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appreciate ) , it frequently refers , approvingly , to this journal—in one place saying : " The pages of tbe Keystone . .-. most emphatically prove the right of Pennsylvania to claim priority in Masonry for all America ; " ancl in another : " At the present moment , journalism is well represented in the Old and l !{ ew World , and we can especially commend the Voice of Masonry ancl The Keystone , as ably edited ancl truly Masonic papers . "
Of so-called Adoptive Masonry , he says : " Such institutions are not Freemasoniy , never can be Freemasonry , ancl it is very doubtful whether they can do any real good or be of any lasting use . " "We do not affect to understand its position , or sympathise with its end . " So-called Masonic baptism he sensibly terms " a very unmeaning and uumasonic practice , sometimes so-caUed and carried out abroad , but happily unknown in Great Britain , and we believe not practised either in Canada or tho United States . " He is misinformed , however , as to the United States , where , on several occasions ; under the A . and A . Rite , miscalled Masonic baptisms have taken -place .
Under the title " Pennsylvania / ' Bro . Woodford says : — "The early history of Freemasonry in America has lately had to be re-written consequent upon the discovery of documents which prove that Philadelphia is , as Bro . Hughan styles it , 'the premier Masonic city , ancl Pennsylvania the first Provincial Grand Lodge in America / instead of Boston , Mass ., as formerly stated . . . . Bro . Clifford P . MacOalla , in his 'Philadelphia the Mother City of Freemasonry in
America / has collected a number of valuable facts on . this important subject , and has demonstrated . the right of that city to such a special ancl unique title . . ' . . It appears that the ' City of Brotherl y Love' has led the way in every Masonic movement on the American continent . Philadelphia had the first lodge in America , in 1730 , the first Provincial Grand Master ( with New . York and New Jersey ) , in 1730 , the first Masonic Hall , erected in 1754 , the first Royal Arch Chapter ( before 1767 ) , the first-Grand Chapter ( 1795 ) , and the first Masonic Magazine ( 1811 ) , besides the first of everything else worth having , in Freemasonry , or ought else , according to our esteemed Bro . ' MacCaHa .- " "
Bro . Woodford espouses the Guild theory of the mediaeval history of Freemasonry and asserts the Craft's connection with the monasteries—to our mind the only satisfactory theory ; and he wisely makes no mention of certain subjects connected with the " secrets " of Masonry . He is also generous in his references to his Brother scholarsthe only exception we have noted being that of Bro . George F . Fort , whose general abdity ancl unequalled work , " The Early History and Antiquities of Freemasonry , "
entitles him to the amplest recognition . This must have been an oversight , which doubtless will be corrected in future editions of the Cyclopaedia . The Cyclopaedia is the most comprehensive form that information can be arranged in , ancl gives to the purchaser the most knowledge for the least money . We have no doubt the . present work will , be welcomed by a large circle of readers—indeed , it had nearly one thousand subscribers prior to publicationincluding some thirty or more
, lodges . The book is issued by Bro . Kenning in very handsome style , bound in blue cloth , with characteristic gilt stamping . It will prove ornamental and useful to any Freemason , and be " handy to have " about the house or lodge . We wish it the success which it merits , and will be sure to attain .
