , from his Throne into this Theater of the world : That is to say , regenerated and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Hermetic Work.
( Continued fvom page 581 . ) CHAPTER II . Tin Testimony of divers illustrious Authors of this Arcanum . IEST , Paracelsusin the Signature of Natural thingsfob 358 . This is a true
F , , sign of . the tincture of philosophers . That by its transmuting force , all imperfect metals are changed , vis . ( the white ) into Silver , and ( the red ) into the best Gold , if but the smallest part of it be cast into a Crucible upon melted metal , etc . Item , For the invincible Astmm of metalls eonquercth all things and cbangetb them into a nature like to itself , etc . And- this Gold and Silver is nobler and better than that brought out of the Metallick Mines : and out of it may be prepared better Medicinal Arcana ' s .
Item , therefore every Alchymist who hath the Asirum of tbe Sun , can transmute all red Metals into Gold , etc . Item , Our Tincture of Gold hath Astral Stars within it : it is a most fixt substance , and immutable in the Multiplication . It is a powder having the reddest colour , almost like Saffron , yet the whole corporeal substance is liquid like Eosin , transparent like Christal , frangible like glass . It is of a Ruby colour , and of the greatest wei g ht , etc .
Eead more of this in Paracelsus Heaven of Philosophers . Item , Paracelsus in Ids seventh book of Transmutation of natural things saith , Tbe Transmutation of Metals is a great natural mistery , not against natures course , nor against God ' s order , as many falsely judge . For the imperfect Metals are transmuted into Gold , nor into Silver , without the Philosopher ' s Stone . Item , Paracelsus In his Manual of the Medicinal Stone of Philosophers saith , Our Stone is a heavenly Medicine , and more than perfect , because it cleansetb all filth from the Metals , etc .
Secondly , Henry Khunrade , in bis Amphitheater of the eternal wisdom . I have travelled much and visited those esteemed to know somewhat by experience , ancl not in vain , etc . ( Amongst whom , I call God to witness , I got of one tbe universal Green Lyon , and the blood of the Lyon : That is , Gold , not vulgar but of the Philosophers . I have seen it , touched it , tasted it , ancl smelt it . 0 bow wonderful is God in I-Iis works . ' ) I say they gave mc the prepared Medicine , which I most
friiictfiilly used towards my poor neighbour in most desperate cases , and they did sincerely reveal to me the true manner of preparing their medicine . Item , This is the wonderful method which God only hath given me immediately ancl mediately , yet subordinately through Nature , Ere , 'Art , and masters , help ( as well living as silent ) corporal and spiritual , watching and sleeping . ItemFol . 202 . I write not Fableswith thine own hands slialt thou handleand
, , , with thine eyes see the Azoth , viz . the Universal Mercury of the Philosophers , which alone , with its internal and external fire , is sufficient for thee to get our Stone ; nevertheless with a sympathetic !; : Harmony , being Maglck-physically muted with tho Olympiek fire , by an inevitable necessity , etc .
Item , Thou shalt see the Stone of tbe Philosophers ( our King ) go forth of- the bed-chamber of his Glassie Sepulchre , in his glorified body , like a Lord of Lords , from his Throne into this Theater of the world : That is to say , regenerated and