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Masonic Thinkers.
race of his generation without an effort of thought or act of morality . But this is not the animus of our endowment or the order of our being . We were constituted in the beginning creation ' s capstone—nature ' s lords—and to us have been committed the oracles of God , which obligate us to " read , think and inwardly digest" the Word of Life and best basis of human civdisation the world has yet received . To the intelligent Mason this book is the more A aluable because he remembers that when he received his first ray of Masonic light the sacred writings were before him .
The book was open for him to read , ancl the compass ancl square pointed him to the significant passages of truth which constituted his first lesson in the mystic philosophy of life . Here is where every Mason must meet us and have his memory . refreshed ; but alas , how many stop just there ! They go no further , only as they are led , as it wore , by a cable-tow . They never learn to walk alone , ancl the obstacles in their way appear to be of their own erection . They bear on their persons the insignia of the Craft , while the inner man knows nothing , comparatively , of that higher life , where thought kindles its fires ancl throws the bright glare of its mystic efiidgcnce everywhere along the corridors of the future .
To think , to reflect , aud to investigate are the manly duties which alone can elevate us in the world of intellectual life , and he who never enters there may bear physical affinity with our race ; but he knows nothing of that sun that makes the hi gher , broader and more beautiful sphere where philosophy strews its flowers , and where moral and social activities find the true basis of their enjoyment . Ignorance and Masonry can never travel together ; the one is light and the other is darkness . This lives by progressionwhile that finds its home only in the dulness of stagnation . The
, one demands the elevations of intelligence , while the other is pleased to sit down anywhere and listen to the songs of idle pantomimes . Every element of ignorance is anti-Masonic . The bigotry that breathes intolerance —the pride that makes distinctions—tbe tyranny that is cruel ancl oppresses the poor —the arrogance that inaugurates its own monopolies , and the selfishness that plants itself within the narrow confines of sectarianismas well as the devilish nature that
, lives and dies ignorant of humanity ancl charity , are ail anti-Masonic . The Craft cannot recognise them in any shape or form , and if any of them ever show their heads in a lodge-room , the spirit of Masonry vanishes like ember fires before the destructive avalanche . No , the very first element of Masonry is li ght , and he that wdl comprehend it and enjoy its beauties must become a Masonic Thinker . —la . Advocate .
LIT US on , oh , faithful Brethren , To the end which lies before ; Let us , true and loyal Craftsmen , Gladly seek yon distant shore . There the Masterin His glory ,
, Welcomes patient labourers all ; There no more of pain or sorrow Can this mortal heart befall . All is peace and all is gladness , All is happiness and rest ;
In that Grand Lodge , Divine ancl radiant , Angel officers " tile " the blest . W .
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Masonic Thinkers.
race of his generation without an effort of thought or act of morality . But this is not the animus of our endowment or the order of our being . We were constituted in the beginning creation ' s capstone—nature ' s lords—and to us have been committed the oracles of God , which obligate us to " read , think and inwardly digest" the Word of Life and best basis of human civdisation the world has yet received . To the intelligent Mason this book is the more A aluable because he remembers that when he received his first ray of Masonic light the sacred writings were before him .
The book was open for him to read , ancl the compass ancl square pointed him to the significant passages of truth which constituted his first lesson in the mystic philosophy of life . Here is where every Mason must meet us and have his memory . refreshed ; but alas , how many stop just there ! They go no further , only as they are led , as it wore , by a cable-tow . They never learn to walk alone , ancl the obstacles in their way appear to be of their own erection . They bear on their persons the insignia of the Craft , while the inner man knows nothing , comparatively , of that higher life , where thought kindles its fires ancl throws the bright glare of its mystic efiidgcnce everywhere along the corridors of the future .
To think , to reflect , aud to investigate are the manly duties which alone can elevate us in the world of intellectual life , and he who never enters there may bear physical affinity with our race ; but he knows nothing of that sun that makes the hi gher , broader and more beautiful sphere where philosophy strews its flowers , and where moral and social activities find the true basis of their enjoyment . Ignorance and Masonry can never travel together ; the one is light and the other is darkness . This lives by progressionwhile that finds its home only in the dulness of stagnation . The
, one demands the elevations of intelligence , while the other is pleased to sit down anywhere and listen to the songs of idle pantomimes . Every element of ignorance is anti-Masonic . The bigotry that breathes intolerance —the pride that makes distinctions—tbe tyranny that is cruel ancl oppresses the poor —the arrogance that inaugurates its own monopolies , and the selfishness that plants itself within the narrow confines of sectarianismas well as the devilish nature that
, lives and dies ignorant of humanity ancl charity , are ail anti-Masonic . The Craft cannot recognise them in any shape or form , and if any of them ever show their heads in a lodge-room , the spirit of Masonry vanishes like ember fires before the destructive avalanche . No , the very first element of Masonry is li ght , and he that wdl comprehend it and enjoy its beauties must become a Masonic Thinker . —la . Advocate .
LIT US on , oh , faithful Brethren , To the end which lies before ; Let us , true and loyal Craftsmen , Gladly seek yon distant shore . There the Masterin His glory ,
, Welcomes patient labourers all ; There no more of pain or sorrow Can this mortal heart befall . All is peace and all is gladness , All is happiness and rest ;
In that Grand Lodge , Divine ancl radiant , Angel officers " tile " the blest . W .