Article AN ANCIENT CHAEGE.* ← Page 3 of 3 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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An Ancient Chaege.*
Masons , we know there can be no greater punishment than that which woidd follow in the remorse of conscience , the infamy of perfidy , and the penalty of exclusion from our Society . The fourth qualification necessary to enter into our Order is a taste for the useful sciences and liberal arts of every land . These improve the heart as much as the understanding , moderate the selfish affections , sweeten and harmonize the temper , ancl better
fit man for social happiness , that happiness which Freemasons most zealously endeavour to . promote . Who , indeed , in this polished , this improving age is insensible to the attractions , the excellences , the utility of the fine arts ancl liberal sciences ? Who , in this peculiarly humane ancl philanthropic era , is cold to the call of benevolence ? that never-fading attendant on the ingenious arts , that all-pervading ancl all-performing virtue which in one short ancl easy precept" Thou shalt love thneihbour as thyself "
, y g , compresses all duty , and consummates the round of moral perfection . The name of Freemason , therefore , ought not to be taken'in a literal , gross , ancl material sense , as if we were simple workmen in stone and marble . We do not consecrate our talents and oui' riches to the construction of external temples , but to enlighten , edify , and protect the bving Temples of the Most High .
Formed as this Temple and enriched with the ornaments of the creative wisdomconsummate architect of thy Master ' s building—Man ! We look up to Thee to inspire with understanding , with virtue , ' with science , with all which can dignify , refine , and exalt our nature and render the temple at least not wholly unworthy of its sacred inhabitants . To this end , direct us to make the blessed volume of Thy instructive wisdom the never-erring Square to regulate our conduct ; the compass within whose
circle we may ever walk with safety and peace ; the infalhble plumb line and criterion of rectitude and truth . Enable us to fill up every sphere of duty with correctness and honour , and by our amiable attention to all the sweet and blessed charities of social life , teach us to win the love of all those who unite with us in those tender charities ; and as fathers , husbands , friends , ancl worthy men and worthy Masons , to distinguish , and exalt tbe professions which we boastso that those who have spoken evillor
, y lightly of our Order , behold our conduct ancl see our light so usefully shine , their evil speaking may be silenced , their foolish prejudices removed , and they may be thus convinced that Masonry is a useful and venerable structure ,. supported by the great and everlasting pillars of Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty .
"F ALSE friends , you say , are falling fast , As ebbs your fortune ' s tide , Swept by dark sorrow's wintry blast , Like sere leaves from your side : But cast grief's shadows from your brow , And joy's bright smiles awaken , Tho' false friends go , dear Brother know , A Mason ' s ne ' er forsaken .
" The storm that quenches friendship's ray , But fans Masonic love , And still the darker grows life's clay , The fonder it shall prove ; Then cast grief's shadows from your brow Ancl joy ' s bright smdes awaken , Tho' false friends go , dear Brother know , A Mason ' s ne ' er forsaken . "
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An Ancient Chaege.*
Masons , we know there can be no greater punishment than that which woidd follow in the remorse of conscience , the infamy of perfidy , and the penalty of exclusion from our Society . The fourth qualification necessary to enter into our Order is a taste for the useful sciences and liberal arts of every land . These improve the heart as much as the understanding , moderate the selfish affections , sweeten and harmonize the temper , ancl better
fit man for social happiness , that happiness which Freemasons most zealously endeavour to . promote . Who , indeed , in this polished , this improving age is insensible to the attractions , the excellences , the utility of the fine arts ancl liberal sciences ? Who , in this peculiarly humane ancl philanthropic era , is cold to the call of benevolence ? that never-fading attendant on the ingenious arts , that all-pervading ancl all-performing virtue which in one short ancl easy precept" Thou shalt love thneihbour as thyself "
, y g , compresses all duty , and consummates the round of moral perfection . The name of Freemason , therefore , ought not to be taken'in a literal , gross , ancl material sense , as if we were simple workmen in stone and marble . We do not consecrate our talents and oui' riches to the construction of external temples , but to enlighten , edify , and protect the bving Temples of the Most High .
Formed as this Temple and enriched with the ornaments of the creative wisdomconsummate architect of thy Master ' s building—Man ! We look up to Thee to inspire with understanding , with virtue , ' with science , with all which can dignify , refine , and exalt our nature and render the temple at least not wholly unworthy of its sacred inhabitants . To this end , direct us to make the blessed volume of Thy instructive wisdom the never-erring Square to regulate our conduct ; the compass within whose
circle we may ever walk with safety and peace ; the infalhble plumb line and criterion of rectitude and truth . Enable us to fill up every sphere of duty with correctness and honour , and by our amiable attention to all the sweet and blessed charities of social life , teach us to win the love of all those who unite with us in those tender charities ; and as fathers , husbands , friends , ancl worthy men and worthy Masons , to distinguish , and exalt tbe professions which we boastso that those who have spoken evillor
, y lightly of our Order , behold our conduct ancl see our light so usefully shine , their evil speaking may be silenced , their foolish prejudices removed , and they may be thus convinced that Masonry is a useful and venerable structure ,. supported by the great and everlasting pillars of Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty .
"F ALSE friends , you say , are falling fast , As ebbs your fortune ' s tide , Swept by dark sorrow's wintry blast , Like sere leaves from your side : But cast grief's shadows from your brow , And joy's bright smiles awaken , Tho' false friends go , dear Brother know , A Mason ' s ne ' er forsaken .
" The storm that quenches friendship's ray , But fans Masonic love , And still the darker grows life's clay , The fonder it shall prove ; Then cast grief's shadows from your brow Ancl joy ' s bright smdes awaken , Tho' false friends go , dear Brother know , A Mason ' s ne ' er forsaken . "