KENNING ' MASONIC CVC _ _ EDIA . — Vade-mecum d'Archeologie , d'Histoire et de Biographie Magonnique , par le Bev . A . F . A . WOODFORD , doeteur eslettres . 1 vol . grand in-8 ° de 666 pages .. ( Langue anglaise . ) Un de nos amis , savant modeste et Magon zele , causant recemment avec nous , se plaignaifc amerement de ce que , selon lui , la Macjonnerie n ' avait jusqu ' a cette heure donne le jour a aucune ceuvre importante a aucun ecrivain de grand merite . Nous no protestaines que faiblement contre cette objurgation , sachant que l ' objection meme en £ tait la source et que , semblable a ces amants passionnes qui ne . peiwent souffrir la
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
appreciate ) , it frequently refers , approvingly , to this journal—in one place saying : " The pages of tbe Keystone . .-. most emphatically prove the right of Pennsylvania to claim priority in Masonry for all America ; " ancl in another : " At the present moment , journalism is well represented in the Old and l !{ ew World , and we can especially commend the Voice of Masonry ancl The Keystone , as ably edited ancl truly Masonic papers . "
Of so-called Adoptive Masonry , he says : " Such institutions are not Freemasoniy , never can be Freemasonry , ancl it is very doubtful whether they can do any real good or be of any lasting use . " "We do not affect to understand its position , or sympathise with its end . " So-called Masonic baptism he sensibly terms " a very unmeaning and uumasonic practice , sometimes so-caUed and carried out abroad , but happily unknown in Great Britain , and we believe not practised either in Canada or tho United States . " He is misinformed , however , as to the United States , where , on several occasions ; under the A . and A . Rite , miscalled Masonic baptisms have taken -place .
Under the title " Pennsylvania / ' Bro . Woodford says : — "The early history of Freemasonry in America has lately had to be re-written consequent upon the discovery of documents which prove that Philadelphia is , as Bro . Hughan styles it , 'the premier Masonic city , ancl Pennsylvania the first Provincial Grand Lodge in America / instead of Boston , Mass ., as formerly stated . . . . Bro . Clifford P . MacOalla , in his 'Philadelphia the Mother City of Freemasonry in
America / has collected a number of valuable facts on . this important subject , and has demonstrated . the right of that city to such a special ancl unique title . . ' . . It appears that the ' City of Brotherl y Love' has led the way in every Masonic movement on the American continent . Philadelphia had the first lodge in America , in 1730 , the first Provincial Grand Master ( with New . York and New Jersey ) , in 1730 , the first Masonic Hall , erected in 1754 , the first Royal Arch Chapter ( before 1767 ) , the first-Grand Chapter ( 1795 ) , and the first Masonic Magazine ( 1811 ) , besides the first of everything else worth having , in Freemasonry , or ought else , according to our esteemed Bro . ' MacCaHa .- " "
Bro . Woodford espouses the Guild theory of the mediaeval history of Freemasonry and asserts the Craft's connection with the monasteries—to our mind the only satisfactory theory ; and he wisely makes no mention of certain subjects connected with the " secrets " of Masonry . He is also generous in his references to his Brother scholarsthe only exception we have noted being that of Bro . George F . Fort , whose general abdity ancl unequalled work , " The Early History and Antiquities of Freemasonry , "
entitles him to the amplest recognition . This must have been an oversight , which doubtless will be corrected in future editions of the Cyclopaedia . The Cyclopaedia is the most comprehensive form that information can be arranged in , ancl gives to the purchaser the most knowledge for the least money . We have no doubt the . present work will , be welcomed by a large circle of readers—indeed , it had nearly one thousand subscribers prior to publicationincluding some thirty or more
, lodges . The book is issued by Bro . Kenning in very handsome style , bound in blue cloth , with characteristic gilt stamping . It will prove ornamental and useful to any Freemason , and be " handy to have " about the house or lodge . We wish it the success which it merits , and will be sure to attain .
KENNING ' MASONIC CVC _ _ EDIA . — Vade-mecum d'Archeologie , d'Histoire et de Biographie Magonnique , par le Bev . A . F . A . WOODFORD , doeteur eslettres . 1 vol . grand in-8 ° de 666 pages .. ( Langue anglaise . ) Un de nos amis , savant modeste et Magon zele , causant recemment avec nous , se plaignaifc amerement de ce que , selon lui , la Macjonnerie n ' avait jusqu ' a cette heure donne le jour a aucune ceuvre importante a aucun ecrivain de grand merite . Nous no protestaines que faiblement contre cette objurgation , sachant que l ' objection meme en £ tait la source et que , semblable a ces amants passionnes qui ne . peiwent souffrir la