Article RECORDS OF OLD LODGES. ← Page 5 of 5 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Records Of Old Lodges.
such other rides ancl instructions as shall from time to time be transmitted to them by ns , or Thomas Batson , Esq ., our Deputy Grand Master , or the Grand Master , or his Deputy for the time being . And that they do send to us or our Deputy a list of the members of their lodge , together with tbe rules agreed on to be by them observed to tbe end they may be entered in the Grand Lodge Book . Ancl up » n the clue Execution of this our Deputation the said Mr . Hugh Kennedy is hereby required to transmit to us or our said Deputy a Certificate under his hand of the time and place of such Constitution . In order that the same may be entered iu the book of regular lodges . Given under our hand ancl Seal of Office at London , this 26 th day of April , 1733 , and of Masonry 5733 ,
By the Grand Master ' s Command . Tho . Batson , D . G . Mr . G . Rooke , S . G . W . Jo . Smythe , J . G . W . Doubtless the above will be particularly valued by the readers of the Voice of Masonry in Massachusetts , as this warrant was issued the same month , in fact , only
f our clays earlier than the Deputation to " Mr . Henry Price in behalf of himself and several other Brethren in New England , " constituting that gentleman Provincial Grand Master of New England , a copy of which is inserted in Bro . W . S . Gardner ' s address as Grand Master , 27 th December 1871 , which on the side of those who accept Price ' s deputation as genuine , is a most masterly production . The name of the Grand Secretary or Secretary , as that officer was termed then , is absent from both documents , which is so far confirmatory of the deputation to Mr . Price , ancl their general agreement in style cannot fail to be noticed by all students .
The warrant at Bath has " Montague G . Mr . " but iu the "Book of Constitutions " for 1738 the name is spelt without the " e " The former mode agrees with the Price deputation , as also the names of the S . G . W . being G . Rooke , ancl of the J . G . W . J . Smythe , though the various editions of the " Constitutions " of the Grand Lodge of England have " George Book " and " James Moor Smyth . " It is a singular fact that all the editions of these " Regulations " after 1738 , and to 1784 , inclusive , represent the Grand Master ' s name of 1732-3 to be " Anthony Browu , Lord Viscount Montaci . te , "
which doubtless was the ori gin of the title being chosen of the " Montac . tte Lodge , " Mass ., ancl which resulted in such an exhaustive examination and report by the committee appointed by the Grand Lodge , finally terminating in the name of the lodge being altered . . The report of the committee itself is worth a perusal by those not connected in any way with the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts , for it is amongst the best of its kind ever submitted to a Grand Lodge , and it is a model of research , fidelity , ancl completeness , — Voice of Masonry , February , 1875 ( with corrections ) .
Constitution of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , containing the Charge , Regulations ^ E . A . Song , etc . ' A copy should be in possession of every Brother . It may be obtained for 2 s . at tbe office of the Freemason , ov will be sent post free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of twenty-live penny stamps . Address , Publisher , 198 , Fleet-Street , London . — .
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Records Of Old Lodges.
such other rides ancl instructions as shall from time to time be transmitted to them by ns , or Thomas Batson , Esq ., our Deputy Grand Master , or the Grand Master , or his Deputy for the time being . And that they do send to us or our Deputy a list of the members of their lodge , together with tbe rules agreed on to be by them observed to tbe end they may be entered in the Grand Lodge Book . Ancl up » n the clue Execution of this our Deputation the said Mr . Hugh Kennedy is hereby required to transmit to us or our said Deputy a Certificate under his hand of the time and place of such Constitution . In order that the same may be entered iu the book of regular lodges . Given under our hand ancl Seal of Office at London , this 26 th day of April , 1733 , and of Masonry 5733 ,
By the Grand Master ' s Command . Tho . Batson , D . G . Mr . G . Rooke , S . G . W . Jo . Smythe , J . G . W . Doubtless the above will be particularly valued by the readers of the Voice of Masonry in Massachusetts , as this warrant was issued the same month , in fact , only
f our clays earlier than the Deputation to " Mr . Henry Price in behalf of himself and several other Brethren in New England , " constituting that gentleman Provincial Grand Master of New England , a copy of which is inserted in Bro . W . S . Gardner ' s address as Grand Master , 27 th December 1871 , which on the side of those who accept Price ' s deputation as genuine , is a most masterly production . The name of the Grand Secretary or Secretary , as that officer was termed then , is absent from both documents , which is so far confirmatory of the deputation to Mr . Price , ancl their general agreement in style cannot fail to be noticed by all students .
The warrant at Bath has " Montague G . Mr . " but iu the "Book of Constitutions " for 1738 the name is spelt without the " e " The former mode agrees with the Price deputation , as also the names of the S . G . W . being G . Rooke , ancl of the J . G . W . J . Smythe , though the various editions of the " Constitutions " of the Grand Lodge of England have " George Book " and " James Moor Smyth . " It is a singular fact that all the editions of these " Regulations " after 1738 , and to 1784 , inclusive , represent the Grand Master ' s name of 1732-3 to be " Anthony Browu , Lord Viscount Montaci . te , "
which doubtless was the ori gin of the title being chosen of the " Montac . tte Lodge , " Mass ., ancl which resulted in such an exhaustive examination and report by the committee appointed by the Grand Lodge , finally terminating in the name of the lodge being altered . . The report of the committee itself is worth a perusal by those not connected in any way with the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts , for it is amongst the best of its kind ever submitted to a Grand Lodge , and it is a model of research , fidelity , ancl completeness , — Voice of Masonry , February , 1875 ( with corrections ) .
Constitution of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , containing the Charge , Regulations ^ E . A . Song , etc . ' A copy should be in possession of every Brother . It may be obtained for 2 s . at tbe office of the Freemason , ov will be sent post free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of twenty-live penny stamps . Address , Publisher , 198 , Fleet-Street , London . — .